I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 180 Sneak Attack

Chapter 180 Sneak Attack
Heishuizhou, Gu's Tower.

"Get out of the way, this king should ask him carefully, why didn't he take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, beat the Crying Wind Ridge in one go, and go directly to Pangu Island!"

The powerful flames forced back the two demon cultivators guarding outside the tower. The King of the Phoenix Clan, dressed in phoenix feathers and red robes, with red eyes and red hair, rushed in angrily.

It caused the three people who were in front of the map to look up at him.

Standing in the middle, the judge Lu Changqing with a straight figure and an iron mask, and Qingsi who is wearing a purple dress holding his head and combing his hair.

There is another one, Qiu Bao, the head of the magic cultivator who was originally active in the three places of Baiman, a Gu master in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, who was a servant of the Heishui Gu clan when he was young, and was later framed by the Gu clan because of a rare Gu insect. He escaped after a narrow escape.

Although Qiu Bao is vicious, he still has a bottom line, so Lu Changqing invited him to join Xiaoyao Demon Palace on the condition of avenging him.

This time they captured Heishuizhou, not only avenged Qiu Bao, but also beheaded another brutal evil force.

Feng Xin's body was boiling with fire, which raised the indoor temperature a lot, and Qingsi fanned her hands to stand up irritably, "Let's go Qiu Bao, I really can't stay where he is."

Qingsi and Qiu Bao left together. Although Mo Dao and Yaozu are now cooperating to fight against the Immortal Alliance, Qingsi and the others still look down on the Yaozu who can only be slaves and spirit beasts of the human race.

Feng Xin was sullen from the corner of her eyes, and after Qingsi left, she asked again: "Give me a reasonable reason, why do you need a temporary truce?"

Their monster race has been trapped in the Monster Night Forest for tens of thousands of years, and their resources have long been cut off. Even the periwinkle tree, which is the tree of life, is almost dead, and ten thousand years have never grown new leaves.

Now that it is difficult to break out of this desperate land and go to a place with abundant supplies to recuperate, Shengzhi is willing to give up that small good opportunity.

Heishuizhou quickly turned to face Qiu Bao, "Did he think that the process of you taking Lin Suying was too smooth and too slow?"

"This is because I don't have a fairy weapon in my hand, and the Xianmeng and Baishuigu clan have no way to resist the Qihuo Shenwei, and they are killed and defeated."

Heishuizhou said in a deep voice: "Fang Shouzhen was so conceited back then, but in the end he harmed the entire Tiandaozong. Does he want to try me?"

Qiu Bao was furious, and his body was on fire, "What do you mean?"

"You are afraid that no one is sure that the Yaozu will spare no effort to survive in order to survive, and borrow the sword of the Yaozu to calm the chaos of the barbarians, and then send the Yaozu to the demons to prevent disasters!"

Qiu Bao's pupils trembled, and Heishuizhou looked serious, not joking.

Although there was no evidence, Sheng Zhining felt very good.

"That's possible!" Qiu Bao yelled at him, "If he wants to cross the river and tear down the bridge, just break up the gang, just say, you Yaozu are not ungrateful, you will embarrass them, and it is best not to think about your Yaozu if you pass him Will be their hands and listen to their words."

"They are willing to fight. It doesn't matter. You monster clan will fight on your own. Even if you die, you still want to return to this desperate land without scorched earth."

Qiu Bao threw a word, turned around and left, Heishuizhou hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head reluctantly.


Crying Wind Ridge.

Lu Changqing took the token, easily passed through the blockade in Pangu Island, and retreated into the territory of Pangu Island.

After driving for more than ten days, all they saw were fleeing refugees and the smell of war.

There are many barriers in Pangu Continent, except for the members of the Immortal League, a small minority are members of the Pangu Feng Clan, and we basically recognize the tokens of the Immortal League, and we are very polite to the members of the Immortal League.

Along the way, Lu Changqing also saw several conflicts between the Feng clan and the defenders of the Xianmeng. It was because the deployment of supplies delayed the war in time, or the reinforcements from the Xianmeng came too late, causing the Fengshi to suffer heavy losses.

From those small and big incidents, Lu Changqing also quickly gained insight into the conspiracy of the Xianmeng.

