Chapter 179

Seeing this, Lin Suying had no choice but to retreat to a safe distance, Qin Yi seemed a little anxious, and swept towards the direction of Zhuyue Island from time to time.

Her aura of alchemy has been stabilized, that is, others are forming alchemy on Moon Chasing Island, and she is protecting the Dharma.

Originally, she wanted to inquire about other members of the Tiandao Sect, but seeing Qin Yi's vigilance now, she might not be able to ask anything.

And for such a big matter as forming alchemy, Lu Changqing was in Yaozu, and instead of looking for her master to protect the law, she ventured to the sea to form alchemy, which meant that she hadn't contacted Lu Changqing yet.

After analyzing the information, Lin Suying restrained her breath and got out of the way of the island.

Qin Yi kept his sword in his hand all the time, his true essence was stored outside the Thunder Fire Bead, and stepped back cautiously, seeing that Lin Suying really had no other intentions, he said, "Thank you, senior, for saving me, junior."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yi Yujian left.

"Alas... this world has forced these children with good roots to become 'ungrateful' people."

Lin Suying couldn't help sighing, if she changed to Qin Yi who was still in Tiandaozong before, she would definitely thank her respectfully, ask for her name and keep it in her heart, and even come to the door to thank her with gifts later, which is all the courtesy.

But now, even if someone rescues you, you have to be fully on guard, leave a quick word of thanks and run for your life.

Lin Suying looked around, there was nothing on the deserted island, the merchant ship must have escaped by herself, and she could only rely on herself for the rest of the way.

"Come out, attract wealth and treasure!"

With a wave of Lin Suying's hand, two big-headed fur balls, one black and one white, rolled out of thin air, turning into a white-haired manul with gold patterns, and a black-furred little tiger with wings.

As soon as Jinbao landed, he leaned towards Zhaocai to please him, but was slapped by Zhaocai, and rolled away.

"Could you bully Jinbao less when recruiting money? Don't you have to be responsible for the rabbit mantle, and you can just throw it away?"

Zhao Cai shook his fluffy and soft fur, baring his teeth in disdain.

Jin Bao crouched secretly in the shadow of the grass, squinting at Lin Suying.

Bully?irresponsible?Start chaotic and end up abandoning?

This hateful person is instigating Zhaocai to abuse it again, and when it becomes truly Qiongqi, this human being must be beautiful!
"Jinbao, what are you thinking about there, why don't you hurry over here."

Jinbao honestly went over to become bigger, Lin Suying turned over with Zhaocai in her arms, and rode Jinbao towards Tianwuzhou.

The distance is a bit far, so Zhaocai and Jinbao have to fly alternately.

Zhaocai has been thinking about the tiger all these years, and has a particularly bad attitude towards Jinbao, but Jinbao is so devoted to it, and Zhaocai doesn't care whether it has absorbed Jinbao's cultivation to enter the Nascent Soul Stage so quickly. Jinbao goes hand in hand.

It is simply ungrateful and has a bad conscience.

Not long after Lin Suying rode Jin Baofei away, Qin Yi's figure appeared on the sea, watching the direction Lin Suying left.

"Senior sister, what are you looking at?" A male cultivator came from afar, his face was pale with blood on the corner of his mouth, and there was a strong aura of tribulation thunder on his body.

Qin Yi glanced back at him, his eyes fell on his empty right shoulder.

Back then, Ning Feng's arm was tainted with the death energy to save her, and it was finally cut off by her.

Of the seven disciples, she and Ning Feng are the only ones left now, and she was the first to form alchemy because of an adventure, so no matter what, she must take up the responsibility of the senior sister and protect Ning Feng.

"I just met a senior Nascent Soul who saved me. I always feel like Zhao Zhen, but how could Zhao Zhen conceive a baby so quickly?" Qin Yi smiled wryly.

Mentioning Zhao Zhen, Ning Feng felt a little bit as if he had passed away, and his mind still reverberated in the past when Zhao Zhen controlled the seven feather swords to kill the Quartet in the Yao Wanggu beast tide.

Taking a breath, Ning Feng pressed his chest and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we'd better go back quickly and find a way to go to the battlefield."

Qin Yi nodded, and quickly left with Ning Feng, also heading in the direction of Tianwuzhou.


Tianwu Island, Muxian Village.

After seven days of driving, Lin Suying finally landed on land. She didn't stop at the port and directly used the teleportation array to reach the largest village in Tianwu Continent.

The people here are all dressed up as mountain people, and different villages have different costumes, which are quite different from Tianque Realm and Xuanyuan Water Realm. You can see stilted buildings everywhere, and people from the Wu clan riding monsters ride from the street. hurried past.

Because it was wartime, the air was full of tension, and there were too many monks in other places, making the whole village very crowded.

