I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 185 Fire in the Backyard

Chapter 185 Fire in the Backyard
Qin Yi walked out of the stilted building with red eyes, and saw Qingsi in purple sitting outside with her long-haired head in her arms, and her heart shivered.

Although Qingsi didn't look up at her, she just combed the long hair of that head one by one, but the coldness emanating from her made Qin Yi very afraid.

Qin Yi couldn't help but began to worry that Qingsi must know Lu Changqing's true identity at this moment, and would do something unfavorable to her master.

But her master had told her just now that she didn't have to worry about these things.

Qin Yi took a deep look at Qingsi and left. She saw from a distance that the fat monk Wan Baozhong who had been following Qingsi was talking to Ning Feng. She walked over quickly, fearing that he would be unfavorable to Ning Feng.

At this time, the entire Demonic Dao camp was undercurrents because they brought a large number of Tiandaozong disciples. After all, they were once famous sects of the righteous way.

As soon as Qin Yi left, Qingsi tied her head in a bun, then got up and walked into the stilted building where Lu Changqing was.

"The Yaozu retreated, and we accepted another batch of Tiandaozong disciples. Is Changqing still happy?"

Faced with Qingsi revealing his identity, Lu Changqing didn't panic at all. He still stood in front of the map of the Three Lands of Hundred Barbarians and the Tianque Realm, thinking about how to solve the current situation.

"Didn't you already know my identity?" Lu Changqing replied casually.

A smirk suddenly appeared on Qingsi's cold face, "Isn't it because your cultivation level is not as good as yours, so I can't help you, and I still count on you to find my lord, after all, my lord took it away, but you love it the most." Senior Sister."

Lu Changqing's fingers tightened, and he turned to look at Qingsi, "So what are you worried about?"

The four eyes met, and the undercurrent was raging, "I just couldn't figure out your purpose suddenly. Now no one knows the specific situation of my lord, but it's nothing more than that my lord took away Lin Suying, or..."

A murderous intent flashed in Qingsi's eyes, "Otherwise, Lin Suying harmed my lord, if the latter you are so indifferent, I can understand it, but if it is the former, my lord hates Tiandaozong so much, you are not afraid that she will come back and kill you!" You?"

Lu Changqing lowered her eyes and turned around, "I don't need to bother you about this matter. If you don't want to stay, just leave."

Qingsi clenched her fists, she admitted that she was inferior to Lu Changqing in all aspects, and at this time he was needed to lead the cultivators of the Demon Dao, otherwise the Demon Dao would be broken one by one by the Immortal League, and nothing would be left to the Venerable in the end.

So facing his rescue of Tiandaozong with the help of Demon Dao, Qingsi also turned a blind eye.

In addition, these monks of the Demonic Dao, even though they are all gathered together now, they are all just afraid of the engraving of the Demon Lord on their bodies, and she may be the only one who is really facing the Lord.

So Qingsi has been waiting, waiting for the Lord to return.

If the lord is still the lord, what would Lu Changqing be afraid of, when the time comes, he will just take off his head and replace it with a new one.

If the lord is no longer the lord... Even if she blew herself up, she would kill the person who killed her lord.

Qingsi left the Diaojiaolou directly, Lu Changqing turned to look at her back, and there was also a murderous intent in his eyes.

Qingsi's prestige in the magic way is second only to Ao Cang, the poisonous dragon venerable. After all, she is also someone who served by Yun Zhiyi's side.

Before he is fully sure that he can control all the monks of the magic way, Lu Changqing can't touch her.

However, the whole thing is going in the direction he expected. The only variable that worries him is that Qin Yi just told him that Lin Suying took Li Bichen to the Xianmeng.

Lu Changqing flipped his hands and took out a piece of black jade and rubbed it in his palm. This was the beacon of a small world he had found long ago, and it was also a gift he was going to give to Lin Suying.

"Just wait for the suzerain, Panshan and Xuanyan to be saved, and then we can take everyone to the small world and start over."


At the same moment, Lin Suying crossed the Crying Wind Ridge and sneaked into the Black Water Island.

Everywhere you look is a rainforest swamp, the air is filled with a damp and rancid smell, highly poisonous plants and creatures can be seen everywhere, and there is not even a place to stay.

Zhaocai carried Lin Suying across the sky with an unhappy expression on his back, but his clean white fur was wet by the water droplets from the tree unexpectedly, making him extremely irritable.

Meow! ! !

Lin Suying rubbed Zhaocai's head, comfortingly said: "If you are wet, you will be wet. If a tiger looks down on you because your hair is wet, then he is not worthy of your liking. Give up."

Zhaocai arched his back fiercely, almost knocked down by Lin Suying. The tiger is the love of his life, and he can't give up no matter what. Now that he has conceived a baby, if the tiger doesn't obey this time, he will forcefully pounce on him.

Lin Suying didn't know what the money-making plan was, but felt the little conch in the Dragon Palace vibrate wildly, so she took it out and listened to it.

"No, Your Majesty the Dragon King, Aoxi and Aowen met and had a fight a few days ago. Maybe they knew your true face. They suddenly sent troops to Wujiang together. They want you to go out and tell them clearly where you are. I can't stand it if I don't come back."

Yo, did the car overturn?

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows. The matter on her side has not been settled yet, the backyard caught fire first.

Lin Suying was not in a hurry at all, and replied unhurriedly: "Don't panic when you encounter something, start the big formation, our Wujiang navy has practiced for five years, are you still afraid of them? Let the dragon demon guard follow the previous actual combat drill Come with the battle plan, I will go back in half a year."

Putting away the conch, Lin Suying could already imagine Prime Minister Gui's collapsed expression. He was good in everything, but he was too restless. With Wujiang Dragon Palace's current defense capabilities, it was not easy to defeat him.

After walking into the Blackwater Swamp for an hour, Lin Suying pulled Zhao Cai's ear and told it to walk west.

Zhaocai frowned. It chose an extremely safe road without monster guards. Could there be a group of crocodile monsters lurking underwater in the west?

"If you tell you to go, just go, stop talking nonsense."

Zhaocai shook his head and diverted to the west, and when he reached the top of the stinking pool, Zhaocai flicked his tail twice irritably, only to see the six-headed monster crocodile rushing up from the water.

"Where is the thief, trespassing on the stronghold of the monster clan?"

Six crocodile monsters surrounded Zhaocai and Lin Suying in a threatening manner. One of the crocodile monsters escaped from the battlefield two days ago. When he saw Lin Suying's face clearly, he was so scared that he dropped his weapon.

Zhaocai's mighty eyes swept over the six crocodile monsters. If Lin Suying hadn't stopped them, it would have killed them eight times.

Lin Suying jumped up from Zhaocai's body, and transformed into a white snake with a chill in its body. The snake's head was raised high, swallowing snake letters.

"White Snake Muzhi, I'm here to meet the Demon King."

The melodious sound echoed in the swamp, scaring away a large number of poisonous insects.

The crocodile monsters looked at each other, and the crocodile monster who had seen Lin Suying was even more shocked when he saw Lin Suying's body transformed into a white snake at this moment, turned around and ran wildly after a while, and went to inform the demon king Feng Xin.

Zhaocai gave Lin Suying a glance, only felt that its owner was becoming more and more unscrupulous, he would be a man for a while, a woman for a while, and now he doesn't even want to be a human being.

 There is one more chapter, writing...

(End of this chapter)

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