Chapter 173
For the next few days, Lin Suying couldn't get out of seclusion, and she stayed in Wuya Hall with her consciousness incarnation, concentrating on researching the antidote of [Huayao Pill].

Cheng Kan and Luo Yi are always paying attention to the situation of Yunmeng Mansion and Biyang Water Palace. According to the latest information, Biyang Water Palace no longer exists, and was directly razed to the ground by the furious Sanjiang Dragon Clan, leaving no scum left.

This happened to help the old thief of Jiuli, so that the half-demon monsters in Biyang Water Palace were also killed by the dragon clan, erasing all evidence of crime.

But the Jiuli old thief fled to the Tianque Realm regardless of the people in the Water Palace, and in the name of the Immortal Alliance, he notified the entire cultivation world that the Sanjiang Dragon Clan rebelled and wanted to start a war with the Human Clan.

As for the reason of the matter, the Jiuli old thief took the Biyang Water Palace clean, saying that the Dragon Clan plotted against the law and created a half-demon army with the intention of murdering the Xuanyuan Water Realm Human Clan.

Fortunately, he discovered the clues at the Minjiang Dragon King's birthday banquet, and severely reprimanded him, which angered the Sanjiang Dragon Clan and transferred their anger to Biyang Water Palace.

The students of Biyang Water Palace didn't know what happened at all, they recognized Jiuli's rhetoric very much, and decided that it was the evil dragon of Sanjiang trying to dominate the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

All of a sudden, the monks in the Xuanyuan Water Realm united with the enemy, and spontaneously went to the Sanjiang River Basin to kill the Aquarium, and the flames of war spread to every part of the Xuanyuan Water Realm in an instant.

Even Heyang City, where Lin Suying and the others are located at the moment, has sealed off the city gates to resist the invading Shui soldiers.

In the past, the Xuanyuan Water Realm, which was the most peaceful place in the entire cultivation world, is now raging with flames of war, and the bones are exposed. Only the ignorant and low-level monks suffer.

But this time, the Jagged Alliance really stood in front of all the cultivators, haunted the front line of the battlefield, fought bloody battles with the aquarium soldiers, and tried their best to transfer the innocent sufferers out of the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Moreover, the judges and impermanence of the Iron-Blooded Alliance rushed out at the first time to deter the dragons of the four seas and stabilize the situation so that the war did not spread to the entire four seas and other continents.

In addition, Gu Yixin also sent internal news that Wan Ruyi had begun to be dissatisfied with the actions of the old thief of Jiuli, and persuaded Zen Master Mingdeng to prepare to hold a Xiantai meeting to gather people from the entire cultivation world and re-elect the leader of the Xianmeng.

Moreover, Wan Ruyi inquired about the secret of falling into Longyuan from Gu Yixin, and began to believe what Fang Shouzhen said, and wanted to use the Xiantai Association to directly have a showdown with the entire cultivation world to discuss this matter.

The undercurrent in the world of comprehension was raging, and Lin Suying's heart fell into an abyss.

After painstakingly researching for more than a month, she still couldn't find the antidote for [Demon Transformation Pill]. This thing is based on Ning Zhiyuan's half-demon blood, and the antidote can only be based on his half-demon blood.

But now Ning Zhiyuan is dead, and there is no other bloodline exactly like him in this world.

For now, there is only one last way left.

After making up her mind, Lin Suying got up and walked out of the room. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Li Li who was about to knock on the door, holding the little panda who couldn't leave the book in his arms.

Only then did Lin Suying suddenly realize that since this reunion, she hadn't said a word to Li Li.

"You have something to do with me?" Lin Suying asked.

Mo Li covered his eyes with a black cloth, tilted his ears slightly, nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't want to disturb Master at first, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"Leave without saying goodbye? Where are you going?" Lin Suying shuddered, "Come in and tell me."

Li Li shook his head, "No need, just a few words, and I'm ready to go."

Lin Suying frowned and looked at Mo Li. Although she couldn't see her eyes, she could see the determination on her face as always. Once she made a decision, no one could change her determination.

Li Li took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I have decided to join the Jagged Alliance."

"You're crazy!" Lin Suying scolded.

