I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 154 The Spirit of the Immortal Artifact

Chapter 154 The Spirit of the Immortal Artifact
Biyang Water Palace, Quyuan.

With his qin on his back, Jin Yi pushed open the courtyard door nervously, and saw his master, Mr. Jiuli, sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, looking at the [Zhenlong Chess Game] that recently caused headaches for everyone in Wujue Guild Hall.

His chess skills are not as good as Mr. Guishou, Mr. Guishou has not solved the chess game until now, and Mr. Jiuli can't even.

"Master." Jin Yi called out patiently.

Mr. Jiuli didn't raise his head, he still held the chess pieces with his beard stroking, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he put down the chess pieces with a sigh after about the time he touched a cup of tea.

Looking up to see Jin Yi, he smiled slightly and said, "Jin Yi, I'm too serious about watching the chess game for my teacher, I neglected you, have you ever blamed my teacher?"

Jin Yi's fingers tightened. His negligence towards him was never the time for a cup of tea. He was directly abandoned by Tiandaozong. Of course she blamed him, even disgusted.

"No, Jin Yi understands that Master is too focused on the general situation of the chess game. Besides, Jin Yi is fine at the moment, so it's okay to wait."

Jiu Li nodded, Jin Yi looked innocent, but in fact he was quite transparent, so it would be easy to handle.

Jiuli raised his hand and called Jin Yi to his side, let her sit opposite the stone table, and said with concern: "As soon as I came back, I heard from Gong Ya that you have been doing very well recently, and you are firmly in the first place in the foundation-building period of the Qin Dao in the Wujue Guild Hall. One, during this period of time, all the challengers who came to find you Douqu were defeated by you in the end, that’s right.”

"Thank you, Master, for your compliment." Jin Yi tried his best to suppress the nausea in his heart, and made himself look pleasing to the eye. After all, before coming here, my elder brother told her face to face and made her demonstrate how to face Mr. Jiuli several times.

"The reason why I called you here today is because many people have been saying recently that your "Seven Strings and Five Elements Sword" is very unique. It combines curved ways with kendo, and its killing power is amazing. Not to mention Gongya, even as a teacher I haven't seen it in all these years."

Jin Yi's heart skipped a beat, and she knew it was not a good thing.

Jiuli stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I don't know if I can entrust the "Seven Strings and Five Elements Sword" to my master for a little bit of comprehension. Although your kung fu is not at the earth level, it is very subtle and ingenious. Maybe my master can learn it." If you improve it again, I will teach it to you at that time, and in exchange, I will give you an earth-level high-grade Qudao Kung Fu, how about it?"

Jin Yi clenched his fists tightly. There is a rule in [Kai Tian Jing] that the exercises learned cannot be taught to others. Any attempt to reveal the exercises will eventually lead to the obliteration of the true spirit.

So Jinyi couldn't hand it in, and she didn't want to hand it in at all!

Jin Yi hurriedly stood up, lifted up his skirt and knelt in front of Mr. Jiuli, kowtowed and said, "Master, forgive me, this method was obtained by accident by Jin Yi. Others, so it’s not that Jin Yi doesn’t give it, but that there’s no other way, please punish Master!”

As soon as the words fell, Jin Yi immediately felt that the surrounding air was a little bit colder, and the cold winter breath cut into her bones like a knife, and the low air pressure from Jiu Li's body made her breathless.

"Really?" Mr. Jiuli's voice was a little cold.

Jin Yi knelt down, "No way."

"Hmph!" Jiuli snorted coldly and stood up, "I think you are still blaming your teacher for not saving you that day. Since you can't understand your painstaking efforts, you are not worthy of being a teacher's disciple, but a teacher is willing to give you more. If you have a chance, go to the cold cave at the bottom of the lake and face the wall for seven days, and then come back to answer the teacher."

Jin Yi was trembling all over, the coldness in the cold cave at the bottom of the lake was ferocious, even for a monk of alchemy to last for seven days, it was extremely difficult, she was only at the late stage of foundation establishment, seven days, most of her life might be lost.

But compared to the true spirit being wiped out by [Kai Tian Jing], at least she still has a chance to live, this Biyang Water Palace, she really can't stay any longer, and she will take her elder brother away immediately when she leaves the cold cave.

Jin Yi gritted his teeth, "Yes, this disciple takes orders."

After Jinyi left, Mr. Jiuli was so upset that he turned over the chess table, and after calming down for a while, he walked towards the secret storehouse of Biyang Water Palace.

Seven days later was the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet. Before he went, he had to find a way to win over the Wujiang Dragon King to fill the manpower of the Immortal Alliance and prepare for the possible escape of the demons in the future.