Fortunately, the Feng family was defenseless, even the people from the Xianmeng were under strict investigation by him in the previous checkpoint, and the people from the Xianmeng would intervene at the critical point.

Seeing this, Lu Changqing had no choice but to bypass Feng's checkpoint, cross mountains and ridges, cross the Crying Wind Ridge from the side, and then go to Lin Suying.

In the land of hundreds of savages, the rainforest is sparse, and there are many poisonous insects. Lu Changqing also caught many poisonous insects that are hard to see in other places along the way, and picked some poisonous substances.

On that day, Lu Changqing finally arrived at Qianzhu Gorge. After passing through that gorge, there was a lowland to the east of Lin Suying, where one could overlook the entire Whitewater Swamp area from a low position.

The straight canyon seems like no one has cut off the entire Wailing Wind Ridge, leaving behind a line of sky, which is covered with all kinds of spider nests, and the spider webs are intertwined between the mountain walls, and the insects and beasts that strayed into this place are hung below. corpse.

Lu Changqing backed away cautiously, and within a short distance, he saw many human corpses that were tightly bound by spider webs and sucked dry. There were also big colorful spiders crawling underneath, and they dispersed slowly after being disturbed by you.

Lu Changqing paused, and found that there were no traces of newly torn spider webs outside. Besides the mummy, you also found two fresh corpses.

Freezing the spider web with the air of black ice, Lu Changqing raised his hand and knocked it, the spider web was shattered into ice slag, the corpse on it was sucked by the spider so that his cheeks were sunken, his eyes were narrowed in despair, he looked familiar but recognized him.

You walked back and found some very new battle traces and a small amount of spider corpses, and there was not a single giant spider king among them.

Looking at the corpses one by one, Sheng Zhining finally knew where the strangeness came from.

Although you know each other, once you see them, you will always leave an impression. So many corpses are like this, which means that it is very unlikely that those people are all the disciples of the inner sect who were arrested by Tiandaozong.

Lu Changqing stood up and looked at the end, the depths of the Thousand Spider Gorge blocked by spider webs, the prisoners of Tiandaozong passed by, could it be that they were going to sneak attack Lin Suying?

Or should we escape and go to Sheng Zhining to find Xiaoyao Demon Palace, after all Xiaoyao Demon Palace is the only force in Xiaohuang that can protect the disciples of Tiandaozong.

But... Sheng Zhining thought of what Guanshi Li said to Xiao Ruo when Kunpeng was away.

There are no restrictions on the disciples of Tiandaozong.

It doesn't matter whether it's a surprise attack or an escape, I'm afraid both the Yaozu and the Xiaoyao Demon Palace will suffer.

Thinking of this, Lu Changqing sacrificed the previous day's spiritual weapon [Suzaku ring] to protect his whole body, turning it into a ray of light to accelerate and attack backwards.

At that time, at the foot of the Crying Wind Ridge, Qiu Bao used all the top [-] battle monsters of the Monster Clan to kill the Crying Wind Ridge at night, preparing to enter the Pangu Continent in one go.

If the Yaozu wanted to survive and develop, it was enough to occupy Sheng Zhining's place without swamps and poisons.

I also ignored the words of Heishuizhou, so I will go to the Tianque Realm, as long as the whole hundred and eight lands.

Under the Crying Wind Ridge, Feng Tianyu, the ancestor of the Pangu Feng Sect, has just recovered to the original cultivation level of the early stage of transforming gods with the help of the skills exchanged in [Open Sky Mirror]. The continuous battles have made me lose weight is much.

Standing weakly under the tail of the huge holy scorpion, I glanced at the already exhausted Feng clan members.

Including the small army of holy beasts, our number is just over [-]. In terms of victory or defeat, that battle is very likely to be Feng's last battle.

Although there is no way to trust the Xianmeng, Feng Tianyu can only hope at this moment that the Xianmeng's sneak attack strategy will succeed and force the monster clan to attack.

 The state of this week is very bad. Now I have to take care of the children on the weekend, and I haven't saved the manuscript, so I can only update it in these two days.

  It happened to be [-] o'clock this afternoon to start the limited exemption, and it will end at [-] o'clock on Monday afternoon, and I will update five chapters on Monday afternoon, forgive me~~
(End of this chapter)

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