Chapter 183
Lin Suying glanced over Feng Xin and Feng Tianyu, and finally landed on Shinan and Kansui in the distance, smiling.

"Muzhi has admired Mr. Jiuli for a long time, and today he will do his best to help the Immortal League resist the invasion of the monster clan!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying waved and threw tens of thousands of [Cold Star Beads], densely dotted in the dark night, as bright as stars.

Feng Xin's scalp numbs and feels very bad, even if he mobilizes the [seven birds and five fire fans] in his body, he only hears a phoenix cry, and the fire phoenix composed of five layers of immortal fire is like an arrow from the string, straight to Lin Suying's face.

Seeing this situation, Feng Tianyu, who knew that Lin Suying was here to help, immediately rushed forward, intending to resist Huofeng.

At this time, Lin Suying followed Ao Zhi's temperament, suddenly tilted her head and stuck out her tongue at Feng Xin, and waved her hands to erect a wall of mysterious ice in front of her.

Feng Xin sneered, "How could a mere Xuan Bing...!!!"

Before she finished speaking, Feng Xin opened her eyes wide in horror, watching the phoenix of the five-fold immortal fire silently sinking into the mysterious ice wall, like a mud cow entering the sea, without even a splash of waves.

How can it be!

Even Feng Tianyu behind Lin Suying was stunned on the spot. He had experienced the power of the fifth layer of immortal fire, he could only block it but not resolve it, but now it is so simple to extinguish?

As everyone knows, Lin Suying hides a shrunken rotten water ladle in her sleeve, before Feng Xin can react, she wraps the Sanguang Shenshui with the [Cold Star Orb], and raises her hand to set up the [Tianyi Xuanbing Great Formation].

The Cold Star Bead was smashed heavily along the ridge of the Crying Wind Ridge. Amidst the repeated vibrations, the sharp and huge black ice cone pierced out from the ground, undulating like a living thing, blocking the front of Feng's disciples.

Many monsters and beasts who hadn't stopped in time collided with it, and were pierced and frozen in an instant, and shattered into ice slag with a light touch.

Before the low-level monsters and beasts even approached, they were frozen into ice cubes by the mysterious ice energy and the Sanguang Shenshui energy hidden in it, and exploded into ice mist without leaving any residue.

The Tianyi Xuanbing Great Formation is powerful, and the Sanguang Shenshui is not vulgar. It can easily corrode flesh and blood. The combination of the two, even if Lin Suying is only at the beginning of the Nascent Soul, is still strong enough to resist Feng Xin, who is holding the Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans. .

Feng Xin looked at this scene in amazement, seeing those ice cones criss-crossing and rising continuously, gradually erecting a high wall of black ice about a hundred feet high, which can be seen by others.

In the howling wind, more than a dozen ice dragons that almost merged with the ice wall walked through the wall, bringing a series of ice crystals colliding sounds, accompanied by a deep dragon chant, which was creepy.

After laying out such a huge formation in one breath, Lin Suying's complexion was a little pale, her body staggered and fell a few inches, when she stepped on a sword suddenly, she turned her head and saw Feng Tianyu following her, her eyes burning.

"Yaomeier is awesome, brother admires it!"

Feng Tianyu did not hesitate to praise him, he is a cultivator of Huashen, and he is indeed older than Ao Zhi, so there is nothing wrong with calling himself an elder brother.

Facing the big formation of Tianyi Xuanbing, the Yaozu had no power to resist, and Lin Suying gave Feng Xin a sense of unfathomable, especially his only reliance was no longer effective against Lin Suying.

Although he was not reconciled, but seeing the corpses of the demon clan all over the mountains and plains, Feng Xin, as the demon king, could only reluctantly order the withdrawal of troops.

Before leaving, Feng Xin took a deep look at Lin Suying, Lin Suying raised her lips and smiled, and calmly transmitted the sound to Feng Xin, making him feel palpitated.

The Yaozu withdrew their troops, Feng's losses were still within acceptable limits, Feng Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

On the mountain, the members of the Feng clan who were protected behind the ice wall cheered and their voices shook the sky.

Only then did Shinan and Gan Sui come together, and as soon as Shinan came, he challenged Lin Suying, "Who are you, how dare you disturb the battlefield at will?"

Feng Tianyu frowned, Lin Suying raised her hand to let him calm down, at this moment, her face was pale with a weak and pitiful look, and she looked at Shinan cautiously.

