Chapter 187
"My lord!"

The purple figure rushed out from behind many demon cultivators, and looked at the girl in a white dress standing in the center of the cottage with tears in her eyes. Even the head that never left her hand was thrown to the treasure behind her, and she knelt down on the girl's knees with a plop. before.

Qingsi raised her hand and knelt down to salute, knocking her head down heavily.

"Congratulations to Demon Venerable, come back to the Great Wilderness!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of monks of the magic way in the cottage knelt down and bowed one after another, screaming like a tsunami.

"Congratulations to Demon Venerable, come back to the Great Wilderness!"

"Congratulations to Demon Venerable, come back to the Great Wilderness!"

"Congratulations to Demon Venerable, come back to the Great Wilderness!"

Lin Suying had never experienced such an exciting scene, and her heart was inexplicably filled with pride, as if she was the big devil who looked down on the world and frightened the sky, and only wanted to disturb the situation and make the whole wilderness tremble for her.

This kind of powerful and unstoppable feeling really makes people overwhelmed, and it's no wonder that Yun Zhiyi became more and more crazy in those years.

Lin Suying closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down the agitation in her heart. She is Lin Suying, not Yun Zhiyi.

Moreover, the inscription of the demon clan is vicious, except for the blue silk at the foot, the other demon cultivators may not really surrender to Yun Zhiyi.

But no matter what, she has to play the role of the Demon Lord Yun Zhiyi at this moment.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Suying's white lotus temperament belonging to Ao Zhi disappeared without a trace, and with the help of the coercion of the demon god, she gradually revealed a domineering arrogance and demonic intent.

Feeling this momentum, Lu Changqing's heart was shocked, and he looked at Lin Suying suddenly with uncertain eyes.

Lin Suying didn't care about him, but stretched out a hand to Qingsi who was kneeling at her feet, "Get up."

Qingsi's mood was agitated. Hearing this long-lost command tone, the suspicion in her heart suddenly weakened a little. She held Lin Suying's hand slightly trembling and stood up.

Lin Suying raised her chin slightly, "Are you not satisfied with this deity's body?"

Qingsi trembled all over, quickly looked back and lowered her head, "Qingsi didn't dare, Qingsi was just curious... Curious Your Majesty obviously took Lin Suying from the Heavenly Dao Sect, why didn't she use her body?"

Lin Suying raised her brows slightly, she could hear that Qingsi still had doubts about her, behind her Lu Changqing stepped forward to explain, Lin Suying raised her arm to stop her.

This action fell into Qingsi's eyes, and she became more suspicious in her heart. She secretly communicated with the Soul Soul Nascent Soul, if Her Majesty was really killed by the gangsters of Tiandao Sect, she would blew up her Soul Soul Nascent Soul at this moment, and dragged the two people in front of her to be buried with him.

Lin Suying stood up straight without haste, and said in a cold tone, "Lin Suying's body has long since died with this deity, and the rest is just a pile of tatters. How can it compare to the dragon girl's body that Ao Cang offered to this deity."

As soon as the words fell, Qingsi looked up in surprise, and Lu Changqing also showed surprise, and they all looked at Lin Suying.

Lin Suying took off all her camouflage, her pupils were azure blue, two dragon horns were born on both sides of her forehead, and a trace of white dragon scale flashed quickly on her cheek.

Dragon Girl Aozhi!

Both Qingsi and Lu Changqing were thinking about it, some things don't need to be said too clearly, smart people will make up their minds.

Both Qingsi and Lu Changqing thought of the changes in the Xuanyuan water environment a few years ago, the Sanjiang dragon clan teamed up to destroy the Biyang water palace, and it turned out that Lin Suying (the devil) was manipulating behind it.

Lu Changqing's eyes gradually darkened, thinking of Lin Suying's meeting with Feng Xin just now, she gradually understood what she was going to do.

But Qingsi became more and more excited as she thought about it, she thought that her lord was murdered by Lin Suying, Lin Suying's cowardly bastards were hiding everywhere, if her lord was going to do something big.

From now on, it seems that her family was not silent, but the Biyang Water Palace was destroyed without making a sound.

Qingsi recognizes the dragon girl, who is Venerable Dulong's dragon sister, Aozhi. Since Venerable Dulong can dedicate all his dragon sisters to him as a body, it means that Venerable Dulong has verified his identity.

Qingsi was certain in her heart, but suddenly turned to Lu Changqing, and said viciously: "Your Majesty, he has been trying to control my Xiaoyao Demon Palace as a judge. In fact, he is the Changqing son of Tiandao Sect. I don't know how His Majesty plans to deal with him?"

