I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 201 Female Demon General

Chapter 201 Female Demon General

The Tianque Realm is the land of the Great Desolation and Nine Continents, and it is the largest realm. Finding someone in the Tianque Territory is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But it's not all helpless. Based on what she heard, it can be analyzed that the leader of the four demon cultivators is the transformation stage, and the remaining three are the Nascent Soul stage, with a troll beside them.

They only choose places with a lot of monks to slaughter, and don't leave a single one alive, and as long as they are cultivated, they will be sucked up by them, and they will not keep any magical treasures, medicines, natural materials and earthly treasures.

It can be seen from this that this is their main purpose of going to the Great Wilderness.

"I don't know how many [Open Sky Mirror] holders are still in the Tianque Realm."

Lin Suying muttered, she hadn't paid much attention to [Kai Tian Jing]'s affairs during this time, and now she just released a task to try to find the traces of the Four Demon Cultivators, maybe there will be something to gain.

After the task was released, Lin Suying took out the map of the Heavenly Que Realm to mark the places where the four demon cultivators had slaughtered, and found that they had been moving all the way south after they left the Tiandao Sect.

If you don't want to be sealed in Tianque territory, it is very likely that you will go to Baiman three places?

Just as he was thinking, there was a response from [Kaitianjing].

"So fast?"

Lin Suying saw that there were three people who responded to the task, and they all said the same thing.

The four demon cultivators did not enter the Hundred Barbarians, but turned back and entered the Beiluo Realm from the north before the Tianque Realm was closed.

Lin Suying did not expect this, but although Beiluo is a land of yellow sand and fire, it is larger than Baiman and has rich products. The most important thing is that there are many cultivation schools and monks.

Lin Suying carefully looked at the reply in [Open Sky Mirror], one of them explained in more detail, saying that Wan Ruyi opened the Beiluo Passage and accepted all the monks in the Tianque Realm to take refuge in the Beiluo Realm.

It was from there that the four demon cultivators entered the Beiluo territory. Although they were discovered when they crossed the border, the four demon cultivators were extremely fierce and killed them abruptly. They are now being hunted down by the Jagged Alliance.

After confirming the traces of the four demon cultivators, Lin Suying did not delay, and immediately urged [Hundred Ghosts Shift] to go north.

Half a day later, she appeared by the Lancang River. The largest river in the Tianque Realm, which used to flow endlessly, was now almost dry, and countless demon corpses were piled up at the bottom of the river.

Lin Suying raised her eyes, and the entire Tiandaozong mountain range seemed to have been burned by fire and then stained with blood, leaving only two colors of scorched black and deep red, lifeless.

There are nine giant swords lined up at the foot of the mountain range. The hilts of the swords go straight into the sky, exuding a terrifying coercion that shocks the sky.

Tens of thousands of monks used giant swords as camps to resist the demons flying out of the Tiandaozong boundary.

It was just dawn at this time, and the demons should have just been killed and retreated. Only some demons without wings and below the alchemy stage were hiding in various places in the Tiandaozong mountain range, waiting for opportunities to move around the giant sword. The monk was able to catch his breath a little.

Lin Suying looked to the west, the sky barrier formed by the seven-star formation was pitch black at the moment, and the death energy was constantly corroding the seven-star formation just like it corroded the enchantment of Tiandaozong back then.

Lin Suying originally thought that the Death Qi of Extermination of the World would emerge continuously from under the Boundary River, but now she found that there was only one piece of it.

Is it possible that the life-killing energy can only gradually grow through continuous devouring?

There are also monsters rushing out from under the Jiehe River, and all those above the Nascent Soul stage are dark demons with strong fighting power, and the others are inferior demons, and no other demons have been seen.

Obviously, there are Shadi, Bingya, Senluo and trolls among the demons, as well as a small number of Yashas. Where have these demons gone?
Pile after pile of monster corpses were transported to the Lancang River by monks cleaning the battlefield, and dumped directly down. Lin Suying sneaked down to the bottom of the river and pried open the head of a monster corpse, and the magic crystals inside were all there.

