Chapter 171
In Biyang Water Palace, monsters and demons are raging, and wars are raging.

Jiuli described it as a mess, half of his sleeves were empty, and his blood flowed like rain. When he escaped desperately and came back, he saw that the Biyang Water Palace was engulfed in flames, and there were poisonous miasmas everywhere. raging.

Jiuli was furious, and the three corpses jumped like hell, almost falling from mid-air.

He pressed his chest and swallowed another elixir, and looked again, except for the corpses of the demon and a few students, basically all the people in Biyang Water Palace had evacuated.

The formation of the Biyang Water Palace was intact, trapping all the demons and monsters on the Biyang Lake, and never spread outward.

Moreover, those monsters are simply paper figurines, not real monsters.

Lin Suying!
Gritting his teeth, Jiu Li didn't need to think, the figure that made him burst into anger appeared in front of his eyes.

Regardless of whether she has become Yun Zhiyi or is still Lin Suying, she is the only one who can destroy his Biyang Water Palace like this!
Ow! !

The sound of the dragon chant was loud, and suddenly there was a thunderous impact sound above his head. When Jiuli looked up, he saw three blue, yellow and white giant dragons in the dark night clouds and mist, smashing into the barrier on Biyang Lake like a river and sea.

Shocking jets of water shot up from all parts of Biyang Lake, turned into sharp and huge water spears, and attacked the three dragons.

The strong wind was blowing back and there were many shadows. Jiuli saw that the Sanjiang Aquarium gathered tens of thousands of aquarium soldiers, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, they had surrounded the entire Biyang Lake.

Today, the Dragon King of Sanjiang is determined to overthrow Biyang Water Palace.

The big formation was still able to support, Jiuli didn't dare to delay, rushed into the big lotus formation in the center of Biyang Lake, and came to the door of the secret storehouse.

After taking a breath, he closed the door of the secret storehouse and shouted: "The dragon clan has rebelled, and the army has already reached Biyang Lake. Jiuli asks the immortals to help."

The narcissus device has been enshrined in the secret storehouse of the Water Palace since the generation of Biyang Sanren. Although she sometimes loses her temper and is unwilling to make a contract, she has an agreement with Biyang Sanren. , has always been the case.

Jiuli listened attentively after shouting, but it was quiet inside the secret vault, without the slightest sound.

At this time, Jiuli realized belatedly that when he came in, the large formation around the secret vault seemed to be gone.

Jiuli's heart trembled, and he raised his hand to push the door, and the door that had been closed was pushed open so lightly by him.

After seeing the situation inside clearly, Jiu Li was frightened out of his wits, and rushed into it in two or three steps, and saw that the entire secret storehouse had been emptied even the shelves, leaving nothing but emptiness.

Mr. Jiuli rubbed his eyes and looked intently many times. He went to every part of the secret vault, and there was really not a single hair left. He even took away the oriental beads used for lighting on the top.

At this moment, Jiu Li felt dizzy and dizzy. He staggered a step and wanted to reach out to help but it was in vain.

who is it?

Did Lin Suying quietly evacuate his secret storehouse without even a trace of the fairy artifact?This is impossible, how can she be the opponent of the fairy weapon, even he can't fight against the arrogant fairy spirit who refuses to recognize the master.

Immortal Artifact is his only means to deal with the catastrophe at this moment. Hearing the shaking outside and thinking of the tens of thousands of Aquarium army, Mr. Jiuli was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"I'm so angry that I vomit blood, it's interesting."


Hearing a female voice, Jiuli yelled angrily and turned around, and saw a woman in silver armor sitting on the beam of the secret storehouse, holding a photo jade charm in her hand, with one leg dangling in the air, looking at it with great interest. with him.

Jiuli's pupils vibrated, he hadn't noticed that there was still someone inside, no, it was Ling.

Gu Yixin was very satisfied with Jiuli's terrified expression, and it was worthwhile for her to stay here on purpose instead of watching the excitement at Xingyuan.

"Do you want to know what happened here?" Gu Yixin asked with a smile.

Jiuli frowned, and before he could say anything, Gu Yixin urged him to take a photo of the jade talisman.

"Master, please accept Piao Piao's bow!"

"Yes, it's just Sanguang Shenshui, as much as you need to take a bath."

