I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 157 Enter the Dragon and Fight the Tiger

Chapter 157 Enter the Dragon and Fight the Tiger

"What are you doing here, kid? I've said it before. I won't help you change the formula. What kind of stuff is it? Turn a good person into a monster. Thank you for thinking it out."

Ning Zhiyuan smiled wryly, he just wanted to turn himself into a human being, and everything after that was to make his own claim to Tianxing.

"I might be leaving here soon, so I just want to visit you, thank you for teaching me the art of alchemy these days."

Yu Chengfeng's eyes flickered, wanting him to bring the words out, but he gave up when the words came to his mouth, thinking that Ning Zhiyuan is also a poor person, so it's not good to drag him down.

"Got it, just go, don't come back."

Yu Chengfeng returned to the corner of the prison with the wine jar in his arms, and continued to snore and sleep.

Ning Zhiyuan got up and bowed, and left the prison.

As soon as he walked to the door, he came across holding a freshly baked elixir and hurriedly walked towards the sky.

He was dressed in a ripped robe, his hair was loose like a lunatic on the street, his beard had never been trimmed, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was so focused on his research that he never even cared about his own children.

Ning Zhiyuan couldn't stop thinking, if it wasn't for his family's persecution, he probably wouldn't have the time to have that child at all.

Ning Zhiyuan bowed silently, just as Xiang Tianxing passed by him, he turned back on purpose, and said casually: "Today, someone from Xuanhuyuan came and said they wanted to transfer you to Xuanhuyuan as a deputy supervisor, but I refused. Don’t wait for the good Biyang Water Palace, go to a place with no future like Xuanhuyuan.”

"If you don't want to be regarded as a spy of the Dragon Clan, just be honest. The development of the Reverse Demon Pill has reached the final stage. I now need a Nascent Soul stage monk and a Nascent Soul stage demon. When the last test is successful, you I'll give you everything you want, but not now, understand?"

After finishing speaking, Xiang Tianxing hurried into the prison.

As if struck by lightning, Ning Zhiyuan stood on the spot with a pale face, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

Intense and sharp tinnitus screamed in his mind, Ning Zhiyuan was dizzy, staring at the prison's dark entrance, like a pitch-black abyss, trying to swallow him completely, and he could no longer break free.

He spent three years planning with all his heart and soul, and he was about to escape from this hell, but was broken by Xiang Tianxing's casual words.

Why should he help him make decisions!

Why should he be imprisoned here and wantonly enslaved?

Ning Zhiyuan clenched his fists with tears in his eyes, and walked firmly to the Xuanhuyuan, the unwillingness accumulated in his heart exploded, he wanted to fight for a chance for himself no matter what this time.


The lower reaches of Wujiang River, Hanxingjian.

This place got its name because it is rich in [Han Xingzhu]. Next to the Wujiang River, there is a Hanxing shell farm, which is guarded by the Wujiang Aquarium.

[Cold Star Bead] contains ample water energy, which is a great tonic for monks with water spirit roots and ice spirit roots.

Yun Zhiyi's temporary cave was set up in the depths of Hanxingjian, next to the rear of the camp, to steal the cold air from below.

The formations in the cave are well preserved, except for a Qiongqi statue guarding the cave, there are only some old [Cold Star Beads], and there are no other items.

It has been a while since Lin Suying manipulated Tu Sanniang's avatar to throw Zhaocai and Jinyu into it. Waiting for the time when the two beasts formed alchemy, she has been inquiring in the lower reaches of the Wujiang River, planning the escape route after Yu Chengfeng was rescued.

Until yesterday when she saw Mr. Jiuli being welcomed into the Dragon Palace by the Wujiang Dragon Clan, she had been waiting outside Hanxingjian to see if something would happen.

After waiting all night, in the early morning of the next day, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the depths of Hanxingjian, and dark clouds billowed in.


The thunderstorm shook the sky, and in the dark clouds rolling over Hanxingjian, there were faint shadows of dragons and tigers, which violently collided to emit thunder and light all over the sky, and the dragons fought with each other.

Standing on the mountain against the strong wind, Lin Suying knew that Zhaocai and Jinyu formed alchemy at the same time when she saw the celestial phenomenon.

It is reasonable to say that two or three thunderbolts are usually thrown off by a monster's alchemy, but these two bloodlines are special, and they have organized such a big battle. At this moment, hundreds of soldiers and crab generals in the entire backyard were alarmed.

