I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 193 Five Elements of Fairy

Chapter 193 Five Elements Fairy
At the foot of Crying Wind Ridge, Feng's camp.

Feng Tianyu leaned lazily on the bamboo couch, holding the sauced elbow in one hand and the jade talisman in the other, checking the latest information.

"Tell Xianmeng that there have been no small battles in the recent wars. The prisoners of Tiandaozong are too disappointing and die too much. Either they give more people, or let the old Jiuli thief come over and fight the demon clan for me!"

Feng Tianyu yelled outside the tent, it has been almost three months, why is it getting quieter and quieter, no matter it is Yaozu or Xianmeng, there is no movement at all.

"This old man is here, what advice does the patriarch of the Feng clan have?"

A majestic voice came from outside the tent, Feng Tianyu sat up, and saw Jiuli coming in through the curtain, his face sinking like water.

Feng Tianyu bit his big elbow hard in shock, and asked while chewing, "Why did Lord Dao come here in person?"

Jiuli snorted coldly, "Could it be that the patriarch asked the old man to come and fight the monster clan for you?"

Feng Tianyu chuckled, "What advice does the Taoist Lord have here?"

Jiuli squinted at Feng Tianyu for a moment, then turned around and left the tent, Feng Tianyu hurriedly followed behind.

Above the Crying Wind Ridge, the Xuanbing Wall about a hundred feet high still stands on the ridge, like a giant white dragon, dormant quietly, exuding a cold and menacing aura.

With just one glance, Jiuli could see through the aura of Sanguang Shenshui hidden under the mysterious ice. The corners of his eyes twitched, and he asked in a deep voice, "Where is the person who set up this formation?"

Feng Tianyu bit his elbow first, and then slowly said: "Fellow Daoist Muzhi, she went to fight the monster clan, and she hasn't come back for almost three months, but the formation hasn't collapsed, so she should still be alive. Daojun You don't know, this formation is really powerful, and the Yaozu were blocked from the formation several times in sneak attacks."

Jiuli snorted coldly, if it wasn't for the purpose of mobilizing the prisoners of Tiandaozong from all over the place and pretending that he led the troops to conquer, he would have arrived two months earlier.

This little thief must be the one who stole his fairy artifact!

Jiuli suddenly raised his hand, and fourteen black and white chess pieces flew out of his sleeve, ready to break the formation.

Seeing this, Feng Tianyu threw his elbow and stepped in front of Jiuli.

"Wait a minute, Daoist Lord! If you dare to dismantle this formation, you want to confirm the ambition of the Immortal League to use the Yaozu to subdue all barbarians. My Feng family will definitely announce this to the whole Great Wilderness, so that everyone can give a good comment on this." reason!"

As soon as the words fell, Feng Tianyu took out a picture-taking jade talisman and began to record everything in front of him. At the same time, Feng's defenders everywhere also took out the picture-taking jade talisman, all facing Jiuli.

The corners of Jiuli's eyes twitched, and Yizheng said: "You are so confused! This is not blocking the attack of the monster clan, this is clearly blocking the way of the fairy alliance to calm the monster clan. What I want to do is to wipe out the Yaozu completely in one go."

"This array can stop for a while, how can it stop for a lifetime, it can't be broken and it can't be established. Don't your people in the three lands of the Hundred Barbarians want to eliminate future troubles once and for all? Get out of the way!"

Two auras, one black and one white, exploded from Jiuli's body, turning into yin and yang Pisces behind him, bringing a strong wind and instantly overturning the Feng's defenders behind the formation.

Boom boom boom!
Fourteen black and white chess pieces were spread out and firmly nailed into the formation.

Accompanied by a fierce dragon chant, the entire formation collapsed into pieces of ice.

Seeing this situation, Feng Tianyu was not surprised at all, he stood his body in mid-air unhurriedly, watching Jiuli's performance quietly.

As soon as the formation was broken, Jiuli let go of his divine sense. With his cultivation as a fit Taoist monarch, his divine sense was enough to cover the entire Heishuizhou. After scanning, Jiuli opened his eyes in horror.

There is actually no one in Heishuizhou, all the villages and swamps are empty, there is no magic cultivator of Xiaoyao Demon Palace, and there are no monster races.

This... the demon clan retreated?

Jiuli's heart trembled, and he quickly pinched his fingers to calculate, and a very ominous premonition faintly rose in his heart.

"The old man personally went to find out the reality of the monster race."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiuli broke through the void and stepped out, appearing directly outside Xianjue Ridge.

