Chapter 182
"Master!" Ning Feng rushed forward with a puzzled look on his face, "You didn't teach me back then, just be selfish and take care of yourself and live. Now why are you so stupid to go back for other people?"

Li Bichen raised his hand and patted Ning Feng on the shoulder, "Do you think the word Suzerain is just an identity, a name?"

Ning Feng may not be able to understand at this moment, but Qin Yi behind her has already begun to understand the responsibility she shoulders when she is called by Ning Feng to be a senior sister.

Lin Suying sneered suddenly, "I've been regarded by the whole Dahuang as a traitor from the evil way. Don't you think it's ridiculous to still talk about responsibility and morality here? If you go back, you will be sent to the battlefield by the Jiuli old thief to fight and die. You run away!" , will still be detonated and died from the restraint in the body."

"And do you know that the Xiaoyao Demon Palace is a piece of protection that Lu Changqing won for the disciples of Tiandaozong. The targets you will fight on the battlefield, except for the monsters, are all the same sects of Tiandaozong in the past! In this way, you have to go back Is Xianmeng being used as a knife?"

Hearing this, Qin Yi stepped forward in surprise, "Could it be that my master is the judge of Xiaoyao Demon Palace?"

Lin Suying nodded, and Qin Yi's heart fell to the ground, "That's great, it's great that Master is fine."

At this moment, Qin Yi didn't care about Lu Changqing's identity at all, and only wanted him to live.

Li Bichen smiled wryly, "He's still on the path of magic."

Seeing his expression, Lin Suying couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "You always knew that he had a heart for demons?"

Li Bichen didn't deny it, "Changqingzi has a lot of thoughts. Over the years, because of your affairs, he has already had murderous intentions against Immortal Shouzhen. I see through it, but I hope he can wake up on his own one day."

"Awakening to what? What is the righteous way, and what is the evil way?" Lin Suying looked at Li Bichen with a bit of sarcasm, "Cultivating spiritual energy is the right way? Cultivating devilish energy is the evil way? In my opinion, no matter what means, as long as It is kingly way to keep people alive!"

Li Bichen's eyes trembled slightly, Ning Feng and Qin Yi nodded in agreement, the situation they are facing now has left them no choice, what's the difference between the righteous way and the evil way?
Li Bichen took a deep breath, some concepts had already been deeply rooted in his mind, but at this moment he was really powerless to refute anything, so he had no choice but to stop continuing this topic.

"I know it's a dilemma now, but the only thing I can do is to be with the disciples of Tiandaozong, so I have to go back."

"Can't my master persuade the Yaozu to retreat?" Qin Yi asked.

Lin Suying shook her head, "Impossible, Jiuli doesn't want to repel the demon race, but wants to use the demon race to subdue the three lands, and then drive the demon race to the Tianque Realm as a barrier between the human race and the demon race."

Li Bichen has been the suzerain for a long time, and some things are obvious, but this time, he is actually a little inclined to Jiuli's choice.

After all, in front of the safety of the human race, the monster race is nothing.

Lin Suying said, "Jiuli wants to use the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect to fight against the monster race, and act as if the Immortal Alliance is fighting hard, and at the same time clear up the people of the Heavenly Dao Sect, unify the three lands, and finally reap the reputation of working hard for the human race , The abacus is played loudly!"

A series of explosions suddenly came from outside the canyon, the ground shook, the air was filled with fiery fire, and even the cliffs on both sides suddenly cracked, and rubble poured down.

Ning Feng's heart tightened, "Master, come with me, let's go to Changqing Zhenjun together, even if we enter the demon way, we must live on."

Seeing that Li Bichen was still unmoved, Ning Feng turned to Lin Suying, "I implore senior to knock my master unconscious and take him away with me."

Lin Suying didn't move, in fact she understood Li Bichen's thoughts, he is the backbone of Tiandaozong, if he is here, the detainees will have hope, they will feel that someone will come to rescue Li Bichen, and save them by the way.

And if Li Bichen was not there, these insignificant disciples would really have no hope, and even to the Immortal League, they would be of no value.

"Qin Yi, take Ning Feng and the others to find Lu Changqing. Note that they have restrictions on them. Paper figurines like me can temporarily suppress them."

Lin Suying handed a stack of paper figurines to Qin Yi, Qin Yi took it with both hands, and couldn't help asking: "What about you, senior? Why can't you go with us?"

