Chapter 196
At dusk, on the east coast of Tianque Realm.

A huge dragon boat crashed into the rocks by the sea, and hundreds of monks on board rushed down from the boat as if they were fleeing, and fell on the shore panting.

Each of them is wearing a similar gown, and it can be seen from the tokens around their waists that they are members of the Mu clan in the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Immediately afterwards, more boats came rushing in from a distance, all of them were members of the Mu clan who had escaped from the Xuanyuan Water Realm and some disciples of the family who were close to the Mu clan. As soon as they landed, they showed the joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

After a short rest, Mu's old lady was supported to stand up, looking at the outline of the magnificent city in the distance, she took a breath and said, "Hurry up, even though I am going to Jiugong City, as long as I find Jiuli, I will avenge my revenge." !"

The members of the Mu clan got up one by one with people from other families, formed a long fleeing team, and marched mightily towards Jiugong City.

On the surface of the sea, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals thanked the guards of the Biluo Hailong Palace, and then turned back to report the situation at the Xuanyuan Water Realm.

When they finally arrived at Jiugong City after a lot of hard work, they found that the once prosperous first city of Tianque Realm had already become an abandoned empty city.

The city is overgrown with wild grass, and the Xianmeng resident is even more empty.

The old Mrs. Mu nearly fainted, but fortunately she was supported by someone, and immediately cried loudly: "My Mu family has suffered a catastrophe, and now I can't find Jiuli, and I can't find the Immortal League to make decisions for us, so what should I do? ?”

All of a sudden, black clouds billowed, and the strong wind blew like ghosts crying and wolves howling. Everyone subconsciously looked towards the direction of Tiandaozong, just in time to see a thunder strike straight on the dark barrier, causing the entire barrier to shake violently.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they couldn't help stepping back.

"Old lady, look over there!"

The old lady of the Mu family looked in the direction pointed by the people around her, and saw that under the distant western sky, there was a vast ray of light, connecting heaven and earth, and a colorful sky curtain stretching thousands of miles across the north and south.

The old lady of the Mu family was overjoyed, "I remembered, Jiuli said that the barrier of Tiandaozong may collapse at any time, and only after the seven-star formation can there be a glimmer of life. The thunder came strangely. Let's continue on our way. After the seven-star formation, it will be safe to find the Taiyi Gate."

The members of the Mu clan went back on the road, not daring to delay for a moment.

At the same time, the black clouds gathered more and more, always gathering above the barrier of Tiandaozong, and the pressure became lower and lower. The lightning in the black clouds was like a dragon, flashing endlessly, and thunderbolts continued to strike towards the barrier, as if to smash Its chiseling is average.

Inside the enchantment, the originally calm monsters became restless and let out uneasy roars.

The low-pitched horn sounded from nowhere, and the monster raised its head to listen for a moment, then evacuated towards the lower enchantment of Falling Dragon Abyss like a tide.

Only at the gate archway of Tiandaozong Mountain, there is still a huge monster like a hill. It has red rock skin, a blunt back, big ears and small eyes, a bald head, fangs turned up, and a giant wolf tooth in its hand. Great, looks a little silly.

The troll carried a metal box on its back, enough for five or six people to stay inside. The box was engraved with special black lines, and dark purple crystals were embedded at the junction points.

In front of the troll are four human monks, each of whom bears the characteristics of monsters to varying degrees, and their cultivation bases are all above Nascent Soul.

The leading middle-aged male cultivator in the late stage of Huashen cultivation is no different from a normal person, except for the demonized arm.

The hooded female nun on his left had brown scales on half of her face, and behind the cloak was a long, slender tail covered in brown scales, the tip of which was neighing like a snake's head.

On the right is a pair of father and son. The tall father is dripping wet, with moss marks all over his face and exposed skin.

The youngest boy has ice-blue skin, naked, surrounded by ice mist, covering important parts of his body.

If Lin Suying was here, with the characteristics of the four, he could correspond to the race information of the demon world that Chong Shan told him.

