Chapter 197
The scene in front of him made Jiuli furious, especially when he saw Yuan Yi sitting leisurely in the Taishi chair on the city wall, shaking his fan, commanding the disciples around him to serve him, learning [-]% of Jiuli's usual manner.

"Master, are we really not going to let them in? They are members of Mr. Jiuli's tribe."

"Mr. Jiuli's people didn't stay in Xuanyuan water well, how could they come here? It's clearly a fraud!"

"Old Taoist Yuan Yi, hurry up and open the gate!!"

With a roar from Jiuli, old Daoist Yuan Yi jumped up from his chair in shock, and ran to the edge of the sky to look out, only to see that Jiuli had only his soul left, his breath was sluggish, his body was covered with magic threads, and his life was not long. carry on.

Seeing Jiuli like this, the members of the Mu clan and other clans below were also shocked and opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

How could someone make such a miserable appearance of the fit Taoist Lord who is currently the top in the wilderness?who is it?Wan Ruyi or Zen Master Mingdeng?
At this time, Jiuli didn't care about his face, and just kept urging Yuan Yi to open the gate.

Once the barrier of Tiandaozong is broken, the demons will soon sweep in. His soul is weak and cursed, so he can't resist the demons at all, let alone the life-death aura?
Old Daoist Yuan Yi hesitated for a moment when he saw this, and then looked at the miserable appearance of the Mu clan and Jiuli, thinking that someone had wiped out Jiuli's clan.

Isn't this the best chance to eliminate Jiuli and get rid of his control?
Seeing Yuan Yi's old Taoist eyes roll, Jiu Li said immediately, "Yuan Yi, if you dare to murder this old man today, this old man has plenty of back-ups to make you look good, just give it a try!"

The old Taoist Yuan Yi trembled all over, and hurriedly accompanied the smiling face and ordered the people below to get the gate jade amulet.

"Misunderstood, misunderstood, it's not the jade talisman of the gate, I don't dare to carry it on my body casually, put it in a tightly guarded place, go get it now."

Old Daoist Yuan Yi seemed to be urging, but in fact, he was secretly delaying the time with his disciples. From his point of view, the curse on the old thief of Jiuli was extremely vicious. At this moment, the Yuanshen can shine through, so it must not last long.

Jiuli managed to support until the jade talisman that opened the gate was brought. Seeing this, Yuan Yi felt helpless, so he had to slowly open the gate under the city wall.

Seeing that the gate was lifted little by little, and the impenetrable sky opened a gap to both sides, all those who escaped breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Taoist Yuan Yi suddenly saw black mist billowing from the eastern sky, and along with the surge of devilish energy, the communication talisman on his waist also vibrated violently.

Putting his spiritual thoughts into it, Yuan Yi Laodao received the rewards from the disciples stationed near Tiandaozong.

The enchantment of Tiandaozong disappeared!
Yuan Yi was frightened out of his wits in an instant. Seeing that Jiu Li and others were about to rush in, he immediately closed the gate and secretly gave Jiu Li a heavy blow.

Jiuli's already fragile Yuanshen just met Yuanyi's black hand, and was instantly defeated, and the whole Yuanshen shattered into slag in front of the gradually closing gate.



The members of the Mu clan yelled in horror. When Jiuli's last consciousness disappeared between heaven and earth, they couldn't believe that Yuan Yi, who bowed and flattered him in front of him, dared to attack him.

But now, it's too late to regret!

"The barrier of Tiandaozong is shattered, and the demons are attacking. Everyone is running the big formation with all their strength. We must not let any demons in."

The old Taoist Yuan Yi raised his arms and shouted, the members of the Mu family and other families looked back in horror at the black clouds that were getting closer and closer to the sky.

Looking at the broken Jiuli Primordial Spirit again, they were unable to return to heaven, and the despair weighed heavily on their hearts, making them breathless.

The gate fell completely, the sky closed perfectly, and the last hope was shattered. Everyone could only look angrily at Old Taoist Yuan Yi on the city wall, and listen to him continue to shout sanctimoniously.

