Chapter 188
Tianque Realm, Nine Palace City.

The once-prosperous No. [-] city in the Tianque Realm has now become an empty city. The last batch of evacuated low-level casual cultivators headed westward slowly under the protection of the monk of Mount Sumeru.

Standing on the tallest tower in the city, Jiuli can still see the pitch-black enchantment upside down on the Tiandaozong mountain range. It seems to be thicker and darker than before, like a sponge full of water, which can be penetrated with a light squeeze. The extermination of the world and death is squeezed out.

Jiuli felt very bad, so he had to speed up the arrangement on the Yaozu side, so that he could return to the Xuanyuan Water Realm, drive away the Sanjiang Dragon Clan in one go, and completely take the Xuanyuan Water Realm into his pocket.

Although the area of ​​the Xuanyuan water environment is not large, it is rich in products and rich in spiritual energy. It is surrounded by the sea and blocked by dragons, which can be regarded as a unique barrier.

The [Seven Stars Company Formation] in the Tianque Realm, which can block even Mahayana stage monks, he has obtained the formation, and combined with his chess formation, it can completely seal the entire Xuanyuan Water Realm. How, he lived in the Xuanyuan water environment and cultivated slowly, let's see how they resist the demons.

At this time, Yuan Yi Laodao, the head of Taiyi Sect, came to see him.

Jiuli asked without turning his head: "Can all the assets collected by Tianque Realm be shipped out these years?"

Yuan Yi nodded his head, "The merchant ship has already set off, and it will be delivered to Xuanyuan Water Realm in a few days."

Jiuli nodded in satisfaction. The destruction of the Biyang Water Palace and the loss of the celestial artifact made him extremely depressed. At this moment, he finally felt refreshed.

When he turned around, he found that Yuan Yi was still there, and asked with a frown, "What else?"

"It's the Yaozu side..."

Jiuli's heart trembled, "Speak up if you have something to say!"

Old Daoist Yuan Yi hurriedly told Jiuli the battle report from below.

Jiuli was furious after hearing this, "Where does this Sanxiu Muzhi come from?"

"I can't find out for now, but she should be a mysterious ice spirit body, and the formation is extremely strong. I heard that Feng Tianyu, the ancestor of the Feng family's transformation god, tried it in person, but there is nothing I can do. Although we are waiting for the monsters to come over , but you can’t say it directly on the bright side, it’s hard to get off a tiger.”

Jiuli was indeed riding a tiger. In the original battle between the two clans, Wan Ruyi wanted to send sword and martial arts from the Northern Luo Realm to help out. He was afraid that the troops would be too strong to excuse him, so he even adopted Yuan Yi's suggestion and sent the prisoners of the Tiandao Sect one after another. go out.

Originally, everything was safe, but suddenly a Muzhi came out halfway.

"You said she can restrain the seven birds and five fire fans of the demon king Feng Xin?"

Jiuli suddenly thought that the Water Immortal Artifact was taken away by someone. If it was the Water Immortal Artifact and the Xuanbing Spiritual Body, it would indeed be possible to restrain the seven birds and five fire fans. Otherwise, the Xuanbing Spiritual Body alone would not be so powerful. With great ability, that Muzhi is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Thinking of this, Jiuli's heart trembled, "I want to go and see for myself, how sacred is this Muzhi!"


Monster Night Forest, Immortal Jue Ridge.

Lin Suying followed the demon king Feng Xin and the [-] Nascent Soul Dapeng entourage, soaring through the clouds and fog all the way back to the Monster Night Forest.

Yaoye Forest and Heishuizhou are separated by a fairy mountain, which runs through the east and west. There is no grass growing here, and the mountains and plains are full of strange rocks and bones.

For tens of thousands of years, the human race has organized monster hunting many times, fighting with the demon race near Xianjue Mountain, so that the blood is filled with blood mist, and even the mountain rocks are dyed scarlet, which is shocking.

There is no aura in Xianjue Mountain, and there is a strange energy suppressing it, so Lin Suying and his party can only climb over on foot.

Walking to the middle of the mountain, Lin Suying suddenly felt something disturbed, and quickly hid in the crevice of the rock, causing her to look over curiously.

I saw that the cracks in the rocks were stuffed with all kinds of dry grass leaves, and there were still a little water stains underneath.

