I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 186 Return of the Demon Lord

Chapter 186 Return of the Demon Lord

Lin Suying's avatar at the moment is the white dragon Aozhi, but it is still very easy to put away the characteristics of the dragon and become a white snake.

The monster race is quite xenophobic. If you want to break into the interior quickly, it is faster to become a monster.

Not long after, two Nascent Soul early-stage rocs shot over, turned into human bodies and bird wings, looked at Lin Suying for a while, and then asked her to continue walking deeper.

After passing through a large area of ​​swamps and bushes, they finally reached the outskirts of a village on the water.

Lin Suying saw that there were river monsters and crocodile monsters and other water monsters beside the pool, and there were also flying monsters such as roc monsters, eagle monsters hidden in the huge bushes next to it, and various land monsters surrounded the place.

A huge stone demon and a tree demon covered in vines separated on both sides like patron saints, guarding Feng Xin in red standing on the gate of the village.

Lin Suying took a deep look at the fat baby covered in vines on the shoulder of the stone demon. The last time she used [Open Sky Mirror] to carry out the task of robbing prisoners, this stone demon and the little vine demon appeared.

"I didn't expect you to be a white snake, so why did you block the monster clan's attack, and dare to come here today, you monster clan traitor!" Feng Xin shouted angrily from a high place.

Lin Suying looked up at Feng Xin, "Master Demon King brought so many demons to see me, is it because of fear?"

Feng Xin's face was embarrassed, and the flames burned fiercely, "Nonsense, my king's cultivation level is not only in the early Yuanying stage, how can I be afraid of you."

Seeing this, the stone demon and tree demon guarding on both sides of him hurriedly retreated to the two sides, for fear of being burned by the fire on his body.

"Master Yaowang said that I was a traitor of the Yaozu, which made me sad. Everything I did was for the Yaozu." Lin Suying said.

Feng Xin didn't believe her nonsense, "If you are a lobbyist for the people, you don't have to. Sooner or later, my monster people will break through the Crying Wind Ridge and occupy the three continents."

Lin Suying raised her eyebrows, "It's just to occupy the three lands of Baiman, why not go to the Tianque Realm, which is more affluent and suitable for living?"

Feng Xin sneered, "Does the human race really think this king is stupid? The demon race is sealed in the Heavenly Dao Sect, and if they get out of trouble, whoever is close will be unlucky at that time. How can I let the demon race use it as a shield for the human race?"

"Brother Fenghuang is quite smart." Lin Suying praised with a smile.

Suddenly being called Brother Fenghuang by Lin Suying, Feng Xin's heart shuddered. Looking at her sweet smiling face, she couldn't help feeling a little charming in her heart. Although she is not a human race, she is just an ordinary white snake. How can she be worthy of him?

"But it's useless to be smart." Lin Suying changed the subject, "A large sky array has been built in Tianque territory that runs through the north and south, and the top seven-star island master will personally set up the array. By then, it will be able to resist the footsteps of the demons, and the demons will be out of trouble. To go out, you can either cross the sea to the east or climb the mountains to the south, which way do you think is feasible?"

Feng Xin's pupils twitched slightly. To the east was the blue sea. Above the sea, the dragon clan was king. If the demons couldn't cross the sea, they could only go south and cross the Tianwu Mountains. By then, they would still be killed in the Baiman Three Lands.

But Yaoye Forest is located in the extreme south, surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the Boundless Sea is an outer domain of void. He, the demon king, can escape, but none of the demon clan below can escape.

The Hundred Man Three Lands was their last choice, where else could they go?
"I have a land that can solve the difficulties of the monster clan. Mr. Bao is satisfied." Lin Suying said in a deep voice.

Feng Xin laughed out loud immediately, he racked his brains and couldn't think of any other way for the Yaozu to settle down, he even wanted to find a small world in the past, but the small world was inherently unstable and couldn't accommodate the lives of the Yaozu The tree periwinkle.

The Changchun tree is the inheritance tree and the foundation of the Yaozu, so no matter where they go, they must give priority to ensuring the survival of the Changchun tree, so the Yaozu can only focus on the complete big world of the Great Wilderness at this moment.

