I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 189 The Land of Exile

Chapter 189 The Land of Exile
Ao Zhi didn't know if it was due to fate, since she got the divorce script from the Dragon King of Minjiang, the fate of this avatar was as if it had been decided.

Not to mention that there is no barrier to the entry of one's own cultivation base, nor the vigorous development of Wujiang River in the past few years, just say that this trip to Baiman and Yaozu, which one thing is not smooth?

At this moment, she just revealed Ao Zhi's original identity, and Feng Xin moved her mind to marry her. This physique that attracts men is simply amazing.

Facing the impatient Feng Xin, Lin Suying even smiled a little proudly, "If you want to marry me, you have to line up first."


Feng Xin pressed the bump on his head with a look of surprise, while Master Changchun stood on top of his head and stared angrily.

Lin Suying said casually: "Don't worry, I'm not a flirtatious dragon, it's just two dragons fighting in front of you."

Forget about Ao Kuo, that little dragon is still a younger brother in her eyes, she thinks that getting married means playing together in the future, and she doesn't know what else to do.

Master Changchun continued to hit Feng Xin with a walking stick, "Look at you, you dare to provoke this kind of dragon, is the majestic demon king a fool for others?"

Feng Xin was aggrieved and angry, "I even plan to pay for my noble and innocent phoenix body for the survival of the demon clan. I, the demon king, have done my best, right? The demon clan has been cornered. If you can go to the Xuanyuan Water Realm, you can do it small, and I believe that with the charm and ability of this king, it will be big sooner or later!"

Master Changchun was so angry that his beard trembled, "This is something to be proud of. She is just an ordinary dragon girl. What ability can she transport the entire demon clan to the Xuanyuan Water Realm? When she arrives at the Xuanyuan Water Realm, what does she have?" The ability to place the entire demon clan?"

Feng Xin looked at Lin Suying, who flicked her long hair and stood with her hands behind her back.

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Xia Aozhi, the little dragon king of Wujiang River, and I have another identity later, Kunpengju is the master!"

As soon as the words fell, the crutch Master Changchun was about to knock down stopped in the air, and Feng Xin's eyes became brighter.

The Dragon King is equivalent to having a territory, and the Kunpeng Residence is equivalent to having merchant ships and waterways. Is this the goddess sent by Heaven to save the monster race?

"Ahem, Fengxin, you will go to Hu Lai from the fox clan in a while, and learn how to serve the dragon first." Master Changchun stroked his beard and said in a deep voice.

Lin Suying: ...

Feng Xin pulled Master Changchun off his head and held it in his hands, "Master, are you kidding me?"

Master Changchun acted like an elder educating the younger generation, and nodded his cane in Feng Xin's palm, "You have to learn more about the three obediences and four virtues of the human race. Your contribution to the demon race will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of the demon race. a sum."

Feng Xin's forehead twitched, always feeling that there would be nothing good to say, but this is the only way now.

"You go and tell the kings of the various clans to come to see me, and I'll chat with her."

Feng Xin resigned, leaving only Lin Suying and Master Changchun under the tree.

Master Changchun asked Lin Suying to sit on the ground, pointing his cane on the ground, "Prove your identity first, and then explain your real purpose for coming here."

Lin Suying expected that Master Changchun would not easily believe her, so she immediately took out the Dragon King Order containing Qinglong's true blood and handed it to Master Changchun.

"I can't prove the identity of Kunpengju's master for the time being, but it's still very easy for me to just arrange for merchant ships to smuggle the Yaozu out."

Master Changchun sniffed out the scent of the Dragon King's order and nodded, "Master Dragon King came all the way here just to relieve the demon clan's troubles?"

"Of course not, it's to concentrate all the power that can be concentrated to protect myself." Lin Suying said honestly, "I wonder if Master Changchun knows about the catastrophe of Tiandaozong?"

"Know a thing or two."

"Then the master thinks that the fairyland has been destroyed and the end of the Great Desolation is coming, is it true, or is it true that what the Immortal Alliance said was all due to the conspiracy of Fang Shouzhen and the Mozun?"

Master Changchun's eyes gradually drifted away, and he said quietly: "But apart from the great wilderness, there is no other way out for sentient beings. The lower realm has long been devastated and reduced to hell."

Lin Suying's eyebrows twitched, "Master knows the existence of the lower world?"

