Chapter 158

Lin Suying drove Zhaocai off the black tiger. If she hadn't known that Zhaocai belonged to the mother, she would have thought that Zhaocai was a beast with no conscience, oppressing a poor, powerless man little female beast.

Meow! !
The lively Dahao Zhaocai squatted beside Lin Suying, and even raised his paws and yelled at the black tiger in the cave intimidatingly, with the look of 'be more honest'.

Lin Suying wiped her face, and saw the black tiger with wings on its back lying on the ground panting like a cow, looking as if it had been sucked dry, and suddenly felt that she was a bully and its old lady.

Obviously, it was Zhaocai who bullied others!
Lin Suying turned her head and yelled at Zhao Cai's head, "Be more honest!"

Zhaocai honestly climbed down, Jin Yu brazenly raised the snake's head on Lin Suying's arm and neighed.

Lin Suying went to Heihu's side to have a look, and saw that the appearance was exactly the same as the ancient beast Qiongqi, and the fierce aura on his body was also Qiongqi, it's true, but it still felt impure.

She has been cultivating alien beasts with her body during this time, so she can tell that Qiongqi was cultivated the day after tomorrow, just like Jinyu, it belongs to the fusion of various messy bloodlines, and the most powerful bloodline is Qiongqi blood.

It is very valuable to cultivate, and there is a demon baby in the dantian of this black tiger, which is clearly a tiger demon in the Nascent Soul stage, but uh... the demon baby is shriveled, really squeezed dry!

There was not much evil spirit left in his body, and the pure Yang energy belonging to the male beast was completely absorbed by Zhaocai, so he was so weak that he couldn't even get up at this moment.

Lin Suying got up and walked to Zhaocai's side, grabbed its ears and lifted its head up. After exploring its dantian, she was surprised to find that Zhaocai had just formed a pill, and it should have a virtual pill in its body like a human monk.

But at the moment it hangs steadily in the center of its dantian a fist-sized, silver-white solid elixir that looks like metal, with lines on the elixir, shaped like a white tiger, full of killing aura, extremely sharp, and it is still absorbing the air The dissipated ferocious aura turned into the murderous aura of the white tiger.

Shidan, isn't it the late stage of Dandan?
Lin Suying was shocked, Lucky is definitely not from the blood of the white tiger, but from the blood of the fox, okay?
After absorbing the evil spirit of the Black Tiger Demon, her cultivation soared to the sky, making her cry with envy!No wonder there are so many men and women in the Demonic Dao who like to attract people, so it is really fast to practice like this.

Lin Suying yelled at Zhaocai's head again, "You're really lucky, but it shouldn't be, it's too exaggerated."

Lin Suying was wondering, Zhaocai suddenly fell to the ground, howled and began to roll.

"Hey, I didn't beat you hard, don't pretend to me, get up."

Meow! ! !

Zhao Cai howled in pain, his abdomen suddenly swelled up like a balloon, Lin Suying was so startled that her eyeballs almost fell out, she knelt beside Zhao Cai and was at a loss.

"No way, you just gave the black tiger to that, and you are going to have cubs so soon? This is not good, I am not ready to be a grandma and take care of children, you hold back quickly."

Zhaocai howled in pain, his shiny white fur dimmed visible to the naked eye, just like the black tiger that had been drained dry, began to slump, but its belly was getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Suying keenly sensed that the pure yin energy on Zhaocai's body was being quickly sucked away by something, and that thing was in its stomach.

"Did you eat something messy again?"

Just as Lin Suying finished speaking, Zhaocai shuddered, her buttocks tightened violently, and then she got up, scurrying to the corner of the cave, posing like a cat shitting.

His brows were tightly furrowed, and he exerted all his strength.

puff puff!

The smell of rotten beans mixed with rotten eggs permeated the cave, Jin Yu snorted and got into Lin Suying's lapel, Lin Suying quickly sealed her nostrils, fanning the stench back.

Zhaocai blew a thousand miles, his brows stretched, showing a relaxed expression, he staggered two steps forward and then collapsed to the ground, looking like he was pulled to the point of collapse.

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes, and saw a strange little seedling in the pile of cakes that recruited money.

She raised her hand to pick up a small wooden stick from the ground, and approached with a frown, and found that the little seedlings in the stinky excrement were two lotus leaves, one black and one white, one was exuding extremely pure aura, and the other was actually dissipating. Out of cold and tyrannical magic.

