I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 172 Your Disciple Is Your Master

Chapter 172 Your Disciple Is Your Master
Yu Chengfeng pressed his demonized arm and was covered in cold sweat, unable to speak, Luo Yi hurried over to check Yu Chengfeng's condition.

But no matter whether Luo Yi injected needles or cast spells, he couldn't suppress the continuous demonization. He could only watch helplessly as Yu Chengfeng's entire arm was covered with black bristles.

"I come."

Lin Suying took the needle in Luo Yi's hand. At this time, there are hundreds of consciousness incarnations in the Wuya Hall, each holding a medical classics in their hands to quickly look up and understand.

Lin Suying closed her eyes and pinched the needle, the needle could be heard in the courtyard, and everyone looked at her without blinking.

Seeing that the demonic bristles had spread to her shoulders and were about to head towards her neck, Lin Suying suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes flickered, and the silver needle in her hand quickly and ruthlessly pierced Yu Chengfeng's neck acupoint.

Accompanied by the aura of all creatures drawn from Jumang Demon God, those black hairs retreated quickly if they encountered a formidable enemy.


Yu Chengfeng groaned in pain, feeling as if his skin was being torn off inch by inch, he could only tilt his head and bite his other arm, trying his best to endure.

Lin Suying's eyes were focused, and with an incomparable imposing manner all over her body, she kept taking the silver needles from Luo Yi, stabbed them firmly in all parts of Yu Chengfeng's body, and forcefully pushed back the demonic aura.

But when it comes to the forearm, the silver needle can only encircle it, but cannot completely eliminate it.

When the acupuncture was over, both Lin Suying and Yu Chengfeng were pale and looked exhausted.

Lin Suying sat down on the ground and gasped for breath. She used more than ten kinds of acupuncture and medical techniques to get rid of the strange breath in her body, plus the spirit of all creatures from Goumang Demon God and Aoki Masami, she couldn't do anything about [Huayao Pill] Danley.

What the hell is this?

"Oh, it hurts so much, give me a drink, or I won't survive."

Yu Chengfeng, who was stunned and didn't shout a moment ago, was lying on the ground now, behaving badly, and wouldn't get up unless he was given a drink.

Lin Suying unhappily found a jar of spiritual wine found from the secret storehouse of Biyang Water Palace, which can quickly replenish the mana of true essence and nourish the meridians and soul.

The wine was stuffed into Yu Chengfeng's arms, he smiled feebly, sat up and drank.

Lin Suying didn't bother to ask Yu Chengfeng what was going on, this demon transformation pill was too overbearing, she had read Xiang Tianxing's memory briefly, and there was no way to dissolve the medicine's power at present.

But she can't just watch Yu Chengfeng turn into an irrational half-monster like Xingyuan.

Turning her head, Lin Suying suddenly noticed that Luo Yi was looking at her with burning eyes, and asked, "When did you learn such superb medical skills?"

Lin Suying smiled weakly, "When did I tell you that I don't know medical skills?"

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Kan rolled his eyes and pulled Luo Yi aside, "Stop talking to her, and put money on your face when you get the chance. I've never seen anyone more shameless than her."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and everyone was tense and on guard.

Cheng Kan hurriedly said: "Don't be nervous. I often teach poor painters in Sanhuai Hall. Someone should have found out that I came back and came to ask for advice. I will come whenever I go."

Luo Yi nodded and told her to be careful.

Over there, Gu Yixin hugged the little panda and didn't know what to communicate with. He yawned and stuffed the little panda back into Li Li's arms.

"Such a big event happened in Biyang Water Palace. Master Wan Jianzun and Zen Master Mingdeng will definitely come to take a look. I have to join in the fun, and Wan Ruyi has been looking for me for a long time. It's inappropriate not to show up again. Let's go first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to stay, Gu Yixin dissipated in place like smoke.

Mo Li was comforting Jin Yi, seeing this, he said: "Master, I will also take Jin Yi to rest for a while, if you have anything to do with the seniors, call me."

Jin Yi nodded to Lin Suying in desperation, and followed Mo Li to rest in the back room with Qin in his arms.

Luo Yi glanced at Yu Chengfeng, knowing that Lin Suying must have a lot to say to him, so he said, "I'm going to find out information, let's talk first."

Everyone was busy with their own affairs, except for the tiger who was sleeping on the porch, only Yu Chengfeng who was lying on the ground and Lin Suying who was sitting on the stone bench under the tree were left in the yard.

"Tell me, how did you get arrested?" Lin Suying asked.

Yu Chengfeng lay down on the ground and explained lightly. He was worried that Zhao Zhen would return to Tiandaozong that day, but neither Zhao Zhen nor Lin Suying was found, and Hua Po died again.

