I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 155 Late Night Giving the Piano [1 Bowl Leader + 9]

Chapter 155 Late Night Giving the Piano [One Bowl Leader +9]
After Lin Suying went back, she discussed with Cheng Kanluoyi, and they both agreed to kill Xiang Tianxing, the supervisor of Xingyuan.

In addition to Xiang Tianxing's experiments with the disciples of the courtyard these years, he also abused cats, and Cheng Kan couldn't bear to use cats to test medicine.

Moreover, Luo Yi also had selfish intentions, and wanted to rescue Ning Zhiyuan, she had experienced the feeling of being oppressed and exploited, but also helpless, so she felt a little more sympathy for Ning Zhiyuan.

Although Ning Zhiyuan is a half-demon, but Luo Yi likes him as a man, thinking that he might hide in the future and be hunted down by XZ, so he moved to entrust the name of Xuanhuzi to Ning Zhiyuan, which can be regarded as repaying Xuanhuyuan's past The feeling of taking in.

After the decision was made, Lin Suying controlled Zhao Song's avatar, holding a cat in her arms, and hurried back quietly taking advantage of Mr. Jiuli's absence from Biyang Water Palace.

Both Luo Yi and Cheng Kan have been blacklisted by Biyang Water Palace, so they can go to Wujue Guild Hall at most, and they can't step into the Water Palace at all.

And they are Lianxu Tianjun, who can return the primordial spirit out of the body and turn it into an incarnation outside the body, but the incarnation outside the body entrusts part of the primordial spirit, and if it is not done well, it will damage their own body, so neither Cheng Kan nor Luo Yi Specially prepared to incarnate outside the body.

Xiang Tianxing who is going to be killed this time is a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. Lin Suying's hard work is not impossible to kill, but there must be a lot of noise, so I want Luo Yi to divide part of his soul into a cat, and then help her suppress Xiang Tian Row.

Originally, it was enough to bring only Luo Yi, but Cheng Kan insisted on joining in the fun, so he entrusted part of his soul on the cat's tail.

There is also Gu Yixin who has focused on eating melons for 10 years, and has also become a brush to follow.

Although there were a lot of people, but with them, Lin Suying really felt her waist straightened, and her heart was not flustered or out of breath.

After Lin Suying successfully entered the Biyang Water Palace, she went straight to the Xingyuan.

Along the way, the kitten lay on her shoulder obediently, only the cat's tail wagging from side to side.

"You hit me, can you swing it slowly?" Lin Suying wished she could tie the cat's tail.

Luo Yi Mao Mao sighed, regretting that Cheng Kan was pinned on the cat's tail.

Cheng Kan said via voice transmission: "I'll just look around to see what's going on, I haven't come in for thousands of years, let's see what's changed."

The cat's tail was up, and the tip was facing Lin Suying. Cheng Kan asked: "To be honest, I still can't believe it. You really swallowed Yun Zhiyi? She is the number one demon in all ages. I think of her now." And a little apprehensive."

Lin Suying sighed, she used Yun Zhiyi's tricks to resist the demons under the watchful eyes of Tiandaozong, and finally got out of trouble, so everyone outside thought that Lin Suying was Yun Zhiyi.

Cheng Kan and the others confirmed that she was not taken away, so they would naturally think that she swallowed Yun Zhiyi, so she obtained Yun Zhiyi's skills, and this matter can no longer be concealed.

"What is really powerful is not Yun Zhiyi, but the existence behind her." Lin Suying explained.

"What exists behind her?" Cheng Kan was curious.

Luo Yi also raised his cat's head to look over, and the paintbrush on his waist also jumped down.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it after I've dealt with tonight's affairs."

When Lin Suying arrived at the ferry, she found an empty bamboo raft and prepared to row to Xingyuan. The formation in the Biyang Water Palace forbids all flying magic weapons and sky-defying techniques, and only rowing is allowed.

At this time, a small boat suddenly sailed in the darkness, and Gong Ya, who was dressed conservatively and had a serious face, stood on the boat.

She jumped onto the ferry one by one, and Lin Suying couldn't avoid it.

"Zhao Song? Here late at night, where are you going?" Gong Ya looked at Lin Suying, squinting at the cat in her arms for a long time.

