I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 169 The person is dead, but the soul is here

Chapter 169 The person is dead, but the soul is here

Luo Yi Cheng Kan led the crowd away, and Lin Suying's body returned to the puppet, led by Gong Ya's avatar, and directed Chong Shan to push out from the apricot courtyard.

It was late at night, and most of the students from Biyang Water Palace were in the dormitory. Chongshan took the false demons turned into paper figurines and burned all the unmanned buildings all the way, and entered other parts of the Water Palace first.

The Xingyuan side was earth-shattering. When the students came out and saw the flames all over the sky and the terrifying demons, they were all frightened out of their wits and sat on the ground paralyzed.

The matter of Tiandaozong caused a lot of trouble, but the students who were far away in the comfortable nest of Xuanyuan Water Realm never believed that the demons could kill here, and even made fun of it.

But tonight, the demons are right in front of them, inside the Biyang Water Palace that they think is like a copper wall!

In an instant, the belief collapsed, and the sense of security was shattered to pieces, which made everyone panic and overwhelmed.


The thunderstorm shook the sky, and the Great Formation of Biyang Water Palace noticed the raging demons, and the entire sky was covered with lightning and thunder.

The superintendents, seniors, and head of the house panicked and led the students to flee, but encountered the monsters in the apricot courtyard on the way.

Gong Ya took the puppet clone, and indifferently glanced at the bloody people below.

Mr. Guishou from the chess academy, Liu Chuanyu from the academy, and Bai Caimo, the supervisor of the painting academy, are fairly upright, and they are all protecting the students to evacuate at the moment.

The students of Shuigong are innocent, and the disciples of Tiandaozong are equally innocent.

The old thief of Jiuli gave her the truth that self-inflicted evil cannot live, and she will teach it back to Biyang Water Palace today!

Fireworks unique to the Jagged Alliance exploded in the sky. After tonight, the fall of Biyang Water Palace was inevitable.

But the Jiuli old thief still needs her to add a handful of firewood, and told him to come back quickly to see that his house is gone.

"Chongshan, let's go."

Minjiang Dragon King birthday banquet.

Half an hour ago, Ao Cang had launched an attack on Jiuli.

The reason for the attack was what Yu Chengfeng said, and Ao Cang had communicated with Minjiang Dragon King and Lijiang Dragon King in advance, but the two Dragon Kings didn't quite believe what Ao Cang said, and they didn't dare to tear themselves apart with the human race easily.

This made Ao Cang confront Jiuli at the birthday banquet.

The Minjiang Dragon King sitting on the main seat at the moment is a golden Yinglong. As the eldest of the Sanjiang Dragon Kings, he has lived for tens of thousands of years. early days.

Before Ao Cang awakened the Qinglong bloodline, Minjiang Dragon King was the dragon with the highest bloodline in Xuanyuan Water Realm, followed by Yunlong King of Lijiang River.

Ao Xian, the Dragon King of Minjiang, is old and frail, and when he transformed into an adult, he was potbellied like a rich man in the world.

Aoxi, the dragon king of the Lijiang River, is the young dragon who succeeded his father 2000 years ago, transformed into a gentle young man holding a folding fan.

Although Aoxi is only cultivated in the late stage of transformation, his father, like Ao Xian, is a perfect fit. He has been in seclusion for many years. The fifth time he hits the Mahayana stage, once he succeeds, the three rivers and even the entire Xuanyuan water environment may change.

Among the Dragon Kings of the Three Rivers, only the Dragon King of Wujiang has the worst bloodline. He is just a small horned dragon, but he doesn't want to be aggressive and indulges his cubs, so he is ranked third on the list of romantics, and his cultivation is only in the early stage of fusion.

Previously, there was a conflict with Jiuli because of Ao Cang. The Dragon King of Wujiang had a bad temper and attacked first. He was injured by the Sanguang Shenshui brought by Jiuli, but he was killed by Ao Cang before he could heal.

Minjiang, Lijiang, and even the dragons of the four seas don't care what Ao Cang did to the human race. As long as they don't get burned, they turn a blind eye, so they don't have a big opinion on Ao Cang's succession as Wujiang Dragon King.

Faced with Ao Cang's questioning, Mr. Jiuli was as steady as Mount Tai, took a sip from the wine cup, then stroked his beard and smiled, "Venerable Poison Dragon, why do you come up with such nonsense?"

