Chapter 166

"Look at the quality of the dragon sons and daughters of the dragon clan is getting worse and worse, more and more but not good, and the more difficult it is to improve the bloodline in the future, it is because of internal weakness. The bloodline of the dragon clan is still strong, and the following dragon clan and others The Shui people, being harmed by this kind of medicine, their offspring are more and more likely to die young, but the reason has not yet been found out."

Lin Suying's eyes opened, and Yu Chengfeng's words immediately resolved some of her doubts about the Dragon Clan, and combined with Ao Zhi's memory, it was true.

She glanced at Aozhi, the birthday banquet was still calm at this time, but Ao Cang obviously came prepared, maybe he already knew about this, and planned to take advantage of the birthday banquet to tear it apart with the old thief Jiuli| Force it?

If so, it would be too exciting, I have to give Ao Zhi two plates of sea melon seeds!

"Do you have evidence?" Lin Suying asked via voice transmission.

Yu Chengfeng sat up all of a sudden, "I don't, but that bastard Xiang Tianxing knows a lot, and he was also responsible for the poisoning. Take his soul out and give it to the Sanjiang Dragon Clan. Jiuli will definitely not survive."

"But the Jiuli old thief is vicious, and he will definitely play tricks on Xiang Tianxing's spirit to prevent him from betraying. The past generation of apricot courtyard supervisors in Biyang Water Palace all died accidentally, except for the previous generation who was killed by my master. Prisoner, I guess the others were killed by the Jiuli old thief, or even the previous generation, the previous generation Shuigong Shanzhang."

"The poisoning of the Sanjiang Dragon Clan may have started long before the Jiuli old thief took over the Biyang Water Palace. After all, the human race has never tolerated someone else sleeping soundly next to the sleeping collapse, so it is not surprising to do such a thing. "

Lin Suying couldn't help but glance at Yu Chengfeng, why do you think this guy has become smarter after being in prison?

At this time, there was some movement outside.

"It's bad, that dog thief Xiang Tianxing is here, don't eat whatever he gives you for a while, if it doesn't work, I'll kill you first with you."

As soon as Yu Chengfeng finished speaking, Lin Suying saw a tattered black robe, more sloppy than Yu Chengfeng, rushing towards Tianxing, holding a steaming purple elixir in his hand, without even a bottle. Then grab it directly.

"It's done, it can be regarded as a good practice, and it will definitely be fine this time."

Xiang Tianxing opened the cell door and rushed in, handing the pill to Lin Suying.

"Take this medicine and you will become a human. You will no longer have to worry about being chased and chased by the human race. You can go anywhere in this wilderness."

Yu Chengfeng, who was in the nearby prison, stood up, grabbed the railing and said, "That's right, you can ascend to immortality after taking the medicine, and the medicine will kill your life. It's so satisfying."

Glaring at Tianxing, Yu Chengfeng stared back, "Why, jealous that I'm more handsome than you and better than your talent in refining medicine?"

"Yu Chengfeng, you won't be proud for long, waiting for you..."

Before Xiang Tianxing finished speaking, Yu Chengfeng suddenly threw a plate over, waved Xiang Tianxing's sleeves and shattered the plate.

At this moment, Lin Suying raised her tiger paw, took the pill from Tianxing's hand, and threw it into her mouth.

Yu Chengfeng stared, "Black Tiger Demon, you are crazy, spit it out!"

Xiang Tianxing squinted suspiciously, feeling that something was wrong.

Lin Suying pressed the tiger's eight-packed stomach, and said softly, "I've taken the medicine, I want to know what kind of poison you gave to the Sanjiang dragons?"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Chengfeng was so startled that he stuck his head out from between the two pillars, winking at Lin Suying incessantly.

Does this stupid tiger demon have a brain hole, and the three-petal mouth really leaks air!
Hearing this, Xiang Tianxing's eyes showed murderous intent, he turned his head to look at Yu Chengfeng, and then at the tiger demon in front of him.

"Yu Chengfeng told you? You know him, tell me, are you a remnant of the Heavenly Dao Sect?"

