I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 192 You Are a Good Bird

Chapter 192 You Are a Good Bird

The tiger stood still and didn't move. One transformed god and four yuan infants attacked together. It stands to reason that the aftermath of the battle would be terrible, and they had to evacuate hundreds of miles away as soon as possible.

But just as Hu Lai was about to take the Flower Demon King away, he suddenly found Master Changchun standing there calmly stroking his beard, with no intention of hiding.

This made her also stop abruptly, leaning against Master Changchun.

Feng Xin's fire phoenix came first, and the strong wind hit his face. The tiger was not afraid and didn't even touch the knife, but his brows were slightly frowned, and a large light and shadow suddenly spread out under his feet, spreading outward quickly.

The huge totem quickly took shape, and the battle between dragons and tigers was like a living creature, sweeping across the four fields with the aura of a king who swallowed mountains and rivers.

In the next moment, the fire phoenix with the power of the five-fold fairy fire disappeared in front of the tiger like a mud cow entering the sea.

Boom boom boom!
When the heavy object fell to the ground, Hu Lai turned pale in shock. He saw Feng Xin and the three demon kings falling straight from mid-air, as if they were pressed down by a huge force, lying at the tiger's feet, unable to move. Little Huojing is no exception.

The light was shining on the totem, Feng Xin and the others struggled to retreat from their human form, and returned to their original demon appearance, roaring and roaring.

"Master Changchun, this is..." Hu Lai looked puzzled and surprised.

Master Changchun was a little excited and said: "This is the power of the real demon king, which makes all demons submit, and all mountain spirits and monsters in the world are under the command of the demon king."

The tiger put away the totems under his feet, Feng Xin and the others immediately retreated to the distance, and turned into human figures again, panting and looking at the tiger with fear.

The lion king, crocodile king and wolf king are nothing more than that, their own cultivation level is on par with the tiger, but Feng Xin is different, he is a god and wears a fairy weapon, and he is suppressed in front of the tiger.

The feeling of being powerless to resist caused the demon kings to have lingering fears, feeling that at that time the tiger could kill them with just a thought.

The monster race has always respected power, seeing this situation, the three monster kings looked at each other and chose to submit.

"The lion king, the crocodile king, and the wolf king pay homage to my king!"

The mighty gaze of the tiger swept across the Three Demon Kings, and landed on Feng Xin. Feng Xin gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. The arrogance of the Phoenix clan made it difficult for him to surrender.

But even if he doesn't surrender, it is unchangeable for the tiger to become the real demon king.

What is hidden in the depths of [Death River] is actually a fragment of a chaotic artifact. The Chief Rector and the True Law of Controlling Ten Thousand Beasts".

But without controlling the Shangyuan Bajing Tower's Shangyuan Bajing Talisman, even if you kill in front of the Dragon and Tiger Altar, you can't motivate the altar to take away the ancient supernatural powers.

So all of this is destined to belong to Lin Suying, so that she can completely control the entire monster clan as a tiger.

Just like the bloodline suppression of the dragon clan, as long as she holds the dragon and tiger altar, she can control all mountain spirits, monsters, rare birds and beasts, and strange insects in the world.

Sure enough, the divorce script is strong!

Feng Xin has already lost the position of Great Demon King at this moment, it would be cruel to take away the fairy artifact from him, Lin Suying decided to let him play with it for two days, and ask him to take it out to have a look when he reaches the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

"Retire first, the king has something to discuss with Master Changchun." The tiger ordered in a low voice.

Several demon kings left in a hurry, only Feng Xin stayed where she was and refused to leave, looking reluctantly at Ao Zhi who had been silent all this time.

Seeing this, Ao Zhi sighed and walked up to Feng Xin, "You are a good bird, but Ao Zhi is not good enough for you."

Feng Xin was stunned, and before he could say anything, Ao Zhi turned to the tiger, "Brother Tiger..."

Feng Xin was moved for the first time, but it was over before it started, and she shook her sleeves and left heartbroken.

Only Master Changchun, Tiger and Ao Zhi are left under the Changchun tree. Although Master Changchun has already become the king of demons recognized by Master Changchun, Tiger still needs to work hard if he wants to truly lead the entire demon clan, and he cannot always be subdued by violent means.

But the most urgent task is to take away the Changchun tree and the entire monster clan.

Ao Zhi immediately said to Master Changchun: "Master Changchun, I will give you a big treasure."