Afterwards, he thought of the passage on the mountain wall that Lin Suying discovered in the back mountain of Tianyou Peak in the early years, and thought that Lin Suying would wait there to escape after Fang Shouzhen died.

As a result, when he got there, he ran into a demonized monk, so he had no choice but to escape.

Afterwards, he met Ren Fenglai, a cultivator of the Jagged Alliance, Mu Tieying's master, who ambush him in the dark, beheaded the demonized cultivator, and saved his life.

But Ren Fenglai did not let him go, saying that the Heavenly Dao Sect was in a catastrophe, and the Jagged Alliance must investigate to the end, so he was taken out of the Heavenly Dao Sect and locked in the prison of the Taiyi Sect.

Later, he was talking nonsense to fight for a chance of life for himself, and then the Jiuli old thief wanted to use him as a witness to prove to the whole cultivation world that the Immortal League was not wrong and that Tiandaozong was guilty, so he was detained in solitary confinement in Wujiang Dragon Palace.

Afterwards, Xiang Tianxing researched [Demon Transformation Pill] and knew that Yu Chengfeng was Lin Suying's apprentice, so he asked the old thief of Jiuli for it, and imprisoned him in Xingyuan dungeon, asking him to help improve the pill.

"...Fortunately, I gave everything to Zhao Zhen, and I don't have any property on me. I swallowed Qixia Pill long ago, and my mother's relics were hidden in Tiandaozong. Otherwise, it would be a big loss if I was caught this time, hehe .”

The cause and effect are like this, Yu Chengfeng said it easily, but only he knows the hardships.

"By the way, where's my apprentice?" Yu Chengfeng suddenly sat up and looked at Lin Suying anxiously.

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows, she originally wanted to use the puppet avatar to turn him into an apprentice, but she recently added two new characters, Gong Ya and Ao Zhi, and she will use Xia Xiangtianxing next.

The accuracy continues to explode, and I really don't want to pretend to be Zhao Zhen and him acting out a master-student relationship.

"Crazy, you should have heard of something, that is, your master, I know Yun Zhiyi's methods, and outsiders regard him as a demon king, Yun Zhiyi, who is chasing and killing him everywhere."

Yu Chengfeng nodded, "I know, what about my apprentice, don't change the subject, is something wrong with my apprentice?"

"Actually, your apprentice died before he was your apprentice, and your later apprentice is actually your master in disguise."

Yu Chengfeng turned his head and asked, "Master, am I drunk, why can't I understand what you say?"

Originally, Lin Suying planned to hide her matter to the end, but she was forced to expose it helplessly in front of the gate of Tiandaozong Mountain, which made her no longer able to hide it.

Moreover, Yu Chengfeng ventured back to Tiandaozong to save Zhao Zhen, and this time, Mo Li was arrested to save the tiger.

In the end, she put them at risk because of her.

Lin Suying didn't want to drag anyone down, and she didn't want anything to happen to anyone because of her.

So after thinking about it, she decided to tell Yu Chengfeng a part about her avatar.

"It's like this, just before Zhao Zhen's third experience last year..."

Lin Suying explained patiently, Yu Chengfeng became more and more confused the more he listened, and finally dropped the wine jar in his hand, spilling the wine all over his body.

After reacting for a long time, Yu Chengfeng suddenly lay down on the ground.

"I don't believe it! You must have lost my apprentice and don't want to find it, so you made up lies and lied to me! If you don't look for it, I will find it myself. If you want to see people die, you must see the corpse. As a master, you can't ignore the apprentice. How could I give up on Zhao Zhen if I didn't give up on me."

"believe it or not!"

Lin Suying stood up and kicked Yu Chengfeng, turned her head and left.

Yu Chengfeng lay in the courtyard and looked at the sky. After watching for a long time, he slowly accepted the fact.

It turned out that he never had an apprentice from the beginning to the end, and it was his master playing tricks on him, but on Tianxing Cliff, how many times did the three of them chat together.

The master also pointed Zhao Zhen in front of him, and even taught Zhao Zhen how to practice swords. It turned out that it was all acting, and the acting was too real, right?As expected of his master!

Yu Chengfeng cried, he really wanted an apprentice.

"Wait, my master likes to pretend to be an apprentice, so maybe the current Li Li is also..."


Yu Chengfeng shuddered. When he saw Cheng Kan coming in from the outside, he couldn't help but think that Cheng Kan was like a thief like her master because he was a dish and loves to play. ! !
Once this idea diverged, Yu Chengfeng only felt that the whole world was his master.

"Mom, it's too scary!"

(End of this chapter)

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