I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 174 1 Ring Set 1 Ring

Chapter 174

Lin Suying took the courage to sit down opposite Sijiu.

"Besides signing a contract with you, I can talk about everything."

In front of Sijiu, Lin Suying had the feeling that she couldn't hide anything, which made her hair stand on end, so she couldn't accept that Sijiu was always by her side no matter what.

But after several encounters during this period, her resistance to Sijiu has gradually decreased. As Sijiu said before, there is no conflict between them for the time being, so it's not impossible for them to cooperate.

Sijiu's eyebrows and eyes were calm, "When you leave from the lower boundary river of Zhuolongyuan, take me with you."

"That's it?" Lin Suying was a little surprised, couldn't Sijiu leave by herself?It's not like she doesn't have that ability.

Sijiu saw through Lin Suying's thoughts, "Even I can't touch the death energy, and you are the only one who has the ability to pass through it."

"Why?" Lin Suying immediately thought of Xiao Miaomiao in the Cauldron Cave, "Because of that black and white lotus leaf? What exactly is it? Where did it come from?"

Sijiu shook his head, "I don't know."

Lin Suying opened her eyes wide in surprise, "There are things in this world that you don't know?"

Sijiu's eyelids drooped, and for the first time a sad expression appeared on that ever-calm face, "I remember many things, but I don't remember many things either."

Lin Suying looked at Sijiu at this moment, with her head lowered, her hands pinching the corners of her clothes, her eyes were empty, and she felt very lonely.

"Take me home and I'll remember everything."

"Where is your home? The world of stars below Falling Dragon Abyss?" Lin Suying asked.

"Hongmeng Realm, Tianji Pavilion."

Lin Suying wanted to ask again, but Sijiu interrupted her.

"To completely eliminate the demonic power in Yu Chengfeng's body, you must go to Yaoye Forest to find the Changchun tree, enter the world in the tree [Death River] to learn sorcery, and use ancient sorcery to get rid of the demonic energy. Before that, this pill Fang can be temporarily suppressed for three years."

Sijiu pressed his young hand on the table, and a pill recipe appeared out of thin air.

"The main medicine is in Wujiang Dragon Palace."

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes, and took Dan Fang to check.

"Why do I feel that you are like a circle? What do you want to do? Could it be that you want me to take over the Wujiang Dragon Palace, then train the soldiers of the water tribe, and then go to collect the monster tribe, and finally join the Tiandaozong and rush into the fall?" Longyuan?"

Sijiu looked at Lin Suying calmly, without denying it, as expected, what was said in the book is correct, dealing with smart people is easy and labor-saving, and there is no need to waste words.

"As an ally, I don't want you to die too fast, and develop too slowly to hold me back."

Lin Suying stared, "What do you mean, you look down on me?"

"Yeah." Sijiu nodded.

Lin Suying: ...

"The gold and jade of the Dragon Clan of the Wujiang River are ruined, Ao Cang has more than enough to develop, but not enough to defend, and the Minjiang and Lijiang Rivers are stalking, and it is difficult to deal with."

Lin Suying stared, "So you want to throw it at me? I understand, you started to calculate all this when you sent Ao Zhi to me, right?"

Lin Suying was in a weird mood at the moment. Although Sijiu had calculated her step by step, it seemed that it was not unacceptable to get the entire Wujiang Dragon Palace in the end.

She turned her head and scratched her face, her eyes rolling.

Even if the Wujiang Dragon Palace is not as rich as the Minjiang River and the Lijiang River, and the territory is not as big as those two, the accumulation in the treasure house may be more than that of Tiandaozong.

There are about [-] elite dragon guards alone, plus shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and all kinds of aquatic generals, there are at least [-].

Although the strength of the aquarium is greatly weakened without water, she has a rotten water scoop, which can perfectly make up for the shortcomings and give the aquarium soldiers a battle bonus.

It's no wonder that Yun Zhiyi was so murderous and arsonist back then, now that she thinks about having so many generals, she can't wait to go to the headquarters of the Xianmeng immediately and set fire to the Xianmeng.

Taking a breath, Lin Suying tried her best to look calm and peaceful. She originally planned to gather the demonic monks from the Great Wilderness to build the Xiaoyao Demon Palace after saving Yu Chengfeng.

After all, it is very difficult for her to fight back to Tiandaozong alone, and there are not many demons in the world under Falling Dragon Abyss, so she must have her own soldiers and horses.

Now that there is a dragon clan, it has pushed her plan forward a big step.

"I can take over Wujiang Dragon Palace for you, but I also have one condition."

"Keeping an inch, it turned out to be like this." Sijiu nodded solemnly.

