Chapter 168
The power of Jin Dan's self-explosion razed the entire inner courtyard to the ground, and the guards brought by Mu Yan outside screamed and fell to the ground.

Mu Yan tightly protected the child in her arms, her back was bruised and her body was seriously injured, but Xiang Tianxing was beside her, and she only cared about using her magic weapon to resist the power of self-destruction.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Xiang Tianxing looked nervously at the huge black hole on the ground of the inner courtyard. There were low and terrifying moans coming from inside, rustling, from far to near.

Xiang Tianxing backed away in panic, no one knew better than him what was inside, even he couldn't deal with it for a while, so he had to quickly activate the separate protective formation of Xingyuan.

Not far away, Jin sat pale and slumped on the ground, and the cat beside him changed into Cheng Kan's appearance, staring at the center of the explosion with her.

In the blood mist, another cat turned into Luo Yi and walked out slowly, facing Jin Yi's expectant eyes and shaking his head.

After all, they came one step too late. In the dark, everything is predetermined.


Jin Yi covered his face and wept bitterly. The cold wind in the winter night was blowing and snowflakes fell on her shoulders. Behind her, the Guqin made a faint clanging sound, but Jin Yi couldn't hear it because he was crying too loudly.

"Tiger, why are you here?"

Cheng Kan suddenly saw the tiger running out of the prison with Mo Li and Yu Chengfeng, and asked in surprise, Mo Li was holding a little panda in his arms, and he brought the whole family with him.

The tiger raised his hand and pointed, and said naively: "He was tied up to test the medicine."

Hearing this, Cheng Kan looked at Xiang Tianxing who was about to run away, shook his sleeves and said angrily, "You bastard dared to touch my tiger, you want to die!!"

Cheng Kan dodges in front of Xiang Tianxing, Lianxu against Nascent Soul, doesn't even use magic power, runs up, kicks Xiang Tianxing like a shrimp and smashes it into the ruins far away, spraying Spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xiang Tianxing struggled to get up, and wanted to open the protective formation. Compared with death, the secret of Xingyuan leaked out was more terrifying.

Seeing this, Luo Yi waved his hand, and the surrounding trees and flowers grew wildly, emitting a strong green light, instantly sealing off the surrounding area, and even the Xiang's guards outside had nowhere to escape.

"It's broken, it's broken, if all the things below get out, we'll all die."

Standing by the hole, Yu Chengfeng felt the restless atmosphere below, and pulled Mo Li back to the tiger side, feeling that the big tiger monster could bring him a sense of security.

At this time, a strange man with a stiff armor and eight arms stitched on his body turned over on the edge of the hole, roaring towards the surroundings like a bloodthirsty beast.

Yu Chengfeng protected Li Li, and poked the Tiger's back, "Hurry up!"

Tiger: ...

Before the tiger could make a move, Luo Yi rolled up a large bamboo leaf with a sullen face, engulfing the eight-handed monster in an instant and smashed it to pieces.

But more eight-handed monsters poured out from the hole, giant human-headed spiders, humanoid centipedes of different sizes, and all kinds of hideous and terrifying half-demons and half-humans.

Luo Yi has lived for thousands of years, and has never seen such a horrible scene. She can't help but recall that if she stayed in Xingyuan for a while, would she be like Ning Zhiyuan and eventually be turned into this kind of girl? Scary look?

At this time, a thick green poisonous mist spewed out from the hole, and the giant jumped up and crashed to the ground.

The earth and rocks cracked, and the frogs croaked.

When they turned around, they saw green poisonous mist in front of the group of Xiangshi's guards. Among them was a giant toad with human heads on its back and spraying poisonous mist from its mouth.


The scene was chaotic at once, Xiang's guard was entangled in the poisonous mist, as if falling into boiling water in an instant, dense green pustules swelled up on his body, soaked with venom, and exploded without waiting for the people around him to do anything.

The venom splashed on others, the toxicity spread, and more and more people began to explode with pustules.

The toad has a long tongue like a dragon, and it picks up a fleeing guard of Xiang's and pulls it back into its mouth, chewing and devouring it.

In a short while, Xiang's dozens of guards, none of them escaped.

Luo Yi manipulated the bamboo leaves all over the sky to temporarily block those monsters around the hole, but more and more monsters poured out from the ground, so he had to find a way quickly.

Such a scene was creepy, Cheng Kan grabbed Xiang Tianxing's hair and stepped on his back, trembling in shock.

"You are actually tossing such inhumane things in the Holy Land of Medicine, it's simply..."

Cheng Kan couldn't even find an adjective, his eyes showed murderous intent, and he was about to wring Xiang Tianxing's head off immediately.


Gong Ya's voice suddenly came from outside the barrier, and Luo Yi waved his hand to open a gap to let her in.

