I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 163 Collecting the Immortal Artifact

Chapter 163 Collecting the Immortal Artifact
In Biyang Water Palace, the wind and snow were blowing.

The temperature dropped sharply in the past two days, and the entire Biyang Lake was frozen almost overnight. Only in the central area, all kinds of lotus flowers are still in full bloom and will never fade.

"Palace supervisor, are you going to the center of the lake?"

The late-stage old man who had been guarding the ferry asked Gong Ya who came suddenly.

Gong Ya subconsciously tightened her collar, and said in a deep voice: "Today, Mr. Jiuli went to the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet. He was worried that the young people would take the opportunity to make trouble in the Biyang Water Palace, so he ordered us to inspect all the places. For protection, the lotus formation in the center of the lake is the last place."

The old guard looked at Gong Ya carefully, and nodded. Mr. Jiu Li had indeed given orders before he left, but what he didn't know was that it was Gong Ya who told Mr. Jiu Li that the remnants of the Heavenly Dao Sect would go to Biyang Water Palace to find Yu Chengfeng. .

This is to test the Jiuli old thief, to see where he will go to check after he gets the news, and where he will strengthen his defense.

But the Jiuli old thief is also a chicken thief, and he didn't check any one place alone, but just ordered a few of them to strengthen and check the defensive formations of each place, and open the water palace defense formation when he left the water palace.

In desperation, she had no choice but to bring Gu Yixin to the secret storehouse in the center of the lake to get the celestial artifact. Cheng Kan and Luo Yi had both turned into cats with their primordial avatars early on, and they were inquiring everywhere in Biyang Water Palace.

"It's freezing on the lake today, so I'll trouble the Palace Supervisor to walk across the lake by myself." The old guard bowed his hands.

"It doesn't matter." Gong Ya tightened her collar and walked onto the ice on foot. The wind and snow were howling, but she still took her time.

After Lin Suying looked carefully at Gong Ya's memories these days, she found that she was originally a staid, serious, and extremely conservative woman, but she couldn't restrain that aspect due to her experience.

So she only wore long sleeves and a high collar, and her body was tightly wrapped.

The old guard was always watching from the shore. It was very windy and snowy today. Although he could directly see the position of the lotus formation, his sight was blocked by the wind and snow, making it a bit unclear.

Suddenly, Snow Flower lost his eyesight, the old guard raised his hand and rubbed it, and then looked at the ice surface, Gong Ya had already reached the outer edge of the lotus formation, and was checking carefully against the wind and snow.

In fact, the Gong Ya that the guard saw at this time has become a paper doll substitute, and the real Gong Ya has sneaked into the secret storehouse under the lake silently with the help of Gu Yixin.

The secret library under the lake is a tower built at the bottom of the lake using the method of building the Dragon Palace. After crossing the arch bridge in front of the tower, the water immediately recedes, and fresh air pours into the nostrils.

Arriving here, Lin Suying rubbed Gong Ya's overly tense face and regained her original temperament.

In front of them were two tightly closed vermilion doors, and there was a very narrow gap between the two doors, but the secret vault was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

Lin Suying looked around and could see that the door was closed from the inside. She threw out the pen in her arms and turned into a lonely look in mid-air.

"Open the door, hurry up." Lin Suying urged.

Gu Yixin yawned, and asked lazily, "Is Sanguangtian Xinjian on your body?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Gu Yixin tapped the crack of the door with his chin, "Put the sword in through the crack of the door, and the door will open by itself."

Lin Suying was taken aback, then squinted her eyes, "So this is how you collect [-] high-grade spirit stones from me and take me in? Use my own things to open the door?"

Gu Yixin put up a finger and waved it, "No, no, no, I've always bought and sold information rather than goods. I don't say, how do you know that Sanguangtian Xinjian can open this door?"

"You money-greedy ghost! Fifty thousand is too expensive, you give me the information about the Water Immortal Artifact, or I will renege on my debt."

Gu Yixin smiled, "Buddha said, don't tell, you can go and see for yourself."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yixin turned back into a pen and hung it on Lin Suying's waist.

Lin Suying gritted her teeth. In the Five Elements Immortal Artifact, gold is the three-light Tianxin sword, wood is the green wood king tripod, fire is the seven birds and five fire fans, and earth is the true shape of the five mountains. However, this water fairy artifact is extremely mysterious, has no name, and does not know. How it looks.

Yun Zhiyi almost got it back then, but Fang Shouzhen gave her the first step, and then returned it to Biyang Water Palace.

