I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 190 Dragon and Tiger Altar

Chapter 190 Dragon and Tiger Altar
Lin Suying looked up at the nearly dead periwinkle tree without a single leaf. In fact, the purpose of her visit this time was to take away the periwinkle tree besides taking away the demon clan to increase her own strength.

The human race has been hunting monsters for tens of thousands of years, but they have never invaded the Yaoye Forest. They can only circle around under Xianjue Mountain, because the demon race is protected by the Changchun tree.

If she wants to occupy the entire Xuanyuan Water Realm, she needs an indestructible super formation to protect the entire continent.

There are quite a few such super large formations in the Wuya Temple. The Five Elements Immortal Artifacts can be deployed [Five Elements Trapped Immortals Great Array], the Twelve Capitals Heavenly Demon Gods can be deployed [Twelve Capitals Tianshen Sha Formation], and [Zhou Tian Xing Dou] Large Formation] and [Bodhi Formation].

Each formation has its own advantages and disadvantages. After comprehensive consideration, Lin Suying chose [Bodhi Grand Formation] as her first choice.

The original big formation uses the bodhi tree, a Buddhist treasure tree, as the eyes of the formation. Although she does not have a bodhi tree at this time, she can use a periwinkle tree instead. It is the strongest formation that can be arranged in the shortest time and with the least materials.

As long as the Changchun tree returns to its heyday, even if Fang Shouzhen is resurrected in the wilderness, it will not be so easy to break through the formation.

And Lin Suying has another consideration, the Changchun tree is very powerful, and when she understands the mystery of the black and white Miaomiao, maybe she can add it to the formation to defend against the life-destroying energy.

But it's just an idea at the moment, and I don't know if it's feasible.

So she is bound to win the Changchun tree, but before that, she has to ask about the chaos artifact. Master Changchun seems to be older than Gu Yixin and knows more.

"Please tell me, master, is the Chaos Artifact the Shangyuan Bajinglou?"

Master Changchun raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Suying, "It seems that you have made a special effort to find out, yes, it is Shangyuan Bajinglou, it is ridiculous to say that the cultivation world below has not been discovered for hundreds of millions of years, the core of Tianji Pavilion is Shangyuan Yuan Ba ​​Jing Building."

"I vaguely remember that the female demon head and the Demon Lord back then were the real Demon Lord, but not the insolent woman named Yun or something, who was not capable enough to be insane, calling herself the Demon Lord was an insult to the name Demon Lord. "

Lin Suying scratched her forehead, Master Changchun really dared to say, if Yun Zhiyi was alive, he would definitely burn the Changchun tree after hearing his words.

"The demon king is the real king who leads the demon clan. He fought with the female devil in the Tianji Pavilion and was finally beaten to death by the female devil. But it was also because of that battle that a void was left between the middle and the lower realms. The crack also broke the shell of the Tianji Pavilion."

"In the end, because of the power of heaven and earth left over from the great war, the Shangyuan Bajing Building hidden in Your Excellency Tianji was also broken into eight pieces, scattered all over the cultivation world and it is difficult to find them."

"Scattered in the entire cultivation world below, or fell into the wild?" Lin Suying asked.

"Who knows, Master, I just...cough, it's too difficult to collect all of them, but if I can find half of them first, it may be worth a try."

As soon as the words fell, Master Changchun noticed that the little dragon girl in front of him suddenly smirked.

"If I can find half of it, is Master Changchun willing to go back to Xuanyuan Water Realm with me, and I will give you a pension."

Master Changchun's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but look at the big tree behind him. At this moment, the black tiger inside had already killed the last level of [Death River] before the last level.

Moreover, he had long noticed that the tiger demon and the dragon girl had the same aura, and he also had some guesses in his heart.

Lin Suying smoothed the hem of her skirt and straightened her sitting posture, "Just ask me, if I break through the last hurdle of [Death River], will I be qualified to be the Demon King?"

"You want to be the demon king? I'm afraid that if I agree, the children won't be able to accept it. After all, you are a dragon."

The dragon clan despises the monster clan, and the monster clan has no need to rush to please, so they despise each other.

