I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 204 New Clone

Chapter 204 New Clone

Shen Ruqiong seemed to have hidden wounds, and after discovering Lin Suying's hidden cultivation, she didn't want to fight her.

She grabbed the bone whip around her neck, her whole body spun like a top, and she quickly broke free from the restraints and rushed down the yellow sand again.

Like a fish entering the water, it disappears in a flash.

Lin Suying released two demonized zombies with ingots and gold bars, and they also fled into the desert to pursue them, and she continued to pursue them from above.

After chasing ten miles into the Kuangsha Sea, the desert below suddenly exploded, and Shen Ruqiong flew out in a panic.

The Xuanming Yin Sha Umbrella hangs high in the sky, and the nine ghosts will lead 450 Yin soldiers to form the Xuan Ming Yin Sha Formation in an instant. The black Yin Sha Qi is like an upside-down bowl, sealing off the surrounding area heavily.

There was Lin Suying pulling a whip in the front, and a fat and thin ingot and gold bar in the back, and there were nine ghost generals staring at her around. Shen Ruqiong knew that she had encountered a tough problem.

She pressed her chest and bared her fangs, "What do you want to talk about?"

Lin Suying smiled coquettishly, "I'm sorry, my family is fickle, so I don't want to talk to you now."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Suying's aura rose steadily, and the strong black magic energy overflowed from the pores of her body, quickly wrapping important parts of her body, forming a light bone armor.

Seeing this, Shen Ruqiong opened her eyes wide in surprise, "How could you... who are you?"

Shen Ruqiong felt turbulent in her heart, especially when she saw the difference between before and after Lin Suying's demonization, which was much better than her semi-devil state.

Lin Suying didn't give Shen Ruqiong time to think, the black bone whip flew out, and Shen Ruqiong dodged in panic.

There was an explosion, and clearly visible ripples appeared in the air, which were clearly visible.

Lin Suying rushed directly to Shen Ruqiong like an arrow from the string, and used this battle to get familiar with her demonized state.

Ingots, gold bars and the nine demon generals stood quietly around without interfering at all.

The two fought in mid-air, Shen Ruqiong rolled the yellow sand, and walked briskly through the sand. The scales on a long tail exploded behind her, like a thorny thorn, attacking Lin Suying from various tricky angles.

The two figures kept colliding in mid-air, and the air waves were raging and roaring.

Sandy Demon was born to be the king of the desert, manipulating the sand to follow him like a shadow, gathering and dispersing around him, turning it into a barrier and a weapon.

Lin Suying was surrounded by the five tornadoes formed by the sand, Shen Ruqiong's face was gloomy, her two hands squeezed together with all her strength, and the five tornadoes suddenly squeezed over.

Seeing this, Lin Suying spread her wings and charged quickly, broke through the tornado encirclement and rushed to Shen Ruqiong, punching out.

The scales on Shen Ruqiong's face cracked, and her whole body was blown away like a sandbag, and hit heavily on the barrier of the formation, causing the entire barrier to vibrate violently.

Lin Suying shook her aching hand and exclaimed: "You are so tough even if you are a devil, then the real devil will only be stronger. Unfortunately, the real devil's head is to protect the magic crystal, but your magic crystal is not in the head. .”

As soon as the words fell, Shen Ruqiong turned pale with shock, but the next moment Lin Suying suddenly appeared behind her.

"Your magic crystal should be on the tailbone."

When the sinister voice came, Shen Ruqiong instantly felt the mortal danger. The scales on her back were all raised, and the devilish energy overflowed like boiling water, wrapped in the scales and turned into poisonous snakes, and opened her mouth to bite Lin Suying fiercely.

Lin Suying had been on guard for a long time, and the devil energy on her body instantly turned into a shield in front of her. While blocking Shen Ruqiong's attack, she grabbed the tail behind her with both hands, and the devil energy circled up to wrap up the magic crystal she had hidden, and pulled it off.

Shen Ruqiong turned pale in shock, her pupils constricted to the extreme in an instant, her whole body was agitated with demon energy, and her whole body was about to explode uncontrollably.

At the very moment, Lin Suying separated a soul fragment and rushed into her sea of ​​consciousness, swallowing Shen Ruqiong's original soul completely and resolutely.

The restless demonic energy gradually stabilized, Shen Ruqiong closed her eyes to digest the memory, Lin Suying put away the Xuanming Yinsha Umbrella and the ingot and gold bar, and brought Shen Ruqiong to fly towards the direction they came from.

When I came here, it was only a cup of tea to fly, but when I went out, Lin Suying found that she was lost.

There was yellow sand all around, and Yuan Magnetic Earth Sha interfered with her consciousness, making it impossible for her to discern her direction.

In desperation, she happened to see Shen Ruqiong's recent memories, and found that she had a shelter under the sea of ​​wild sand, so she decided to go there temporarily to rest and think of a solution.

Shen Ruqiong had to come to escape in the sand, and Lin Suying followed her all the way down. When she felt about to suffocate, her feet were empty and she landed in an underground palace.

Half of the palace was submerged in yellow sand and collapsed, while the other half was still supported. Looking at the shriveled corpses and scattered debris all around, one could tell that Shen Ruqiong had been here for a long time.

Tu Sanniang entered the standby mode, and Lin Suying extracted Shen Ruqiong's memory, still condensing it into a book and keeping it in the Wuya Hall.

From Shen Ruqiong's memory, Lin Suying finally saw what the vast galaxy-like cultivation world under the Great Desolation looks like now.

There are broken pieces of the world everywhere, like meteorite belts, floating in the dark void, without aura, and even the magic energy is close to drying up.

In the star map that Lin Suying once saw, there is not a single world with complete laws that can survive.

Dark demons above the stage of transformation into gods fly between the void, looking for possible food on the fragments of the world.

But there was nothing, and even the demons began to fall into famine, so the demons who once united and invaded the human race were torn apart and began to kill each other.

Shen Ruqiong is only over 500 years old, so she doesn't know what the world used to be like. She was born in a broken world. That world is like the current desert, hot, dry, full of quicksand, and hunting animals. Shadi Demon.

There were only twelve half-human, half-devil survivors with her. When Shen Ruqiong was born, they used very rough methods to bury a magic crystal of the Shadi Demon on her tailbone.

So in the process of growing up, she gradually grew a tail and scales, becoming like a Shadi Demon, but not a real Shadi Demon.

All of this is just to live better, to avoid the death energy floating in the void, as long as the human breath is not detected, those death energy will not take the initiative to attack.

Survival is very difficult. In addition to absorbing the thin magic energy in the air, they have to take risks to hunt and kill the weak Shadi demons, but if they are not careful, they will become the food of the Shadi demons instead.

The number of their small group has been decreasing, and those who died will become the nourishment for their cultivation and food for their hunger. When energy is scarce, eating is necessary for survival.

Shen Ruqiong has persisted in such a difficult environment for a hundred years before building the foundation. Compared with the Dahuang cultivator who can build the foundation in a few years or even no more than ten years, it is really difficult for her.

After the foundation was established, Shen Ruqiong was able to protect herself to a certain extent, but they encountered another group of survivors.

Because the world is broken and the laws of space are chaotic, sometimes falling into quicksand will be directly crushed by the power of space, but sometimes it will be transported to other places.

The group of people that Shen Ruqiong and the others met came to the Fragmented World they were in because of this, but compared to the Shadi Demon, the survivors were more afraid of other survivors.

In that encounter, only Shen Ruqiong escaped alone. She was also lucky, and was brought to Yan Zong, who she had been following since then, by quicksand.

 or one more...

(End of this chapter)

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