Therefore, Yun Zhiyi only knows that the Water Immortal Artifact can absorb all the true water spirits in the world, and with just one drop of the original liquid, it can breed more by itself.

When Fang Shouzhen fought with Yun Zhiyi and damaged Sanguangtian Xinjian, he also borrowed Sanguang Shenshui from Biyang Water Palace to repair it.

So she doesn't know if there are other real water god waters in this water fairy artifact, but there must be Sanguang god water.

Lin Suying took out the cracked Sanguang Tianxin Sword, and tentatively poked the sword in through the crack of the door.

After entering a sword point, the sword in his hand was suddenly shaken, pulled by a huge force, and came out of Lin Suying's hand, and even opened the door suddenly.

"My sword!"

Lin Suying chased into the secret storehouse, and suddenly saw a rotten water ladle with a hole under her feet, and kicked it away anxiously.

"Put all the broken things here."

The secret vault was dark, only a few rows of three-story shelves around it, scattered with some precious treasures of heaven and earth, musical instruments and magic weapons.

Lin Suying looked around but couldn't find anything that looked like a fairy artifact, nor could she find the Sanguangtian Xinjian.

"Baby Xingxin, why are you cracked again?"

At this time, a mature female voice came from the depths of the secret storehouse. Lin Suying walked over cautiously, and saw a group of colorful lights, which became brighter as they got closer, the kind that blinded the eyes.

When she came to the front, she raised her hand to block the light and squinted her eyes, and gradually saw that the dazzling rainbow light was a throne filled with various gemstones and chips, which made people dizzy.

There is a woman sitting on the throne, dressed like a flower peacock, with all kinds of shiny hairpins on her head, huge gemstone earrings, her neck, belt, and even the toes of her shoes are exquisite. gem.

Her whole body is more dazzling than the sun, but the magnificence piled up like this is not expensive at all, on the contrary, it is very vulgar.

"Who are you, how did you have Sanguangtian Xinjian, Fang Shouzhen? Why did he break my Xingxin baby again? Answer this fairy!"

Lin Suying raised her brows, it turns out that this vulgar elder sister is the fairy of the Water Fairy Artifact, what about her real body?Could it be the throne under her ass?

With a wave of Lin Suying's hand, the Sanguangtian Xinjian flew out of the fairy's hand, returned to Lin Suying's side and hovered vertically.

Although she couldn't completely repair the fairy sword during this time, she has been using the chaotic temperature of her body to nourish the fairy sword, so the fairy sword has long recognized her as the master.

"Fang Shouzhen is dead, and now I am the master of the fairy sword, and the fairy sword is cracked, so I want to find... Master Xianling to borrow some Sanguang Shenshui to repair the fairy sword."

The fairy looked at Lin Suying with a vigilant expression.

Lin Suying stood up straight, without humility, raised her hand and flicked the fairy sword to make a clear trembling sound, which caused ripples in the formation around the secret vault.

"After repairing the fairy sword, I can use the fairy sword to break through the outer formation and take you out of this cage. Of course, the premise is that you recognize me as the master."

Xianling sneered, "Dream your Spring and Autumn Dream! If you don't have a high level of cultivation, you don't dare to be so arrogant in front of this fairy. I want to fight!"

The fairy suddenly turned into a stream of water and rolled towards Lin Suying fiercely.

Sanguangtian Xinjian flew up by itself, and the energy of chaos accumulated in the sword exploded, and it slashed down on the water, splitting the light with one sword.

The fairy fell to the ground from the water and rolled under the throne, staring at the fairy sword guarding Lin Suying with wide eyes in shock.

"Aura of chaos? You have something of chaos on your body!"

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Yes, do you want it?"

"Master, please accept Piao Piao's bow!"

The fairy who was still arrogant just now knelt down neatly in front of Lin Suying, and knocked down her head full of shiny hairpins without hesitation, making a muffled bang.

The fairy weapon has reached the top of the world. If you want to continue to improve, you have to absorb the energy of chaos, and one day you can turn it into a chaos artifact, surpassing the fairy world, and you can become a god.

The reason why Lin Suying never thought about the failure of collecting the fairy artifact is because she has fragments of the chaos artifact on her body, and she is the only one who can continue to upgrade the fairy artifact.

"Hey...why the Spirit Race has never thought about self-improvement, but always subconsciously attached to human beings, so what if they can't ascend, wouldn't it be better to be free?"

Gu Yixin's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Suying's mind, feeling sad for the Spirit Race.

 The two chapters are over today, and I will start saving manuscripts for the weekend~~
(End of this chapter)

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