I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 200 Becoming a Demon [Monthly ticket 200 plus more]

Chapter 200 Becoming a Demon [Monthly ticket 200 plus more]

A few days later, at the estuary of the lower reaches of the Wujiang River, thunder rolled, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Each strike carried a terrifying power, and it lasted for three days before it stopped.

Afterwards, everything returned to calm, except for a woman in red, carrying a dark cloud bag and quietly leaving the sea.

The blue sky is calm and the sea is calm, even the patrolling Shui soldiers are nowhere to be seen. Lin Suying simply let go of the dark cloud pocket to cover her body, secretly urging the magic crystal in the brain of Tu Sanniang's avatar.

The surrounding dark clouds swirl into a vortex, and spiritual energy from all directions gathers. It is not like a cultivator who gently communicates with the world, but a direct and domineering plunder.

The aura rushed in from between the eyebrows, poured into the magic crystal and turned into a thick black magic energy, and then quickly spread through the bones to every part of the body.


Lin Suying spread her arms, and the bones all over her body made crisp sounds, wisps of black magic energy overflowed from the pores of her body, wrapping every part of her body.

In an instant, it turned into an indestructible black bone armor, perfectly fitting Tu Sanniang's exquisite curves, with a slender waist and plump buttocks, carrying a sense of powerful charm.

Lin Suying's face still kept the original appearance of Tu Sanniang. She did not stop mobilizing the magic crystal. After the bone armor was completed, two wing bones protruded from behind the shoulders, branched like branches, and were covered by the magic energy, turning into a pair Huge demon wings.

When the demons reach the Nascent Soul stage, they can grow wings, accumulate demonic energy in the wings, and then they can rush forward like teleportation.

Lin Suying tried silently, pouring demonic energy into her wings, and with one swipe she flew away, appearing fifty feet away in an instant.

After many attempts, she found that the more magic energy gathered and the shorter the distance, the faster the speed of the attack. Usually, gathering magic energy in the wings can speed up the flight speed, which is not weaker than the best flying magic weapon.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no aquariums around, Lin Suying took out various magic weapons and bombarded her body, gradually getting a thorough understanding of her demonized body and controlling it with ease.

"The body of the Demon Race is really strong. The bones are comparable to the hardest material in the cultivation world. I am afraid that only sword cultivators can hurt them. Ordinary cultivation methods are really hard to deal with."

Lin Suying sighed, and slowly stored all her devilish energy in the magic crystal, returning to the appearance of Tu Sanniang in red.

After merging the magic crystal this time, Lin Suying found that now she can directly devour other people's cultivation base to improve her own cultivation base.

This is also the main cultivation method of the demons, so the demons are fierce and warlike, just to be able to devour other races, and only when there is nothing to devour, they will plunder the energy in the air.

Fortunately, the demons' spiritual intelligence is not high. You can see that Chongshan has been bullied by pandaren all day long and can only be incompetent and furious. Otherwise, such a domineering race will become the master of the cultivation world sooner or later.

Lin Suying took out Tu Sanniang's usual whip and hung it around her waist, as well as the Xuanming Yinsha Umbrella. She has also changed the materials several times in the past few years, and now it has become a magic weapon of the eight-fold Mandisha. There are nine Dutian ghost generals and 450 Xuan Underworld soldiers.

The ghost generals are all in the alchemy stage, and the yin soldiers are all in the foundation stage. Now, as long as they receive another powerful main soul, they can be promoted to the Tiangang magic weapon.

The umbrella surface is also refined into the dragon scales of the old dragon king of Wujiang, and the magic weapon of the Yuanying stage is difficult to break.

The last is the two corpses of Yuanbao and Jintiao. From the very beginning to the present, although the natural aptitude is average, many demonized limbs have been produced during the recent experiment with the method of transforming demons.

She picked the best parts and put them together, and with the help of Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, she used the magical method of "Xuanyu Doesn't Melt Bone" to cleanse the two corpses, and finally turned into the current demonized zombies.

The physical strength is comparable to the Nascent Soul stage martial arts who specialize in physique. Although the strength is slightly weaker than the Xuanming Yinsha Umbrella, it is usually enough to be used as a human shield, and their claws are also poisonous.

After everything was ready, Lin Suying hung the coffin jade pendant on her waist, and opened the Xuanming Yinsha Umbrella, hoping to enter before the Tianque Realm was completely sealed in time.

Without finding out the current situation of the demons and whether this body can prevent the death of the world, she will not rashly let the body go out.

The main body is currently in the last moment of conceiving a baby, so it is just to see if there is a chance to get a clone of the god-forming stage this time.

Yin soldiers appeared around Lin Suying one after another, and under her mobilization [Hundred Ghosts Move Magic Ability], the whole person immediately disappeared on the sea surface, and moved thousands of miles away in an instant, and it only took five or six times to reach Tianque The environment is a must for the journey.

Arriving at a small port on the east coast of Tianque Realm, Lin Suying saw a group of monks and nuns from Mount Sumeru evacuating with the monks from the Sword Cultivation Organization of Beiluo Realm.

Even in this small port, there are still more than a dozen ships docked. The monks with higher cultivation levels have already fled on their own. At this moment, they are left to the end. casual repair.

Lin Suying sneaked in under cover of whereabouts. At the port, she saw the altar enshrining Buddhist relics, emitting a holy golden light, surrounded by a group of monks, knocking on wooden fish and chanting scriptures.

The sound of chanting is poured into the relic, which turns into golden light Sanskrit and slowly floats out, merging with the gradually closing golden barrier high in the sky.

Lin Suying secretly rejoiced that she came quickly, otherwise the relic formation would be closed.

Lin Suying used [One Leaf Blind Eye] to hide her whereabouts, and stayed here for a while where Buddhist and martial arts rested, listening to them talk about what happened recently.

The Xianmeng was almost paralyzed due to the sudden death of Jiuli. Now only Wan Ruyi leads the sword and martial arts in the Northern Luo Realm to resist the demons, Zen Master Mingdeng leads the Buddhas in the Xiling Sanctuary to build a relic formation, and Mu Tieying leads the Iron Blood League to maintain it. Order everywhere.

So she snatched the Xuanyuan Water Realm, and no one cared about her for a moment.

Most of the other cultivation sects were fleeing towards Beiluo Realm and Xiling Sanctuary, only a small number took the initiative to stay and cooperate with the actions of Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng.

"Have you heard about Heyuan City?"

"How could I not have heard that those four half-demons, half-humans were so ruthless that they slaughtered the entire Heyuan City. Compared with them, those demon cultivators in the Great Wilderness seem to be merciless."

"Indeed, but the important thing is that if they really came from under the boundary river of Tiandaozong, how did you say they survived? Several gods have been sacrificed."

"Look at their half-human, half-demon appearance, they must have mastered some way to avoid the demons and the strange black mist."

"Then if what they said is true, we can only live like them, what should we do? Are we really going to become a demon?"

"This... let's talk about it at that point."

Dahuang regards all the monks who cultivate demonic energy as heinous demonic cultivators, and beats them to death regardless of the reason, but at this moment, they are told that they must become demons to live. For a while, not many so-called orthodox monks can accept it.

Just like being immersed in the lies that once thought that the Great Wilderness was safe and that the enchantment of Tiandaozong was unbreakable, they still don't believe the words of those demons and heretics at this time.

Lin Suying was listening, and was very interested in the four half-humans and half-devils they mentioned. If it is true what these people said, they are survivors of the world below. She must find these four people to understand the situation in the world below. Row.

(End of this chapter)

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