"Mr. Jiuli gave up his life for righteousness, and led the Mu clan and the Xuanyuan Water Realm families all the way to the Tianque Realm to resist the demons. You will report the sacrifice to the Immortal League for everyone to remember!"

Old Daoist Yuan Yi snorted coldly in his heart, doesn't the Jiuli old thief love his reputation?Then he will fulfill him and let him die a worthy death. As long as all these people outside are dead today, there will be no proof of death!
Roar! !

The roar of the monster pierced through the black clouds and shook the sky.

The old Mrs. Mu gritted her teeth, and they were blocked out of the door when their life was clearly behind them. What kind of evil did this do!

A hundred miles away in the midair, Lin Suying and Gu Yixin stood in midair, silently watching everything in front of them.

"Reincarnation in the way of heaven is fate!" Gu Yixin sighed.

Lin Suying kept silent, just looked at Tiandaozong and frowned.

"It's too strange that the barrier of Tiandaozong is shattered. The peaceful days of the whole Great Desolation have come to an end. You'd better go back to Xuanyuan Water Realm with me. There are still many arrangements to be made there."

Gu Yixin did not refuse, and immediately broke through the void with the power of the spirit clan, and quickly left with Lin Suying.


In the south of Tianque Realm.

The troll galloped all the way with the four of them, and found that the nearby villages and towns were deserted, so he could only continue galloping southwards out of doubt.

A middle-aged male cultivator and a middle-aged female cultivator stood on the shoulders of the troll, greedily breathing in the fresh air of the wilderness, and admiring the green mountains and rivers everywhere.

"Brother Zong, the scenery here is really beautiful."

Female cultivator Shen Ruqiong exclaimed, her tail flew up behind her back suddenly, she bit a sparrow in the air, the tip of her tail opened her mouth, and swallowed the sparrow whole in an instant.

Shen Ruqiong closed her eyes to feel the smell of fresh flesh and was immersed in it.

Yan Zong only spread all his spiritual consciousness with a sullen face, looking for traces of monks around.

The troll hummed and groaned across the mountains. Inside the iron box behind it, the elderly Chen Fusheng stretched out two vine-like arms, wrapped around the surrounding trees, and sucked up the energy of the surrounding creatures in an instant. Only the lifeless and dry trunks remained.

His son, Chen Fengnian, was also lifted up by the ice mist and suspended in the air. The living creatures he met on the road were frozen by him, turning into blood-colored ice mist and swallowed by him.

The group of them was like people fleeing from a famine. They would not let go of all the living things they encountered along the way. Even if they were full afterward, they would hunt them all down and store them in their respective storage treasures.

After running around like this for three days and three nights, away from Tiandaozong and the death energy behind them, they finally saw a small city of Xiuzhen after they climbed over a mountain.

The monks here seem to have just learned that the demons are out of trouble, and they are running away from the city with their families.

With a sweep of Yan Zong's spiritual sense, a cold smile immediately appeared on the corner of his mouth, "There are only three pill formations, and the rest are all about foundation building and Qi training, quick battle and quick decision."

Chen Fengnian whistled excitedly, rushed down from the hillside, and instantly spread an ice fog over Fangshi, surrounding the whole Fangshi with a biting chill.

Shen Ruqiong sank into the ground, and broke out from the center of the square in an instant, the cloak fell down, revealing her scale-covered face and a lizard-like claw.

She smiled, her mouth full of jagged fangs.

Seeing her appearance clearly, the people around burst into screams of horror.

With a flick of Shen Ruqiong's long tail, she threw a fleeing qi training monk high, and the snake head at the tip of the tail bit hard on the qi training monk's neck, making a sound like drinking blood.

The monk shriveled visibly with the naked eye, and all his flesh and cultivation were poured into Shen Ruqiong's body.

Ice sculptures were frozen out of the ice mist, and the magic vines danced like a group of snakes, not letting go of men, women or children.

Yan Zong pinched the neck of a monk who formed an alchemy, pierced his dantian with his claws, grabbed a round golden alchemy, threw it into his mouth, chewed it vigorously, and casually threw the body to the troll behind him.

The troll roared excitedly, put the corpse in its mouth, bit and pulled it, and blood spattered.

The whole city was in chaos, and instantly became a hell on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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