She knelt down and poked open the stinky poop with a small wooden stick, and saw that these two leaves grew out of one stem, and the root system was buried deep in the center of the chess piece, which was black on one side and white on the other.

"This is... a chess piece from the Ancient Xuanzhen Monument."

When she fell out of the Xuanzhen Monument, she didn't find the mystery no matter how hard she probed, and nothing happened during the Xuanzhen Monument, so she threw the chess piece in the corner of the magic treasure storage and gradually forgot it.

I didn't expect it to be a seed, but when did it enter Zhaocai's stomach?Was it spawned by its shit?

Lin Suying turned her head to look at Zhao Cai, whose eyes were slumped, and then at the black tiger demon who was also slumped in the distance, and probably understood what was going on.

What this seed needs is innate pure yang qi and innate pure yin qi, which are similar to the primordial yang and primordial yin of human beings.

Before recruiting money, he had never been in contact with a male beast, and this black tiger demon probably had never been in contact with a female beast, so the seed was born by mistake.

If it were her, she would have to fight with the innocent young boy to get her fired, what the hell, it's disgusting.

But this thing fell out of the ancient Xuanzhen stele, and the Xuanzhen stele has suppressed the demons under the Falling Dragon Abyss for so many years, so it must be something of great use, but she didn't know how to use it at the time, so she put it aside for the time being.

Moreover, Yun Zhiyi's Cannian seemed to have said at the time that she slaughtered various sects everywhere, burned, killed and looted to find something to save the world, and it was very likely that it was this thing.

Thinking of this, Lin Suying looked at this Miao Miao with deeper eyes, and with a thought, she brought Zhao Cai and the Black Tiger Demon, together with Miao Miao in Shi Zhong, into the Cauldron Cave.


At that time, deep in the Wujiang Dragon Palace.

Ao Cang was wearing a mighty armor, walking around in the extravagant bedroom, waiting for his father Long to summon him, looking very irritable.

Wearing a red dress, Xiao Sijiu with loose black hair lowered her eyebrows and knelt quietly on the ground, in front of her was the Xuanzhen Stele full of cracks.

Holding the last piece in her hand, she put it on carefully with a focused expression.

This is already her No.70 putting together tens of thousands of fragments three times, the last piece was put on, the Xuanzhen Monument did not fall down, Xiao Sijiu raised her hand and rubbed her dry eyes, the cracks on the Xuanzhen Monument began to melt gradually .

In the end, a flawless white jade stele appeared in front of Sijiu.

"Not anymore..."

Sijiu murmured, the Xuanzhen Monument gradually became transparent in front of her eyes, and a piece the size of a chess piece was missing in the center.

Sijiu put his legs together, knelt quietly and obediently in front of the Xuanzhen Monument, his head was tilted slightly, scenes of light and shadow flashed quickly in his dark pupils, and he figured out what went wrong, and the things in the Xuanzhen Monument would be destroyed again. Who takes it.

"The great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, people escape one, and people..."

Sijiu's gaze fixed, and his head snapped back to normal.

Except for her, who was supposed to reach the end of her life, but was forcibly continued, and became a fish that slipped through the net of the Dao of Heaven, there would be no one else.

Sijiu looked back at Ao Cang, Ao Cang waited impatiently, suddenly took out a book out of nowhere, pretended to sit down and read it.

His family lord told him that one should read more books if one is ugly.

Sijiu's eyes lit up, and immediately turned into a wisp of red smoke, floating behind Ao Cang.

Since following Ao Cang, she hasn't read a book for a long time.

Sijiu lay on the low table in front of Ao Cang, trying to stretch his neck to read the words on the book, just after reading the beginning, Ao Cang was suddenly furious, directly put the book in his mouth, tore half of it, and chewed vigorously.

"Don't wait, I'll kill you right now, if you don't believe he won't see me!"

Sijiu, who had never expressed any expression, now had a faint look of worry on his brows, and carefully picked up half of the broken book that Ao Cang had thrown on the ground and smoothed it with his hands.

Sijiu sighed, "Books are not for eating..."

There was the sound of fighting at the door, Ao Cang kicked over the guard to see the Dragon King, Sijiu was led by Ao Cang, turned into a wisp of red smoke that no one noticed and chased after Ao Cang.


At this moment, the red mist seemed to have discovered something, and then a wisp drifted away from Wujiang.

(End of this chapter)

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