Hearing this, Lin Suying suddenly smiled, "How do you think I should deal with it?"

Qingsi didn't understand why, and suddenly couldn't see through the relationship between her family lord and Lu Changqing.

Lin Suying's eyes were stern, "You are just a maid who combs your hair, but now you are quite courageous, and you are taking care of the deity's affairs?"

Qingsi trembled all over, and hurriedly knelt down to admit her mistake, "Qingsi dare not, Qingsi is just worried that His Majesty will be deceived by villains."

Lin Suying squatted down and grabbed Qingsi's chin and raised her head to face herself, "If you want to die with this deity, you can try to blow yourself up. You can't let me interfere with this deity's affairs. Too indulgent!"

As soon as the words fell, Qingsi felt the Mozun engraved seal on her arm suddenly burn, making the blood all over her body like boiling water, causing a piercing pain.

"Ahh! Your Majesty, spare your life! Qingsi will never dare again!!"

Under the severe pain, Qingsi fell to the ground trembling and convulsing, Lin Suying got up slowly, and glanced coldly at the group of demon cultivators who were still kneeling around.

With a flick of his sleeves, he turned around and walked towards the stilted building where the discussion was held, making everyone feel the creepy pressure without saying a word.

Looking at Qingsi who was in pain, all the demon cultivators swallowed hard, not daring to have any doubts or disagreements.

Lu Changqing silently looked at Qingsi for a moment, then turned to follow Lin Suying.

After entering the stilted building, Lu Changqing raised his hand and put down a barrier to prevent prying eyes. Seeing Lin Suying rubbing her tense face and returning to her original loose look, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, her appearance just now was exactly the same as Yun Zhiyi's, which made Lu Changqing suspicious several times.

"It's quite a joy to be a Demon Lord." Lin Suying sighed.

The suppression of her identity prevents her from explaining any behavior to anyone, just like the emperor does not need to explain the national strategy to the soldiers.

So facing Qingsi, she only needs to show the anger that her authority is being questioned.

Qingsi was still screaming outside. The demon imprint was extremely vicious. Lin Suying learned from Chong Shan that the demon engraving was a means for the superior to control the slaves.

And it will be passed on along with the bloodline, so that future generations will also carry the engraved seal as slaves forever.

And the engraving left by Yun Zhiyi has become extremely polluting after four or nine improvements, and it doesn't need to be manipulated by her master. Qingsi and others who have engravings can also use their own blood to pollute other demon cultivators and kill them. Become the subordinate of the demon king.

Of course, the engraving can only be effective on those who cultivate the evil energy, so it will not pollute the so-called orthodox monks.

"Are you planning to subdue the demon clan here?" Lu Changqing asked.

Lin Suying scratched her forehead, "I'll see after seeing the Changchun tree spirit tomorrow. If the tree spirit doesn't want to go with me, it's useless to think about it. What about you? Why did you suddenly help the Yaozu?"

Lu Changqing asked Lin Suying to sit down at the table, and then said: "Actually, I was the one who came up with the idea of ​​sending the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect to the battlefield."

Lin Suying was taken aback, this was a bit beyond her expectation.

Lu Changqing explained: "I am in the Xianmeng, and both the Taiyi Sect and the Yaozu have placed people, so I can see a little bit about the plan of the Jiuli old thief. During the battle, I knew that this was an excellent opportunity to rescue the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect."

Lin Suying couldn't help laughing, Lu Changqing made his own experience as a young boy, and placed young boys everywhere.

"So I first asked the Taiyi Sect's undercover agent to tell Yuan Yi Laodao that he could use the disciples of Tiandaozong to resist the demon clan. Yuanyi Laodao was eager to make contributions, so he would naturally tell the old thief of Jiuli. In the end, this matter was successfully facilitated. As long as the disciples of Tiandaozong are killed If they are sent to the battlefield, even if there are restrictions in my body, I can still save them all, and now I only need to save the suzerain, Panshan and Xuanyan, and I will take the disciples of Tiandaozong out of Xiaoyao Demon Palace."

"Where can I go after leaving? The demon clan and the death energy of destroying the world are still there, and you can't escape. Even if you go to the small world, it is extremely difficult to quickly improve your cultivation and strength due to the influence of the concentration of spiritual energy and resources."

Lu Changqing was about to hand over the small world's beacon to Lin Suying, when he heard her say this, he secretly put away the beacon.

"What does the senior sister mean?"

Lin Suying smiled, "I want to steal the old thief's house in Jiuli!"

(End of this chapter)

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