I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 156 Mistakes [1 Bowl Leader + 10]

Chapter 156 Mistakes [One Bowl Leader +10]

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Suying's face appeared behind Lin Suying's face with white hair, and the phantom of the [Row Harvesting Demon God] with tiger claws and an axe, the snake passing through its left ear opened its mouth and neighed, swallowing the Qi of Gengjin and turning it into a golden needle, shooting towards Gong Ya's eyebrows go.

Gong Ya turned pale with shock, and was about to dodge, when suddenly a very majestic coercion crushed her head, causing her to lose her breath instantly, unable to move like a wooden sculpture.

The golden needle penetrated between Gong Ya's eyebrows, split into hundreds of millions of golden hairs in her sea of ​​consciousness, and traveled all over her body in an instant, smashing her spirit and Yuanying together.

Instant kill!

Before the picture in front of Gong Ya disappeared, she saw a ball of golden light flying towards her, her body staggered forward and then suddenly stood still, her eyes were closed tightly.

A moment later, Gong Ya opened her eyes again, with a sly smile on her eyes.

The cat in the back window jumped down from the window sill and transformed into two people, Luo Yi and Cheng Kan, before landing.

The three of them surrounded Gong Ya, all looking carefully like a curious baby, trying to find flaws.

As a result, the two Lianxu Heavenly Lords, and a pen spirit who has lived for 10,000+ years, except for the wound between the eyebrows, they couldn't find any flaws.

"Have you really seized the house? Gong Ya has just become your clone? You raise your hand, jump around, and I'll take a look." Cheng Kan raised his hand and tried to pull Gong Ya's face.

Gong Ya dodged and said angrily: "Shall I sing "Eighteen Touches" for you again?"

Cheng Kan was surprised and said, "The voice is still Gong Ya's, but the tone of the voice is your dog's right."

Luo Yi squeezed Gong Ya's hand, quickly healed the wounds in her body, and then used medical methods to probe Gong Ya's whole body, including the sea of ​​consciousness, but still found no flaws.

The same is true for Gu Yixin, a ball of light that turns back into a spirit body, piercing in and out of Gong Ya's body like a toy.

Cheng Kan ran over to talk to Zhao Song, and then asked Gong Ya to answer, to see if the two clones could talk together.

Although they all knew that Lin Suying had learned Yun Zhiyi's avatar technique, they could have imagined that it would be terrifying, but after verifying it with their own eyes, they realized that it was not only terrifying, but also terrifying.


Lin Gongya drove everyone away angrily, "You guys are so research spirit, why don't you study after all the things here are dealt with, and when it's safe? Then I'll lie still and let you do your research."

Luo Yi put down the knife he just took out, and Gu Yixin also ran out of Gong Ya's body and turned back into a human. Cheng Kan continued to look back and forth between Gong Ya and Zhao Song.

Here, Zhao Song helped up the overturned Qin, and Gong Ya untied the collar that strangled his neck, and made different movements at the same time, which made Cheng Kan amazed.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Kan suddenly thought of something and showed a frightened expression.

"Lin Suying, swear to me now that you will never place this kind of clone by my side in the future, otherwise I will never end with you!"

Luo Yi and Gu Yixin also thought of this, and nodded in agreement.

Lin Gongya smiled slyly, leaned closer to Cheng Kan and said, "You can guess, how many of those cats in your Sanhuaitang are my avatars?"

Cheng Kan:! ! !
At this moment, Cheng Kan's scalp was numb and his back was cold. He had never been so afraid of Yun Zhiyi before, because facing Yun Zhiyi would mean death, but facing Lin Suying, something more terrifying than death might happen. What a shame!
"Lin Suying, you dare to touch my cat in Sanhuaitang, I will fight you desperately."

Cheng Kan was furious, Luo Yi hurriedly stopped her, and whispered that it would be better for her not to offend Lin Suying in the future.

Gu Yixin was also thinking secretly, it was not impossible to discount the [-] high-grade spirit stones he said earlier.

"Luo Yi, do you think that among the people we met in the past, there must be a clone of this dog?"

"The ones in Tiandaozong?"

"Yes, isn't that Zhao Zhen very similar to her? Isn't she the one who changed? And Yu Chengfeng is also like her."

"This...isn't enough."

Lin Suying was refreshed at the moment, let them guess what she wanted, anyway, she just didn't admit it.

She took back the soul fragments from Zhao Song's body, and directly used the puppet as a magic weapon.

