Chapter 208 Obedient
The four of Yan Zong concealed their whereabouts and headed north all the way, crossing the land of thousands of miles of yellow sand in the Beiluo Territory. On the way, they were hunted down by the Iron and Blood Alliance twice. Under Shen Ruqiong's persuasion, they never got entangled with the Iron Catcher. It took more than a month to finally reach the Beiluo Territory. The border with the barren and remote domain.

The four of them wore brown rag cloaks and walked up the dunes to look to the north.

Lin Suying, who was wearing Shen Ruqiong skin, pulled down her hood, and in the distance was a void of darkness, boundless, and the strong wind swept the yellow sand into the darkness, gathering large thin golden sand clouds.

From time to time, a vortex appears in the darkness, which will suck up the sand clouds in an instant, giving people a mysterious and dangerous feeling.

Lin Suying knew that it was the void outside the territory, a place that only those above the Huashen could set foot in, and the barren ancient absolute domain was located on a floating continent in the extreme northern void.

All the monks who were exiled to the desolate ancient land could not escape even if they were left unattended. There was no energy for cultivation there, and there was nothingness around them, so there was nowhere to run.

And if the Iron Catcher of the Jagged Alliance wants to go back to the Devil's Great Prison, he needs to use the Iron Catcher Order to send a message in advance, and the remote ancient Absolute Territory will send a special Yukong boat to pick him up.

"Lord, how do we get there?" Chen Fengnian asked in a low voice.

Yan Zong frowned and thought for a moment, "The Ancient Absolute Territory has complete formations, so we can't invade rashly. Let's wait here for a few days to see if there will be an iron catcher. When the time comes, people will be arrested and controlled by the Demon Clan Seal, and take us there. .”

Chen Fusheng, Chen Fengnian and his son nodded yes, but Lin Suying still didn't say a word.

She was always like this along the way, with an indifferent face, not approaching Yan Zong, and not even saying anything unless necessary.

Yan Zong looked at her deeply for a moment, then he clenched his fist and walked in front of Lin Suying, and said in a soft voice, "Ah Qiong, I'm sorry."

Lin Suying didn't even look at Yan Zong, she turned around and sank under the yellow sand to find a place suitable for concealment and ambush.

This is the case all the way, and every time she rests, she establishes a resting place under the desert.

"What attitude!" Chen Fengnian pressed angrily in a low voice.

His father sighed softly, "Boy, you still don't understand women. When you get back, Dad will find you a woman to have sex with and you will understand."

In the sand nest, Chen Fengnian and his father Chen Fusheng were sitting together, while Yan Zong and Lin Suying were sitting far away on both sides, and the atmosphere was somewhat stalemate.

Seeing that Yan Zong looked at Lin Suying from time to time and hesitated to speak, but Lin Suying closed his eyes and calmed down and ignored him, Chen Fengnian was so angry that he wanted to jump up and curse, but Chen Fusheng held him down.

"Boundary Master, I'll take this kid to the Shachao over there to watch." Chen Fusheng abruptly dragged Chen Fengnian away.

Lin Suying opened up several sand nests under the desert along the border line. As soon as the two of them left, she felt a thump in her heart, and immediately stood up, "I'll go out and have a look."

"and many more!"

Before she could leave, Yan Zong suddenly flashed in front of her. Lin Suying instinctively raised her hand and slapped her.

Yan Zong was unprepared and stunned, but immediately, anger and doubts appeared in Yan Zong's eyes, and he looked up at the person in front of him.

Lin Suying's heart trembled, and she was a little nervous at once. In a flash of thought, she backed away with a bit of resentment, "The former me is dead, and I will abide by my duty as a subordinate in the future. I hope the World Master will not pester you."

Lin Suying turned around to leave, but Yan Zong suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. She tried her best not to slap her again.

Yan Zong exhausted his patience, and said in a domineering voice, "The duty of a subordinate is to be obedient, and it should be enough for you to make a fuss all the way. If you want to be my woman, I can fulfill you, but I have to wait for you to accept it." After entering the Devil's Great Prison."

No, I don't want to! !

