I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 178 Encounter at Sea

Chapter 178 Encounter at Sea
Lin Suying sat on the mast with bent legs, directly concealing her breath, watching the ebb and flow of the tide, and listening to the wilderness.

She is now using Aozhi's specially humanized body, the dragon horns and dragon aura are completely hidden, and she can completely restore her original temperament.

On the deck below, the monks who took the boat to Baiman were still chatting about the Xiaoyao Demon Palace.

"Xiaoyao Demon Palace has openly accepted the remnants of Tiandaozong since three years ago, and the Xianmeng was indeed right back then."

"Yeah, who would have thought that the Heavenly Dao Sect, the leader of the Righteous Dao, would actually collude with the Demon Dao. Fortunately, the Immortal League did its best to turn the tide back then, which prevented the Demon Race from getting out of trouble."

"Poor Mr. Jiuli is devoted to the Great Desolation, and now he has been ostracized by Wan Jianzun and Mingdeng Zen Master, and he has to hold the Xiantai meeting to re-elect the leader of the Xianmeng."

"Now that the monster clan is fighting with the hundred barbarians, I don't think the Sendai meeting will be held for a while."

"That's right, now that the Yaozu has Xiaoyao Demon Palace to help us, it is extremely unfavorable to our human race. According to the latest battle report a few days ago, the Yaozu has already beaten Xianjue Ridge and entered Heishuizhou, defeating the Gu clan and Xianmeng Defenders Festival If the Feng family hadn't acted in time, the Gu family of Heishuizhou would have disappeared."

"So powerful? There are experts in Happy Demon Palace."

"Judge, do you know? It's not the judge of the Jagged Alliance, but the famous jade-faced judge in the devil's way. His origin is a mystery, but his methods are ruthless and resourceful. If it weren't for him, how could the Yaozu be able to kill the immortal so quickly?" ridge?"

Judge?Is it Lu Changqing?
Lin Suying sat up straight. Although the tiger is in the Yaozu, it is to learn the sorcery, so since he got the opportunity to enter [Death River], he has been studying the sorcery in it, and he doesn't know much about the war of the Yaozu.

Could it be that Lu Changqing was the one who led a group of demon monks under the banner of Xiaoyao Demon Palace?

Lin Suying leaned back, and had to admire Lu Changqing's character, from the righteous way to the devil way, such a huge transformation, he can also do it well.

Braving the dissatisfaction of the human race, cooperating with the monster race, and openly accepting the people of Tiandaozong.

This made Lin Suying think of the day of parting, Lu Changqing vowed that he could be everyone's asylum.

The corners of Lin Suying's lips curled up, and she continued to swing her leg to look at the southern sea area.

Baiman has three small continents, Tianwu, Heishui and Pangu, collectively known as the three lands of Baiman, located in the south of Tianque Realm, separated by hundreds of thousands of mountains, it is much faster to travel by sea than by land.

Among them, Heishuizhou borders the Yaoye Forest of the Yaozu, and is separated by Xianjue Ridge. In the past tens of thousands of years, it has been peaceful, and the Xianmeng has always sent people to garrison Xianjue Ridge.

To the north of Heishuizhou is the territory of the Pangu Feng clan, and further north is Tianwuzhou, which borders on the Tianque Realm.

The Heishui Gu Clan, Pan Gu Feng Clan, and Tian Wu Wu Clan are the three largest tribes in the entire Baiman Three Lands, and there are countless small tribes under them. For many years, there have been constant disputes and endless wars. Even if the three major tribes are dragged down, they cannot grow. .

According to the temperament of the Jiuli old thief, Lin Suying reckoned that the Heishui Gu clan might have been under the control of the Xianmeng long ago, that's why Lu Changqing beat the Gu clan so hard.

But it's also a bit unusual. The Xianmeng has always guarded the Yaozu with heavy troops, and has always encouraged Dahuang monks to go to Xianjue Ridge to practice hunting monsters.

Even with the help of Lu Changqing and the monks of the Demon Dao, it shouldn't be broken through overnight.

Lin Suying chuckled, feeling something tricky.

The merchant ship from Kunpengju sailed southwards, except for being inspected by shrimp soldiers and crab generals from Biluo Hailong Palace on the way, and some tolls were collected, it was relatively smooth.

Although Lin Suying was heartbroken by being charged tolls, there was nothing he could do about it. If he didn’t pay the tolls, if he encountered monsters in the sea or storms and the like capsized the ship, all the contents of that ship would belong to the Dragon Palace. .

Why are the dragons rich?Just look at how many boats capsized on the bottom of the river and how many people died.

For more than half a month later, Lin Suying practiced "Thousand Illusions of Ice Heart Jue" in the cabin every day, and continued to comprehend "Tianyi Xuanbing Formation", and went to hide her breath to listen to the gossip of the monks on the deck every day.