Mr. Jiuli deliberately called Ao Cang "the Venerable Poison Dragon" to remind Ao Xian and Ao Xi that Ao Cang is the number one general under Yun Zhiyi, ruthless and bloodthirsty, he can kill his own father today As the Dragon King of Wujiang River, he can also kill Ao Xian and Ao Xi in the future and become the Dragon King of Sanjiang River.

And their Xianmeng would never admit that Ao Cang became the Dragon King of Wujiang.

But Ao Xian looked drunk and couldn't understand, Ao Xi waved a fan and took the hand of a clam spirit, teasing and stroking.

Although the four tortoise prime ministers of the Dragon King of the Four Seas below were listening, they kept their eyes on their noses, their noses on their hearts, and kept silent and only watched the development of the situation.

The others were blocked by Ao Xiantong in the outer hall, they could only see the people on this side through the barrier, they could not hear any sound, they continued to listen to music and chat.

Ao Cang's face was as heavy as water, and he sat with a big horse with a golden sword. This kind of verbal dispute made him extremely anxious. He wished he could raise his sword and fight Jiuli for a hundred rounds now.

But unfortunately, without the help of Ao Xian and Ao Xi, his current cultivation base can't help Jiuli. In desperation, Ao Cang can only listen to the voice without waves, guiding him to argue with Jiuli.

"You said that this king is nonsense, so how can you prove that you never poisoned?"

Jiu Li paused his beard stroking hand, suddenly frowned and felt bad, Ao Cang had no evidence to prove that he had poisoned him, so he could just deny it.

But Ao Cang actually changed the angle and asked him to prove that he didn't poison, how could he prove it?But if you don't want to prove it, you will definitely be regarded as guilty.

Ao Cang narrowed his eyes, "Can't you prove it? Then you are poisoned!"

"Venerable Poison Dragon, don't mess around, this is the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet, not a place for you to run wild." Jiu Li said in a deep voice.

Ao Cang sneered, "Okay, I don't want to mess around, I just want to ask you one thing, what is buried under the apricot courtyard of your Biyang Water Palace?"

Jiuli's hands in his sleeves trembled, how did Ao Cang know about this?
Without waiting for Jiuli to reply, Ao Cang pressed on step by step, "Come here, pass on this king's decree, please come to the Tianxing Prison Court to explain this to the Apricot Courtyard of Biyang Water Palace!"

Jiuli jumped up against the case, "Dare you! Biyang Sanren made an alliance with Sanjiang back then, no swords and soldiers will be used in the water palace, and the dragon clan will not be allowed to set foot in it. This is an act to maintain the peace of the Xuanyuan water environment. Open the area where the three rivers meet, so that the three rivers will not cause wars for the territory. If you dare to let the dragons step into the water palace today, you will tear up the covenant and make enemies with the human race!"

Ao Cang dismissed it, "It's such a big hat, the covenant? Who made it? Who are you looking for! Where is the dragon guard? Let me arrest people!"


Jiuli's mana was surging, and he was ready to go. At this moment, a crisp voice came from behind Minjiang Dragon King Ao Xian.

"There is no need to go, the person is dead, and the soul is here."

Hearing the sound, everyone looked over there one after another, and saw the charming dragon girl Aozhi in a white palace dress holding a jade talisman and coming around the screen.

She walked towards Ao Cang unhurriedly, with a bit of cowardice and pitifulness in her eyes, but also a bit of sadness.

"Second brother, you probably misunderstood me that day, today Aozhi will use this thing to apologize to second brother, hope that second brother will forgive me and spare Aozhi."

Ao Zhi bowed deeply, and handed the jade talisman that sealed Xiang Tianxing's soul to Ao Cang with both hands.

The small treasure house of the Wujiang Dragon Palace is still waiting for her to dig out, and she can't hide in the Minjiang Dragon Palace for the rest of her life. She really married Ao Kuo and laid eggs, right?

She, Aozhi, only has Bai Yueguang and Song Tianqi in her heart, she cannot accept other males!
Even if Sijiu looked at it, so what, after these few contacts, she felt that Sijiu didn't seem to have any malice towards her, so she just wanted to see, what did Sijiu send Aozhi to her for?
Jiuli appeared and didn't know what was in the soul-sealing talisman in Aozhi's hand, but his eyelids twitched involuntarily at this moment, and an extremely ominous premonition floated in his heart.

Turning his head again, he saw the barrier in the outer hall, and the attendants he brought were eagerly patting the barrier, trying to tell him something urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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