I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 194 Confessions

Chapter 194 Confessions
The ground shook and the mountains shook, Jiuli violently broke through the peaks of the Five Sacred Mountains, and jumped up from below!

When he flew up into the sky with disheveled hair and a messy body, when he saw the woman who was still sitting firmly on the top of the mountain eating sugar cane, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, furious!

"Lin! Su! Shadow!"

In the next moment, Jiu Li burst into anger, took out a ruler, and slammed down on the hill where Lin Suying was.

The loud noise of heaven and earth cracked and the terrifying air waves swept across the surrounding fields. The majestic five mountains and high mountains were completely crumbled under the small ruler. Dust rushed with the air waves.

Jiuli straightened his back, with a contemptuous sneer on his face, "The light of rice grains, dare to...!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiu Li's eyes blurred, and he saw that the Five Sacred Mountains that had just been shattered by him were still standing in front of him, and Lin Suying was still sitting there gnawing sugar cane, unscathed.

The sky and the earth were thundering, the clouds and fog above his head dispersed, and in the darkness of chaos and nothingness, the lightning kept splitting out tree-like light and shadows, layer upon layer, one after another, carrying a terrifying pressure like breaking the sky and earth, making Jiuli's heart tremble.

Roar! !

The roar of beasts came from below. As soon as Jiu Li lowered his head, he saw the yellow sand recede, and the ground under his feet was no longer dry and cracked.

Countless ferocious beasts and birds roared in the dense forest, and the overwhelming six-winged golden cicadas fluttered their wings and flew up like a golden ocean, attacking Jiuli aggressively.

Jiuli's expression froze, he had just cast a supernatural spell to kill a layer, and saw countless fire crows flying towards him. Although they were not powerful, they were too numerous and inexhaustible, which made him very angry.

It was only then that Jiu Li realized that he had fallen into an incredible formation, and this formation was unnoticed by him, who specializes in the way of chess formation. It can be seen that this formation has been integrated with this world.

He immediately thought of the spirits he saw in the sky just now, could it be...the Five Elements Immortal Artifact!

Jiuli's heart trembled, his face was full of disbelief, he spent more than a hundred years refining one celestial artifact, but Lin Suying was still able to control five celestial artifacts at such an age, how did she gather all five? fairy artifact?

Even Yun Zhiyi from back then couldn't make the Five Immortals surrender like her!

This son is simply unfathomable, and must not be left behind!

With Jiuli's killing intent, Lin Suying finally gnawed a piece of sugar cane, and with a wave of his hand, all the insects surrounding Jiuli dispersed.

"Old thief, do you want to talk a little?" Lin Suying smiled ruffiantly.

Jiuli's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the surrounding situation was unclear, especially the power of chaos on the top of his head and under his feet, which far surpassed his yin and yang energy. He also happened to pick up the opportunity to find out the situation.

Lin Suying naturally knew what he was paying attention to, but she stayed here deliberately, and spent a whole month, using the [Thunder and Lightning Realm] and [Desolate and Strange Realm] to make one for the sky and one for the earth, and integrate the Five Elements Immortal Artifact to set the world and the five elements. The array is not for playing with Jiuli.

"Let's have a confession today. Just now you saw that you have been serving Piao Piao for 100 years. It's not that I insisted on abducting her. It was she who hugged my leg and cried. Beg me to take her away, your lord has a lot, don't be angry."

Jiuli snorted coldly and remained silent, as long as he killed Lin Suying at this time, not only could he get back the narcissus artifact, but the other four celestial artifacts also belonged to him.

Seeing this, Lin Suying frowned slightly, "Oh, don't be angry."

"Of course he is not angry, because I have shown him the picture of Piao Piao admitting his master."

Suddenly, Gu Yixin's voice came from beside her, which made Lin Suying startled, and when she turned around, she was standing beside her in silver armor, rubbing Xiaoxing Xin's head.

"How can such a lively scene be without me alone?"

Lin Suying curled her lips, "You are really elusive, but if you want to watch the show for free, there is no way, you have to pay!"

"You haven't given me the money I brought you into the secret vault of Biyang Water Palace last time." Gu Yixin said.