Lin Suying hugged the cat, and said unhurriedly: "The student has seen the palace supervisor, it is like this, the student picked up this cat outside, it looks like a cat from Xingyuan, and I am worried that some students in Xingyuan will lose it. Cat, so I can't complete the year-end assessment, so I want to return it quickly."

Gong Ya's Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base naturally couldn't see through the mystery of the cat, so she withdrew her gaze and lingered on Lin Suying's handsome face for a moment.

"The cats in Xingyuan all have a sign. This cat is not from Xingyuan. If you meet me, come with me. It happens to test how the schoolmaster has done recently."

Lin Suying was taken aback, the cat's tail stabbed her waist twice, Cheng Kan smiled and said: "Here it is, your Aventure is here, follow it quickly, it will open our eyes."

The pen at his waist trembled twice, expressing his agreement.

Luo Yi continued to sigh.

"Hurry up and keep up, don't you want me to invite you!"

Seeing that Lin Suying didn't keep up, Gong Ya, who was walking in front, snarled.

Lin Suying was depressed, and she agreed to go to the prison of killing apricots, but Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

All right, just keep up.

All the way without talking, Gong Ya directly took Lin Suying to the other courtyard where she lived, hidden in the depths of a bamboo forest, far away from all the schools, it was extremely quiet.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the other courtyard, Lin Suying suddenly saw a feminine-looking male student running over, and knelt down at Gong Ya's feet with a plop.

"Palace supervisor, please help me, I will be expelled if I fail to pass this assessment, as long as you can help me, I am willing to accompany you again..."


Gong Ya interrupted the student, he only found Lin Suying behind Gong Ya at this time, when he saw Lin Suying's extremely high-quality face, he showed a surprised expression as if struck by lightning, and then sat down limply, aggrieved and jealous She stared at Lin Suying and wept.

"I have something to do tonight, you can look for me in the dormitory tomorrow, go."

Gong Ya's attitude was quite gentle, the student wiped away tears, bid farewell to Gong Ya, paused when she walked to Lin Suying's side, gritted her teeth and left.

"Come in with me."

Lin Suying followed Gong Ya into the yard, and immediately smelled a very faint smell, if there was nothing there, the cat in her arms raised her head and shrugged her nose.

"Emotional fragrance is almost colorless and odorless, so it's hard to guard against, but..."

"But I'm not human, so it's useless." Lin Suying said directly.

Cheng Kan secretly sighed, "You still know that you are not a human being, and you are enlightened."

Lin Suying directly threw the cat in the yard, and went into the house with Gong Ya.

"I heard that you haven't attended a class since you entered the piano academy, why?" Gong Ya asked the teacher with a straight face.

Lin Suying explained: "Students learn suona, but there is no suona teacher in Quyuan, so I never went to class."

Gong Ya walked to the guqin by the window, where there were two chairs, and Gong Ya sat in one of them, "Can you play the piano?"

"Less likely."

"Come and sit down, I'll teach you."

Luo Yi and Cheng Kan who were outside seemed to have discovered something, and went around the back of the house to investigate. Lin Suying obediently sat in front of the guqin, raising her hand to press on the strings.

At this time, the cold fragrance belonging to Gong Ya suddenly approached, half of her body was leaning against Lin Suying, her knee touched Lin Suying's leg intentionally or unintentionally.

"Your method is wrong, it should be like this."

The warm breath blew on her ears, Lin Suying's neck shrank, Gong Ya's bracelet wrapped around her waist, covering her hand, her little finger gently slid across the back of her hand.

Lin Suying's scalp became numb, she didn't expect this routine at all, she thought she had been drugged, so she just said something.

Moreover, Gong Ya was not in a hurry at all, she taught Lin Suying how to play the piano earnestly while touching her intentionally or unintentionally.

No, this feeling made her scalp tingle and goosebumps fell all over the floor than directly pressing down.

"What are you doing in a daze, concentrate on it." Gong Ya said in a deep voice.

Lin Suying opened her eyes wide, how could this make her concentrate?

"The Quyuan mainly focuses on the piano. Since you have entered the Quyuan, you should learn the piano well. Otherwise, if you fail the three assessments, you will have to be expelled. If you still want to stay, you'd better come to me to learn the piano in the future, understand. ?"

At this time, Luo Yi and Cheng Kan found a lot of strange utensils in the cellar behind the house, as well as a young man in a cage with no clothes on.

After Lin Suying learned about it, she narrowed her eyes and turned the Qin over to stand up.

"No, let's do it tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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