Chapter 170
"Give the jade talisman to Aoxi, and ask him to show it with the method of the Yunlong family swallowing souls and turning them into mirages."

The voice of Sijiu rang in my ears. Although Ao Cang didn't know why he didn't search directly, but wanted to make such trouble, but for the sake of his superior plan, he patiently took away the jade talisman in Aozhi's hand, and looked at the fan Aoxi.

Jiuli's fingers moved slightly, calculating the omen of imminent disaster, his heart tightened immediately, and he waved his hand to forcibly open the barrier of Minjiang Dragon King Ao Xian.

The impatient sound transmission of the attendant immediately rang in Jiuli Consciousness Sea.

"The demons have reached Biyang Water Palace!"

Jiuli was shocked and his pupils constricted. After being shocked, he felt that it was impossible. Fang Shouzhen sacrificed all his cultivation to set up the enchantment of Tiandaozong. .

What's more, the Tianque Realm and the Xuanyuan Water Realm are still separated by the Biluohai, how could they reach the Biyang Water Palace so quickly?Old Daoist Yuan Yi was still guarding near Tiandaozong, and he hadn't heard a single word of it. There must be fraud, maybe it was Ao Cang's conspiracy again. Thinking of this, Jiuli forcibly calmed down.

"From the beginning!"

The entourage quickly ran to Jiuli's side, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and told the whole story.

On the other side, Ao Cang forcefully handed the jade talisman to Ao Xi, "Swallow it yourself, or I'll swallow it by choking your neck!"

Aoxi fanned, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

But Ao Cang's killing god's blood was overwhelming him, and Ao Xi had no choice but to close his fan, push the clam girl away, opened his mouth, sucked the jade talisman into his mouth, and swallowed it.

As a result, just after the jade talisman entered his stomach, Aoxi's stomach suddenly vibrated and swelled, as if something exploded in it, making his throat sweet, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth immediately.

"You fuck me!"

Aoxi raised her head angrily and glared at Ao Cang, but Ao Cang turned to Ao Zhi with a murderous look.

Ao Zhi looked terrified and innocent, and shook her head back with tears in her eyes, "Second brother, you have to believe me, I really don't know that Xiang Tianxing's soul has been tampered with, but isn't this just proof that the old thief in Jiuli has a ghost in his heart?" ?"

This is not pretending, she really didn't know that there was another layer of restriction, Cheng Kan only broke the obvious layer, maybe even Xiang Tianxing didn't know that there was another layer inside.

Once I directly searched for the soul just now, I am afraid that even the soul of the soul searcher would be blown up.

Fortunately, the Yunlong clan in the Lijiang River has a secret method, which can be restrained.

Aoxi was about to ask the teacher for his crimes, but when he saw Xiang Tianxing's scattered memory fragments, he was shocked, and the clam girl next to him was distressed and wanted to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth for him, but he pushed them away and stood up.

Ao Xi looked at Ao Xian who was in the main seat, Ao Xian also realized that there was a problem, put down the wine cup and sat up straight, and nodded slightly to Ao Xi.

Aoxi understood, opened her mouth to swallow the cloud, and quickly showed the most important part of Xiang Tianxing's memory in the cloud.

"I heard that the Wujiang Dragon Girls fought over a mortal man. Is there such a thing?"

The one in the picture is Mr. Jiuli. He looks younger than at this moment. Although he can't see his cultivation level, he should not fit well, like when he just took over Biyang Water Palace.

There is still a high-spirited self-confidence and a bit of arrogance between the eyebrows and eyes, which is not as calm and restrained as it is now.

The screen is shot from Xiang Tianxing's perspective, so everyone can only hear Xiang Tianxing's voice.

However, the two were standing by the lake at this time, and Xiang Tianxing's figure could still be seen in the reflection of the lake.

Xiang Tianxing nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, that man is very handsome. It is normal for the dragon girls to be unable to control their spring hearts, and not only the dragon girls, I heard that the old dragon mother has also moved her mind."

"Oh? Your news is so well-informed?"

"That's natural. I changed the formula and added a few new medicines. Naturally, I need to deploy some people in Sanjiang to see how it works. No, the effect is very fast."

"Very good. This is the grand plan for the human race made by the patriarch Biyang Sanren back then. Outsiders may not understand our painstaking efforts. Remember not to leak the secret."

