I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 177 Escaping Marriage and Setting Sail [Monthly Pass 100 Plus]

Chapter 177 Escaping Marriage and Setting Sail [Monthly Pass 100 Plus]

Five years later, Tiandaozong.

Under the dark barrier, black mist filled the air, and demons raged.

The blessed land of the fairy palace in the past, now there are only ruins and ruins, not even a little green color.

A few low-level monsters without wings and covered in pitch black pulled out a broken bone from a crack in the stone, and the surrounding monsters immediately swarmed up, roaring and snatching.

The surrounding black mist was restless, and it turned into long snakes as if it had wisdom, but when it was found that it was just a bone, it lost interest and dissipated in the air.

Under the collapsed Zhenyuan Peak, the magic energy below the Falling Dragon Yuan slowly rolled.

At this time, two obviously thin monsters flew out from below, carefully avoiding other monsters around, and slowly approached the periphery of Tiandaozong.

It wasn't until under the barrier, where there were no monsters and the aura of death, that the two monsters slowly descended, and raised their hands to remove the demon-like masks on their faces.

The black light flickered, and the two monsters immediately turned into people in black robes with a pair of bat wings on their backs.

Among them, the female cultivator with a vicissitudes of life and chapped lips walked quickly to the front of the barrier, cautiously protruding her consciousness, wanting to penetrate the barrier and see the outside world.

It's a pity that at this moment, the enchantment is filled with death energy, and it is impossible to see the situation outside.

The female cultivator turned her head and shook her head at the middle-aged male cultivator.

The middle-aged male cultivator came over and pulled up his right sleeve, revealing a completely demonized arm with a dark purple magic crystal embedded in his palm.

He pressed his hand on the enchantment, and the death energy in it didn't intend to attack him at all. He closed his eyes and felt it for a moment.

"Although I can't see what's going on outside, the Mieshi Death Qi is very restless and excited, which means that there are many clean creatures outside, and this is probably the last paradise."

"What should we do now? This enchantment doesn't seem to be able to last for many years. Once the aura of death and death dissipates, the last paradise will also become a demon realm." The female cultivator said nervously.

"So we have to find a way to get out before the barrier is completely broken, and rely on external resources to continue to improve our strength, so that we can persist."

The female cultivator nodded, "Okay, we will go back and inform everyone now."

The two of them put on their masks again, changed back to their demonic appearance, and flew back to Zhulongyuan without making a sound.


Xuanyuan water environment, Nanxing port.

"The merchant ship at Kunpengju is about to set sail, and you have to get on the ship sooner."

On the huge and luxurious merchant ship in the port, a young Qi training monk, wearing a white Kunpengju costume, yelled while packing up the cables.

Just when he was about to pull off the plank to get on the boat, the girl in the red dress and black dress came against the wind, stepped on the plank in his hand, jumped up, and landed firmly on the deck.

"You boarded the boat before handing in the ticket, isn't it uh... Zhenjun forgive me, please show the boat ticket."

The qi cultivator saw clearly that the token on the girl's waist was the identity token of [Xinghuage] Nascent Soul cultivator, and immediately changed his respectful attitude.

The girl raised her hand and threw out a wooden sign, seeing clearly that it was the token of the quiet room in the cabin of Tianzi No. Why is there a real king in Pavilion]?

"The time has come, why are you still not sailing?"

The girl's voice was like a clear spring, with a sense of coldness, which shocked the Qi training monk, and hurried to notify the person in charge of the ship to set sail.

At this moment, the conch shell around the girl's waist vibrated, and Prime Minister Turtle's anxious voice could be heard from the sea.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, where have you gone? If I don't force you to recruit a son-in-law, why don't you come back quickly? Otherwise, how can I explain to the Dragon King of Lijiang and the third prince of Minjiang, and the little prince of Minjiang? Kuo is here again, carrying his luggage and saying that he wants to fulfill his marriage contract with you."

Hearing these voices, Ao Zhi, who had turned into a human form, rubbed her swollen forehead, and threw the conch into the storage ring.

Without the nagging Prime Minister Turtle, Ao Zhi walked to the railing of the deck, watched the merchant ship gradually leave the port and headed for the sea, and took a deep breath of free air.

"Ahem, it's a bit salty, it doesn't smell very good."

