I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 162 I am the White Lotus

Chapter 162 I am the White Lotus

"Zhizhi, you're finally awake."

Ao Kuo looked childish and crying, his mouth was aggrieved, and he was about to start crying when he saw Ao Zhi.

Lin Suying supported her forehead. Although she has been lying down these days, she knows a little about Ao Kuo. Although she is an adult, she is still a baby who has not grown up, has no opinions, and speaks softly.

But he comes to take care of Ao Zhi on time and on time every day, does everything by himself, and is very kind to the maids in the Dragon Palace, so he knows that he is not bad, and he is also very patient and caring.

"Stop crying, tell me how Wujiang Dragon Palace is going." Lin Suying asked softly, for fear of scaring him by speaking louder.

Ao Kuo wiped away his snot and tears with his sleeve, "Zhizhi, eat some spiritual fruit, I'll tell you slowly."

Ao Kuo put the shell plate with the spirit fruit beside Ao Zhi, and then slowly said: "Zhi Zhi, don't be too sad, my father said that from now on, the Minjiang Dragon Palace will be your home, and my father will be you Father, whatever you want, my father and queen mother will give you..."

Ao Kuoxu's babbling comfort was not to get to the point. Lin Suying took a breath and said to herself: I am a green tea dragon girl with white cuts and blacks.

"Thank you, Ao Kuo, and thank you to your father and your whole family."

Ao Kuo was stunned for a moment, and scratched his head. Although Ao Zhi's tone was very gentle, why did he feel that the second half of the sentence was not quite right.

"It's like this, your second elder brother Ao Cang has become king in the Wujiang Dragon Palace, and he will give all who oppose him..."

Ao Kuo carefully glanced at Ao Zhi, and saw her calm face before continuing: "Now the Wujiang Dragon Palace has regained its calm, and Ao Cang also came to my father's birthday banquet today, maybe because I want my father and the Lijiang Dragon King to recognize him. For the new Wujiang Dragon King."

"But you don't have to worry. Anyway, we are going to get married in the future. You can stay here and don't go back to Wujiang. Ao Cang dare not touch you. I...I will protect you."

Ao Kuo clenched his fists firmly, Lin Suying glanced at his small body, not counting on him.

"Ao Kuo, you are so kind. It would be great if my second brother could be as good as you. It is my blessing to be married to you."

Uh... It's disgusting to talk like that, but what else can she do if she's a white lotus?
Ao Kuo blushed, lowered his head and said shyly, "No, it was I who overtook Zhizhi."

"Who else is coming to the birthday banquet today?"

Lin Suying came down from the Wanzaixuan ice couch, Ao Kuo hurriedly supported her arms with both hands.

"In addition to your second brother, the Dragon King of the Lijiang River also brought people here. The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked down on our inland dragons, so they only sent their respective prime ministers to present birthday gifts, as long as they can save face."

"The others are people from Xianmeng, but Wan Jianzun and Zen Master Mingdeng only sent envoys, and only Mr. Jiuli came in person. Then there are people from Xuanyuan Water Realm Sangong and Two Academy, and other sects The elders who came to join in the fun."

Lin Suying nodded, and asked in a low voice: "I'm still very afraid of seeing my second brother, but I also want to go to the birthday banquet. Can you help me find a place away from my second brother?"

Ao Kuo nodded hastily, "Okay, I'll make arrangements now, Zhizhi, you wash up first, and I'll call the maid to come in and help you."

"No, I can do it myself."

Ao Kuo saw that Ao Zhi was holding the hem of her clothes a little awkwardly, and couldn't help but feel distressed, thinking that she must have experienced a change and was afraid of seeing people.

"Okay, then I'll ask someone to bring in your clothes and jewelry for you."

As soon as Ao Kuo left, Lin Suying couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief, thinking of her performance just now, she almost vomited.

"Zhizhi? Should I call him Kuo Kuo more in line with the personality?"

Lin Suying shuddered, rubbing the goosebumps on her arms, and went to the huge glazed mirror in the corner of the bedroom.

