Chapter 191
"If it weren't for the fairy artifact to recognize the master, do you think I would recognize you as the great demon king?" The wolf king with the scar on his face sneered mockingly.

The Lion King and Crocodile King also agreed very much, and the Lion King said harshly: "That's right, you returned in a disastrous defeat and lost nearly half of the demon clan's strength. Choose the worthy."

"That's right, the wolf king and the lion king are right, the flat-haired ones are not as good as the round-haired ones." Crocodile King said in a muffled voice.

"Shut up you bastard!"

The Flower Demon King on Hulai's head with his arms akimbo scolded angrily, spraying out large flakes of golden pollen.

Feng Xin glared, Hu Lai raised his arms to hold Feng Xin down, not to let him act impulsively, only Xiao Huo Jing kept breathing out flames, fiercely supporting Feng Xin.

The noise here is endless, but Master Changchun has been quietly watching from the side. In fact, the quality of the demon king in the past two years has indeed not been good.

Most of the monster clan are reckless, like Feng Xin, with the arrogance and impulsiveness of the Feng clan, like a raging fire, they are more than enough to fight, but they are not good at fighting, and it is difficult to make all the monsters return to their hearts.

The other demon kings are similar, the fox clan is smart, but the fox clan is less courageous.

In contrast, the wolf king has leadership skills and courage, and his combat power is not bad, but he cannot control the fairy weapon.

Master Changchun couldn't help looking back at Aozhi, the dragon king of Wujiang who was sitting under the tree. Continues to cover other continents.

Now he even dares to come to the monster clan alone, with the courage to break the barrier between the dragon and monster clans, recognize the current situation clearly, and plan the layout in advance to survive.

She is better than the human race. It would be great if the demon race could have such a leader, but what a pity...

Master Changchun supported his head, feeling a pain in his head.

At this moment, the entire Changchun tree trembled loudly, and an extremely magnificent aura rushed out from the tree, causing waves of ripples in the air, spreading out from the Changchun tree as the center.

This breath is not tyrannical, on the contrary, it is like sweet rain, which makes all the monsters who touch this breath feel extremely refreshing and quench their thirst in an instant.

Hu Lai couldn't help letting out a gasp, his whole body softened, his cheeks were as flushed as if he was drunk.

The noisy sounds in the entire Monster Night Forest disappeared at this moment, and the monsters and spirits hiding everywhere came out of their habitats one after another, went to the vast sky, and looked up.

On Xianjue Ridge, the little goblins in the crevices of the rocks also jumped onto the high rocks with hay in their arms, and looked at the direction of the Changchun tree with burning eyes.

I saw the long-dried periwinkle tree lazily stretching out its canopy to cover the sky and the sun, as if waking up from a big dream. A touch of long-lost greenery bloomed on the branches, and it grew into large green leaves in just a moment.

The periwinkle tree, which is on the verge of death, is now recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It was as if a kind of divine revelation was telling the entire Yaozu that the Yaozu's strength was not exhausted, and they would surely flourish again.

Master Changchun burped suddenly, and the wrinkles on his face were stretched by the vitality glowing under his skin, making him rosy and plump.

His white beard also began to turn black, and the fluffy squirrel tail behind him lost its old hair and quickly grew new hair.

"Master Changchun, what's going on?"

Feng Xin looked at all this in surprise, feeling the spirit in her body restless, struggling to leave him.

Master Changchun took a deep look at Ao Zhi, she also carried that aura, sure enough, she had an extraordinary connection with that black tiger demon.

So, too!
"This is the chaotic air that breeds all things. Tiger Demon Tiger has completed all the challenges in [Dead River] and obtained the things left by the ancient demon king."

As soon as the words fell, all the demon kings opened their eyes in horror, and all looked at the Changchun tree without blinking.

I saw a gap opened in the tree, and the tiger in black armor and holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber stepped out in one step, mighty and domineering.

The tiger glanced at Ao Zhi, closed his eyes and rested his mind, walked like a dragon and a tiger, and walked in front of Master Changchun and the demon kings.

At this time, the tiger has been trained in many sorcerers in the [Death River], and when he finally took down the dragon and tiger altar, he obtained the power sealed up by the ancient demon king, Huo Dou, and his body was re-trained from the inside out. The mana soared until the late Yuanying period.

The primordial spirit and the demon baby are extremely condensed, and they already have the ability to leave their bodies. The last pass before the transformation of the gods no longer exists, and they only need to cross the catastrophe, but this is not the tiger's biggest gain this time.

"Good good!"

Master Changchun jumped on the tiger's shoulders and applauded him after looking at it for a while, especially the aura that belonged to the evil king of the ancient times on his body, which made Master Changchun burst into tears.

He couldn't wait to announce, "From now on, Tiger, you will be my king!"

With the help of the dry trees, the melodious voice spread to every part of the Yaoye forest with waves of echoes. Under the Changchun tree, the demon kings couldn't even react.

In the past, Master Changchun would only say that he was the king of all demons when he chose the demon king. As the Changchun Shuling who surpassed the great demon king, he never recognized the master and never bowed his head.

But now he said, tiger, is my king?
For a moment, while the demon kings were shocked, they could not be convinced.

After all, the tiger is a foreign monster. It was already an exception for Master Changchun to allow him to enter the [Death River] trial, but now he actually wants to hand over the entire monster clan to a tiger monster who has only been in Yaoye Forest for five years?

The lion king was the first to object, "Master Changchun, his cultivation level is not as good as Feng Xin's, and he doesn't have a fairy weapon, so why should he be the demon king?"

The Crocodile King agreed, "Yes, the Lion King is right!"

The scar on Wolf King's face twitched, "I don't agree either."

Hu Lai, the Flower Demon King was silent, Feng Xin sneered, "Just now you didn't agree with me being the Great Demon King, why come out a tiger now, and you start to support me again?"

Master Changchun wanted to help to speak, Tiger stepped forward and said in a muffled voice, "Let me do it."

Seeing this, Master Changchun sighed, "Don't hurt them."

The tiger nodded, the hilt of the knife shook to the ground, and the tiger eyes narrowed slightly with contempt, "Will I be the demon king? See the real chapter under my hands, you guys, go up together!"

As soon as the words fell, all the demon kings were dumbfounded.

Among the seven demons, not to mention that Fengxin still had immortal weapons in the early stage of transformation, the other six were all above the middle stage of Yuanying.

Seven together, are you afraid you won't die fast enough?
And what did Master Changchun say just now?Let the tiger not hurt them?

Hu Lai's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly smiled coquettishly, "Who will be the demon king has always been determined by Master Changchun, and my fox family has always been expected to be a counselor, so I won't participate."

The Flower Demon King who has a good relationship with Hu Lai also nodded, expressing that he would not participate.

Feng Xin secretly glanced at Aozhi, and then looked at the tiger. Although he is of the blood of the Phoenix and has contracted seven birds and five fire fans, he still can't help being jealous when facing the tiger at this moment.

[Passing Chuan] He has challenged seven times, but he was still unable to break through to the last level. The tiger succeeded once, and it only took three years.

At this moment, he still wants to marry Dragon King Aozhi as the great demon king. If he is deprived of the position of great demon king, the marriage will definitely be ruined.

Especially when he thought that the one who married Dragon King Aozhi would become a stupid tiger like a tiger in the future, the anger in his heart was hard to suppress.

"Okay, let this king come and experience how powerful you are!"

As soon as the words fell, Feng Xin raised his hands, and the flames on his body turned into a phoenix with wings, and rushed towards the tiger at a high speed.

Little Huojing, Lion King Crocodile King and Wolf King also roared and attacked from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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