Yu Chengfeng covered his face, it's over, it's over.

"Tianxing! Where are you, Tianxing?"

Before Xiang Tianxing could ask again, a middle-aged female nun suddenly ran in with tears streaming down her face.

"Tian Xing, save Guang'er quickly, Ning Zhiyuan caught Guang'er outside, he wants you to go out and meet him to give him justice, otherwise you will take Guang'er to die together."

Xiang Tianxing glared, "It's against him, I want to see how much guts he has grown!"

Xiang Tianxing walked out of the cell with a flick of his sleeve, the cell door closed by itself, and left with the middle-aged female cultivator.

Yu Chengfeng tried hard to put his head back, but he got stuck between the two railings, and was furious, "I told you not to eat it, but you just ate it without asking, you really have such a big tiger head!"

Lin Suying stood up, pressed her abdominal muscles, and opened her tiger's mouth to spit out a whole pill, still with a trace of heat on it.

Yu Chengfeng stuck his head and froze, "Ah, I forgot that Yaozu have belly pockets, hurry up, help me get my head out, that Ning Zhiyuan is a good boy, I have to go out and see if he can't be called Xiang Tianxing Scourge."

Lin Suying twisted her neck, grasped the cell railing with both hands, the muscles in her arms puffed up, and she slowly pulled it away with bared canine teeth.

Yu Chengfeng was dumbfounded, "Master Tiger has such great strength!"

Lin Suying stepped out of the railing with a sullen tiger face and walked in front of Yu Chengfeng, and used the same method to tear open the railing.

"You can't protect yourself, so you still care about others?" Lin Suying asked in a low voice, squatting down and tearing off the black iron chain on Yu Chengfeng's feet.

"It's because you can't protect yourself that you have to take care of other people's affairs. Otherwise, when you go to the underworld, no one will burn paper for you, you will have no money, and even the little ghosts can't bribe you. If you are better, you will vote for a poor family. You cast yourself into the path of beasts."

Lin Suying was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that what he said made sense.

"Do more good deeds, the more blessings you will get, the more friends you will burn paper on your grave, the more ghost money you will have in the underworld, and the more benefits you can buy from the little ghost judge. In the next life, invest in a wealthy family. If you go far, you can accumulate more blessings. When you reach the end, you will fly to the sky, and if you fail to reach the end, you will die and go to the underworld. The more you accumulate, the higher you go, the higher you go.

Yu Chengfeng stretched his muscles and urged Lin Suying to go out with him.

Lin Suying shook her head speechlessly, it was absolutely impossible to hook the Holy Mother with Zili in the end.

Pressing her shoulders and moving her fists, Lin Suying walked to the barrier leading to the outer prison, ready to try the effect of the tiger's recent cultivation of the power of four images.

At this moment, a sword light split out from the darkness outside, Lin Suying took a step back, watching the barrier on the door explode, shaking the sword light away.

Before the sword light fell, three more sword lights struck, still hitting the barrier and being shaken away.

Lin Suying saw the sword light and knew it was Li Li.

"Get out of the way, I'll come."

Lin Suying punched the barrier, and with the roar of dragons and tigers, the entire barrier and the iron gate burst open, torn apart.


A strong wind hit his face, Li Li felt the breath of the tiger, and listened attentively.

"Mo Li?"

Yu Chengfeng was very surprised when he saw Mo Li. Although his appearance had changed, he recognized Mo Li's swordless sword light.

"What's wrong with your eyes? And why are you here?"

Mo Li was shocked when he heard Yu Chengfeng, "Yu... why is Senior Brother Yu here?"


Yu Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, looking at himself and then at Mo Li.

His master officially accepted Li Li?How come no one told him?Is he no longer Master's only beloved disciple?

Yu Chengfeng clutched his chest, feeling stuffy.

The happy meeting of the master and the apprentice is not suitable to be staged here, Lin Suying urged: "The two heavenly monarchs will be here soon, hurry up and get out."

(End of this chapter)

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