Lin Suying blushed, "How can you make progress? You have said that Wujiang Dragon Palace is a mess. Don't I need to take care of it when I take over? I just want you to promise not to place people like little pandas by my side in the future." stuff, I don't like being stared at."

Sijiu was silent suddenly, looked at the books on the table, then tilted his head to think of Ao Cang's way of eating books, finally he didn't know what he thought of, so he nodded slowly.

"It's almost the same. You can go now. When I finish my work here, I will let Ao Zhi go to see Ao Cang, but I want to ask one more question. What are you going to ask Ao Cang to do next? Shouldn't you?" Will you seek the Dragon King of the Four Seas' bad luck?"

Sijiu didn't answer, and calmly glanced at Lin Suying, her whole body gradually turned into red smoke and disappeared.

After Sijiu left, Lin Suying sat alone in the room for a long time, reviewing all the process and details of the trip to Xuanyuan Water Realm.

I didn't find anything wrong for the time being, so I let go of my heart a little bit, and my consciousness sank into the cave in the cauldron, and took out the [Five Aggregation Sword Box] and a pair of [Tianmu Dragon Balls] chosen for Li Li.

There are five swords in the sword box that correspond to the attributes of the five elements. Although the rank is not high at the moment, they have great potential for growth, and each sword is a pure killing sword, which is very suitable for Li Li.

[Tianmu Dragon Ball] comes from the eyeballs of the dragon tribe who specialize in binocular clairvoyance. They have clairvoyance, insight into flaws, and capture breaths and visions that ordinary monks cannot detect. They are more sensitive than divine sense.

There are exactly two pairs of dragon balls, Lin Suying kept one pair for herself, and the other pair for Li Li as her eyes.

At dusk, Luo Yi helped Mo Lirong practice a pair of eyeballs. She still covered her eyes with a black cloth, and she would take them off after fully controlling the new eyeballs.

Mo Li was quietly sent out of the city by Luo Yi, because Luo Yi had already erased Mo Li's memory about Tian Dao Sect and them, in order to deal with the scrutiny of the Demon Suppressing Demon Monument in the Great Prison.

She was also accompanied by Jin Yi, who was moved by Li Li's words, gave up her original plan to wander the world, and planned to join the Jagged Alliance.

Jin Yi said that as long as she stood tall enough, one day, she would be able to get the justice he wanted for Ning Zhiyuan.

So she also erased part of her memory and walked with Li Li.

Jin Yi is wearing the [Open Sky Mirror], Lin Suying doesn't know if she will be noticed by the Demon Suppressing Tablet, everything can only depend on her own good fortune.

Before leaving, Jin Yi revealed the whereabouts of Qin Yi and his party to Lin Suying, and asked Lin Suying to help them if he had spare energy.

Lin Suying still can't care about this at the moment, and the three lands of Baiman are beyond the control of the Immortal Alliance, Pan Gu Feng's family is friendly with Tiandaozong, Qin Yi and the others will be fine for the time being.

Heyang City is still safe, with Cheng Kan and Luo Yi standing in the way, Lin Suying handed over the alchemy formula to Yu Chengfeng for him to figure out, while she continued to retreat in the backyard, her consciousness shifted to Ao Zhi, and she was going to leave from Ao Zhi. Cang took over Wujiang Dragon Palace.

At that time, on the small road outside Heyang City, it was sunny after the rain.

Mo Li was dressed in Tsing Yi, blindfolded with a black cloth, and walked forward firmly with a sword box on his back. Jin Yi, who was wearing a white shirt and carrying a Guqin, caught up from behind.

"Lin Mo, wait for me." Jin Yi panted, "By the way, do you feel that you seem to have forgotten a lot of things? I feel that we are very familiar, but I can't remember how we met."

Li Li frowned, and said in silence for a moment: "If you don't remember, you don't remember. The most important thing now is to rush to the Taiping Mansion. The Jagged Alliance is employing people, and we are going to join."

Jin nodded, "Yes, although I don't remember many things, I remember that I must join the Jagged Alliance."

The two walked forward hand in hand, at this moment, a black and white ball of hair suddenly rolled out from the nearby grass, and bumped into Li Li's feet with a grunt.

Although Mo Li was blindfolded, he was able to see everything clearly. The moment he found Mao Tuanzi, a familiar feeling came over him.

Mo Li grabbed the little panda into his arms, "I almost forgot about you."

With calm eyes, the little panda habitually leaned into Mo Li's arms, pulled out the bamboo slips she put in her arms, and looked through them quietly.

 Something happened suddenly today, so I will just update it, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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