Gong Ya Yuanying's mid-term cultivation base is not very clean, but other aspects are good.

At this time, Lin Suying had no choice but to admit that it was not clean, and temporarily pulled out all of Gong Ya's fragrant memories, turning it into a book and putting it on the bookshelf of Wuya Hall.

Finally got the doppelgänger of the Nascent Soul stage, I feel that my tightly bound hands and feet have been loosened a lot, and I can flex my muscles a lot.

But the most urgent thing is to go and see what's going on in the cellar.

Lin Suying controlled Gong Ya's avatar, went to the back cellar with Luo Yi and the three of them, and saw all kinds of indescribable tools, which made her eyes sting.

The young man who was locked in the cage was unconscious and looked extremely delicate. At this moment, his whole body was covered with marks of leather whips, and he was dying.

Luo Yi checked his bone age, and found that he was only 16 years old, and he was in the early stage of Qi training.

"Beast, beast, what a beast!" Cheng Kan gritted his teeth and cursed, staring at Gong Ya's face non-stop.

Lin Suying frowned, "Gong Ya, what are you staring at me for?"

Gu Yixin squatted beside Luo Yi, and suggested: "You can wash away his memory and put him in a good family, so he can have a good future."

Luo Yi nodded, "That's exactly what I mean."

"Come on, there are a lot of photo jade charms here, let me see what's inside..."

Cheng Kan found a jade box in the depths of the cellar, inside which were neatly placed a lot of jade talismans that recorded images, she took out one at random, and entered the spiritual energy without thinking.

An indescribable picture suddenly appeared in front of several people. Cheng Kan screamed in fright. The jade talisman fell to the ground and forgot to close it. An indescribable sound came out. She just covered her face and dared not look at it.

"Shut...shut off, shut it off!!"

Luo Yi lowered her head and blushed. Although Lin Suying blushed slightly, she was thick enough, so she continued to watch, and even mocked Cheng Kan, "I'm a powerful monk in the Void Stage, I can't bear this, what can I do? "

On the other hand, Gu Yixin, who has focused on eating melons for 10 years, even developed a romantic list, and the pen spirit who collected the small movies of Xuanjing Sanren and Dragon Kings was not affected at all, so he calmly picked up the jade talisman and turned it off.

"What a beautiful Biyang Water Palace, how did it become what it is today!" Luo Yi sighed angrily.

Lin Suying glanced at Gong Ya's memories, scratched her eyebrows and said, "Actually, Gong Ya was also a victim. She was also an amazing and talented student in Quyuan back then. Unfortunately, she met a beast and took one step at a time. Step by step, she became what she is now."

"When she finally became the supervisor of Quyuan after suffering so much, she realized that she was deeply trapped in it and couldn't extricate herself from it. Moreover, she was unwilling and also had a vengeful heart. She felt that she had suffered such a suffering, so she had to let others feel the pain. , and gradually became the perpetrator, and began to attack those innocent students."

"There's also that boy, who was actually the one who came here for revenge after the teacher who hurt her at first."

Cheng Kan put down his hands and smiled wryly: "Inheritance, inheritance, what kind of bullshit has been passed down, if this Biyang Water Palace continues like this, it will be over sooner or later."

Gu Yixin put away those jade talismans, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, such things are not uncommon in your human race, and your human race is not as free and easy as the dragon race, so there are many hidden dark things."

Lin Suying took a deep breath, "Don't talk about it, I'll send you and this child out first, now everything is ready, just wait for the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet to begin."

Everyone nodded and left at night.


At that time, deep in the apricot courtyard.

Carrying a pot of wine, Ning Zhiyuan finally came to Xiang Tianxing's most heavily guarded experimental site after going through a lot of battles. This place is like a prison, with runes for imprisonment carved on every brick and stone, where all kinds of 'experiments' are held. Material'.

From small mice to large monsters, and even... people.

The faint candlelight illuminates a small area, the cold and rancid smell fills the nostrils, and the rustling sounds around are creepy.

In the deepest prison, the layout is fairly clean, and an old man with chains on his feet is imprisoned.

Ning Zhiyuan placed the wine jar outside the prison, and the old man who was dozing inside immediately woke up with his nose shaking.

"Wine? Who brought the wine?"

"Senior Yu, it's me."

The scruffy blue-clothed old man inside reached out and took the wine jar and took a sip, making a satisfied sound. The fire outside illuminated his face. It was Yu Chengfeng that Lin Suying had been looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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