Lin Suying glanced at Li Bichen, "If he wants to go back, someone has to give him a ride."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying grabbed Li Bichen and stepped into the air, disappearing in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.


Ning Feng chased after him with red eyes and shouted, but was pulled back by Qin Yi.

"Junior Brother Ning, we have to trust Senior Suying, she must have made her own decision and won't harm the suzerain."


Crying Wind Ridge, the fire phoenix soared to the sky, and its wings descended with burning flames, burning the sky and the mountains and forests ablaze.

The members of the Feng clan controlled the five poisonous holy beasts, manipulated all kinds of strange Gu, defended their position with the ridge as a line, and fought bloody battles with the monster warriors who kept coming up.

In the high sky, the shadow of the sword was shocking, Feng Tianyu fought Feng Xin alone, and a long sword with a green light exploded, setting off a huge wave of hundreds of millions of sword lights in the air, roaring wildly, and ruthlessly facing the raging fire phoenix in front of him. Take it hard.

The sound shook the sky, like a star exploding, the dazzling light eclipsed the sky and the earth, Feng Xin and Feng Tianyu were pushed back by the violent air wave.

The downpour of fire and rain splashed down on the ground, and instantly smashed large areas of deep pits on the ridge, causing heavy damage to the Feng's defenders.

Feng Tianyu suppressed his anger and commanded the sword. The scattered sword light rushed into the forest like a swarm of bees, beheading a large part of the monster army.

"Feng Tianyu, today is your death day!"

"Come, come, I will drink you tonight!"

Feng Xin glared at each other, Feng Tianyu raised his eyebrows provocatively, and the two fought again.

On the Crying Wind Ridge, there were endless explosions and miserable howls.

There are herds of beasts and huge stone demons and tree demons all over the mountains and plains. Facing the five poisonous holy beasts that follow one after another, they step on them with their feet, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

The Feng clan controlled the holy spider to encircle and kill it, and the spider's silk flew all over the sky to form a big net, tripping the stone demon to the ground in an instant.

The highly poisonous vines on the ground swam like snakes, entangled the bodies of Feng's disciples and strangled them, and then penetrated deeply into the bodies of those disciples, sucking their flesh and blood to strengthen themselves.

The fire of the celestial weapon is so powerful that the disciples of the Feng family will die when they touch it, and they are retreating steadily. Even if Feng Xin is dragged by Feng Tianyu, the Feng family will suffer heavy casualties, but the Yaozu is equally tragic, and both sides will suffer.

Behind the battlefield, the warlords Shinan Zhenjun and Gansui Zhenjun sent by Jiuli stood with their hands behind their backs, saying that they were leading people to suppress the formation, but in fact they had no intention of making a move at all.

"Mr. Jiuli's clever plan. After this battle, the Feng family will not be afraid, and the army of the monster clan is unstoppable." Zhenjun Shinan stroked his beard and said.

Dressed up as a Wufu, Gan Sui asked in a rough voice, "Isn't there still Tianwu Wu clan?"

"Feng clan is the strongest among the three lands of barbarians. Wu clan's witchcraft has long been broken. If it is not adjacent to Tiandao Sect and received assistance from Tiandao Sect, it would have been extinct long ago." Zhenjun Shinan explained.

Gan Sui nodded, "However, the Yaozu lost a lot in this battle. It's better to let the Xianmeng go all out and wipe out the Yaozu."

"Impossible, Mr. Jiuli said, there is no monster race, and the human race will face the demon race directly, there is no room for buffering, the monster race still has to stay, wait for them to enter the sky, let them multiply for a few years, It can grow again, and animals give birth faster than humans."

Seeing that a great battle was coming to an end, a white rainbow suddenly rushed out from the east of Heishuizhou, like a meteor flying unstoppably, it forcibly entered between Feng Xin and Feng Tianyu.

"Sanxiu Muzhi, here to help!"

The clear and crisp female voice echoed all over the place, and the female cultivator in white was seen standing in the air, and a severe chill suddenly rushed out of her body, instantly permeating the entire Weeping Wind Ridge.

The cold air turned into mist, the flames extinguished wherever it passed, and the scorched ground was frozen inch by inch. In just a few breaths, it would turn the entire battlefield into a white and ice world.

Feng Xin and Feng Tianyu separated from each other, looking at the spoiler who suddenly appeared in front of them in surprise, not knowing what she wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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