Feng Xin thought Lin Suying was talking nonsense, but when he looked down and saw her serious eyes, his smile gradually faded.

"You're not kidding?"

"I came here all the way, just to play a joke on you, Mr. Demon King, to seek death?"

Feng Xin narrowed her eyes, this matter is of great importance, and he is willing to explore any tiny hope.

"Come with the king."

Only then did Feng Xin let all the demon clans around retreat, leaving only his confidant fox demon by his side, and brought Lin Suying to the village to discuss.

There is no magic cultivator of Xiaoyao Demon Palace here, but a little demon saw Lin Suying following behind the demon king, and immediately sent a message to Lu Changqing.

Feng Xin asked his Fox Clan counselor to stay outside the stilted building, and when Lin Suying came in, he sealed the building. The Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans were ready to go, but if there was any abnormality, they would be killed immediately.

Lin Suying was also on guard, with the rotten water ladle hidden in her sleeve and the Sanguangtian Xin sword hidden in her sleeve, chatting with Feng Xin kindly.


When Lu Changqing received the summons, he thought for a while and guessed that the person might be Lin Suying. He immediately put aside all his affairs and rushed to the village where the Yaozu was.

When he arrived, he saw Feng Xin with a bright smile, eagerly sending the nun who called herself Mu Zhi out of the stilted building.

I don't know what they talked about, Feng Xin's brows that had been locked all day long relaxed, and she was very energetic.

"Azhi, wait for me for a day, and when I have arranged the affairs of the camp, I will take Azhi to see Master Changchun. As long as Master Changchun agrees, this matter can be settled."

Lin Suying nodded slightly, and asked curiously: "I heard that the selection of the demon king by the demon clan requires the approval of Master Changchun in addition to passing the sorcery test in Shichuan. Is there such a thing?"

"Of course, Master Changchun's attitude is actually more important than the strength of the demon king itself. Over the years of the demon race, the demon kings have been replaced by different races, and Master Changchun has never chosen the demon king, so that although the demon race has always been favored by the human race, Suppressed, but still able to persevere until now, united and never had civil strife.”

Lin Suying was thoughtful, and turned her head to see Lu Changqing standing in the distance, looking at her with inquiring eyes.

Temporarily appease the Yaozu side, leaving the Demon Dao side. After all, it is the Happy Demon Palace, and she, the palace owner, has to go and have a look, otherwise it would be too irresponsible.

"I ran into an old acquaintance, I went to say hello."

Seeing Lin Suying walking towards Lu Changqing, Feng Xin narrowed her eyes, full of hostility.

Lu Changqing didn't look at Feng Xin, but kept looking at the female cultivator who was walking over, his eyes met, and he recognized Lin Suying under this body with just one look.

There are many people in the Yaozu resident, Lu Changqing asked Lin Suying with his eyes, and got her permission, he took her and disappeared in place, and went directly to the Xiaoyao Demon Palace resident.

Lin Suying looked around, all of them were demonic monks in black robes, sitting together in small groups, drinking blood and eating meat, viciously.

Most of them practiced magic skills, so that the demonic energy in this place was overwhelming, and the black clouds were overwhelming and lingering all day long.

"How many people are there in Xiaoyao Demon Palace?" Lin Suying asked.

Lu Changqing walked to her side, "There are more than ten thousand people here at the moment, but there are still many demon cultivators and desperate casual cultivators claiming to be disciples of Xiaoyao Demon Palace in various parts of the Great Wilderness."

Lin Suying laughed, "I was just talking nonsense, but I actually made the Xiaoyao Demon Palace build up. If that's the case, let them all come to pay respects to the Palace Master!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying closed her eyes and activated the imprints of the demon gods that were deeply embedded in the bodies of those demon cultivators like a plague.

There was a moment of silence in the cottage, all the old divisions of Yunzhiyi and the Moxiu they developed later held their arms, watching the black snake engraving buried deep under the skin squirm again, with a heart-piercing pain. The scorching pain indicates that...

The Demon Lord is back!

 Five more ends today!
(End of this chapter)

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