I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 160 Breath of Spring [July Monthly Ticket 7 plus more]

Chapter 160 Breath of Spring [July Monthly Ticket 600 plus more]
The change in the Wujiang Dragon Palace did not cause any disturbances in the territory of the human race in the Sanjiang River Basin. People just speculated and chatted after dinner.

Up to now, no one knows the inside story, except that Mr. Jiuli probably deduced that it might be Ao Cang who took the Wujiang Dragon Palace.

But Mr. Jiuli didn't know what he was thinking. There was no news about such a big event, and he was still preparing to attend the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet.

On Aozhi's side, Lin Suying healed most of her injuries, and then quietly went to Minjiang.

When he arrived, he saw the guards of the Minjiang Shui Tribe, and Ao Zhi yelled "Ao Cang killed my father", and then he was carried to the ground, and he is still "unconscious" in the Minjiang Dragon Palace.

Sleeping on the ten-thousand-year black ice bed specially prepared by the Dragon King of Minjiang, absorbing the black ice spiritual energy to repair the hidden wounds in the body.

Lin Suying did what she had to do, and she lay comfortably in the Minjiang Dragon Palace, that is, the youngest son of the Minjiang Dragon King, Ao Kuo, would sit on Aozhi's bedside for a while every day, clean her face, wipe her hands and take care of his old mother Same, a bit annoying.

The Dragon King of the Minjiang River has sent envoys to Wujiang to negotiate with the Dragon King of the Lijiang River. Lin Suying was worried that it would affect the birthday banquet, but the Minjiang Dragon Palace is still decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the birthday banquet remains as usual.

It was late at night when Tu Sanniang's avatar returned to Kunpeng Residence, originally wanted to be quiet, but ran into Ning Zhiyuan wandering outside Sanhuai Hall.

It's only been a few days since I saw him, and he's quite depressed, his beard is unshaven and he's lifeless.

Ning Zhiyuan didn't know Tu Sanniang, and saw that she just nodded gently, then glanced at the closed door of Sanhuai Hall, clenched his fists and left.

Lin Suying didn't think much about it, and went back to the backyard of Kunpengju to find her main body, and took Tu Sanniang's avatar into the cave.

The Qingmu Wangding is in the body of the main body, so her main body can only enter the cave in the cauldron with her spiritual sense. If the other avatars are in front of the main body, they can take the body together. If they are not in front of the main body, they can also use Spiritual thoughts entered the cave in the cauldron.

It's actually very easy for her to collect the entities like Zhaocai into the Cauldron in the cave like before. You just need to put Zhaocai into the spirit beast bag, and then use the small teleportation array to send it to the main body and then put it in.

It seems troublesome, but mind control is just a matter of a moment.

All the avatars remained silent at the moment, even Gong Ya in Biyang Water Palace had put up a retreat sign and stayed behind closed doors in the other courtyard.

In the backyard of Sanhuai Hall, when Cheng Kan was painting to the moon, a cat suddenly jumped onto the table, squatting next to the drawing paper and looking down at the little fish in the painting.

Cheng Kan's pen trembled abruptly, pinched the cat's armpit and lifted it up, and asked with wide eyes: "Lin Suying, is that you? Tiger, do you feel that Sanhua'er is not normal recently, always Follow me and stare at me?"

The tiger next to him who was boxing and practicing kung fu had a simple and honest face, nodded, and then shook his head immediately.

"Whether there is or not, Tiger, don't run around in the future, especially be careful of that dog in the opposite store. Now I suspect that all the cats in Sanhuai Hall are hers. The only one I can believe is you." Tiger."

Tiger: ...

After all, it was the tiger demon picked up by Cheng Kan himself, so he was blindly confident.

Luo Yi, who was dispensing poison in the courtyard, shook his head and sighed, Gu Yixin yawned, "It's so boring, I'll find out where I can have fun, and I'll come back on the day of the birthday party."

The night is lonely, and it is always quiet before the storm.