Lin Suying can use Feng Xin and Yaozu's current predicament to make Yaozu follow her to the Xuanyuan Water Realm, but Yaozu's nature is wild, once the pressure of death is gone, she can no longer suppress it.

In the beginning, the tiger entered [Death River] just to learn the sorcery and cleanse Yu Chengfeng's body of erysipelas, but after the vague plans in her mind gradually became clear these days, she had the idea of ​​truly controlling the demon clan.

Just as they were talking, Feng Xin and the leaders of the various clans hurried over. Lin Suying glanced over and could tell their respective identities from their respective shapes.

The one with a mane is the lion king, the one with the hard armor is the crocodile king, and the one with the scar on the face is the wolf king.

There is also a vixen with a face like a peach blossom, twisting the waist of a water snake, maybe it is the fox that Master Changchun mentioned earlier.

There is a red flower on Hulai's head, and when the red flower looks up, there is actually a cute little face of Yuxue, who must be the Flower Demon King.

Finally, there is Feng Xin who is the leader of the sky demon clan and is now the great demon king. As soon as he flew down from the sky, he turned into a human form, with red clothes like fire, and an outstanding demeanor.

Behind him was a small tail, a ball of flames the size of a fist, suspended in the air and protruding from the body and limbs, it was a fire spirit.

Although not covering all races, these seven are the seven big and small demon kings of the demon clan today, each managing an area and group.

As soon as the lion king came to him, he shook his mane and roared, "Bold dragons, how dare you deceive the demon king, you have ulterior motives!"

Crocodile King agreed, "That's right, you Dragon Clan are absolutely uneasy and kind, do you want to lure my Monster Clan into the Dragon Clan's realm as a slave?"

When Feng Xin saw this, his whole body was boiling with flames, "Shut up, you all know the current situation of the Yaozu. Compared with the three lands of Baiman, isn't the Xuanyuan Water Realm a better place to go?"

The wolf king twitched the scar on his face, and said sinisterly: "If the Phoenix king is greedy for the wealth and honor of the dragon clan, he can give up the demon king and the fairy artifact, and serve as a cow and a horse for the dragon clan."

Feng Xin clenched his fist, and the fire spirit beside him was also furious, and he opened his mouth to spit fire to burn the wolf king.

Hu Lai hurriedly rushed to the middle to smooth things over, "All put out the fire, isn't Master Changchun calling us here just to discuss things? There is also the matter of changing the demon king, which is decided by Master Changchun, no one should talk too much!"

The Flower Demon King lay on top of Hu Lai's head and nodded hurriedly, then sneered fiercely at the Wolf King.

Seeing this, Lin Suying couldn't help raising her eyebrows. It turns out that the monster clan is not united as rumored.

Master Changchun sighed quietly, "I made the Dragon King laugh. The demon clan really needs a real demon king who can shock the whole clan. Just sit down for a while, and I will discuss with them."

Lin Suying nodded, it happened that the tiger's side was at a critical juncture, and she had to concentrate on it.

Under the Changchun tree, all the demon kings were clamoring. Inside the [Death River], a tiger in black armor and holding a long-handled sword was facing the endless sea of ​​insects.

The tiger twisted its neck, Zhurong Demon God appeared, and the magic flame erupted, instantly burning a void in the sea of ​​insects.

The fierce beast roared, and the golden cicada fluttered its wings.

The tiger roared, and rushed into the herd of beasts transformed by the sorcerer like a god of killing. A long knife opened and closed, killing the beasts in all directions, turning it into pure demon power and injecting it into the tiger's body, washing and refining the whole body Skin and bone meridians.

Under the blessing of the true body of good fortune and the demon god of Dutian, the tiger who had been fighting in the [Death River] for three years finally broke through the siege, and saw a dragon and tiger altar standing quietly under the barren world.

There are ancient characters engraved on the altar, and several big characters make the tiger happy.

The Dragon and Tiger Commander-in-Chief is the true method of controlling thousands of demons!

At the same time, the entire [Death River] began to collapse inward with the altar as the center, and an ancient and vast chaotic atmosphere swept from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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