I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 164 Kidnapping

Chapter 164 Kidnapping
Gu Yixin appeared in the secret storehouse, and laughed again after mourning, "Jiuli has served Piao Piao for hundreds of years, always responding to requests, bowing his knees, and is even more considerate than his own mother. Here, it must be interesting to see Piao Piao kneeling at your feet at this moment."

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows triumphantly, this is our destiny, if we encounter other fairy artifacts in the future, even if they are contracted, as long as we dare to take them out and show them to her, she will be able to grab them.

"Get up, I'm not a bad person, don't kneel to me in the future, respect each other, just be friends."

Xian Ling Piao Piao stood up and nodded hastily. That's what she said, but she certainly can't really treat Lin Suying as a friend, so she still has to lower her posture.

"Where is your body, let's sign a contract quickly, repair Sanguangtian Xinjian and go out."

Hearing this, she fluttered her head full of jewels and emeralds to search left and right, "I remember that I seemed to be thrown around here..."

Lin Suying's eyes hurt from the gemstones on her body, "Can you take off these shiny things on your body? It's tacky and dazzling, and it doesn't look good at all."

Piao Piao clenched her fists tightly, "It's vulgar no matter where it is, the shiny ones are so beautiful and extravagant, you... don't know how to appreciate them."

After finishing speaking, Piao Piao swept to her own body under the far shelf, raised her hand to suck the thing over, and handed it to Lin Suying angrily.

Lin Suying took a look, isn't this the rotten water scoop that she kicked away just now?

It's just like a ladle made from half-cut gourds and dried in the sun, but the one in front of me is dirty and torn, with big holes in walnuts underneath.

"Are you sure this rotten water ladle is your body? Will it not leak?"

"What is a rotten water scoop? This is a scoop of heaven and earth metamorphosed into the world..."

Lin Suying couldn't hold it back, and when she saw Piao Piao, she immediately pursed her face and pursed her lips. The name was quite long, but adding the word 'Laopiao' made her lose her momentum.

"I promised to be friends, this fairy will go back on it!"

Fluttering angry, her black hair danced wildly, Lin Suying hurriedly patted her on the shoulder.

"Calm down, calm down, it's normal for friends to joke around, don't you think so?"

Lin Suying said and patted, every slap filled with chaotic air, slapped into Piao Piao's body one by one.

Piao Piao hiccupped after being photographed, her anger disappeared, and she even wanted it.

Lin Suying took the rotten water ladle, sat cross-legged on the spot and began to practice. If Piao Piao doesn't resist, it can be completed in half an hour.

But time was running out, Lin Suying handed the Sanguangtian Xinjian to Piao Piao and said: "Don't be idle when I am practicing, help repair the sword, if there is any extra Sanguang Shenshui, here is a puppet, wash it for me Practice it."

Lin Suying also took out the puppet dharma body, and now she can reach the initial strength of the Nascent Soul with a little training, and can continue to improve after a few more training sessions.

This puppet dharma body was originally made of high-quality materials given by Li Bichen, and it was carefully designed by her combined with the puppet making techniques improved by the [-]th, with a high limit.

Now that the rotten water ladle is basically in hand, after repairing the fairy sword and finding Yu Chengfeng, she immediately finds a place to nest up, and Liu Aozhi's avatar uses the Dragon Palace to find Tiangang Disha enough, if you don't melt and practice the two fairy weapons, you will never get out if you are not perfect close.

Piao Piao was subdued by the air of chaos, feeling comfortable all over, "Yes, it's just Sanguang Shenshui, as much as you need to take a bath."

Piao Piao hugged her beloved Sanguang Tianxin Sword, and poured the Sanguang Shenshui from the water ladle into the sword. She had forgotten that not long ago, she gave Jiuli three drops of Shenshui and said that there was no more.

Lin Suying offered sacrifices to refining the immortal weapon, Piaopiao was busy repairing the immortal sword, refining the puppet, while Gu Yixin looked around in the secret storehouse, looking for anything interesting.

This guy Lin Suying is definitely going to renege on his debts, and will even empty out all the things here, so she has to find something for herself in advance to pay off the debt.

"I still want to see what Jiuli looks like when he sees this place being emptied. I don't know if there is a chance."