After finishing speaking, Ao Zhi took out the beads from [Thunder and Lightning Realm] and [Four Seas Realm], and the tiger also spit out the beads from [Desolate and Strange Realm].

Master Changchun's eyes widened suddenly, Ao Zhi quickly put away her two beads, and sent the beads away with a small teleportation array in front of Master Changchun, the whole process was too fast for Master Changchun to react in time.

"The three fragments will be half in about a while. Is Master Changchun willing to go with me now?"

Master Changchun's eyes gradually darkened, "Tell me about your whole plan first?"

Ao Zhi weighed the pros and cons slightly, and told Master Changchun half of her plan, including her training of dragon demon guards, research on demon clans, and preparations for forming formations with evergreen trees.

"...the energy of chaos in the three fragments is enough for the Changchun tree to recover to its peak. As long as we control the entire Xuanyuan water environment and give us a little time to develop, I believe that when the catastrophe comes, we will be able to fight for a chance of life." .When the time is right, we may not be able to break through the blockade of the demons and return to the lower realm."

Ao Zhi's plan ignited Master Changchun's desire to survive, and he also wanted to go back to his hometown, and even go to Huangquanjie to see if those old friends were still alive.

Master Changchun finally nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you, but how do you plan to take away such a big Changchun tree? And the entire monster clan, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of ships to transport it away, the noise is too loud. "

Ao Zhi looked up at the Changchun tree, "The tree is indeed a trouble, but the monster race is simple, the total size of the big ones, the small ones, and the young ones will not exceed [-]. If you prepare [-] spirit animal bags, you can pull them with up to three boats." Walk."

As soon as the words fell, the corners of Master Changchun's mouth twitched violently, he jumped up angrily and hit Aozhi on the forehead with a stick like chopsticks.

"Bastard! Putting my demon race in a spirit beast bag is like imprisoning a human race in a dog cage. It's a shame!!"

"Then what should I do? I don't have such a big magic weapon."

The Cyanwood Wangding Ding has four seasons space, but it is already full of spiritual plants and elixir medicines, and it will be crowded if the monsters are put in, and her elixir medicines will have to be used up.

Master Changchun shook his beard in anger, "Please wait here honestly, His Majesty the Dragon King, the Lord Demon King will bring [Desolate and Strange Land] with me, there is something that can take away the demon tribe and the Changchun tree."

Master Changchun led the tiger towards Xianjue Mountain, Ao Zhi sat on the spot and thought for a while, there are not more than ten famous magic weapons in this world.

If it is possible to hold a hundred thousand monsters and such a big Changchun tree's magic weapon, I am afraid there is only...

The true shape of the Five Sacred Mountains!
Ao Zhi stood up and looked in the direction of Xianjue Ridge, remembering what Master Changchun said before, Xianjue Ridge was left behind after the demon king and warrior god transferred the demon tribe here.

According to the information circulated by various parties, once the Five Sacred Map is launched, it can trigger the Taiyin Gangsha that has been stored in the center of the earth for thousands of years, forming a dead zone within a radius of thousands of miles. People who pass through this world will be suppressed by the power of the five mountains, just like carrying the five mountains on their backs, they can't even fly.

Why didn't she find out earlier, this is the characteristic of Xianjue Ridge!

In addition to the above-mentioned abilities, the Five Mountains True Shape Map is also an extremely powerful escape magic weapon. It shrinks the ground to an inch and takes a thousand miles in one step.

No wonder when the tiger wanted to enter the [Death River] trial, Master Changchun made an exception and agreed. In fact, he has been waiting for the monster who can get the [Desolate Land] from the [Death River] to appear.

Because the Qi of Chaos is the key to collect the map of the Five Sacred Mountains, without the Qi of Chaos, the map of the Five Sacred Mountains may never show its true shape, and it will always be Xianjue Mountain.

In this way, isn't she complete with the Five Elements Immortal Artifacts!
The true blood of the green dragon and the true blood of the white tiger are also available, and only the true blood of Suzaku and Xuanwu, as well as the last five fragments of the chaotic artifact, will become her body of acquired gods.

With Suzaku's true blood, Feng Xin has great potential. As long as he is given "Suzaku's True Art" to practice for a few years, he will have a chance. He will not die if he only draws blood.

Thinking of this, Ao Zhi turned around and ran away holding her skirt.

"Brother Feng Xin..."

(End of this chapter)

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