Lin Suying acted like she didn't hear it, and continued to say to Jiuli, who was on guard in secret, "I also emptied your house's secret storehouse except for the fairy artifact, and I also fiddled with destroying your Biyang Water Palace. Come, come, let me introduce you to some acquaintances."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying threw Xiang Tianxing and Gong Ya's corpses, and released Chong Shan to hang behind her.

Jiuli's pupils trembled, he had always thought that Xiang Tianxing was assassinated by Ao Cang to draw his soul, but the strange appearance of the demons made him puzzled.

It turned out that Lin Suying was responsible for this, and the disappearance of the entire monster clan at this time must have something to do with Lin Suying.

Jiuli couldn't help but ask, "You can't see the Yaozu?"

Lin Suying smiled, "They are all here, but I sent them to your home, including the group of Xiaoyao Demon Palace, and the Tiandaozong disciples you sent to the battlefield!"

Jiuli's mind buzzed, "What did you say? You sent the Yaozu to the Xuanyuan Water Realm? Lin Suying, how dare you!!!"

Jiuli's blood boiled with anger, and he felt that his mana and soul were constantly shaking and it was difficult to calm down.

Although I don't know how Lin Suying quietly took away the entire monster clan under his nose, but she actually sent the monster clan to Xuanyuan Water Realm, which is his private territory and his rear base!
And what did she just say, people from Tiandaozong?
Realizing this, Jiuli immediately took out a jade talisman and crushed it, but he didn't feel any fluctuation of the ban taking effect.

Jiuli looked up, and saw Lin Suying holding sugarcane, asking Gu Yixin if he wanted some.

"This sugarcane was cut down from the mountain behind the Taiyi Gate, do you really not want to eat it?"

"Eat it yourself."

Jiuli was so angry that he trembled all over, and only now did he realize that everything was set up by Lin Suying!Yuan Yi Laodao proposed to send the prisoners of Tiandaozong to the battlefield, and she was also responsible for it!
He took out another jade talisman and crushed it. This is the jade talisman he used to contact the Mu family in the Xuanyuan Water Realm. Once it is crushed, it means that a big event is about to happen. The Mu family will immediately block the entire water environment and enter the state of preparation for war.

"Oh, I actually forgot. There is still a corpse for you. It stinks after being dead for too long, so I sealed it in a corner and ignored it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Lin Suying threw another corpse out, seeing the appearance of the corpse clearly, Jiuli's spirit was shaken, it was his own nephew, now the head of the Mu family! !

"Let me explain to you, the old thief. He has no eyesight and insists on finding trouble with Xinglin Pavilion. You also understand the tempers of the two heavenly monarchs Luo Yi and Cheng Kan. He transforms into a god to dance with two refined faces. , it’s impossible to die.”

Jiu Li's canthus was about to split, and his eyes were red!

Lin Suying didn't realize it and continued to laugh, "But I still want to thank you Mu family for transporting my Tiandaozong's property to Xuanyuan Water Realm so that I won't have to go to Taiyimen again. Congratulations on rebuilding the Heavenly Dao Sect on the family's site!"


Jiuli's qi and blood were shaking, and the breath in his body was like a turbulent flow, smashing the air and raging wildly, already showing signs of panic and madness.

This time, he not only lost his wife but lost his army, he lost everything, even the last way out!

"Cough~" Gu Yixin coughed lowly, although she was enjoying watching the play at the moment, she couldn't help but remind Lin Suying, "I once heard a saying from Yun Zhiyi that the villain dies because of talking too much. Be alert."

Hearing this, Lin Suying ate sugarcane for a while, "Yeah, I even forgot that I am the most wanted devil in the wilderness now, and Mr. Jiuli is the savior of the wilderness. Sending members of the Mu Clan to the Tiandao Sect to resist the Demon Clan before dying, such a sacrifice and devotion, it is epic!"

"Lin Suying! You are too deceitful!!"


Lin Suying seemed to hear the sound of something breaking, and felt a soaring murderous aura gushing out from Jiuli's body in the form of a demonic thought.

With a wave of Lin Suying's hand, thunder shook above her head, all beasts roared under her feet, and the spirits of the five immortal weapons surrounded Jiuli, ready to go.

Lin Suying took a bite of the sugar cane, stepped on the rocks, raised her arms and shouted, "All the fairies, today's chaotic trachea is enough, let me beat him up!"

(End of this chapter)

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