Gu Yixin's eyes moved slightly, and he took out a few photo jade charms from his pocket, and placed them in every corner of the secret vault.


At that time, both Minjiang Dragon Palace and Biyang Water Palace were undercurrents.

In Sanhuai Hall, Cheng Kan and Luo Yi, who had separated the Yuanshen avatar, sealed off the backyard, and retreated to control the Yuanshen avatar with peace of mind.

Tiger, as Lin Suying's hidden Nascent Soul avatar, arrived at the edge of Biyang Lake early, ready to welcome everyone out at that time.

But an accident happened suddenly, and the tiger was targeted.

In fact, a few days ago, Lin Suying felt through the tiger that someone was wandering outside the Sanhuai Hall. At first she thought it was for Cheng Kan and the others, so she secretly paid attention. After all, the tiger is just a tiger demon with no brain and is not happy. , and did not offend anyone.

But later she found out through observation that this group of people came for the tiger, and they were also the hidden minions of the Xingyuan of the Biyang Water Palace, who had been arresting the experimental monsters for Xiang Tianxing, the supervisor of the Xingyuan.

At this moment, these four people are lying in ambush behind the tiger, holding bottles and cans in their hands. They are two in the late stage of alchemy and two in the middle stage of alchemy.

Lin Suying remained calm and moved her ears. Using the method of catching wind and listening to sounds, she can eavesdrop on the sound transmission between monks whose cultivation level is lower than that of Nascent Soul.

"Really, that's Cheng Tianjun's tiger demon, and it's still in the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Then what else can we do? It's hard to find a demon in the Nascent Soul stage, and this is the only thing we can find before the next poison attack."

"Yeah, if we can't catch the demon in the Nascent Soul stage, we definitely won't be able to get the antidote this time. Instead of being tortured by the poison, it's better to fight this time. Besides, we still have these medicines given by the prison. A Nascent Soul demon is not a problem."

"Fortunately, there is already a Nascent Soul cultivator. Otherwise, if we are asked to catch the Nascent Soul cultivator, then we will die."

Hearing this, Lin Suying deduced briefly and suddenly had an astonishing guess.

Could Yu Chengfeng be in Xingyuan, right?

The possibility is very high, the current supervisor of Xingyuan, Xiang Tianxing, is a lunatic refining medicine, and Yu Chengfeng is a well-known alchemist of Tiandaozong. Old thief Li will definitely give it.

After all, if Xiang Tianxing researches something good, it must be Biyang Water Palace who will benefit.

Lin Suying hurriedly told Gong Ya the news through the main body, and asked Cheng Kan and Luo Yi to go straight to Xingyuan.

However, it is still not safe to enter from the outside. It would be bad if you are transferred again before you find out where the person is. It is best to sneak in and find someone first.

After making the decision, Lin Suying stuffed an anti-virus elixir into the tiger's mouth, and suddenly rushed up from behind the boulder by the lake with a roar, and rushed towards the four people behind like a tiger descending a mountain.

The four of them turned pale in shock, and smashed out all kinds of medicine bottles in their hands in a panic.

I saw the tiger's tiger claws waving, and instantly flew the two of them, and then grabbed a tiger's head and slammed it violently.

The human head was crushed by the tiger's head like a watermelon, and all kinds of smoke filled under the feet. The tiger staggered, shook the tiger's head violently, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

The remaining three people were scared out of their wits and had lingering fears. The tiger fell down for a long time before swallowing his saliva and got up. Before anyone noticed the movement, he quickly took the tiger away and cleaned up the corpses on the ground. and blood.

When this group of people left, a female cultivator in blue came galloping with a black and white hair ball in her arms.

"I clearly heard the tiger's voice, why is it missing?"

It was Li Li who came, and she moved her nose. Although the smell in the air was very weak, she could still smell the strange medicinal smell different from Fengxue.

At this time, the little panda holding the bamboo slips in her arms and reading carefully did not look up, pointed in the direction with a blank face, lowered its paws and continued to read the bamboo slips.

Li Li could feel the outline of the little panda, and naturally he could also find the direction it was pointing at. He thought that the little panda in Senior Tu's house was indeed unusual, so he immediately chased after it.

(End of this chapter)

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