I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 203 Shadi Demon

Chapter 203 Shadi Demon
Li Li's actions made many monks criticize, but due to Mo Li's identity as an iron catcher, people just had unkind eyes and dared not say much.

The entire Great Wilderness has a deep-rooted view of demon cultivators. In fact, since Lin Suying stepped into the fairy gate, she still has a lot of doubts about it.

Just like what Li Li said, who gave the Jagged Alliance the right to uphold the so-called justice?Why does the entire comprehension world acquiesce and condone this.

From ancient times to the present, all monks who cultivated devil energy, no matter whether they did evil or not, would be arrested and thrown into the Great Prison of Demon Refining, which is simply unreasonable.

But even Fang Shouzhen back then acquiesced to this, so when she turned into a corpse and could only follow the path of the devil, he simply imprisoned her and prevented her from practicing.

When it came to Lin Suying, Li Li took a deep look at her, always feeling that the person in front of her gave her a familiar and reassuring feeling.

Seeing this, Lin Suying smiled coquettishly, "This iron catcher looks like a disciple of the slave family. I don't know how easy life is in the Iron Blood Alliance?"

Mo Li was stunned. Normally, she wouldn't answer other people's questions like this, but facing a female cultivator wearing a hat and veil who didn't know who she was, Li Li felt as if she was being cared for by an elder.

"Hard work, but fulfilling."

Lin Suying nodded, said no more, walked into the teleportation tower.

Huaguang flashed across the teleportation array, and Li Li looked at the disappearing person, feeling lost.


Beiluo Territory, Jianmen City.

Lin Suying came out of Shi Dao Jing's shop in a light gauze red dress.

The No. [-] city of Beiluo under the jurisdiction of the Luofu Sword Sect is now full of mortals and low-level monks fleeing for refuge. In the past, there were far fewer sword cultivators and martial arts cultivators from various sects. They all responded to Wan Ruyi's call and went to The Tianque Realm resists the demons.

Under the scorching sun, the heat wave distorted the vision, Lin Suying put on a veil to block the wind and sand in the air, and walked slowly out of the only oasis city in a thousand miles.

Outside the city is the endless Gobi Desert, full of wind and sand, desolate everywhere.

After leaving the Gobi Desert, there is a boundless sea of ​​sand. She just inquired about some information from Shi Dao Jing, which specializes in selling information.

After the four demon cultivators entered the Northern Luo Realm, they had been hunted down by the Jagged Alliance. A big battle broke out outside Fenghou City in the southwest before, and they fled in all directions.

It has been more than a month now, although no one has seen them appear again, but there is a place where strange things have happened recently, and we can find out.

When we arrived at the northern city gate, we happened to meet a camel caravan, which was going to escort a group of monks who only had the Qi refining stage to the Lieyang Gate in the north.

Jianmen City is overcrowded and can no longer accommodate more people, and these qi refining monks are too weak, even if they want to resist the demons, they can't do anything at all. They just give rations to the demons when they go to the battlefield.

The Kuangshahai that Lin Suying is going to is on the way to Lieyangmen. The name of the sea is not a real sea, but a desert of death with only yellow sand.

There are constant sandstorms all the year round, and there are magic weapons and spiritual consciousness that are disturbed by Yuan Magnetic Earth Sha below. Someone is inside.

It is very easy to get lost in the desert, and Lin Suying is not familiar with Beiluo, so she pretended to be a monk in the early stage of alchemy, and explained to the camel team that she wanted to go with her.

The camel team happened to be short of manpower. After all, there were nearly 500 people to escort, and there were not enough senior monks, so Lin Suying was gladly accepted.

After going on the road, Lin Suying rode a sand-riding camel and followed at the end of the team, rarely interacting with other people, only secretly listening to other people's conversations with [Catching Wind and Shadow Technique].

Most of their chats were about the invasion of the demons, and they expressed concern about the future of the Great Wilderness.

After walking for more than ten days, it was smooth except for a few sandstorms. Everyone became nervous when they were about to reach the edge of the sea of ​​wild sand.

"I heard that there was a sandworm riot in Kuangshahai recently, and they often went outside to attack passers-by."

"No way, don't those sandworms never leave the range of Kuangshahai?"

"Who knows, I heard that five teams have been attacked when they passed through the Kuangsha Sea this month. They swallowed all the people and camels, and only a few lucky ones survived."

"Then no one is going to see what's going on?"

"Now that the demons are invading, how can there be people in charge of these things?"

"I hope we won't meet each other. To go to the Lieyangmen, the shortest way is to go to the edge of the Kuangsha Sea. If we make a detour, we qi cultivators can't hold it at all."

In this mood of worry, the team marched for another three days. At noon, when they climbed a sand dune, a hurried whistle came from the front of the team, and everyone stopped.

Lin Suying rolled over from the camel, wading through the hot yellow sand with one foot deep and one shallow foot, and walked to the highest point of the sand dune.

In the whistling wind, the endless sand sea below was slightly red, as if it had been stained with blood, and the strong wind was raging everywhere, rolling up the yellow sand to form a series of tornadoes connecting the sky and the earth, constantly colliding and merging violently, forming Bigger tornado.

As soon as the group of them arrived here, those tornadoes seemed to be sharks smelling blood, and they all changed their directions to this side.

The leading middle-aged male cultivator blew his whistle again, and all the sand-riding camels turned around and fled in the opposite direction.

At this moment, the yellow sand on the side exploded suddenly, and an ugly and huge sandworm soared into the sky, and its sunflower-like mouth instantly swallowed three or five Qi training monks below.

Bang bang bang!
More and more sandworms rushed out from all directions as if they had ambushed in advance, and everyone became prey instantly.

Because of the influence of the magnetic field and earth evil here, the spiritual consciousness is disturbed, and it is difficult to detect the sandworms lurking under the desert in advance.

There were screams and chaotic fighting sounds one after another, and everyone fled in panic.

"Don't run around, watch out for quicksand!!"

The leading middle-aged monk shouted loudly, but no one listened to him at all. They all panicked and just wanted to avoid the huge sandworm.

At this moment, a small brown poisonous snake quietly wrapped around the ankle of the leading male cultivator, opened its mouth and bit down fiercely with a neighing sound.

A bone whip was thrown over suddenly, the snake's teeth were stuck between the bones, and the snake's eyes widened, looking at the female cultivator in red at the other end of the whip.

"The fish is biting the hook, so get out of here!"

Lin Suying grabbed the bone whip and pulled it hard, a woman covered with brown scales was pulled out from under the yellow sand, and fell heavily at Lin Suying's feet.

Seeing that half of her body is covered with Shadi demons, Lin Suying knew that she was the one she was looking for.

"you wanna die!"

Shen Ruqiong yelled sharply with her mouth full of fangs, and the surrounding sandworms immediately gave up devouring low-level monks, and threw their huge bodies at Lin Suying one after another.

At the same time, the yellow sand shook, and a huge tornado hit from behind, bringing waves of heat.

Shen Ruqiong took the opportunity to drill under the desert, Lin Suying's eyes sharpened, and the Xuanming Yinsha Umbrella flew up, and the Nine Ghosts led 450 Yin soldiers out of the nest, brandishing their weapons and killing the surrounding sandworms in an instant.

The surface of the umbrella turned up the pattern of dragon scales, resisting the tornado behind her, Lin Suying flicked her whip, wrapped around Shen Ruqiong's neck and dragged her out from under the yellow sand again.

"If you can chat, then have a good chat with the slave family, if you can't, then the slave family will send you back to the west now!"

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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