Master Changchun did not deny it, and said tiredly: "The root of the catastrophe of annihilation lies in the lower realms, but it is too long ago. Master, I am too old. These years, the Changchun tree is on the verge of death. I can't remember many things clearly, so I won't tell others. Said, I'm afraid I will forget everything, I just remember that the monster clan was extremely prosperous back then, and under the protection of Lord Martial God and Lord Monster King, no one dared to bully you."

"Later, the demon king ordered the demon clan to migrate to Huangquan Realm with a female devil head. Most of the demon clan had left, and there were still a small part of their homeland that could not be left. They were worried that there would be no more peaceful life in Huangquan Realm, so they followed the demon clan. Master Wang stay together."

Lin Suying really wanted to ask about the world of Huangquan, but Master Changchun hadn't finished speaking, so she could only hold back for the time being.

"After that, a lot of things happened, it was too chaotic, everything should have ended long ago, but for some reason, the aura of death broke out again, swept the entire middle world extremely quickly and began to spread to the upper world. The Great Wilderness actually corresponds to the Netherworld, It is the apex of the upper realm, once a big world dominated by dragons, and also a place of exile."

"Is the Great Wilderness a place of exile? Exile for what?" Lin Suying couldn't help asking.

Master Changchun laughed sarcastically, "Huangquan Realm exiles vicious people who deserve to be hacked to pieces, while the Great Wilderness exiles those who are not guilty of death but cannot be allowed to be free. At that time, they were convicted by the Jagged Alliance, and the prisoners thrown into the Great Wilderness were out of luck. I was enslaved by the Dragon Clan, and I was lucky enough to find a place to concentrate on cultivation and spread my branches and leaves.”

"So, isn't the human race in the Great Wilderness all descended from criminals?"

Master Changchun nodded, "Mostly, but later, the aura of death continued to spread, and the Great Wilderness became the last paradise in the cultivation world. The Yaozu was also brought to the Great Wilderness by Lord Martial God and Lord Demon King at that time, leaving immortals behind." Ridge acted as a barrier to protect the Yaozu in Yaoye Forest, but Lord Valkyrie and Lord Yaowang never came back."

Master Changchun's eyes suddenly turned red, and he pulled up his sleeves to wipe the corners of his eyes.

It was only at this time that Lin Suying figured out that Dahuang was left behind by the original cultivation world to preserve the last fire, and was directly established by the lower cultivation world. That's why Gu Yixin felt that the history of Dahuang was not quite right.

Master Changchun sucked his nose, "Speaking of which, if I'm not mistaken, the mysterious stele of Tiandaozong should be the Dao Tianshu of Tianji Pavilion in the Hongmeng Realm, which records the inheritance classics of the entire cultivation world, and is also the one that suppresses the destruction of the lower realms." The death of the world, the eyes of the formation to protect the unity of the Great Wilderness."

Lin Suying rubbed her forehead subconsciously. Sijiu told her earlier that she wanted to go home. Her home is in the Tianji Pavilion in Hongmeng Realm. Could it be that Sijiu is actually a spirit clan, the spirit of Tianji Pavilion?
"Having babbled about this, let's get to the point. It is only a matter of time before the Great Desolation is destroyed by the Death Qi of Mieshi. The lower world has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. Although there was a way to eliminate the Qi of Mieshi, it seems that it was destroyed by the Immortal Alliance at that time. I have been tossed and gone, and I don't know how the death energy spread to the fairy world."

"We are facing a complete dead end now, but I don't want the children to be too desperate, so I never told them that if they are willing to go to the Xuanyuan Water Realm with you, please take care of me, Lord Dragon King. A great gift."

Lin Suying looked at Master Changchun, "Aren't you leaving?"

Master Changchun nodded slowly, "Going is just a struggle to live a few more years. The fairyland is above Dahuang's head. The fairyland is gone. Where else can I go?"

"What about the Underworld?"

A faint light flashed in Master Changchun's eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

"If it's the female devil who makes gods and demons tremble, maybe they can really create a brand new realm of self-cultivation, but the realm of the underworld is really too far away, not to mention going through the upper realm and the middle realm filled with death and death. Even if we can pass through safely, the void gap between the middle world and the lower world can only be repaired by a chaotic artifact, and my monster clan has one immortal artifact, the artifact is too illusory."

(End of this chapter)

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