I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 176 Dragon Palace Treasure House

Chapter 176 Dragon Palace Treasure House
Aozhi handed the jade slips to Guixi, and she didn't just sit back and enjoy the rewards. In order to build a brand new Dragon Palace, she has been soaking in Wuya Palace for half a month, and she almost rummaged through Yun Zhiyi's books.

"What this king can do is to give you a general direction. The details are up to you, Prime Minister Gui. Okay, now take me to the treasure house of the Dragon Palace. I will personally take stock of Wujiang's property."

Guixi took the jade slips with a look of embarrassment on her face, "Dragon King, there is one more important thing before you count your property..."

Ao Zhi took off her hair crown, stretched her neck and said, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"The Dragon King of Minjiang sent a message saying that if you fail to marry, he will divorce you."

Hearing this, Ao Zhi straightened his neck and his eyes shone brightly, "Retirement? I can actually get the fate of resignation. Doesn't this indicate that I will be prosperous in the future?"

Guixi looked puzzled, is this a good thing?It is clear that the Dragon King of Minjiang forced Aozhi to take Wujiang as a dowry, otherwise he would tear his face and attack Wujiang.

"Cough cough." Ao Zhi felt that she was a little broken, and hurriedly corrected her expression, "This king is now the Dragon King of Wujiang, in charge of tens of thousands of water tribes in Wujiang, how can he marry to Minjiang? I can only feel sorry for Brother Ao Kuo."

She took a breath and stood up, with a tragic expression, "My dear, you can retreat, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully... Aozhi is poor!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Zhi's eyes suddenly became firm, and Gui Xi felt a sense of admiration in her heart when she saw this.

"Bring a pen and let me personally write a letter of resignation!"


Gui Xi handed over the pen and paper, and Ao Zhi leaned over the desk and wrote vigorously. After writing a letter of resignation, he wrote two more pages.

Guixi took three pieces of paper and looked down, the first one was a normal letter of resignation, she took out the second one before reading a line, the corner of Guixi's mouth twitched.

[Brother Aoxi Long, Zhi has admired Brother Long for a long time, I remember that year when the apricot blossoms were lightly raining, you said you were Aoxi on the Lijiang River, Zhi's heart fell on Brother Long...]

The more Guixi looked at her eyes, her eyes widened, and she blushed and her heart beat when she saw the next words, she was so ashamed that she couldn't stand it.

He cleared his throat, looked at the third picture, and was so shocked that the turtle's shell almost cracked.

Except that the name was changed from Lijiang Dragon King Aoxi to Minjiang Dragon King's most promising third son Ao Wen, the content was exactly the same as the second letter.

"Dragon King, this..."

Ao Zhi looked tired, "Go and deliver the letter, be careful not to miss it, this king is also helpless, everything is for the Wujiang Dragon Palace."

Guixi's eyes rolled, and she suddenly realized, "The Dragon King is brilliant!"

"Now, can you take me to see the treasure house?"

Arriving at the treasure house, Ao Zhi was delighted to see the mountains of spiritual stones and orbs at first sight, but when he looked carefully again, he felt that something was wrong.

There are a lot of good things, but why is there not a Tiangang magic weapon or Houtian Lingbao?
After asking Guixi, I found out that when Ao Cang killed the old dragon king, the old dragon mother took away the most important treasures of the Wujiang Dragon Palace and ran away with her own sons and daughters.

Ao Zhi touched the dragon sparrow ring on her wrist. Although it was a pity, she also got an Houtian Lingbao. In addition to the important magic weapon, the treasure house also has an astonishing number of natural materials, earth treasures and spirit stones.

It is more than enough to raise a Wujiang Dragon Palace and build an Xinghua Pavilion.

In addition to the three mountains and five caves in the Wujiang River Basin, the three secret places at the bottom of the river and the Wannian Hualongchi, the products are very rich, especially the [Cold Star Pearl], which is a unique specialty of Wujiang River and has always been the main source of income for Wujiang River.

In addition, Aozhi also found two kinds of heaven and earth demons, wood and water, plus the gold and fire heaven and earth spirits obtained from the secret storehouse of Biyang Water Palace, and she collected four kinds. No more obstacles.

Ao Zhi put away the four treasure gourds containing the evil spirit of heaven and earth, and when he was about to leave the treasure house, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and took out the fragment of the chaotic artifact [Lightning Orb] in his hand.

She had taken it out from the secret storehouse of Biyang Water Palace to sense the surroundings before, but she did not find the whereabouts of other Chaos artifact fragments.

The dragon race may have been in the Great Wilderness longer than the human race, and the treasure house has accumulated a lot, so there may be something special.

The thunderbolt was hanging in Aozhi's palm, she looked around, and suddenly found that the pile of orbs of various colors in the corner was shaking slightly, and the beads on the top were rolling down.

Her eyes lit up, and she approached with [Lightning Beads]. Most of the beads in this pile were Hanxing Beads and Soul Accumulating Beads, and there were also gemstones like thousand-year-old pearls and tortoise shells mixed in.

If Piao Piao sees it, she might use it all to make jewelry and clothes.

