Chapter 206
Tianque Realm, the camp of demons.

Wan Ruyi angrily threw down the information jade slip sent back from the Four Seas Dragon Palace, "When the great wilderness is alive and dying, the old dragons of the four seas are only concerned about their own safety, and they don't think that once the Tianque Realm is lost, the dragons of the four seas will be the first to suffer."

"Amitabha." Zen Master Mingdeng sat quietly at the side, "The environment of the dragon race is unique, if it hides in the dragon palace under the sea, the demon race may not be able to invade the deep sea, but it will spread to other continents first."

Wan Ruyi clenched her fists, "But now almost all the monks who have formed alchemy and above in the whole Beiluo Territory have come out, and the demons are still endless. When will this battle end?"

Zen Master Mingdeng sighed quietly, "The same is true for my Xiling Sanctuary. All the monks above the alchemy stage are stationed in various places to ensure the stability of the formation."

"Although other sects have also sent some monks, they are all a drop in the bucket. Now only the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas has enough troops to resist the demons, but... alas!"

The tent suddenly fell silent, Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng were thinking about their own countermeasures.

In fact, they have discussed many times in the past few days, and there are three countermeasures available.

The first is to gather all the troops of the Great Wilderness to continue the fight, but not long ago, Wan Ruyi received information from Luo Yi, saying that the Demon Race still has the Demon Emperor's army gathering.

Although I don't know where the news came from, but if it is true, the Dragon Clan will not send troops, and the Human Clan will definitely be unable to contend.

The second is to go all out to enter the Tiandaozong and try to seal the boundary river, but this is time-consuming and difficult. Even if Fang Shouzhen sacrificed himself back then, he could not seal the boundary river. Daojun, I'm afraid it won't be possible for a while.

The third, and the last and last resort, is to preserve the fire of the Great Wilderness, abandon the Great Wilderness, and migrate to a small world outside the region.

Now that the Mieshi Death Qi is trapped in the seven-star formation, Wan Ruyi and Mingdeng Zen Master guessed that the Mieshi Death Qi was within a certain range, and they would give priority to the existence with the strongest devouring energy.

At that time, all the monks around Tiandaozong were evacuated by Jiuli. After the death energy of Mieshi escaped, the strongest energy around was the Seven Stars Array, so the Mieshi Death Qi went straight to the Seven Stars Array, like devouring the enchantment of Tiandaozong Same, bit by bit devouring and absorbing the power of the Seven Star Company.

Now they have arranged people to step up to arrange a large formation of the same level around the seven-star formation, and only hope that it can be delayed for a while.

The outside world is boundless, and there are many areas with incomplete laws. Even the fit Taoist would not dare to break into it, and no one can guarantee whether the death qi and the demons will chase out.

So the third strategy will not be implemented until the last moment.

Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng looked at each other. For the current plan, it seems that only the second plan is feasible.

Zen Master Mingdeng stood up and said, "Amitabha, I'll leave it to the poor monk and the Seven Star Island Master to discuss and arrange the blockade of the boundary river. I still have to worry about the matter of resisting the demons and invading the Tiandao Sect."

Wan Ruyi nodded, "Okay, I will recruit monks above the alchemy stage of the entire Great Wilderness as soon as possible to slay demons together."

Zen Master Mingdeng was about to leave, but when he reached the entrance of the tent, he suddenly stopped, turned around and asked, "Do we really not think about the method mentioned by Xuanyuan Water Realm?"

In fact, there is a fourth countermeasure against this incident, which was proposed by Luo Yi when he passed on the information.

Repair magic!

Wan Ruyi frowned, "If the blockade of the boundary river fails, we will discuss this matter again."

Just when Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng were hesitating and unable to make up their minds, Luo Yi had already selected [-] elite aquatic soldiers from the Wujiang Aquarium and [-] beasts and monsters from the Yaozu. The doctors who come out will embed magic crystals for these aquarium soldiers.

In addition, Lu Changqing and Yu Chengfeng of the Heavenly Dao Sect also began to change their magic cultivation techniques, and the next step was to embed magic crystals in their bodies.


