Chapter 167 Vicious
After seven days of hard work, Jin Yi climbed out of the cold pool at the bottom of the lake, and went back to pack up his belongings with all his might, planning to flee immediately when the old Jiuli thief was not in Biyang Water Palace.

When she had an idea earlier, she found a way to contact Qin Yi. Although they had been hunted down by the Jagged Alliance, they were surrounded by the experienced real Yuehong. Although they were shocked, they were not in danger.

At this moment, he has escaped into the land of hundreds of barbarians where the forces of the Immortal Alliance cannot go deep. Because the real Yuehong gave birth and is inconvenient, he will temporarily stay in the Feng clan's clan village in Pangu Prefecture for half a year.

Let's go now, as long as there are no major accidents on the road, we can rush to join Qin Yi and the others in half a year.

Jin Yi carried the guqin [Jin Shi Fengfeng] on her back. This Qin was made by her elder brother's painstaking efforts and a lot of money to find treasures from heaven and earth for her.

The strings are even fused with dragon tendons, and I don't know where he got the supernatural ability to get this kind of 'forbidden' rare thing.

He is a medical trainee and a very good violin maker. When they arrive in the Three Lands, they can open a medical clinic and live a small life without disputes.

After tidying up, Jin Yi hastily swallowed a pill to drive away the cold and warm his body, with a pale face, he staggered towards the apricot courtyard.

But as soon as she arrived at Xingyuan, she saw that Xiang's clansmen were all around Xingyuan, holding magic weapons ready to go, and surrounded the inner courtyard tightly.

"No one is allowed to approach, otherwise I will immediately take him to death!"

Brother? !
Jin Yi's heart tightened, but he did not go on a rampage in a panic, but entered the inner courtyard through a path that Ning Zhiyuan told her to be uninhabited.

As soon as she got out of the small hole buried by the wind and snow, Jin Yi saw a scene that horrified her.

But in just seven days, her gentle and elegant elder brother turned his head gray, and he seemed to be more than ten years older. His face is now black and blue with stubble, and his eyes are bloodshot and haggard.

He hugged the sleeping three-year-old child, leaned against the blue bird statue guarding the prison below in the center of the inner courtyard, surrounded himself in a solid barrier, his whole body tensed like a cornered beast.

Jin Yi didn't know what happened at all, he was always kind to others, why did his elder brother who would never hurt others become like this.

When she was about to rush out, she suddenly saw Xiang Tianxing walking out of the deep prison with his wife Mu Yan.

"Ning Zhiyuan! If you want to die, I can fulfill you right now."

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Tianxing raised his hand and hit Ning Zhiyuan.

"don't want!!"

Jin Yi's eyes were about to burst, but the sound was not made by her, but by Mu Yan who tried his best to hinder Xiang Tianxing, so that his palm wind never hit Ning Zhiyuan, but passed by the barrier around the statue.


The statue suddenly cracked, Xiang Tianxing trembled all over, threw away Mu Yan and widened his eyes, "You!!"

Ning Zhiyuan's eyes were red, and he smiled wryly, "Master, you are also afraid sometimes."

Xiang Tianxing clenched his fist, it was useless for Ning Zhiyuan to threaten him with Xiang Daoguang, but the blue bird statue behind him at this moment was the center of all the big formations in the prison below.

If it is damaged, all the invisible things in the prison will come out.

And Ning Zhiyuan has always been obedient and cowardly, and he still has a clue, so after more than ten years, Xiang Tianxing still trusts him, allowing him to freely enter and leave the prison in the inner courtyard.

At this moment, Ning Zhiyuan clearly wanted to connect the defensive barrier around him to the statue of the blue bird. If he attacked him, the power would be transferred to the statue of the blue bird.

Throwing the mouse to Tianxing, he dared not take it lightly.

"What the hell are you trying to do!" Xiang Tianxing glared and roared.

Ning Zhiyuan smiled sadly, "I just want justice, but why is it so difficult?"

Mu Yan got up from the ground, crying and begging: "Zhiyuan, can you let go of the light, he is innocent, he likes you so much, you can't hurt him, I will give you whatever justice you want, I can't give it to you , can't I go to Mu's house to seek justice for you?"

Ning Zhiyuan shook his head, the dragon scales stabbed out one by one on the back of his hand holding the poison dagger, he tried his best to endure.

"Please? Do I need to ask for the Danfang I have studied, to get back the treatment I deserve, and to gain the fame and respect that I deserve?"

Ning Zhiyuan trembled, staring at Xiang Tianxing.

"I don't need the prescriptions and medical spells I have studied for you these years, and I don't need the things you took from me, but I just want to leave this hell on earth and go to Xuanhuyuan to live a clean life , why do you want to shatter all my three years of hard work and my life's expectations with a single word!"

