Chapter 207
Shen Ruqiong's body has just stabilized at this moment, half of her face was originally covered with brown scales, but now it is smooth and tender, revealing a weak paleness, making her look even more pitiful.

She staggered and stood up away from Yan Zong, her eyes filled with sadness and resentment.

"You escaped resolutely that day, why did you come looking for me today? It's better to let me die here."

Yan Zong clenched his fist. Shen Ruqiong took the initiative to break and was surrounded that day. He did lead people away without hesitation. This is also his usual practice.

Fighting in the lower realm for so many years, it has never been like this.

But for some reason, after he escaped this time, he felt a lot of regret in his heart.

Especially when he reached the Kuangsha Sea and saw the four iron catchers probing around, he lost his sense of control for the first time, and he was relieved only when he saw that Shen Ruqiong was still alive.

what happened to him?
Yan Zong frowned, suppressed the chaotic emotions in his heart, showed the aura of a world lord, took out the jade box containing Jindan and Yuanying, and threw it to Shen Ruqiong.

"Recover quickly, we still have a lot to do."

Instinctively, Shen Ruqiong caught the jade box and went down the slope, not letting Yan Zong continue to quarrel. After all, her purpose was to get involved in it, not to part ways.

She just needs an excuse to stop being a dog lick.

In the jade box are five golden elixirs and a Nascent Soul. She has practiced for so many years, and although the avatar of Tu Sanniang she controlled later is also a demon cultivator, she has never directly devoured other people's golden elixir Nascent Soul.

At this moment, she became Shen Ruqiong. Although she had this memory, she was somewhat repulsed to swallow it alive. She put the jade box on the ground and swallowed all the Jindan Nascent Soul with the snake tail behind her, absorbing the spiritual energy in it, and then the magic crystal Transform into pure magic energy to improve cultivation.

When Shen Ruqiong absorbed Jindan Yuanying, Yan Zong sat not far away with a sullen face, staring at Shen Ruqiong for a moment, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

Chen Fusheng pulled his stupid son, smiled and said: "It seems that we will have a happy event when we go back this time."

Chen Fengnian looked confused, "What happy event?"

Chen Fusheng patted Chen Fengnian on the shoulder vigorously, "You are still young, brat, you will understand when you have someone you care about in the future."

Chen Fengnian still felt baffled, Chen Fusheng shook his head, walked to Yan Zong's side and asked softly: "Boundary Master, what shall we do next?"

Yan Zong withdrew his gaze from Shen Ruqiong, and said in a deep voice, "All the way to the north to the wild ancient land."

Chen Fusheng's heart trembled, "Isn't that the residence of the Jagged Alliance?"

Yan Zong has always been very assertive in doing things, and he seldom explained his purpose and behavior to the people below, so that Chen Fusheng, as an old man beside Yan Zong, sometimes didn't quite understand what Yan Zong wanted to do.

At first he thought he couldn't ask anything, but Yan Zong glanced at Shen Ruqiong, and suddenly explained patiently, "I have searched for the souls of those iron traps before, but now the Jagged League is short of manpower, and the three great transformation gods have died two times. There are only Mu Tieying, the Iron-Blooded Alliance Leader in the Void Refinement Stage, and Tang Heng in the God Transformation Stage."

"Mu Tieying has been running outside, only Tang Heng stays in the Great Prison of Demon Refining, and most of the iron hunters in the Nascent Soul stage are also stationed outside. There are no more than [-] iron hunters in the barren ancient land. .This time I brought you to the Great Wilderness. Apart from collecting resources, the biggest purpose is..."

Yan Zong paused for a moment, then said slowly, "Receive the Great Prison of Demon Refining."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Ruqiong couldn't help but open her eyes and look at Yan Zong even if she wanted to pretend to break up her love.

Looking at each other, Yan Zong's eyes were a little softer, and he patiently explained to Shen Ruqiong: "Before the lower realm was destroyed, the Great Prison of Demon Refining was jointly built by the Tian Academy of Zhendao Dazong and the first family of Qidao. Demon cultivators can't escape, and they will suffer the torture of eighteen levels of hell until the end of their lifespan."