In addition to the battle between the monster race and the human race, she also heard some things about the Jagged Alliance.

I heard from them that the Jagged Alliance has recruited a group of newcomers in the Xuanyuan Water Realm, and in just five years, a small team has emerged.

Lin Mo, Jin Yi and Xue Tao.

Hearing the names of the three of them, Lin Suying smiled, and secretly sighed that she really deserves to be her apprentice, with her demeanor back then.

The Jagged Alliance does not participate in the battle between the two races of the monsters, and only maintains the peace and stability of the cultivation world in other continents, so they will not meet the three of them for the time being.

On this day, the merchant ship was about to arrive at Tianwu Island, when it suddenly encountered a storm, dark clouds overwhelmed the top, thunderstorms continued, and the sky thunder kept striking on the Moon Chasing Island hundreds of miles away. It was obvious that something was going through the catastrophe.

On the merchant ship, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals had just received the toll from Kunpengju, and said, "I hope you will have a safe journey", when a big wave came over here, and everyone was drowned.

There was a burst of thunder, and there was a dead silence on the boat. The leader Xia Zongbing turned black, and led twenty soldiers to kill towards Zhuyue Island.

Lin Suying yawned and lay on the railing to watch the excitement. Not long after, she saw a monk in the early stage of alchemy wearing a black robe, leading shrimp soldiers and crab generals to kill the merchant ship.

"Where is the sorcerer running away!"

Although the cultivator was covered tightly, she should be a woman by the looks of her body, with extremely sharp swordsmanship against the wind in one hand, killing the sailors in a pair of twenty.

Seeing this, Mr. Xia threw something into the sea, and immediately a large number of flying fish rushed out of the sea, turning into new aquarium soldiers in mid-air, and continued to chase and kill the female cultivator.

The female cultivator fled at a high speed, turned around and slashed half a moon, the sword light gathered the wind and waves on the sea, turned into a blue crescent moon, and swept away the thousands of troops with an ear-piercing whistling.

Puff puff!
After the female cultivator, all the sailors were cut off at the waist, and Mr. Xia, who was in the late stage of alchemy, fought hard with a harpoon in his hand, and was pushed by Crescent Moon to wipe out waves on the sea.

Seeing this move, Lin Suying's eyes lit up, it was clearly the move in [Sun, Moon and Star Three Talents Sword Art], it was a killer move that Lu Changqing learned from Fang Shouzhen back then.

More than 100 sailors rushed out from the sea and surrounded the nun.

Above the sea, the dragon clan is king, and it would be difficult for her, a female cultivator in the early stage of alchemy, to escape.

Lin Suying squinted her eyes and looked again, her spiritual consciousness quickly swept across the female cultivator's whole body, and finally landed on her wrist holding the sword, she recognized the storage bracelet.

Qin Yi!

The moment Lin Suying recognized Qin Yi, Lin Suying disappeared from the deck, and stood in front of Qin Yi in a flash, her right hand lightly rolled up dozens of water spouts around her body and then quickly froze.

go with!
Lin Suying slashed down with a wave of her hand, and thousands of arrows fired from the Xuanbing Spire, bringing up an unstoppable gust of wind, engulfing them all under the horrified gazes of Mr. Xia and many sailors.

Charging my wife tolls, I've seen you guys upset a long time ago!
When the people on the deck of Kunpengju saw this scene, they all opened their eyes wide in shock. After the screams, only a large piece of ice floes and the remains of the aquarium remained on the sea, and there was no trace of the two female cultivators.

The ship's steward swallowed with difficulty, silently took out Lin Suying's previous wooden sign and threw it into the sea, told the people around him to tell them that they had never seen this woman on board before speeding away from this sea area.

On the unnamed isolated island, Lin Suying wiped away all traces and aura behind her, threw out a set of formation flags and set up a large invisible formation around her, and then turned around to check Qin Yi's condition.

Unexpectedly, before she got close, Qin Yi, who was wearing a mask, pointed his sword at him, holding the powerful [Thunder Fire Orb] with his other hand, and shouted sharply: "Don't get any closer."

Lin Suying stopped in her tracks, and said with a smile: "Girl, I just saved you, and you treat me like this, isn't it too hurtful?"

Qin Yi's eyes were cold and sharp, and he didn't relax in the slightest. "Sneaking in, looting, saving first and then killing, I've seen many of these things. I don't know which road senior belongs to?"

At this time, Qin Yi once again recalled the demon cultivator she met in Broken Soul Valley. She no longer hated that demon cultivator, but was grateful instead.

If it wasn't for that demon cultivator who taught her the necessity of being defensive, she wouldn't know how many times she died over the years.

The real world of comprehension is far more cruel than she imagined, and she was indeed too naive back then.

(End of this chapter)

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