I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 175 Xinghua Pavilion

Chapter 175 Xinghua Pavilion

The chaos in the Xuanyuan water environment was finally put down by Wan Ruyi, and the dragon clan and the human clan re-signed a non-aggression contract.

After fighting for three full months, the Dragon Clan's qi also calmed down. They lost a lot in this battle, but gained nothing, so they naturally didn't want to fight anymore.

What's more, Wan Ruyi and Xianmeng are not easy to mess with. Not to mention the faction that Xianmeng unites the entire Dahuang sect, the Luofu Sword Sect in the Northern Luo Realm alone has 30 elite disciples, and the total number of elite disciples from other kendo and martial arts sects is zero. It seems that there are as many as two or three million.

At the point of a complete break, the Sanjiang Dragon Clan may not be able to gain benefits from the human race, or they may be exterminated.

At this time, only ruins remained on Biyang Lake, and most of the Taiping Mansion was destroyed. As the confluence of the three rivers, Wan Ruyi didn't know who to hand over to rebuild and guard it.

It is a sensitive period, and if it is not handled properly, wars will break out again.

At this time, Xuanhuzi Luo Yi came to the door, expressing his willingness to take over the Biyang Lake area, establish [Xinghua Pavilion], and inherit medical knowledge.

Wan Ruyi understands the way of medicine and also understands Luo Yi. Nowadays, the inheritance of the way of medicine in the Great Wilderness is almost cut off. It is because the Xinglin Sect was too heavy, and the mysterious medicine was only passed on to the main branch of the Lin family. That leaves the most basic part.

Although there are other schools of medicine, as well as Xuanhuyuan and Xingyuan, they are not as prosperous as Xinglinzong.

And Luo Yi was born in a poor family, from a very young age, he has never had the concept of a family wall, and his medical skills are extremely superb, especially the hand-acupuncture, which not only heals people, but can also kill people.

Moreover, the medical practitioner has a special status and is easy to be accepted. It would be perfect for Biyang Lake to be handed over to Luo Yi to build [Xinghua Pavilion], and as soon as this matter got out, Wujiang Dragon Palace was the first to express its acceptance.

Coupled with Luo Yi's willingness to solve the problem of residual toxins in the Three Rivers, Lijiang and Minjiang also expressed their willingness to let Luo Yi take charge of Biyang Lake.

Of course, the Jiuli old thief who was far away in the Tianque Realm jumped out angrily and objected, saying that Biyang Lake was the world conquered by his ancestor Biyang Sanren, and it must not be handed over to others easily.

In this regard, Wan Ruyi gave him a word.

If you are capable, come back and rebuild Biyang Water Palace by yourself, otherwise let your Mu clan take over.

During the three-month war, all the families close to Jiuli either fled or were wiped out. In the current Xuanyuan water environment, there are only casual cultivators who are passionately guarding the territory of the human race.

The old thief of Jiuli was taken away by Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng. Except for the Taiyi Sect in the Tianque Realm, even Mu Tieying of the Jagged League no longer listened to his orders.

At this moment, I can only watch helplessly as Wan Ruyi announces to the whole Great Wilderness that the Xuanyuan Water Realm [Xinghua Pavilion] is about to be established, and he invites all medical practitioners from all over the world.

Wan Ruyi left after arranging the affairs of the Xuanyuan Water Realm. In addition to continuing to investigate the affairs of the Demon Race and the Immortal World, she also had to prepare for the Sendai Meeting.


On Biyang Lake, there is no cloud for thousands of miles.

Luo Yi and Gong Ya's avatar stood in the air, scanning the entire Biyang Lake waters.

At this time, the shrimp soldiers and crabs of the Wujiang Dragon Clan are in full swing to clean up the ruins on the floating islands, and dig out criss-cross ravines at the bottom of the lake to prepare for the construction of the formation.

"Why do you want to take this place, facing the Sanjiang Dragon Clan, not afraid of being besieged again?" Luo Yi asked puzzled.

Gong Ya smiled, the sly look in her eyes was like Lin Suying's.

"I'm afraid I can't let it go and take advantage of it. This is a treasured place of Fengshui. As long as it is rebuilt, it can be our base camp."

Luo Yi shook his head slightly, "I'm not interested in preaching and teaching. You can build [Xinghua Pavilion] yourself."

Seeing that Luo Yi was about to leave, Lin Suying hurriedly grabbed her.

"Don't worry, I can't live without you. I have all the Lin's medical classics looted by Yun Zhiyi from the Xinglin Sect, and there are even many orphaned copies waiting for a beautiful and talented medical fairy Come to enlightenment, Fairy, are you interested?"

Hearing this, Luo Yi frowned slightly, straightened his sleeves and said, "I'm a little interested in this, but I'm curious, you have already been regarded as a monk of the magic way, how can you kindly help the cultivation world to cultivate medical practitioners?"

Lin Suying's eyes brightened, "This [Xinghua Pavilion] will eventually become the pillar behind the cultivation world or the knife, it depends on whether my mood is beautiful or not."

