I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 161 Panda Edition 49

Chapter 161 Panda Edition Forty Nine [One bowl with ten thousand rewards plus more]
Gong Ya's belongings are not much, but there are quite a lot of messy drugs and fun props, which were thrown into the lake by Lin Suying long ago and turned into spiritual energy to supply to the Cauldron Cave.

She also replaced all the remaining spirit stones, pills, talismans, and so on with high-grade talisman paper and some materials for making paper magic powers. These days, it happened that Gong Ya, a monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, should do more advanced work in the other courtyard. High-level magical paper figurines and surrogate dolls for self-defense.

Gong Ya's natal magic weapon is a sixth-level earth evil magic weapon, the name of the piano is [Dream Catch Finger Luo], which can increase the lethality of sound waves, and has a confusing effect, making the enemy immersed in the beautiful heavenly sounds, gradually losing their combat effectiveness. A well-regulated magic weapon.

In addition, Lin Suying only left behind a pair of magic bells [Wuxiang Bell] and [Soundless Bell]. It won't ring, and it can only be activated by injecting spiritual energy.

[Wu Xiang Ling] can make people dizzy and unable to distinguish the surrounding situation.

[Silent bell] can make people deaf and fall into a state of silence.

These two are auxiliary magic weapons, which can kill people unexpectedly when used well.

After finishing Gong Ya's belongings, Lin Suying looked through Ao Zhi's belongings again.

At that time, a sudden change occurred, and Ao Zhi hurried out of the pass to see Ao Cang. She didn't expect that Ao Cang would do anything to her, so she didn't bring many things with her.

As the much-loved dragon girl of the Dragon Palace, Ao Zhi will deliver whatever she wants, so this girl doesn't have a few spirit stones on her body, only more than 300 [Cold Star Beads] for cultivation.

Each one is the top grade of longan size, if it is converted into spirit stones, each one is worth at least a thousand low-grade spirit stones.

[Cold Star Bead] In addition to being used for daily practice, it can also be combined with the divine thunder in "Shenxiao 36 Thunder Law" to refine [Cold Flame Divine Thunder]. The earth evil magic weapon can't be prevented at all.

It's just that refining is more difficult, so Gong Ya has to do it.

In addition, there is also an ice-type congenital spiritual object [Bright Moon Ice Crystal], which absorbs the power of the moon at the time of the bright moon and condenses into an ice crystal the size of a baby's fist. It takes at least 3 years for such a large piece.

And this is what is left over from Ao Zhi's alchemy. Ao Zhi's golden alchemy is simply the most perfect and most potential golden alchemy that Lin Suying has ever seen except herself.

Because what she absorbed was innate spiritual things, her golden core was shaped like a bright moon, and the mysterious ice aura contained the power of the sun.

Under the chaos is Yin and Yang, and the Taiyin and Sun are the pinnacle of Yin and Yang forces.

If Ao Zhi hadn't been killed by Ao Cang when she was too weak, with the support of the Dragon Palace treasures, at least she would have had a smooth journey before refining Xu.

Unfortunately, she misread Ao Cang.

Lin Suying faced Ao Cang a few times, because Ao Cang regarded her as Yun Zhiyi, so she seemed stupid and honest, so that Lin Suying almost forgot that he is Venerable Poison Dragon, this name is not just for nothing, but for nothing. Filled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

He is simple and honest, and only knows Yun.His Uncle Long, Father Long, and the entire Dragon Palace are not as important as Yun Zhiyi.

One day, if Ao Cang knew that she had killed the most important person in his heart, it would definitely be an endless situation. Thinking about it now, it is really scary.

Sijiu followed Ao Cang, holding on to this trick, how could she not be terrified.

She can provoke Sijiu and Ao Cang, but if Sijiu is determined to prove the facts, there must be countless ways.

Temporarily putting away these messy thoughts, Lin Suying put away the remaining [Bright Moon Ice Crystal].

She has just cultivated Taibai's real body, and after visualizing the production of the demon god, she needs to consolidate for a period of time, and can continue to practice the new real body after the late stage of alchemy.

Ao Zhi had no other magic weapon on her body. Originally, there was a piece of dragon scale armor transformed from the dragon scales of the old dragon king, but when she ran away, she was shattered by Ao Cang's dragon power and could not keep it.

In fact, Ao Zhi has a pair of [Dragon Sparrow Rings], which are both offensive and defensive. They are acquired spiritual treasures given to her by the old dragon mother for self-defense. Dragon Bird Ring], and put it in the secret room of his bedroom.