On the way to the secret library, Mr. Jiuli listened to all directions, and heard the students from Biyang Water Palace talking about the demons.

"...The Demon Race was trapped in the Tianque Realm by Mr. Jiuli and the Immortal League, and they couldn't get to the Xuanyuan Water Realm. What are you worried about?"

"That's right, let's learn how to play chess and just take care of ourselves. Mr. Jiuli and Xianmeng will worry about the matters above."

"Even if there are demons and they are really out of trouble, then the Tianque Realm will suffer, and it's too early to reach the Xuanyuan Water Realm."

Mr. Jiuli snorted coldly, and couldn't help but feel sorry for himself. If it wasn't for his exhaustive planning, how could these bastards have a peaceful life.

After arriving at the door of the secret storehouse, Jiuli straightened his clothes and did not go in. He just lowered his posture at the door and bowed his hands: "Jiuli, please see the fairy."

After the voice fell, a yawning, very lazy female voice came out after a long while.

"Have you found [Sanguangtian Xinjian]? Don't bother me if you don't."

Jiuli's forehead twitched. It has been more than 100 years since Fang Shouzhen returned the thing, and the fairy was unwilling to make a contract with him.

The one who cried, made trouble, and hanged himself three times, he was afraid of the power of the fairy artifact, and wanted to use the fairy artifact to frighten the Sanjiang Dragon Clan, so he could only trap her here and serve her like an ancestor.

She wants [Sanguangtian Xinjian], and Jiuli also wants it, but that is Fang Shouzhen's sword, and now it is in Lin Suying's hands, where can he find it?

Jiuli took out a storage bag and stuffed it in through the crack of the door, "This is the [colorful spiritual gold] collected by the old man from the Tianque Realm. It is the most shiny and beautiful. I will give it to the fairy to make some jewelry."

"Well, it's very good and shiny. It's just a hairpin. This fairy likes it very much. Do you have any more?"

Jiuli held back his anger, "Such... shining things are hard to find, I will continue to look for them for the fairies, I plan to go to Wujiang Dragon Palace."

"Go ahead, what's the matter with this fairy?"

Jiuli's forehead continued to twitch, "I wonder if the fairy can give me some [Sanguang Shenshui] for self-defense?"

After waiting for a while, three drops of gold, silver and purple magic water flew out from the crack of the door. Jiuli was overjoyed, and immediately took out three glass bottles to collect them.

"Thank you Faerie."

"This fairy is not happy these years because I can't eat enough, don't wear clothes, and I only gave birth to these three drops. You should save it. Next time, if you don't have shiny good things or Sanguangtian Xinjian, don't count on this fairy. What else can I give you, let's go, this fairy is going to hit the hairpin."

Mr. Jiuli was overjoyed to get three drops of [Sanguang Shenshui] smoothly today, and immediately sealed off the big formation around the secret storehouse and left, rushing to Wujiang Dragon Palace without stopping.

As everyone knows, on the gorgeous throne in the center of the secret vault, a large amount of gold, silver, and purple three-color divine water overflowed from a water ladle, and flowed along the throne to the floor, wasting it in vain, and no one cared.

After Mr. Jiuli escaped, Gu Yixin and Lin Suying's heads popped out from behind the snowdrift on a small island not far from the lotus formation in the center of the lake where the secret storehouse was located.

Gu Yixin clicked over there with his chin, "Look, the fairy artifact you want is under the lotus formation. The large formation outside the secret storehouse is not a problem for me. I can also take you in. This time it's you. Friendship price, [-] top-grade spirit stones, how about it?"

Lin Suying stared like a copper bell, "Why don't you grab it!"

Gu Yixin raised his eyebrows, "That's fine, I stole the secret storehouse myself and then fell on you. The Light Immortal Artifact is a priceless treasure, let alone other treasures."

Lin Suying's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, "Do the work first, and pay the money later."

Gu Yixin said frankly, "No problem, but you have to find a way to trap Jiuli first, otherwise he will notice if there is any movement here. Also, if you want to get close to the lotus formation, you must first have a Biyang Water Palace The identity of the prison house, otherwise you will be killed before you get close."

Lin Suying rubbed her brows, "I did it during the Dragon King's birthday banquet. At that time, Jiuli was in the Dragon Palace, so I couldn't feel the movement here. As for the identity of the prison... Go back and see which prison is not pleasing to the eye. It's called Cheng Kanzai. I'm taking it away."

Gu Yixin nodded, "Well, this is your Lin Suying's demeanor, simple things have to be so complicated."

"Aren't I afraid of hurting you!"

"You are coward."


(End of this chapter)

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