"Muzhi admired Mr. Jiuli for a long time. He heard that the Xianmeng was at war with the Yaozu, so he came to contribute a little bit. Muzhi didn't know that rashly intervening to save people would violate the rules of the Xianmeng. If there is something wrong, Muzhi Make an apology first."

As she said that, Lin Suying bowed profusely, and suddenly coughed forcefully, "Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough."

A touch of bright red slipped from the corner of his mouth, and Feng Tianyu scolded angrily: "You two dogs, Ridi, don't help, it's fine. My sister Yao didn't hesitate to spend her original strength to build a big formation, and you two have the nerve to say it?"

Shinan and Gan Sui were at a loss, Shinan hurriedly explained: "No, we didn't mean to blame, but we were just worried that she would intervene rashly to affect the battle situation, and it would be bad if the Yaozu broke through the defense."

Hearing this, Lin Suying forced herself to stand up straight, "Two friends, don't worry, as long as Muzhi is here, this formation will never be broken by the monster clan, and it is guaranteed to be safe."

The corners of Shinan's mouth twitched abruptly, and Kansui opened his eyes wide to look at Shinan.

Before they could say anything, Lin Suying looked puzzled again, "Why are the two fellow Taoists not happy? Could it be that Muzhi shouldn't have set up this battle? Or is it that Muzhi really disrupted the layout of the Xianmeng? Is there any other plan to ask you to enter the urn and borrow a knife to kill people?"

Feng Tianyu's eyes narrowed, not only did the corners of Shinan's mouth twitch, but the corners of his eyes also began to twitch, Gan Sui simply tilted his head and coughed, "I'll go downstairs to see if the Yaozu has really withdrawn."

"Sure enough, Muzhi still did something wrong, so Muzhi will tear up the big formation and let the Yaozu fight back."


Feng Tianyu stopped Lin Suying, "Let's see who dares to move today! Don't think I can't see that Gou Ridi Xianmeng has evil intentions. I just put the words aside today, and limit the members of the Xianmeng to get out of the pangu within seven days. Zhou, otherwise I will not be polite."

Seeing that the situation was not going to end well, Shinan could only leave in resentment. Everything went well, but today the Yaozu was able to break through the Feng's defense line, but ended up killing a shit-stirring stick halfway.

Gan Sui came up and called to check the monster clan's retreat, but in fact he was checking the formation. He shook his head at Shinan, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

Shinan helped his forehead, feeling distressed, immediately sent a message to Mr. Jiuli, asking him to deal with the situation in person.

"Feng's camp is over there in the col, Yaomeier and brother?"

Feng Tianyu invited Lin Suying, Lin Suying yelled, "I forgot to return the prisoners from Xianmeng to them."

After finishing speaking, Lin Suying flew down, and came back with Li Bichen after a while.

"I met Li Bichen, the patriarch of the Heavenly Dao Sect, at the Thousand Spider Gorge."

Feng Tianyu obviously didn't know that Li Bichen was here, so he was a little surprised.

Li Bichen clasped his hands and said: "The Immortal League sent us to atone for our sins and sneak attack on the Yaozu to support the Feng family, but we still failed in the end."

Feng Tianyu was taken aback, "You guys were sent by the Xianmeng to sneak attack?"

In fact, regarding Tiandaozong's affairs, Feng Tianyu also thought that Xianmeng had done too much, but he still had Feng's affairs to take care of, and he could not spare no effort to help if he wanted to.

Lin Suying continued: "The Immortal Alliance has imposed restrictions on all the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect. They dare not have any dissent. Otherwise, the Immortal Alliance only needs one command talisman to immediately make all the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect explode."

Xianmeng's bottomless behavior made Feng Tianyu a little sick.

"Back then when Tiandaozong was in a catastrophe, I saw the sacrifice of Tiandaozong and admired it very much, and I was able to retreat completely thanks to the help of everyone in Tiandaozong. Now that I have encountered this one, I can't just sit idly by. Please also The suzerain will follow me to stay in the Feng's camp for a few days, and I will deal with the Xianmeng."

Li Bichen looked at Lin Suying in surprise, but Lin Suying ignored him at all, as if he didn't know him well, if he didn't know that it was his senior sister, he couldn't see any flaws.

Li Bichen sighed, he didn't know what Lin Suying wanted to do, so he could only follow Feng Tianyu back to Feng's camp temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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