If she brought the [Dragon Sparrow Ring] by her side, she would be able to resist Ao Cang Longwei, and she would not die.

If she had the opportunity to go to Wujiang Dragon Palace for the things in Aozhi's secret room, she would definitely go to get them. The Dragon Clan is a place full of filthy wealth, and Aozhi's small secret room is worth hundreds of years of accumulation by a small sect outside.

Ao Zhi originally practiced the top-ranked heavenly skill "Ice Soul Casting Heart Jue", which is already at the top level among the ice-type kung fu, but Lin Suying has a better one here.

It just so happens that Sijiu is based on the mysterious grade "Thousand Illusion Ice Heart Jue" created by combining "Ice Soul Casting Heart Jue" with other ice-based kung fu methods. Fantastic.

Whether it is a solo battle or a group battle, defense or formation, water is enough.

Lin Suying couldn't help thinking, this technique combined with the Water Immortal Artifact, all kinds of divine water are inexhaustible, wouldn't it be invincible?
She can't wait to get the Water Immortal Artifact, but the most urgent thing is to change Ao Zhi's skills first.

Lin Suying held back her restless heart, organized all the things at hand, separated herself in Wuya Hall, found "Thousand Illusions of Bingxin Jue" and began to study and comprehend it.

Shennian was about to withdraw from the Cave in the Cauldron, when Lin Suying saw the little panda man from before, sitting obediently on the small bench, watching the old panda explain the "Three Character Classic" to Chongshan seriously, with a blank face and a small head little bit.

Lin Suying frowned, suddenly had a strong sense of sight, panda version [-]?

It shouldn't be, this place is under her complete control, and four or nine can't get in... right...

Which two panda heros gave birth to the little panda?Lin Suying's head hurt, she appeared behind the little panda in a flash, pinched the back of its neck and let it slip out.

It was early morning when it was bright outside, and today the sky was clear and there was no snow.

Lin Suying controlled Tu Sanniang's avatar, and walked outside with the little panda who didn't even struggle, just in time to see Mo Li feeding the wild cat at the gate of Sanhuai Hall.

"Little blind man, let me raise this thing for two days and keep an eye on it, don't let it out of your sight, you know?"

Suddenly there was a furry thing in his arms, and Li Qi was puzzled.

line of sight?Where did she get her sight?
Before Mo Li could say anything, Lin Suying walked into Sanhuai Hall and asked Cheng Kan and the others to explain Yu Chengfeng's affairs in Biyang Water Palace.

Mo Li hugged the little panda, and the little panda calmly raised his head to look at the blind Mo Li, and obediently leaned into his arms.

Suddenly felt a hard thing in the head, the little panda turned to find the corner of a book, and the dark eyes lit up.

Li Li felt the little panda being pulled in her arms and rubbed its fluffy head.

"When did Tu Zhenren on the opposite side get so close and familiar with the two heavenly monarchs? Could it be...Cheng Tianjun wants to form a Taoist couple with Zhao Song, so they become a family?"

The little panda in Mo Li's arms paused, looked up at Mo Li, shook his head expressionlessly, and continued to pull the sword manual.

As soon as he pulled the sword manual into his arms and didn't open it, Mo Li took the sword manual away, "Don't make trouble, this is the sword manual that I just found out and I haven't had time to ask the tiger to help me record it on the jade slip, and the book is not Bring it to eat, I'll find you something else to eat."

Hearing this, the little panda raised its two paws and blinked.

This sentence is so familiar...

Tu Sanniang went in to discuss the matter, and the tiger was kicked out as a superfluous demon, with a few cats hanging on his body, looking at the snow stupidly, and a few mice hiding in the snow in the distance.

In the past few days, it seems that there are always people wandering around the Sanhuai Hall, and it seems that they are here for the tiger, which is strange.

A few days later, the much-anticipated Minjiang Dragon King birthday banquet finally kicked off.

Ao Zhi, who was in the depths of the Minjiang Dragon Palace, finally woke up from a "coma". When she opened her eyes, she saw Ao Kuo, her fiancé-in-law who was indiscriminately dressed and taking care of her every day.

 In the fourth watch, all the debts were finally paid off, and I was relieved.

  Daily double updates will resume tomorrow, monthly tickets and rewards will be added, and there will be new updates if there are good recommendations.

  After another month of explosions, I should slow down the pace and take a break, otherwise my brain really can't keep up.

  See you tomorrow~~
  Another question, in the future, the avatar will use the avatar's own name, what do you think, can it be distinguished more clearly?
(End of this chapter)

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