Ao Zhi in the mirror was dressed in white. Because of her physique and injuries, her complexion was pale and thin, but she was even more adorable, especially when she was expressionless, her bunny-like eyes were a perfect disguise.

In fact, Lin Suying recalled that when Ao Zhi was with Song Tianqi in Tiandaozong, she was indeed a glutinous rice ball stuffed with black sesame seeds.

On the surface, they are pitifully hooking up, but in fact they are plotting against Song Tianqi's body, especially in the last few times when the corpse is destroyed and the traces are wiped out.

Combining Ao Zhi's memories and experiences, Lin Suying probably understood what was going on. Ao Zhi was abducted when she was young and was rescued by Ao Cang. During that time, she followed Ao Cang and watched him ruthlessly kill everywhere, so her young and pure heart was blackened. .

And because when the Dragon Clan came out of the egg, they would have some special emotions towards the first person they saw, and Ao Cang had no intention of harming her during that time, so she would wishful thinking that Ao Cang was her dear Second brother.

In Yun Zhiyi's words, it's a sickly, morbidly in love with Ao Cang, who can ignore all his cruelty and cruelty, and only see the kindness he treats her.

Ao Cang did not keep Aozhi with him all the time, and sent him back to the Dragon Palace early, so that the little blackness deep in Aozhi's heart was hidden under the care of the Wujiang Dragon Clan, and wrapped in a white shell of "kindness".

But even if Ao Zhi is kind and well-behaved on weekdays, when encountering matters involving him, he will subconsciously resort to Ao Cang's ruthless methods.

All of these have finally created the current White Lotus Black Hearted Little Dragon Girl, Ao Zhizhi!
This time Ao Cang originally came to the Dragon Palace to kill the Dragon King and seize power, so he didn't see the family affection of the Dragon Clan at all, and only followed Yun Zhiyi's knowledge of cutting grass and roots, and of course he didn't take Ao Zhi seriously.

The clam girls from the Dragon Palace came in one after another carrying trays of clothes and jewelry. After placing the things on the coral table one by one, they bowed their heads and retreated, closing the door of the bedroom.

Lin Suying changed into an extremely luxurious white long dress full of pearls, straightened the gorgeous beaded crown, lightened her lip balm, and wore a ring ring, the noble temperament of a dragon princess emerged spontaneously.

She looked at herself in the mirror and said softly, "From today onwards, you are Ao Zhi."

Ao Zhi turned around and was about to leave the bedroom, when she suddenly turned back and looked at the Wanzai Xuanbing couch. Ao Kuo said just now that she should treat this place as her own home, so it would be reasonable for her to move away from her couch, right?

Ao Zhi nodded, and put the Wanzaixuan ice bed into the storage ring with a wave of her hand. She turned the blue cold jade ring in her hand, showing a satisfied smile.

Ao Kuo had been waiting outside, his eyes lit up when he saw Ao Zhi dressed up.

"Zhizhi, you are so beautiful, the most beautiful of all the dragon girls I have ever seen."

Ao Kuo's pure appreciation has no love for men and women.

Ao Zhi feels that Ao Kuo treats her more as a relative or even a sister. He looks like a baby at first glance, and he may not understand the things between men and women. It is too rare in a place where chaos like the Dragon Clan can play.

Ao Kuo led Ao Zhi all the way around to the side of the Dragon Palace Hall, and found a hidden corner, blocked by a screen to prevent prying eyes, so that Ao Zhi could clearly see the grand occasion outside.

But Ao Zhi didn't have the time to enjoy the dance and music of those beaded mussel girls, so he immediately found Mr. Jiuli who was sitting at the head of the old Minjiang Dragon King, stroking his beard and greeting politely.

Although his demeanor is relaxed, it can be clearly seen that his whole body is tense, secretly guarding against the other side.

Opposite him, Ao Cang was sitting alone at a table, with a cold and stern face, drinking on his own.

Ao Zhi never saw Sijiu's trace, but just seeing Ao Cang's imposing manner, he had the feeling that the birthday party was about to change.

Ao Zhi didn't dare to delay, and immediately let the Gongya avatar that had been prepared outside the secret storehouse at Biyang Water Palace do the work.

(End of this chapter)

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