Originally planned to go to the three lands of Baiman in three years to solve the problem of Yu Cheng's weathering demon pill, but it was delayed for five years, and Ao Zhi's avatar was successfully conceived.

This is thanks to Ao Cang's enlightenment at that time and the old dragon king's dragon ball left behind. Her body cultivation speed is exaggerated enough, not as fast as Ao Zhi, and she has just finished training Sanguangtian Xinjian and Rotten Water Ladle. Immortal Artifact, still a few years away from conceiving a baby.

The cultivation of the body of the acquired gods and spirits is very fast in the early stage, but in the later stage, due to the increase in body parts, each part must be taken care of to lay a solid foundation, so the progress will be slowed down.

It takes 200 years for an ordinary genius monk to conceive a baby, but she will take 20 years anyway.

Ao Zhi had a baby to delay time, so Yu Chengfeng went to Baiman three places on his own two years ago, which was originally his hometown, and he always wanted to go back and have a look.

In addition, Tu Sanniang has been operating there for five years, and the tiger has already infiltrated the demon clan and started to learn sorcery, so Yu Chengfeng's side is not a big problem.

If it weren't for the fact that Prime Minister Gui forced her to lay eggs every day, and because of the war between the Yaozu and Baiman, she still wanted to wait until the hidden dangers of the Minjiang and Lijiang rivers were completely resolved before going to the three places of Baiman.

It doesn't matter if the situation of the Sanjiang Dragon Clan is not stable. Now it's just a small touch, a stage of testing each other's bottom line, and it's nothing more than losing some less important territories.

Moreover, she, the female dragon king, has entered the marriage negotiation stage with Aoxi, the dragon king of the Lijiang River. Aoxi is very satisfied with her idea of ​​"marriage and not living together".

It is perfect to be able to merge the forces of the Wujiang River and the Lijiang River to hold the Minjiang River together, leaving behind the blood of the pure dragon clan, and being able to play their own way without interfering with each other.

But what Aoxi didn't know was that before she left, she had written a letter to Aowen, the third prince of Minjiang, saying that Aoxi forced the marriage, and she only had Aowen in her heart.

If her expectations are correct, she and Ao Wen will soon enter the stage of snatching a marriage against all odds.

Aoxi wanted to annex Wujiang without bloodshed, and Aowen also had ambitions. He disliked that his father Long had occupied the throne for too long, and he couldn't follow Lijiang and hand it over to his younger generations, so he also wanted to make a fuss about her.

As long as there is not enough interest to break the current balance, Sanjiang will not be able to fight for the time being.

Originally, she was playing well in the love triangle, but Ao Kuo, the Nilong, joined in and insisted on marrying her. He also said that he would only guard her as a dragon for life.

She didn't realize until now that it wasn't Song Tianqi who had the most charm back then, it was Lin Suying at all, which really distressed Long.

Both Cheng Kan and Luo Yi are still guarding the Xinglin Pavilion in Biluohai. In the past five years, in order to improve the proficiency of various spells and supernatural powers, she has kept many clones in Xinglin Pavilion, Taiping Mansion and Wujiang Dragon Palace. Can't get over the waves.

Everything in the Xuanyuan Water Realm is proceeding in an orderly manner and according to the plan, so it is time for her to continue to expand her territory, look for new fragments of fairy artifacts and chaotic artifacts, and complete the body of the acquired gods as soon as possible.

Yun Zhiyi worked so hard to do this, maybe this body can resist the death energy.

Moreover, the Yaozu suddenly went to war with Baiman. In addition to having to make a fortune from the war, she also saw traces of conspiracy in it, and felt that this would be an opportunity to subdue the Yaozu.

At dusk and sunset, Lin Suying leaped onto the mast and raised her eyes to look at the radiance of the distant mountains.

Baiman, here I come!

"Have you heard that the Xiaoyao Demon Palace has teamed up with the Yaozu to slaughter the human race and let the Yaozu rule the wilderness!"

"The magic cultivator of Xiaoyao Demon Palace also belongs to the human race, how can he help the demon race?"

"What's the point? They teamed up with Fang Shouzhen to release the demons, and I wouldn't be surprised if they teamed up with the demons again."

There were several monks discussing below, and Ao Zhi frowned. She escaped from Tiandaozong and admitted that she was Yun Zhiyi in public. of.

Now they have teamed up with the Yaozu, and she, the head of the Demon Palace, doesn't know it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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