Behind them is a troll who is a demon slave. The middle-aged male cultivator with a demonized arm is obviously similar to Chongshan, with the characteristics of a dark demon. He is a noble demon who surpasses the three major tribes of Shadi, Bingya and Senluo blood.

The female cultivator with a long tail belongs to Shadi, who lives in the arid desert environment like a lizard. The one with moss on her body is Senluo, who lives in the forest and the seabed. The last boy is the Ice Demon, who lives in cold regions all year round. .

The four of them have the common characteristics of humans and demons, and they all carry different magic crystals on their bodies. At this moment, they are safe and sound in the place where monsters are raging, and even the death energy has no reaction to them.

The four of them listened to the bursts of thunder, and saw that the enchantment in front of them was constantly shaking, and all the power was quickly gathering towards the place above which was constantly bombarded by the thunder.

The leading middle-aged male cultivator pressed his demonized arm on the barrier below the gate, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.


The thunder does not rest, and it lasts for ten days with one strike.

On this day, a blood-colored brilliance came from afar, and was frightened by the thunder and stopped far outside the enchantment of Tiandaozong, turning into an illusory figure.

His hair was disheveled, his face was old, and his whole body was entangled with lingering blood-colored threads, which kept cutting and burning his primordial spirit, making his body closer to collapse.

This person is Jiuli, after being besieged by Lin Suying with the help of the five elements of heaven and earth, he tried his best not to escape with his body, so he escaped from birth.

But Lin Suying's demon-killing soul-slaying curse is really vicious, and his dying soul can't lift the curse for a while, so he can only go to the Taiyi Gate for help.

As long as the curse is lifted, even if there is only the last trace of his primordial spirit, give him some time and he can reshape the dharma body.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Jiuli looked at the scene in front of him in horror at this moment, and found that the barrier of Tiandaozong was about to be pierced by thunder.

Jiuli took a few glances and found that the thunder was caused by some kind of thunder-guiding array or magic weapon. The Tiandaozong has been closed for six or seven years and there is no movement from the demons. How could someone suddenly trigger the thunder?
Could it be that there are still living people inside?

Another thunderbolt strikes, and silvery arcs spread down layer by layer from the apex of the barrier, and then the entire barrier is like a soap bubble that is on the verge of breaking, and someone gently pokes it from somewhere, and it bursts silently.

Jiuli opened his eyes wide in horror. After many years, he saw the dilapidated 49 peaks of Tiandaozong again. He saw the devastated land without a blade of grass, and the scorched mountains and rivers were infiltrated by the demonic energy.

The boundary river under the Falling Dragon Abyss was still rolling slowly. Although not a single monster rushed out at this moment, Jiu Li still couldn't help but recall the horror of the day when the demons first came.

A chill suddenly spread all over the soul, making his hair stand on end and trembling unceasingly.

"How could it be so broken? Impossible, impossible!"

Jiuli couldn't believe it, and he wasn't ready at all. The Xuanyuan Water Realm was taken away by Lin Suying. He didn't even have a shelter from the wind. If he faced the demons like this, he would definitely die!
At this time, the black clouds gathered in the sky spread out like fleeing fish, and the low-level monsters in the mountains fled in a panic, but were instantly rushed into their bodies by those black fish, and they began to be violently demonized in the blink of an eye.

Roar! ! !
Jiuli backed away in shock, and fled towards the west direction of Qixinglianzhen. He never saw four weird monks running from the direction of the Tiandaozong Mountain Gate with a huge monster, and galloped towards the south.

Yuanshen fled as fast as thunder, and almost instantly got out of the sky formed by the seven-star formation. At a glance, he saw the members of the Mu clan and other families in the Xuanyuan Water Realm who were blocked at the entrance of the sky.

The runes of the city wall on the ridge flickered, and all the heavy crossbows and talisman castles were aimed at the people below. No matter how they explained and shouted, they didn't back down at all, and they didn't intend to open the gate at all.

(End of this chapter)

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