Lin Suying's eyes lit up. There were many corpses at the bottom of the river, and there were hundreds of thousands of large and small magic crystals. In the demon clan, magic crystals are the currency for trading and the elixir for replenishing magic energy, just like spirit stones in the cultivation world.

Because the demon race has never appeared in the Great Wilderness, no one has noticed the usefulness of the magic crystal. Isn't this cheaper for her?
And in order to let monks pretend to be demons in the future, magic crystals are indispensable.

Roar! ! !
Waves of demonic roars came from the Tiandaozong mountain range again, and batches of demons in the alchemy stage gathered and poured down from the top of the mountain like a flood.

Dazzling brilliance erupted from the nine giant swords at the same time, turning into long swords falling like rain, shooting at the monsters pouring down from the mountain.

Amidst the screams, most of the monsters were killed immediately.

"Persevere, everyone, go to battle and kill the enemy!!"

The shouts of killing soared into the sky, and the monks under the giant sword rushed out, fighting fiercely with the monsters.

Every time the nine-handed giant sword is activated, it needs to accumulate spiritual energy. During this period, the monks can only rely on the monks to resist the monsters.

The battle at the foot of Tiandaozong Mountain was in full swing, and the guards on the Lancang River came to support them one after another. Lin Suying took the opportunity to collect the corpses of the demons.

Like a locust crossing the border, she flew over the corpse, and there was not a hair left on her bottom.

In addition to the magic crystals, the corpses of these monsters can be used for refining weapons. The soldiers and armor used by the demons are all refined from their own bones.

The remaining flesh and blood can be thrown into the lotus pond in the Cauldron Cave to be converted into energy, or thrown into the Xuanming Yin Sha Umbrella to increase the level of ghost generals and Yin soldiers.

After Lin Suying collected all the corpses, she found that the nine giant swords hadn't accumulated enough power, and the monsters poured out from behind the mountain in an endless stream, forcing the human monks to retreat steadily, causing heavy casualties.

This battle has been going on for more than a month, and everyone is exhausted.

"Since I have received the benefits, I will help you once."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying appeared in the sky above the battlefield in a flash. She was dressed in black bone armor, her wings were spread out, and her devilish energy was boiling.

Roar! ! !
Lin Suying let out a wild roar, and the sound waves set off ripples in the air, making both sides in the battle startled at the same time, and they all looked up into the sky.

The monsters were excited when they saw the high-level dark demons, while the human monks were pale.

Lin Suying's face was covered with a black bone mask, she took off the long whip around her waist, and the devilish energy quickly overflowed from her palm, wrapped around the long whip and turned into a black spine.

"It's a demon general in the Nascent Soul Stage, set fire to her!!"

Although all the monks had never seen a demon general with such obvious female features, and even full of violent beauty, this did not prevent them from fearing her.

For a moment, all the monks backed up while gathering strength, and launched an attack on Lin Suying in the sky.

The stream of magic spells all over the sky was attacking her with all kinds of magic weapons. Lin Suying smiled, and suddenly turned around to face the thousands of monsters behind, spreading her wings and sweeping with bone whips.

The sound of the whip exploded, thrilling.

The monsters all over the mountains and plains were cut off instantly by Whip Shadow lazily, and the upper half of them flew high. There was still horror on the ferocious face, leaving only the half of the body standing upright on the hillside. The scene was extremely strange.

Boom boom boom!
The magic light exploded in mid-air, dazzling, and the human monk saw through the flashing brilliance that the exquisite female demon rolled her whip like a dragon, fighting all the way up the mountain, leaving no corpses in her path, only The ground was covered with black blood and shattered and splashed earth and rocks.

Such a fierce and ferocious fight made the monks couldn't help opening their eyes wide, fearful and at the same time very puzzled, why would this female demon help them kill the demons?

(End of this chapter)

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