In Beiluo territory, Kuangsha went down to the underground palace.

After blowing up Shen Ruqiong's body three times, the fourth time the body grew back from the severed tail, and the fusion of the dark magic crystal went smoothly.

The first three times were all due to the preconceived ideas of Lin Suying, a cultivator who only wanted to balance the power of the two magic crystals, but finally realized that there was no balance at all before reacting violently.

The tradition of the Mozu has always been that the strong are respected, and the balance of bullshit is required.

So she changed her strategy and directly chose the strongest dark magic crystal. First, she separated Shen Ruqiong's new body from the tail, transformed her body into a half-devil with dark blood, and then used the dark magic crystal to suppress the sand on the broken tail. Di Mojing.

The method borrowed from the method of the demons to leave imprints on the slaves and control the life and death of the slaves. This time, she succeeded once. Afterwards, she hid the blood of the dark demon and re-purified all parts of the body with the blood of Shadi, leaving behind the appearance of the Shadi demon. feature.


The combination of the two bloodlines also gave Lin Suying a bold idea. If all the bloodlines of the demons were concentrated in the body of a demon, I don't know what kind of existence it would create.

According to the experimental results obtained by Shen Ruqiong, it is theoretically feasible, but unfortunately she only has the magic crystal of the dark demon in her hand, and there are no other races.

While waiting for Shen Ruqiong's body to complete the final refining process, Lin Suying was not idle, controlling Tu Sanniang's avatar to search in the underground palace.

This underground palace is a place that has been explored many times long ago, and it is also a temporary foothold for some monks in Kuangshahai to collect Yuan Magnetic Earth Sha.

Shen Ruqiong controlled the sandworms in Kuangshahai with the Demon Clan Seal, and Lin Suying also relied on these sandworms at this moment to find a place with strong Yuanmagnetism and Earthshade, just for her to re-smelt the Yuanmagnetism Destruction Needle in the Xuanming Yinsha Umbrella. Fan.

When the tempering was about to end, Lin Suying suddenly felt a violent fluctuation of fighting skills above her head. She asked a sandworm to go out to have a look, and found that it was Shen Ruqiong's accomplice, Yan Zong, Chen Fusheng and Chen Fengnian, and four iron blood The iron catchers of the League are fighting fiercely.

Although the four iron catchers were all in the Nascent Soul stage and formed a large formation, Yan Zong was in the early stage of transformation, fighting in the hellish lower realm all the year round, with ruthless and brutal attacks.

With Chen Fusheng and Chen Fengnian as their assistants, the four iron catchers were not his opponents at all, but Yan Zong's punch exploded the formation in just a cup of tea.

Chen Fusheng's two arms turned into countless entangled vines, which pierced the abdomen of two iron traps in an instant, and pulled out the Nascent Soul that was wrapped in the dantian.

Chen Fengnian was also ferocious even at a young age. The ice mist turned into a vicious snake, wrapped around the necks of the other two iron traps, and the snake's head pierced between their eyebrows to freeze their souls.

The four corpses fell into the desert, Yan Zong divided Chen Fusheng and Chen Fengnian into a Nascent Soul, swallowed one by himself, sealed the other into a box, and rushed straight into the sea of ​​wild sand.

Yan Zong seemed to be able to sense Shen Ruqiong's position, and rushed directly to the sand-bottomed palace. Seeing Shen Ruqiong's face was pale, her breath was like a gossamer, and she fell weakly in the corner of the palace. in the arms.


Shen Ruqiong suddenly opened her eyes, raised her hand and slapped Yan Zong's face, her eyes were full of indifference.

Yan Zong tilted his head with a dazed expression, and Chen Fengnian, who followed him, opened his eyes wide in surprise. Shen Ruqiong dared to fight the world lord?

If you commit the following crimes, you can't bear it! !
"Cough~" Seeing this, Chen Fusheng hurriedly pulled away his stupid son, leaving only Yan Zong and Shen Ruqiong in the underground palace.

(End of this chapter)

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