"The Great Prison maintains its operation by absorbing the demonic energy from the prisoners. The inner world is a self-contained world, which is indestructible no matter from the inside or the outside. Since the records of the lower world, the only time it collapsed was because the Tiandao League mistakenly took the The woman was cast as a devil and thrown into the Great Prison of Demon Refining."

"Later, the female devil head found the prison spirit king of the Great Prison, and when the Demon Emperor destroyed a large world and briefly broke through the Zhoutian Star Formation, the combination of the inside and the outside destroyed the Great Prison and escaped. Later, the female devil even created a world of her own with the self-contained small world in the Great Demon Prison as the core."

"But these are not important. I can't reach the world created by the female devil head. What I have the opportunity to get right now is the Great Prison of Demon Refining that the Gong family learned from their failures and recast it. After all, the world of decaying bones is just a small world. Under the rules of the Dao of Heaven, one must leave after attaining the Nascent Soul in order to make a breakthrough, and the lack of resources restricts our development."

"The Great Refinement Prison itself has a complete and indestructible formation, and it is very suitable for the lower world environment to maintain its operation with devil energy. As long as we can control the entire Demon Refinement Prison, we don't have to stick to the Rotten Bone Realm, and we can hide in the Demon Refinement Prison to go anywhere Even we can learn from that female devil, take the current Great Prison as the core, and continuously absorb the cores of other worlds, big and small, to create a new world!"

After Yan Zong finished speaking, there was silence in the underground palace, Chen Fusheng swallowed unconsciously, Chen Fengnian's eyes were burning, and his eyes were full of admiration towards Yan Zong.

Even Shen Ruqiong was shocked by Yan Zong's ambition. He is not just a bloody butcher, but a real leader who dares to think and do. More importantly, he knows a lot of things before the destruction of the lower realm. What Shen Ruqiong needs most at the moment.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to break out of the wilderness, but Yan Zong had already found a way.

Since he dared to propose a plan to collect the Great Prison of Demon Refining, he might already have a perfect method of collecting it.

If, as he said, the great prison of refining demons can become a fortress drifting in the lower realm, then crossing the area where the demons and the death energy of the world are raging will no longer be a fantasy.

Seeing the shock in Shen Ruqiong's eyes, Yan Zong couldn't help straightening his back, and said softly: "This trip is full of difficulties, and it concerns the future of the entire Rotten Bone World. There is no way out and no helper, so I hope that everyone will not create rifts because of unnecessary misunderstandings. .”

Chen Fusheng and his son responded with a deep voice, Shen Ruqiong silently nodded, speeding up the absorption of Jindan and Yuanying.

Three days later, Shen Ruqiong returned to her prime, only one step away from the late Yuanying period, and Yan Zong was very satisfied with this.

In the desert, neither Chen Fusheng nor Chen Fengnian could exert their maximum strength, only Shen Ruqiong, the Shadi half-demon, could perfectly cooperate with Yan Zong.

The group of four went back on the road, Yan Zong was ruthless and ruthless, knowing that Wan Ruyi had transferred almost all the high-ranking monks in the Northern Luo Realm away, and decided to slaughter all the way to the barren ancient land.

Chen Fengnian was eager to try, but Chen Fusheng was worried, and couldn't help but look at Shen Ruqiong.

Shen Ruqiong immediately said: "We still act in a low-key manner. It is not too late to take over the Great Prison and then slaughter the Beiluo Realm. Otherwise, it will not be worth the loss to lure Mu Tieying."

No one dared to refute the decision of Yan Zong, and no one could refute it. As soon as Shen Ruqiong spoke, Chen Fengnian glared at her angrily.

"The world master is doing things, why do you need to point fingers, don't forget your identity!"

"It makes sense." Yan Zong said suddenly.

Chen Fengnian looked at Yan Zong with wide eyes, but Yan Zong only looked at Shen Ruqiong and nodded in agreement.

"Just listen to Arjun, take over the Demon Prison first and then slaughter the Beiluo Realm, let's go!"

Yan Zong took the lead to leave with concealed breath, followed by Shen Ruqiong, Chen Fusheng came over and patted his son on the shoulder, "You are still young, so talk less in the future."

Chen Fengnian: ...

(End of this chapter)

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