Cave in the tripod, the sky is clear and refreshing.

Lin Suying's thought incarnation kicked Zhao Cai awake who was sleeping by the lake, "I tell you to shit and you sleep with me. If my little Miao Miao dies from the fertilizer, I will cook it for you."

Zhaocai meowed aggrievedly, it was already a beast in the alchemy stage, and it had grown grains, so where would it get shit if it didn't eat?
"Where's Jinbao? You bullied him and ran away again?"

Lin Suying looked around for the black tiger demon of Qiongqi blood that she contracted with. She is not an irresponsible master. Since she was bullied by Zhaocai, she stayed to make a match for Zhaocai and named him Jinbao.

Zhaocai is disgusted and bared his teeth, looking like a scumbag who starts to mess up and ends up abandoning.

If it wasn't for Jinbao's resemblance to the tiger in Sanhuaitang, it had just formed a pill and was affected by that seed, so it would have looked down on the skinny Jinbao.

Zhao Caida's head was resting on his tail, and the image of a tiger full of muscles and holding a millstone with one hand kept appearing in his mind.

At this time Jin Bao was hiding in the dark, watching Lin Suying and Zhaocai quietly, his ears moved, and when he heard Lin Suying say 'bullying', he bared his teeth and snorted coldly.

This hateful person must be giving Zhaocai advice on how to bully it and provoke its relationship with Zhaocai. No wonder Zhaocai always treats it badly.

Jin Bao bared his teeth in the direction of Lin Suying, spread his wings and flew away.

Lin Suying saw Jinbao flying towards the waterfall, so she didn't care about it anymore, it was her beast anyway, and it couldn't turn the sky.

Walking to the center of the lake, she specially opened up the small island where Miaomiao was planted. Suddenly, Lin Suying saw a strange little panda man sitting next to Miaomiao, holding a book in his hand, and was fascinated by it. The book seems to be the teaching material for the old panda to teach Chongshan to recognize characters.

Lin Suying scratched her head, can the pandaren in Aoki Wang Ding still have cubs?
Sensing Lin Suying's aura, the little pandaren raised his head and glanced at her without feeling flustered or even emotional. He just turned his eyes away from her, then slowly stood up and put away his book, picked up his small hoe, and walked calmly. Lin Suying walked by, not even saying hello, a bit awkward.

"Winter hasn't passed yet, Zhaocai is in love, and the pandaren are giving birth. This is the breath of spring."

The seedling has been planted for a few days, but there is no change at all. Lin Suying doesn't know how to cultivate it, so she can only continue to let Zhaocai shit and fertilize it.

In the threshing ground by the edge of Lingtian in the distance, the old panda beat Chong Shan on the head with his crutches angrily, and Chong Shan roared furiously with demonic aura.

The pandas working in the fields immediately lifted their bamboo hats, and smashed the agricultural tools in their hands towards Chongshan.

Chong Shan's wings rolled back to block the attack, his scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent, but without Lin Suying's order, he could not do anything, he could only continue to suppress, so that these pandaren have become more and more arrogant recently, knocking on the back with a hoe at every turn he.

The old panda touched the ground with his cane, with a serious expression, "Remember, at the beginning of human beings, nature is kind..."

Chongshan: Roar! ! !

This lively and lively scene made Lin Suying smile knowingly, this is the simple life she has always wanted, farming the land and raising animals, brewing wine and watching the stars, making alchemy and casting utensils, and then studying and studying the cultivation methods, it is simply not too comfortable.

It's a pity that this place can only be used as a temporary shelter from the wind, so that she can relieve her exhaustion. After resting, she will have to face the many crises in the outside world again.

Taking a breath, Lin Suying sat down on the floor next to Xiao Miaomiao, took out Gong Ya's storage bracelet and the items confiscated from Ao Zhi, and sorted it out, preparing for the possible battle that would break out next.

 Debt is a chapter missing, so keep working hard today to pay it off.

(End of this chapter)

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