Ow! !

Suddenly, a dragon chant came from the direction of Wujiang River, and the sound waves caused ripples in the air, sweeping across the surrounding fields with ancient and majestic pressure.

Just as Lin Suying turned around and didn't see anything clearly, she was overwhelmed by coercion, hurriedly called out the Goumang Demon God, and held the corpse sea purple bamboo staff to resist the dragon's prestige.

Her side is fine, but the hundreds of shrimp soldiers and crabs in the backyard will all explode instantly under such pure dragon power, and no one will be spared.

Lin Suying's eyes widened in shock, and she immediately understood that this was the absolute blood suppression of the Dragon Clan, making it impossible for the low-level Aquarium Clan to resist.

She looked over the Wujiang River again, and saw a huge green dragon overturning the river and the sea. With a sweep of the dragon's tail, the Wujiang River split into two, revealing a corner of the Dragon Palace hidden deep at the bottom of the river.

And in front of the Dragon Palace, there was also a scarlet blood mist, and the black dragon guard who was suppressed lying on the ground and unable to move.

Qinglong, Ao Cang!
Amidst the constant roar of thunder, Lin Suying saw a red mist appearing above Qinglong's head, which turned into Sijiu's white face, and turned her head to look this way expressionlessly.

Lin Suying was shocked, and quickly squatted down to hide herself behind the stone.

There were bursts of thunder, the roar of dragons, and the turbulence of the water, which gradually calmed down after a long time.

At this time, Ao Cang had obviously fully inspired the blood of the divine beast Qinglong, and had entered the early stage of Void Refinement from the late stage of God Transformation. He returned to Wujiang with such a big fanfare, and when he met him, he was disarmed and killed thousands of Shui tribes.

He can get to this point so quickly, it must be the result of Sijiu's manipulation behind the scenes, what does she want to do?
Wouldn't it be to unify the Sanjiang Dragon Clan and use it for her?

Lin Suying couldn't help worrying about Yu Chengfeng, she only hoped that this little guy wasn't worth Sijiu's use.

Not long after, there was a strong wind on the Wujiang River again, Lin Suying sneaked out half of her head, and saw Mr. Jiuli fell out of the Wujiang River as if he had been knocked into the air, and then fled in panic.


Lin Suying mocked and continued to observe. Ao Cang's sudden return to the Wujiang Dragon Palace wondered if it would affect the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet in a few days.

After observing for a long time, Lin Suying suddenly scratched her head. It seemed that Zhaocai and Jinyu were forming alchemy just now?


She hurriedly turned her head and rushed to the depths of Hanxingjian, being disturbed by Ao Cang just now, she didn't even see clearly what happened to the sky phenomenon of Jiedan in the end.

When she arrived at the cave, she found that a big hole had been split above the cave, piercing even the large formation Yun Zhiyi had laid, which showed that the thunder calamity just now was quite powerful.

And the Qiongqi stone statue guarding the cave at this moment is only full of debris. Lin Suying took two steps in, and a slender flame suddenly shot towards her. As soon as she raised her hand, the slender flame circled around her on the arm.

The horned snake's head touched the back of her hand affectionately, and the golden thread on the back became more and more brilliant.

"Jin Yu, have you successfully formed the alchemy?"

Lin Suying looked at Jin Yu in surprise, Jin Yu suddenly raised her tail, and tapped the strange stone statues that were scattered all over the ground.

What did you discover again?Could it be that there is a strange person in the statue, who got out of trouble?
Roar! !

Zhaocai's angry and suppressed roar came from the depths of the cave, accompanied by some strange rustling, and sounds like flapping wings.

Jin Yu's tail kept pointing in that direction, signaling Lin Suying to go in and have a look.

Lin Suying felt an extremely strong and cold ominous aura, and approached cautiously holding the corpse sea purple bamboo stick. Before reaching the deepest cave, she saw a thick black ominous aura emanating from it.

Her heart tightened, thinking that something had happened to the Lucky Knot Pill, and with a wave of the corpse sea purple bamboo stick, all the dark and fierce aura was swept away.

I saw two tigers, one black and one white, entangled together, doing indescribable things.


"Fortune, come down for me!"

Lin Suying covered her eyes and shouted angrily, starting from Gong Yana, why are there such hot eyes and indescribable images everywhere.

 Today's fifth change, the debt still has 600 monthly tickets for July plus change, and the last debt will be paid off tomorrow, happy~~
(End of this chapter)

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