The two pictures disappeared in a flash, and there were only fairies fluttering inside, and no one else could be seen.

But just these two pictures, talking to Xian Ling Piao Piao, made Jiu Li gnash his teeth, furious.

He bowed to Xian Ling Piao Piao like a slave to curry favor, but when he turned around, she knelt down and licked her face in front of others so easily and called her master.

And the Sanguang Shenshui, every time he has to find all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth to give Xianling Piaopiao, so that he can replace it with three or five drops when she is in a good mood.

And what did Xian Ling Piao Piao say at this moment?Is it enough to give that person a bath?

Such a huge gap, how could Jiuli bear it? He had spent a hundred years of painstaking efforts, but he had never done it. This person made Xianling Piaopiao recognize his master and ransacked his secret storehouse without any effort at all.

Even if the Buddha saw it, he would get angry!
"Who is it?!" Jiu Li clenched his teeth, the blood in his chest was rolling, his eyes were boiling with murderous aura, and even the inner demon was about to riot.

Gu Yixin smiled, "Guess?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yixin turned into a ball of spiritual light and disappeared. Jiu Li couldn't even catch the trace, and immediately spurted out another mouthful of blood, staggering and falling to the ground.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, the ground shook, the bottom of the lake cracked, and the secret storehouse was crushed by a huge force, and the surging lake water poured in and swallowed it all up in an instant.

The formation of Biyang Water Palace is broken!


The teleportation tower of Yunmeng Mansion was overcrowded, and when the Sanjiang Shui Clan army came under pressure, everyone knew that something big was going to happen, and they all fled out in panic.

So much so that the people guarding the teleportation array didn't even have time to check their identity tokens, and they were pushed away by the monks who were eager to save their lives.

Lin Suying and the others took advantage of the chaos to teleport, left Yunmeng Mansion early, and arrived at the sparsely populated Heyang City in the north of the Minjiang River Basin.

Cheng Kan has a branch of Sanhuai Hall here, and he often goes here to watch the sea and paint, so that everyone can temporarily settle down.

"Tonight was so exciting."

As soon as he arrived at the branch of Sanhuaitang, Cheng Kan laughed heartily. He felt happy when he saw the Sanjiang Dragon King leading tens of thousands of aquarium soldiers into the Biyang Water Palace before leaving!

Luo Yi checked all the formations and made sure all the protections were safe, and then he returned to the courtyard and said, "The interior of the Biyang Water Palace has long been rotten, so it's better to break it down and then set it up."

Lin Suying's body came out of the puppet avatar, and then sent the puppet avatar and Gong Ya avatar together to Cauldron Cave, and glanced at the tiger.

The tiger was originally designed by a stupid tiger, so he didn't participate in the discussion of the crowd, and turned back to the black tiger body on its own, lying on the porch to sleep and recover.

At this time, only Lin Suying, Yu Chengfeng, Mo Li, Cheng Kan, Luo Yi, and Jin Yi were left in the courtyard.

Mo Li was still holding the little panda in his arms, Lin Suying squinted her eyes for a while, and the little panda leaned obediently in Li Li's arms, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

At this time, Gu Yixin walked out out of thin air, snatched the little panda from Li Li's arms, held it in his arms and rubbed it twice.

"I've only seen iron-eating beasts in Baiman Sandi before, but I didn't expect to see one here. Let me play for a while."

Li Li felt that his arms were empty, and said anxiously: "It's not a plaything, please return it to me, senior."

The little panda looked up at her expressionlessly in Gu Yi's arms, with four eyes facing each other, Gu Yixin squinted his eyes, and the little panda tilted his head, they all saw something in each other.

At this time, Yu Chengfeng, who had been silent all the way, was hardly like Yu Chengfeng himself, suddenly carried his arms to the ground, gritted his teeth and made a painful and depressed sound.

A puff of black breath overflowed from the right arm he was holding, causing Lin Suying's eyes to freeze. She rushed over to open Yu Chengfeng's obstructing hand, and lifted her sleeve to see a large piece of thorny black hair, which was constantly gliding from his right arm. Piercing out from under the arm, spreading to other places.

"Xiang Tianxing gave you the Demon Transformation Pill?!" Lin Suying asked in a deep voice.

 There are a lot of things today, so I will code tomorrow morning and update tomorrow afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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