"Don't worry, sir, since I took over this matter, I naturally know the priorities, and my method, sir, also knows, and I will never let Sanjiang discover any clues."

Mr. Jiuli nodded, turned around and looked at the great river in the distance, stroked his beard and said, "Spring is here, it's a good time for outings, wouldn't it be nice to gather good-looking students from all schools in the water environment to go for an outing in the Sanjiang River Basin .”

The scene in the cloud and mist suddenly dissipated here, and Aoxi pressed his abdomen. He was seriously injured just now and could only release these for the time being, but these are enough to prove many things.

In order to let his entourage in, Mr. Jiuli forcibly opened the barrier, so that everything just now was seen and heard by people outside.

Among them are not only the attendants of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, but also the envoys of Luofu Sword Sect and Mount Sumeru, as well as the elders of various sects in the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

There was a dead silence throughout the birthday banquet, and everyone's eyes penetrated the gradually dissipating clouds and fell on Mr. Jiuli.

Mr. Jiuli took half a step back subconsciously, feeling a boiling murderous aura brewing around him, ready to erupt at any moment.

Ao Xian, Dragon King of Minjiang, crushed the wine cup in his palm, and Ao Xi also wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, subconsciously blocking Jiuli's retreat.

On the opposite side, Ao Cang drank the wine in the wine cup in one gulp, picked up a big knife and smashed the wine cup to the ground, shouting angrily.

"Covenant? It's a big joke!"

In the scene just now, Jiuli said that the big plan against the dragon clan was made by Biyang Sanren, that is, since 10 years, the human race began to poison the dragon clan.

The corners of Ao Xian's eyes twitched. At this moment, he recalled the comparison between the prosperity of the dragon clan 10 years ago and the depression at this time.

At that time, there were not many dragon sons and daughters, but their blood was pure, and there were countless outstanding ones, and there were also endless dragon transformers from the Jiao clan below.

But now, there are many dragon sons and daughters, but most of them cannot inherit the dragon blood of their ancestors, and there are no more dragon-turning dragons in the Jiao clan, and the number of Shui clan is more than half less than before.

In the past, Ao Xian only thought that the prosperity must decline, and the decline must win. This is the reincarnation of heaven, so he bowed down to others and kept the so-called covenant not to fight with the human race.

Who would have thought that all this started from Biyang Sanren, it was a huge conspiracy.

In addition to poisoning, how dare they plant spies in the territory of their Sanjiang Dragon Clan?Peeping at the secrets of their dragon clan is simply lawless and unforgivable!

"Jiuli old thief, bullying the dragon too much!"

Ao Xian shot up against the table, and the dragon's power raged against the sea, and the river above the Dragon Palace suddenly rolled like a hurricane, with the terrifying pressure of a perfect fit, it overwhelmed the river and overwhelmed the sea!

"The human race broke the covenant first. From now on, the Sanjiang Dragon Clan and your Biyang Water Palace will never die!!"

Ao Xian roared and the birthday banquet fell into chaos. Seeing this, the human monks all fled in panic. Ao Zhi was also pulled away by Ao Kuo who rushed over suddenly, and fled to a safe place.

Ao Xian ignored them, but together with Ao Cang and Ao Xi, surrounded Jiuli with coercion.

Under this coercion, the entourage of Mr. Jiuli in the alchemy period broke his muscles and bones instantly, and was crushed into a lump of meat and fell to Jiuli's feet.

Jiuli clenched his fists tightly and was fully on guard. In front of the evidence at this moment, he could no longer explain it.

The only hope is to escape from the Minjiang Dragon Palace and return to Biyang Water Palace to contract the immortal weapon.

Immortal artifacts can easily collect water from all over the world, subverting the dragon palace aquarium, so why not be afraid of mere three rivers!
If it weren't for the immortal weapon's refusal to surrender, the Sanjiang dragon clan would have been wiped out long ago!How can you allow other people to snore on the side of the collapsed sleeper? The former masters of Biyang Water Palace were all too merciful.

Now under the crisis of life and death, no immortal weapon dares not to follow!
With a certain idea, Jiuli preemptively strikes, the heaven and earth chessboard suddenly appears at the feet of the three dragons, and the black and white chess pieces instantly turn into Taoist soldiers, shouting and killing the three dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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