As she approached, more and more beads rolled down, a water-blue bead the size of a baby's fist, very similar to the Hanxing Bead suddenly flew out, hanging in front of Ao Zhi.

Ao Zhi immediately activated the [Shangyuan Eight Scenery Talisman], and the divine thoughts invaded it smoothly.

The four seas are rushing, the waves are surging, and the sky is boundless.

It is the [Four Seas Realm] in the Eight Scenic Buildings of Shangyuan, and there is a set of great supernatural powers [Tianyi Xuanbing Great Formation] in it.

Ao Zhi was overjoyed that there really was a fragment of the artifact of chaos. If it wasn't for her ability to control the artifact and another fragment, no one would be able to see that this bead is special.

This set of supernatural powers came at the right time, not only suitable for the mysterious ice spirit body of Aozhi's avatar, but also the top ice attribute array, suitable for placement in places with abundant water vapor.

[Tianyi Xuanbing Great Formation] Once it is completed, why worry about Minjiang and Lijiang coming?It happens that Biyang Lake can also be included.

And with the second fragment of the Chaos Artifact, her body can transform more Chaos Qi, and her cultivation speed will be improved to a higher level.

Ao Zhi sent the two beads back to the Cave in the Cauldron, and handed them over to the main body for meditation.

Next, she will have to work hard for a while, both Aozhi's avatar and the main body are ready to attack the Nascent Soul, especially the main body, which needs to fuse and practice the two immortal weapons and visualize the new demon god.

It is also necessary to build the Xinghua Pavilion on Biyang Lake and arrange the [Tianyi Xuanbing Great Formation].

However, the big formation can only be used as the biggest hole card, and it cannot be revealed at the beginning. She has to prepare other means.

What's more, if you return to Tiandaozong in the future, you won't be able to take it with you.

So in addition to the advanced military formation training methods she gave Guixi earlier in the jade slips, she also planned to let Chongshan secretly train a special dragon demon guard.

Select the most elite dragon guards, absorb the magic energy and replace the demonic skills "Heavenly Demon Body Forging Dafa" and "Blood Fiend Shura Spear" in the Wuya Temple.

The death energy of the world will not erode the demons. Lin Suying studied the corpses of the demons during this time, and after learning about them from Chongshan, she discovered that the fundamental way for the death energy to identify the demons lies in the magic crystals in the brains of the demons.

But how to integrate the magic crystal into the body of other races, Lin Suying currently only has some ideas, and still needs more attempts to break through.

But she can't wait for the breakthrough before acting, so she has to start training the Flood Dragon Demon Guard first to prepare for returning to Tiandaozong.

Drill the army formation, improve weapons, and use the special real water in the rotten water ladle to change the water quality of the Wujiang River Basin, so that the physique of the aquatic people in the Wujiang River Basin is getting stronger and stronger, this is one of them.

Second, open the Dragon Clan Secret Realm and Hualong Pond to the elite sailors, and reward [Blood Jade Meat Mushroom] [Ruyi Heart Fruit] that can cultivate heterogeneous species and stimulate blood potential. I believe it can quickly cultivate a powerful team. navy.

In addition, she also occupied Xiang Tianxing's body, and together with Yu Chengfeng, with the help of Dragon Palace's resources, she refined a large number of pills that could quickly improve the strength of the generals of the aquarium.

It doesn't matter if it backfires, after all, she doesn't have much time.

Gong Ya's avatar is also not idle, with the help of "Shenxiao 36 Lightning Method" and [Chan Xingzhu] to refine the cold flame god thunder, one can smash the Nascent Soul to death, and it takes three years to refine a thousand or eight hundred.

Her original [Kunpeng Residence] also continued to open, and with the help of the materials produced by the Wujiang Dragon Palace and the original alchemy production line, the engraving and making of talismans continued to expand.

She planned to let Tu Sanniang's avatar abduct the Tiger Demon Tiger, and go to Baiman Sandi to open a branch first, and inquire about the information of the Yaozu and find out the location of the Changchun tree.

After arranging everything for Guixi, Aozhi was about to go to the cold evil secret realm at the bottom of the river to retreat, but was stopped by Guixi.

"I can do all these things arranged by you, Dragon King, and I can guarantee that they will be done well, but there is one thing that is related to the survival of the dragon clan in Wujiang, which is the most important thing, and you must do it yourself, Dragon King."

Ao Zhi was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Gui Xi cupped his hands and bowed, "Please ask the Dragon King to lay a dragon egg, so as to continue the bloodline of the Wujiang Dragon Clan!"

As soon as the words fell, Gui Xi clapped his hands and called out the ten strong aquariums he had carefully selected long ago. They lined up in a row for Ao Zhi to choose, and it would be better to take them all away.

Ao Zhi felt dizzy when she saw those dragon-headed fish heads, and flicked her sleeves, she became angry from embarrassment.

"I, Aozhi, only have Song Tianqi in my heart. If you can't find him, I, Aozhi, will never recruit a son-in-law!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Zhi strode away, Gui Xi scratched his head, who is Song Tianqi?
"Shrimp soldiers and crab generals obey the order, even if they dig three feet into the ground, I must find this Song Tianqi for the prime minister!"


(End of this chapter)

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