"That's a little mountain spirit. He always likes to grow grass on Xianjue Mountain, and he hasn't seen anything grown in tens of thousands of years." Feng Xin explained next to him.

Xu Shi heard Feng Xin's voice, and those villains with big fists who hid in the crevices of the rocks came out one after another. They looked exactly like little human boys, wearing coarse cloth and carrying a small hoe the size of a pinky finger.

The dozen or so small mountain spirits around were all in the same shape, saluted the demon king with uniform movements, then glanced at Lin Suying, lowered their heads shyly and smiled, then turned their heads and burrowed into the crevice of the stone.

Lin Suying looked at it thoughtfully for a moment, and then quickly followed after hearing Feng Xin's urging.

Walking up to the highest point of Xianjue Ridge, Lin Suying saw a scorched and cracked land, and only dead trees remained in sight.

There was no longer a drop of water in the wide river channel, only the gravel at the bottom of the river and the corpses of monster beasts that died of thirst, surrounded by a group of vultures and jackals, biting and sharing food.

Desolate and lifeless, without any vitality.

"Now you know why this king wants to lead the monster clan out of the encirclement at all costs, right?"

Feng gave a hard laugh, Lin Suying nodded and remained silent.

Not all monsters are born in the Monster Night Forest, but [-]% of the monsters in the whole Great Wilderness have lived here for generations. Only here can they grow and practice without restriction.

Unlike the monsters in the outside world, which can only be reduced to a tool for human trials, once they break through to the Nascent Soul stage, they will be wiped out immediately.

Feng Xin let out a cry, spread her wings and glided down from the highest point of Xianjue Mountain, guarded by twenty rocs.

Lin Suying habitually drove the dark clouds to follow behind them, crossing the vast and dry land, and saw a big tree standing in the center of Yaoye Forest.

Like that tree, there were only brown branches distributed among the clouds, covering the sky and the sun. The tree was as thick as a city wall, making Lin Suying feel very small.

When they got under the tree, even though Feng Xin was the Demon King, he still knelt in front of the tree on one knee and respectfully shouted: "Feng Xin is back, please see Master Changchun."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying saw a gap in the wall-like tree, and a gray-haired squirrel jumped out of it, transforming into a little old man with a white beard.

It was still the size of a squirrel, with a serious face while leaning on a cane, with a fluffy gray tail raised behind its back.

As soon as he saw Lin Suying, the old squirrel squinted his eyes, looked back at the gap in the tree, scratched his head in doubt, jumped on Lin Suying's shoulder a few times, and sniffed carefully.

The cracks on the tree lead to [Death River], the trial place of the demon clan. The tiger has been in it for more than three years. These days, he is trying to understand the magic in the last layer of [Death River]. Once successful, it is possible to open the demon. The long-lost ancient magic inheritance of the clan.

Master Changchun was very concerned about this matter, so he kept looking at the tiger in [Death River].

In the existence of Da Huang who lived long enough, Bi Ling Gu Yi Xin is one, and Master Chang Chun is the second, so if he finds something, Lin Suying will not be surprised.

"A smell of a dragon." Master Changchun rubbed his nose and asked, "What is the Dragon Clan sending you here for?"


As soon as the words fell, Feng Xin was stunned, looked at Lin Suying carefully and asked, "Isn't you a white snake? Why did you become a dragon again?"

The Dragon Clan and the Monster Clan have never had any contact, but they don't have any enmity, it's nothing more than a chain of contempt.

The human race regards the dragon race as a demon, but the dragon race does not think that they are the same as the lower demon race, and even think that their blood is superior to the human race, so they naturally look down on the mere demon race.

Lin Suying didn't deny it, and immediately changed back to Ao Zhi's original appearance.

Seeing the two dragon horns on her head at this moment, Feng Xin's eyes lit up, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Since you are a dragon girl, then things will be much easier, you are now married to this king, and the dragon and the phoenix will marry you." God-given marriage, after the marriage, this king will immediately lead the Yaozu back to the Xuanyuan Water Realm with you."

As soon as the words fell, Master Changchun jumped up and hit Feng Xin on the head with his cane.

"You prodigal bird, are you going to use the entire demon clan as a dowry to join the dragon clan? Master, I don't agree with this marriage!"

(End of this chapter)

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