At this time, Cheng Kan climbed up the stairs from below, and excitedly said: "This place is great, give me an island and tell me to expand the scale of [Sanhuai Hall], and then the whole island will be filled with all kinds of cats , and build a training ground for my tiger, it will be beautiful to think about."

Lin Suying waved her hand grandly, "No problem, just take whatever you like, and remember to pay the rent."

Cheng Kan stared, not wanting to continue this topic, "By the way, why do the Wujiang dragons listen to you so much? They also specially send shrimp soldiers and crabs to help in the future?"

Lin Suying touched her nose, "Maybe it's to show friendship and peace, and to create a better future with the human race?"

Luo Yi covered his lips and smiled lightly, Cheng Kan rolled his eyes in response.

"You don't have a single word of truth in your mouth. If you hadn't been with us all this time, I really wonder if you also took that Ao Cang away."

"The Great Azure Dragon in the Void Refinement Stage, how could I have the ability to take him away?"

At most, it's just that Ao Zhi was taken away.

At the same moment, the main hall of Wujiang Dragon Palace.

Aozhi was dressed in a splendid attire, and under the protection of twelve black-armored dragon guards, with the Dragon King Token containing the true blood of the green dragon hanging on his waist, he stepped up to the throne of the Dragon King of Wujiang step by step.

"The leaders of the water tribes in Wujiang, please refer to the Dragon King."

All the ministers knelt down and bowed, and the mountain roared and the tsunami roared.

Ao Zhi straightened her heavy crown and sat on the throne.

Ao Cang has already left with Sijiu, it is very simple to ask him to let Wujiang Dragon Palace out, Sijiu just told Ao Cang that Ao Zhi died the day he took the Dragon Palace.

The next thing was logical, Ao Cang made up for his superior to seize Aozhi, and sent him the soul of Xiang Tianxing to help him through all kinds of hardships, which made Ao Cang tearfully grateful and found the feeling of being valued by his superior.

After that, without waiting for Sijiu to say anything, he took the initiative to kneel in front of Ao Zhi, offered the Dragon King Order to seal his Qinglong true blood, and dedicated the entire Wujiang Dragon Palace to Ao Zhi's command.

Before he offered Wujiang Dragon Palace, he had already killed all the dragons who refused to surrender. Excluding the dead dragon sons and daughters of the old dragon king of Wujiang, most of them fled to the Dragon King of the Four Seas with the old dragon mother and gave them to Aozhi. Leave a clean and manageable Wujiang Dragon Palace.

In addition, Ao Cang spared no effort to expend his original power, and with the help of the secret method of the dragon clan, he empowered the power of the dragon ball left by the old dragon king, helping Ao Zhi rush to the late stage of alchemy, and he could retreat and form a baby at any time.

The dragon ball and dragon corpse of the old dragon king were also left to Ao Zhi, so that she could continue to absorb the power of the old dragon king to quickly improve her cultivation, and then use the dragon corpse to refine a set of dragon armor and dragon soldiers to increase her life-saving cards.

It is normal to do this among the dragon clan. When each generation of old dragon kings fall, they will also leave the dragon balls and dragon corpses to their descendants.

After clearing away all obstacles for Ao Zhi, Ao Cang followed Si Jiu's secret suggestion and went to Bi Luo Hai Long Palace to visit his brother Long Mei.

"Get up." Ao Zhi waved.

"Thank you Dragon King."

Ao Zhi raised her eyes and scanned, and all her eyes were fish heads. Although each fish head was different, she really couldn't tell the difference between these carp, grass carp, herring, eel, sturgeon and so on.

The more Ao Zhi watched, the more dizzy she became, she held her head that was about to collapse under the crown, waved her hands and said, "Go down, Prime Minister Gui stay."

All the fish heads looked at each other, Ao Cang set off three big fires the day he took office, and now that Ao Zhi, the female dragon king, took office, did he let them go so easily?
"Don't leave, do you want me to roast you all?" Ao Zhi snorted coldly, and glanced at Captain Heiyu.

Lieutenant Heiyu shuddered, and hurriedly pushed his colleagues to leave together. In the whole Dragon Palace hall, there were only the dragon guards guarding Aozhi, the Pearl Essence Clam Girl who served, and Hecai, who was only [-] years old when he became Prime Minister. Young snapping turtle Turtle Xi.

Ao Zhi felt that this name was unlucky, but the turtle head was clever enough. Ao Cang turned the Wujiang Dragon Palace upside down. During those three months of killing madness, he tried his best to turn the tide, so that everything could still operate normally.

So after Ao Zhi took office, he still let him be Prime Minister Turtle.

"This jade slip contains [-] rules for the management of the Dragon Palace that I re-enacted during this time, new rules for sailor training, essentials of tactics and art of war, maps of the top ten armies, etc. The old rules and regulations of the Dragon Palace are too outdated. Only through innovation can we be strong, unify the three rivers, break out of the water, and go to the wilderness!"

Just after the war, the Li River and Min River are recuperating, and the Wu River is the weakest. Now that there are no high-ranking dragons in charge, we must seize the time to develop, lest it be swallowed up by the Li River and Min River in time.

And she doesn't have time to cause civil strife at this time, the most important thing is to prepare to deal with the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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