Xiang Tianxing sneered and mocked, "How can Xuanhuyuan compare with Biyang Water Palace? I did it for your own good. I can't see you degrading yourself!"

"For my own good? Take my blood marrow, take my spine, and test my medicine, are they all for my own good?" Ning Zhiyuan snarled.

When Jin Yizang heard this from a distance, he covered his mouth violently, and burst into tears instantly.

She didn't know that brother suffered from the pain of taking marrow and bone all these years. She thought it was just trying some simple medicines, at most he would suffer from vomiting and diarrhea.

Ning Zhiyuan looked up to the sky and took a deep breath, "Okay, I don't have to worry about these things with you, but I never thought that there is really no place in this world that can give me justice. Xuanhuyuan drove me away because of your words. Come out, never hired. I went to find Mr. Jiuli, but I couldn't even see him."

"I went to the Immortal League to report your evil deeds, but I was questioned by all kinds of difficulties, and even poured dirty water on me, saying that I was plotting wrongdoing! I went to the Jagged League again, huh~ The Jagged League claims to supervise the world and wipe out all injustices in the world. It turned out that it was just a dog leg of the Xianmeng, you only need a word, instead of investigating what I said, in the end, I was arrested and sent to prison."

Xiang Tianxing snorted coldly, "I haven't revealed your secrets, punishing you as a spy of the Dragon Clan is already lenient, don't you be flattered! If you let go of your light and come out by yourself now, I can keep you Don't blame me for my life, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Kill me?" Ning Zhiyuan sneered, "You've already killed me thousands of times, and now you've thrown me into the endless hell. I have nothing to fear!"

As soon as the words fell, a dragon shadow suddenly rushed out of Ning Zhiyuan's body, and he knelt down in pain, but he still tried his best to hold the little boy in his arms tightly to prevent his head from hitting the blue bricks on the ground.

The dragon scales on the arm cut back and forth, gradually turned into dragon claws, but Ning Zhiyuan still gritted his teeth, supported the boy's head, and carefully placed him on the ground.

Seeing this scene, both Mu Yan and Jin Yi in the distance opened their eyes in shock, only Xiang Tianxing smiled triumphantly.

At this time, the little boy who was lying on the ground woke up faintly, saw Ning Zhiyuan in front of him clearly, and smiled pleasantly: "Brother Zhiyuan, why haven't you come to see me for a long time, I miss you so much."

The little boy put his arms around Ning Zhiyuan's neck and hugged him, Ning Zhiyuan trembled all over, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

The little boy let go of him, and wiped his tears with his sleeve, "Brother Zhiyuan, why are you crying? Is someone bullying you? I'll tell my mother to help Brother Zhiyuan beat the bad guys."

Ning Zhiyuan shook his head, "Brother is just...tired, Guang'er closes his eyes, and brother will send you to your mother."

"No! Mother only scolds me, I want to listen to brother Zhiyuan's story." The boy hugged Ning Zhiyuan's neck tightly.

Mu Yan covered her mouth and wept bitterly, Xiang Tianxing was still smiling complacently, that smile deeply hurt Ning Zhiyuan.

Originally, he still had a chance to transform into a real person with dragon blood, but Xiang Tianxing has been lying to him, secretly changing his medicine, now he has no chance to be a human being, even transforming into a dragon is no longer possible, He can only exist as a half-human half-dragon forever, and will always be a blind medicine for Xiang Tianxing to make alchemy, a prisoner of the medicine.

It is said that justice is at ease in people's hearts, but people's hearts are too vicious!
A determination appeared in Ning Zhiyuan's eyes, he suddenly hit the child in his arms unconscious, and sent him out of the barrier with a palm.


Mu Yan rushed forward and took the little boy into her arms, holding him tightly.


Jin Yi couldn't hold back anymore and rushed out from the corner, she saw the despair in Ning Zhiyuan's eyes, she couldn't just watch Ning Zhiyuan give up, she still wanted to take him to roam the world.

Hearing Jin Yi's voice, Ning Zhi Yuan turned his head, with tears in his eyes, "Ah Yi, I'm sorry..."

Let's go, don't let me be your burden, it is enough for Xiang Tianxing and the whole Xingyuan to be buried with me!

"don't want!!!"

The blood mist exploded, and the powerful force instantly shattered the entire statue of the blue bird.

The ground shook, the bricks and rocks shattered, and the ground in the inner courtyard caved in.

Jin Yi was hit by a tyrannical force, and he vomited blood and flew backwards. At the same time, two meows came from his ears.

One pressed against her back to dissipate the power of self-explosion, and the other passed over her shoulder and went straight to the center of the explosion.

At the entrance of the prison in the distance, there are two figures rushing towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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