Lin Suying yelled inwardly, seeing Yan Zong narrowing her eyes to examine her, she was secretly accumulating strength in her body, if he dares to get close, kill him now!
After staring at it for a while, Yan Zong didn't take any further action. He let go of Lin Suying's wrist, and went back to the corner to rest his eyes with his eyes closed.

"Go out and investigate."

Lin Suying clenched her fists, it was the first time she saw this kind of dog man, compared with him, the three dragons and one phoenix were simply too cute, Lin Suying decided to let Ao Zhi treat them better.

Lin Suying ran straight along the desert for ten miles, and Yan Zong's aura of exploring behind her disappeared. Lin Suying heaved a sigh of relief, crawled out from under the desert, and sat on the shaded side of the sand dune, holding her chin. knock on.

"Bitch man, before Shen Ruqiong insisted that you don't want it, but now you want it when you want it, bah!"

Lin Suying leaned on the sand dune and dozed off, secretly paying attention to Tu Sanniang's avatar.

Tu Sanniang's avatar followed him from a distance, and within a few days, Tu Sanniang saw four iron arresters escorting a prisoner to the wild ancient land.

The two leading iron arresters, a man and a woman, are both in the early stage of Yuanying, and the two men behind are both in the middle stage of forming an alchemy, escorting a female prisoner.

At the time when the sandstorm was raging, the four had no choice but to rest in the ruins of an ancient city corroded by the wind and sand.

Tu Sanniang hides her demonic energy, and enters the ruins of the ancient city pretending to be a passing monk to avoid the wind and sand.

When the four iron hunters saw Tu Sanniang, they immediately became nervous, but the two leading Yuanyingqi iron hunters didn't pay much attention when they saw that she was just a female cultivator in the early stage of alchemy.

"The way is windy and sandy, I take shelter for a while, the four iron catchers don't mind?" Tu Sanniang asked softly.

The four of them didn't speak, Tu Sanniang secretly glanced behind them at the female prisoner with disheveled hair, who kept her head down and couldn't see her face clearly, and retreated to a distance.

The four of them set up a sound-proof barrier, but they didn't find a small paper figure buried in the sand under their feet.

"The battle in the Tianque Realm is tense. I think Mr. Jiuli's method of resisting the demons was very good. These prisoners should be banned and sent to the Tianque Realm to resist the demons."

"Don't speak nonsense, I wait for the iron catcher to just arrest, and the rest is up to the leader and the immortal alliance to decide."

"Compared to resisting the demons, I am actually more worried about the rumor that only cultivating demons can survive. Now many casual cultivators in Tianque Territory have begun to believe that if we want to abandon the way and cultivate demons, the pressure on our Jagged Alliance will be greater than before."

"Then what if it's true? Didn't the four demon cultivators that the brothers are chasing in Beiluo now escape from under the boundary river of Tiandaozong? How many people died in the Tiandaozong catastrophe, why did they come out safe and sound? ?”

"If, I mean if, when the day of life and death comes, you can only live by abandoning the Tao and cultivating demons, how do you choose?"

"Don't forget that we are iron catchers. When that day comes, we have to keep the righteous way."


Laughter suddenly came from behind the four of them, and I saw the female prisoner leaning against the earthen wall with her head tilted, her hair covering her face, and said coldly: "When the day comes, everyone in the wilderness will cultivate demons, and who will be right and who will be evil?" Demon, I am afraid that you, the Jagged Alliance, have the final say."

"Shut up!" Nascent Soul Nanxiu snapped angrily.

The female prisoner put her face and hair behind her ears, "Most are righteous, and a few are demons. There are so many of you, and if you say that my Tiandaozong is a demon, my Tiandaozong can only be a demon. When the day everyone cultivates demons, Everyone says that your Jagged Alliance is a demon, so your Jagged Alliance can only be subverted like my Heavenly Dao Sect!"

"What nonsense!"

Yuanying Nanxiu burst into anger, walked over and raised his hand and slapped the female prisoner.

At this moment, a brown poisonous snake suddenly rushed out of the sand, quickly wrapped around Yuanying Nanxiu's wrist, and pulled him into the desert in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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