Chapter 184
Crying Wind Ridge down the mountain pass, at the Feng Clan camp, the members of the Feng Clan sat on the ground, cooking with fire, and everyone had triumphant smiles on their faces.

After Lin Suying adjusted her breathing overnight, Feng Tianyu came to the door with wine to thank Lin Suying for her help.

Especially after he personally inspected the big black ice formation, he was astonished as a heavenly being. It was obviously a big formation set up by a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but even he, a monk in the early stage of transformation, had lingering fears after seeing it, and dared not get too close .

In this way, as long as the formation is not broken, the Yaozu will not be able to invade Pangu Continent for a while, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief.

Thinking of Lin Suying's self-reported family as a casual cultivator that day, Feng Tianyu was moved to keep her.

After entering the camp where Lin Suying was, Feng Tianyu put the wine jar on the table and began to dig out things non-stop.

"Come here, Yaomeier, this is our Pangu Continent's Hundred Insect Wine, here are all kinds of delicacies made by insects, try it."

Lin Suying saw all kinds of bugs piled up in the green leaves all over the table, her scalp was numb and she couldn't accept it.

"You don't need to eat it, you can talk about business."

Feng Tianyu sat down on his own, pinched a green worm and threw it into his mouth. It was crunchy. In order to communicate smoothly, he deliberately changed his accent.

"I heard that my younger sister admires Mr. Jiuli, but I don't know if it's true or not?" Feng Tianyu asked tentatively.

Lin Suying smiled, "You want to win me over?"

"Cough!" Feng Tianyu didn't expect Lin Suying to look soft and weak, and speak so straightforwardly, completely different from before.

He wiped his nose, "Ah, yes, can you win me over?"

"That depends on how you win over."

Feng Tianyu chuckled, and suddenly sat up straight and smoothed his clothes, "Look at my elder brother, I was born a good-looking talent, and I'm still the head of the Feng clan. I don't know if I'm worthy of my little sister."

"You are an empty glove white wolf."

"What is an empty-gloved white wolf? Brother, I am prepared to sacrifice my innocence for hundreds of years, and our barbarian women have a very high status. If you are willing, it is not impossible for you to be the head of this family in the future."

"Look, there is your way to restrain Feng Xin. Although it is difficult now, as long as I persist for a few years and wait for my Feng Clan's reserve force to develop, it will not be a problem to directly kill the monster clan's lair. Let’s talk, Tiandaozong is down, they’d better rely on Feng.”

"At that time, all the barbarians will be unified, and you will be the queen of all the barbarians. Brother, the dowry is not too small, right?" Feng Tianyu laughed.

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows. She is already the Dragon King now, and the barbarian queen is not very attractive to her.

"The idea is good, but don't forget that the Xianmeng is still watching. If Baiman cannot accept the leadership of the Xianmeng, he will be replaced by the Xianmeng sooner or later." Lin Suying said bluntly.

Feng Tianyu scratched his face, "This is indeed a problem. The old thief of Jiuli already knew what he was thinking. Didn't he just want to use the monster clan to level my Pan Gu Feng family? But in the current form, Baiman is weak. , it’s not good to tear the skin off with Xianmeng, otherwise Fengshi will be the next Tiandaozong.”

Seeing this, Lin Suying smiled and said, "Since that's the case, why don't you cooperate with me?"

Feng Tianyu's eyebrows twitched, and he immediately became alert, "It turns out that the girl came prepared."

Lin Suying didn't deny it, "If I have a way to make the Yaozu completely disappear, and leave the Black Water Continent and the entire Yaoye Forest to you, Feng, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Feng Tianyu picked up the wine bowl and took a sip slowly, secretly thinking about the meaning of her words, let the monster clan disappear instead of being eliminated, could it be that she is a spy of the monster clan?But Feng Xin's reaction yesterday was not fake, she and Feng Xin are not in the same group.

But her words are indeed tempting. If there are no monster races raging in this land, then it is only a matter of time before the Feng clan can rule all the barbarians. When the time comes, all races will return to their hearts, and the witchcraft will surely regain its ancient glory, so why be afraid of the fairy alliance?

It's just that for such a big matter, Feng Tianyu will not easily believe her empty words.

"How can you guarantee that you can do it?" Feng Tianyu asked, "I am afraid that there is no one else who can make the Yaozu obediently except Mozun Yun Zhiyi."

Lin Suying smiled inscrutably, "Then have you ever thought that the person in front of you is Yun Zhiyi?"


The wine bowl fell to the ground, Feng Tianyu stood up and backed away, a chill rushed from behind to the top of his head, making him fully alert.

Lin Suying calmed down, "Don't be nervous, Yun Zhiyi is already dead, I am Lin Suying."

A wave-like phantom appeared on Lin Suying's body, her original face merged alternately with the current face.

Feng Tianyu looked surprised. In fact, he also suspected that Yun Zhiyi had taken Lin Suying away at the beginning, but some things that happened later showed that the probability of Lin Suying swallowing Yun Zhiyi was higher.

Yun Zhiyi is as mad as a mad dog, and if he gets out of trouble, he will definitely gather demonic disciples to retaliate wildly, but the demonic disciples appear at the scene of rescuing the disciples of Tiandaozong several times, which is not in line with Yun Zhiyi's character.

As for the rumors that Fang Shouzhen had an affair with Yun Zhiyi, no one with a brain would believe it.

Thinking of Li Bichen now, Feng Tianyu probably understands what Lin Suying wants to do.

Certainly, Feng Tianyu sat down again and wiped off his cold sweat, "Well, what I just said was pure fart, you must never take it to heart, I, Feng, can't afford to pay for this big Buddha. .”

Lin Suying narrowed her eyes, why?If Ao Zhi is willing to propose, is she, Lin Suying, unworthy?

"Do you really have a way to make the Yaozu disappear?" Feng Tianyu asked again.

"Let's try, everything can't be as the Jiuli old thief wants."

Feng Tianyu nodded hastily, "Okay, you Lin Suying has always said what you say, just for your name, I Feng Tianyu will believe you once, your suzerain can rest assured to stay with me, and I will find a way to hold you back." Jiuli old thief, ask the Immortal League as much as possible for the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect to fight against the Yaozu."

Lin Suying nodded, Feng Tianyu looked foolish, but in fact she was very transparent and reliable.

"But you have to be quicker on the Yaozu side. I can hold on for half a year. No matter how long it takes, I won't be able to beat the Jiuli old thief."

After convincing Feng Tianyu here, Lin Suying didn't delay, and immediately went to Heishuizhou.

at that time.

Feng Xin returned to the camp deep in the black water swamp, and when he thought of the woman who killed him halfway, his whole body became angry.

The last words she said on Weeping Wind Ridge kept echoing in her mind.

"Brother Fenghuang, don't let me see you again next time, or I will... like you once I see you."

Feng Xin's little heart was beating uncontrollably, that woman was quite cute, especially with her head tilted...

bah bah bah!
He, Feng Xin, belongs to the noble Phoenix clan, and is also a great demon king. Except for the noble dragon and phoenix clans, no one can covet him, and he will never set his sights on a human race!
(End of this chapter)

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