The Jagged Alliance regarded Tiandaozong as a remnant of the evil way, and wished to kill them all. The disciples of Tiandaozong had no time to escape, so she wanted to send them to their door.

Mo Li calmly explained, "I'm not crazy, but I made a deliberate decision. I know that the Suppressing Demon Monument in front of the Demon Prison can review everything, so I have already asked Senior Luo to help me erase the information about Tiandaozong." all the memories."

Lin Suying clenched her fists tightly, feeling a sudden pain in her heart.

"I am not greedy for life and fear of death to escape responsibility, and I am also very reluctant to part with Master, but there are some things that must be done by someone, and there must be someone to ask for some justice. And I believe that even if I lose this part of my memory, I will still I will always remember Master."

"You have nothing to do with Tiandaozong's matter, you don't have to risk it." Lin Suying said in a deep voice.

Li Li shook his head, and said calmly: "Not only for Tiandaozong, but also for Master, but more, for the breath in my heart, for the righteous way in my heart."

Lin Suying didn't interrupt Li Li, and listened to her continue.

"I joined Tiandaozong at the beginning because I firmly believed in righteousness, and wanted to be a sword cultivator who truly supported justice. It's all darkness, darkness without a ray of light and hope."

"As big as Tiandaozong and Biyang Water Palace, as small as Xue Tao and Ning Zhiyuan, they are all dark and dark. And you, Master, although you practice the magic way, what you do is not wrong, why should you be treated like a devil? Treat? Is the distinction between good and evil so simple?"

"I don't believe it. There is no real righteous way in this world. Even if there is only darkness, I will break through the blue sky with a sword. No one will seek justice for Tiandaozong. I will seek justice. No one will rectify your name for Master. If I go to rectify, even if justice cannot come , I must also prove myself fair.”

The noon sun cast down, shining brightly on Li Li's body, while Lin Suying, who was standing opposite her, was always in the shadows.

Lin Suying looked at the upright spirit emanating from Mo Li, and gave a wry smile. This kid has been a one-sided character from the very beginning, and he never looked back when he bumped into the south wall. Look for the light.

She knew that she couldn't persuade Li Li anymore, but as a master, she felt somewhat guilty towards him.

She didn't take care of this apprentice for a day after she recognized her apprentice, and she finally reunited with Yu Chengfeng's affairs. She is not a conscientious master.

"Since this is the case, I won't pass on my "No Leaving Sword Art" to you. You can create your own sword art. In the future, when you win the name of Wan Ruyi's sword master, come and fight with me again. You can become a teacher, otherwise even if you don't remember, you will always be my little apprentice of Lin Suying."

Hearing this, the corners of Mo Li's lips curled up, and he nodded solemnly.

In fact, she left because she is too weak now, even Senior Brother Yu can't help Master very much, she is only in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, following Master's side will only drag her down and take care of her, it is better to be yourself Go break out a piece of the sky.

Joining the Jagged Alliance, maybe in the future, she will also have the power to help Master.

In the end, Mo Li reluctantly rubbed the head of the little panda in his arms, and handed it back to Lin Suying, "I probably guessed something about Master, this little panda should be Master's spiritual pet, and now give it back to Master."

Lin Suying took the little panda back, in fact, she just went out to find it.

"Go get ready, come to me before you leave, I'll pick you a good sword for self-defense, and your eyes, I've already found a good substitute, the mountain road is dark and rugged, I can't call you Walk blindly."

Li Li nodded and cupped his hands in salute, "Thank you, Master."

After Mo Li left, before closing the door, Lin Suying saw Jin Yi standing in the courtyard with his qin on his back. He must have been touched by what Mo Li said, and was struggling in his heart.

Lin Suying closed the door, turned her head to look at the little panda sitting on the chair with an expressionless face.

"Not to mention, you look much cuter like this."

As soon as the words fell, the little panda put down the book, and slowly turned back into a red-clothed, black-haired, well-behaved little girl, looking at Lin Suying with unwavering black eyes.

"I know how to solve the Demon Transformation Pill, but I have one condition."

 It's too hot and dizzy, I don't want to write today, and I haven't saved the manuscript, so the first update will be at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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