Zhaocai and Jinbao shrunk their bodies, lying on Lin Suying's shoulders on one left and one on the right. No one is allowed to ride spirit beasts here except members of the Wu clan.

Lin Suying found Kunpengju, as the main store of Kunpengju in the three places of Baiman, monks came to buy things in an endless stream.

Xiao Qiang, who was transferred here, was greeting the steward of the Xianmeng in the quiet room in front, discussing the purchase of a batch of [Rejuvenation Pill] in large quantities, various basic talismans and one-time magic weapons with great lethality.

Nowadays, in the whole of the three places of Baiman, the only one who can supply goods is Kunpengju.

Xiao Qiang has been trained in these years with ease. He has only cultivated in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he will not give in to the stewards in the late stage of the immortal alliance. Finally, he raised the price by [-]% to negotiate a deal.

Little did they know that at the moment in the back hall of Kunpeng, Tu Sanniang's avatar personally received the demon envoys, and bought and sold the same items. Since the demon tribe was fighting the fairy alliance, the price was only increased by [-]%.

Recently, thanks to this great battle, Kunpengju has made a lot of money, and the treasure house of the Dragon Clan has also been enriched again.

Tu Sanniang sent away the Yaozu envoy from the side door, turned her head and saw Ao Zhi coming in from the main door, and ordered someone to guide her to the quiet room in the store to rest.

Next to the quiet room are Xiao Qiang and Manager Xianmeng. Xiao Qiang refilled a cup of tea for Manager Li. The two were waiting for the assistant to pick up the goods from the warehouse and complete the transaction.

Xiao Qiang said: "Guard Li, let me ask you a word, how long will the martial law in this Guzhou last? My wife is still pregnant, and now she is sealed in Feng's Ant King Village, and no news will come out." , this junior is really worried about it."

Li Guanshi looked distressed, "I'm afraid we have to drive the Yaozu back to Xianjue Ridge before they can be unsealed."

Xiao Qiang pushed the teacup over, and when he withdrew his hand, there was an extra storage pouch on the table.

"I don't know if Guanshi Li has a way to let the younger generation take my sister in to take care of her. If I wasn't around when my wife was born, it would be a great crime."

Li Guanshi's eyes lit up, he picked up the teacup calmly, and took away the storage bag.

"Little friend, you are being polite. You, Kunpengju, have contributed a lot to the Immortal League this time, and I can still get the double-entry order."

"Then thank you, Manager Li."

Xiao Qiang got the entry and exit order of the Xianmeng, and Tu Sanniang also got the entry and exit order of the Yaozu.

Among the Five Elements Immortal Artifacts, there are three types of gold, wood, and water. Lin Suying has already completed the fusion training, and the only thing missing is the Earth Immortal Artifact [Five Sacred Figures] and the Fire Immortal Artifact [Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans]. Anywhere in Wanda Mountain is not easy to find for the time being.

[Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans] is in the hands of the Huofeng Clan. According to the news she has inquired in the past two days, the Huofeng Clan has successfully contracted with the immortal weapon and killed all directions on the battlefield.

Li Guanshi from Xianmeng specifically mentioned just now that Kunpeng mostly prepares water-type and ice-type talismans, and they need to order in large quantities.

To restrain the fire-attribute fairy weapon, it needs water-attribute fairy weapon or Ao Zhi's mysterious ice spirit body, so she has to go to the battlefield of the two races.

Lin Suying leaned against the wall of the quiet room, and continued to listen to Xiao Qiang and Li Guanshi inquiring about the situation.

"What's going on with the battle recently, I don't know much about the news here. All I hear is the information that the Xianmeng is retreating steadily and its troops are insufficient."

"It's okay, Mr. Jiuli has countermeasures. After all, the root cause of all this turmoil lies in the Tiandaozong catastrophe, so Mr. Jiuli allowed the Tiandaozong prisoners to atone for their sins, and sent them all to the frontline battlefield to resist the monster clan invasion."

"Really? When did this happen?"

"Recently, the first batch of Tiandaozong prisoners have been sent, including Li Bichen, the suzerain of Tiandaozong."

"But isn't Xiaoyao Demon Palace openly accepting disciples of Tiandaozong? Immortal League is not afraid..."

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain? Mr. Jiuli has a long-term plan and has considered this, so those Tiandaozong prisoners have been restricted. If they resist the Xiaoyao Demon Palace and the Yaozu well, they will be free after the war. If there is something different? Huh, just Think of it as a great gift to Happy Demon Palace."

Li Guanshi looked complacent, and raised his hand in a gesture of exploding.

At this moment, let alone Xiao Qiang clenched his fists secretly and filled with anger, even Lin Suying's eyes were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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