Gong Ya glanced at Yu Chengfeng, who was puzzled.

It's hard to explain at this time, Gong Ya can only release the puppet clone, and Lin Suying's body walks out from inside.


Yu Chengfeng burst into tears instantly, and threw himself down in front of Lin Suying. Just as he was about to hug his master's leg and tell his misery during this time, Lin Suying raised his hand and slapped him on the head.

"Let you watch the shop in Jiugong City, why are you running around!"

Yu Chengfeng was taken aback by the beating, and he couldn't react. Wasn't it Zhao Zhen who asked him to see the shop?
"Master, where is my apprentice?" Yu Chengfeng remembered to ask himself about his apprentice.

"Dead!" Lin Suying replied angrily.

Of course, Yu Chengfeng would not believe Lin Suying's angry words. Mo Li was also excited when he heard Lin Suying's voice, but he didn't step forward to disturb her.

Because the most urgent thing is to deal with the matter at hand.

Luo Yi continued to resist more and more monsters pouring out from the ground, Gong Ya, Yu Chengfeng and Tiger led Jin Yi, Mo Li, and the unconscious Mu Yan and her son back out.

Seeing that Luo Yi was going to use a bigger move to wipe out the monsters, Lin Suying hurried forward to stop him.

"Don't kill yet."

Lin Suying walked quickly to Cheng Kan and took out a triangular jade talisman, "Take out Xiang Tianxing's soul and seal it in this jade talisman, it will be useful to me, be careful that there are restrictions in his sea of ​​consciousness."

Cheng Kan nodded without asking any further questions, and immediately began to withdraw his soul.

"No, can you treat me like this, Mr. Jiuli will not let you go." Xiang Tianxing finally knew the fear at this moment and begged for mercy loudly.

"Just drawing the soul is enough for you!"


Cheng Kan abruptly pulled out Xiang Tianxing's soul bit by bit, during which time he saw a ban intended to destroy his soul erupt, but Cheng Kan was already prepared, and three paintbrushes flew up from his waist, breaking the ban in the blink of an eye.

"That's it?"

Cheng Kan laughed mockingly. Although she is a painter, she also knows the way of restraint. Who wouldn't hide a hand of cards these days?

After drawing Xiang Tianxing's soul here, Lin Suying put away his body together with the jade talisman, so fast that Cheng Kan didn't even have time to take off the storage ring on Xiang Tianxing's hand, feeling that Lin Suying did it on purpose.

But seeing Lin Suying's very serious look at the moment, Cheng Kan felt that he was being cautious again.

"You take the others to withdraw first, don't go back to Sanhuai Hall, go to the teleportation array in Fucheng and wait for me."

Luo Yi frowned, "What are you going to do?"

Everyone looked at Lin Suying, only to see Lin Suying walked up to the distraught Jin Yi, turned his hand and took out a fiery paper figurine and handed it over.

"The justice that Ning Zhiyuan wanted to seek before his death was never obtained, and he did not hesitate to blow himself up to reveal the hidden darkness in Biyang Water Palace. I think you don't want him to sacrifice for nothing, do you?"

Jin Yi's pupils trembled, and the details of getting along with Ning Zhiyuan these years flashed before his eyes. He is such a gentle and polite person, even if he is an irrelevant stranger, he is willing to lend a helping hand.

That's why he took the medical way, wanting to help the world and save people, and want to become a famous medical master all over the world.

"Ah Yi, when we get to Xuanhuyuan, we will rent a large courtyard with two entrances. You live in the inner courtyard and I live in the outer courtyard. You can practice with peace of mind, and I will practice medicine to make money. After you form an alchemy, let's go out for a tour, okay? "

Jin Yi closed her eyes in pain, and burst into tears. Why on earth is her elder brother, who has never been evil to others, forced to this point today?
Jin Yi opened her eyes, only filled with hatred, she snatched the paper figurine Lin Suying handed over, injected spiritual energy without hesitation, and smashed the paper figurine towards this desperate place.

The paper figurine exploded in the air, and sparks rained down in all directions, burning everything in its path.

"Come out, Chongshan, tonight, let's make a fuss about this Biyang Water Palace!"

Roar! ! !
The red devil flies into the sky, and its devilish energy is rampant.

Lin Suying waved and threw white paper figurines all over the sky, like paper money for a funeral, in the wind, snow and fire, they turned into one after another ferocious demons, standing in the sky above the apricot courtyard.

Jin Yi hugged the guqin tightly, weeping and said: "Brother, the justice you want, Jin Yi will get it back for you sooner or later, it would be nice to be my brother in the next life."


The strings vibrated, the barrier collapsed, and the heinous crimes imprisoned here rushed out towards the holy place of Biyang Water Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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