Feng Tianyu was also a little surprised to see this scene, and was about to follow up to have a look, when a sword light suddenly struck from behind, but it did not have a murderous look, but a flying sword.

Feng Tianyu raised his hand and held the flying sword. After reading the content, he was overjoyed, and returned to Feng's tent with a slap on his thigh to arrange the follow-up matters.

Outside Xianjue Ridge, as soon as Jiuli stepped into this place, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, it was too quiet, and the perennially lingering Taiyin Gang Sha and the power of the five mountains on Xianjue Ridge became extremely thin.


Jiuli rose from the sky, crossed Xianjue Mountain without hindrance, and stepped into the Yaozu territory for the first time. The devastated and dry land never shocked him, but the big pit that could be seen from the edge of the forest shocked him. He shakes.

The pit was like an abyss, bigger than the Dragon Falling Abyss of Tiandaozong, and the black hole seemed to swallow the world.

Jiu Li appeared above the abyss in a flash, spreading out all his spiritual thoughts, and found that there was not even a single bug within a thousand miles.

The entire monster clan disappeared out of thin air!
Jiuli staggered with a dizzy head, feeling that his long-term arrangement was completely disrupted by this inexplicable change, which made all his painstaking efforts come to naught.

He was so caught off guard that he couldn't accept it for a while. What he arranged for himself was to drive the monsters into the buffer zone of Tiandaozong under pressure and doubts from all sides.

But now, the most critical piece is gone!

What is going on here, he can't figure it out at all, so many monsters, it is impossible to disappear quietly, and they are also carrying the sacred tree of the monsters, so there should be a lot of movement.

Now that there is no Yaozu, what will he use to fill the buffer zone of Tiandaozong?

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed, the wind blew up, the sand and rocks flew, and the loess rolled up into the sky, turning the whole world into a yellowish yellow, and an unusual atmosphere permeated the loess.

"not good!"

Jiuli realized that there was a deceit, so he raised his hand to cut through the void and wanted to escape.

"Old man, where are you going?"

A familiar female voice suddenly came from the north, Jiu Li was shocked and raised his head suddenly, and saw a bright spot in the yellow sand.

At the same time, the yellow sand from other directions gradually dissipated, revealing the figures of fairy spirits.

The oriental wood spirit is exuberant, and it is an old panda with a cane and a bamboo hat.

The fire in the south is strong, and the phoenix's cry is loud, and a fire phoenix completely composed of flames flies out.

The aura of Gengjin in the West is unparalleled, and accompanied by the sound of swords, Sun, Moon, and Xing San Xinjian turned into a woman as fierce as a golden crow carrying a wine jar, and a man as gentle as a bright moon, holding a pair of hands. A child with eyes filled with the light of the Milky Way.

As soon as the little boy came out, Shui Ling Piao Piao was full of love, "Come on, baby Xing Xin, how about being a hairpin for sister?"

"Damn water ladle, don't pay attention to my younger brother!" Ri Xin Jianling, who was carrying the wine jar, rolled up his sleeves furiously.

Fluttering disdainfully rolled his eyes, the little boy shrank back from the man, who was the spirit of Yuexin Sword, rubbed his head and said warmly: "Go find Aying."

"Well, elder sister and second brother, be careful."

Little boy Xing Xin nodded obediently, and transformed into a small starry sword and flew into the yellow sand.

"Rang Rang, you took my place."

Jiu Li was staring dumbfounded at so many fairies around him, unable to react to what happened, a childish voice rang in his ears, he searched around, and saw a fist-sized figure suddenly appeared on his shoulder, dressed as a farmer and carrying a small hoe The little boy's pupils trembled in shock.

"What are you looking at, be careful I'll hit you with a stone!"

As soon as the voice fell, the child waved his hand, and Jiu Li's head suddenly went dark, covering the sky and the sun.

I saw the majestic and majestic Five Sacred Mountains smashing down from the top of his head, and the vast and boundless Taiyin Gangsha shrouded Jiuli's body, making his blood all over his body pressed to the center of the earth.

Jiuli turned pale in shock, but was shrouded in an aura far surpassing his yin and yang power, and could only helplessly be crushed by the five mountains.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the entire earth was smashed into a hideous crack, spreading in all directions.

I saw the five mountains and mountains pressing down in the abyss that stretched for hundreds of miles. On the highest peak, Lin Suying was wearing a puppet shell that had been washed and trained by Sanguang Shenshui. Star Xin.

 Let’s just make this update today, Saturday and Sunday are also updated, I want to rest for a few days, I’m a little tired recently, in all aspects...

(End of this chapter)

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