I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 214 The Devil's Eye

Chapter 214 The Devil's Eye
Tianque Realm.

The scorched earth was devastated everywhere.

In the sky above the dry Canglan River, three huge dragon-headed warships hang high in the sky, and the banner of the Xianmeng is fluttering, chilling and heavy!
The 20 troops lined up in a neat phalanx on the river bank, waiting in full force, staring at the direction of the Tiandaozong mountain range.

Even though there was no sign of the demons appearing at this moment, only the black cloud formed by the billowing demonic energy was left, lightning and thundering, they still did not dare to relax in the slightest.


A thunderbolt pierced the sky suddenly, the wind suddenly picked up, and the rainstorm was approaching.

In the cabin of the warship, the air is cramped and oppressive.

Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng stood in the center of the long table with gloomy faces, opposite to them were the four highest-cultivated Lianxu Heavenly Lords besides the two of them.

Lu Yi, who was born as a casual cultivator, Mr. Ghost Hand from Biyang Water Palace, Cui Mingjian from Luofu Sword Sect, and Pudu monk from Mount Xumi.

Among the Nine Heavenly Alchemists of the Great Wilderness, apart from Luo Yi, Cheng Kan, and Mu Tieying who maintained stability in various places, there are also two casual cultivators who have disappeared, either long ago fallen, or trapped somewhere.

Wan Ruyi ordered people to search the entire Great Wilderness, but there was no trace of these two people.

In addition to these four Lianxu Tianlords, there were originally 36 Huashen Xingjuns. However, the Tiandaozong catastrophe caused heavy casualties. These nine.

And outside, the original 50 army was basically built above the foundation, but now there are only 20 troops left who can die and escape.

Fortunately, there are still many monks who are the backbone of the alchemy and the nascent soul.

Wan Ruyi, Zen Master Mingdeng discussed the war with the four great Lianxu Tianlords, and the nine Huashenxing Lords stood in the back row, silent.

"Amitabha, the gap in the boundary river is too big to be closed." Zen Master Mingdeng lamented.

At this time, although Wan Ruyi was depressed, but for the sake of morale, he could only comfort him, "Fang Shouzhen Mahayana Immortal Monarch spent all his cultivation and failed to seal the boundary river. How can we do it so easily? You don't have to blame yourself. "

"Then what should we do now?" Mr. Ghost Hand asked.

The Biyang Water Palace was destroyed, followed by the destruction of the Mu Family, and the Xuanyuan Water Realm fell into the hands of the Dragon Clan, who expelled all the monks who were friendly with Jiuli.

Mr. Guishou originally wanted to rely on Jiuli to plot to regain the Xuanyuan Water Realm, but Jiuli's sudden death caught him by surprise, and now he can only lead the people from Biyang Water Palace to seek refuge in the Xianmeng.

"I heard that the Xuanyuan water environment has been turned into an iron bucket. Why don't we discuss with the Sanjiang dragons to keep the fire of the human race and retreat to the Xuanyuan water environment?" Mr. Guishou suggested.

Wan Ruyi glanced at Mr. Guishou, and Mr. Guishou averted his eyes guiltyly.

Wan Ruyi said, "Don't count on the Dragon Clan. If they were willing to help, they would have sent troops to help. It's a pity that they don't understand the truth of death."

Lu Yi, a casual cultivator of Lianxu, sneered, "I'm afraid that the dragons don't know how to be cold-blooded, but they want to use the hands of the demons to destroy the human race, so that they can regain control of the wilderness."

Cui Mingjian, a rough man, yelled: "Fuck us, the dragon clan can deal with the demon clan? It won't be dog eat dog by then."

Monk Pudu had a big belly, and said in a low voice, "The dragons have lived in this world since the birth of the Great Wilderness, and their background is profound. Maybe there is a way to deal with the demons and the strange black mist."

"Okay!" Wan Ruyi interrupted a few people, "What's the use of guessing here? Now that the demons are suddenly retreating, there must be a bigger attack brewing. We must find a countermeasure as soon as possible!"

As soon as the voice fell, the room was silent, and there was no countermeasure at all.

"Report! An urgent news from the Jagged Alliance!"

"Come in!"

Outside, the messenger cultivator sent the Jagged Alliance's biography jade slips. After reading it, Wan Ruyi's pupils trembled, and she handed it to Zen Master Mingdeng.

The jade slips passed through everyone's hands one by one, and everyone showed the same surprised expression.

"The Devil's Great Prison can really resist the black mist?" Mr. Guishou said in disbelief.

Wan Ruyi said, "No one knows about this matter without verification, maybe it's just the nonsense of that female demon cultivator."

"Amitabha, the iron-blooded lord has already rushed back to the ancient and remote region, and he will be able to find out the truth just by catching those demon cultivators from the lower realm who sneaked into the wilderness." Zen Master Mingdeng said.

The four Lianxu looked at each other, and they all saw a look of resistance in each other's eyes.

Loose cultivator Lu Yi asked, "If the news is true, do we really have to retreat to the Great Prison of Demon Refining? But we can't get out of that place after entering."

Monk Pudu scratched his stomach, "Yes, throughout the ages, I have never seen a demon cultivator who was thrown into the Great Devil's Prison to come out. Although we are not afraid of the trial of the prison spirits, the Great Devil's Prison is really not a good place to go."

Cui Ming squinted his sword eyes, revealing his murderous intentions, "It's really impossible, destroy the prison spirit, and reorganize the interior of the Great Prison."

Mr. Guishou stroked his beard and said, "This old man specializes in formations, and he has also visited the Great Prison to check. The outer formations of the Great Prison alone are interlocking and extremely complicated, let alone the internal formations. No one has been able to go in and study it until now. If there is no prison spirit to control the operation of the large formation, can you guarantee that after the prison spirit is destroyed, the Great Prison of Demon Refining will not collapse?"

"Why don't you try to contract the prison spirit?" Lu Yi asked.

There was another silence. Everyone knows that not all spirit races in this world can be contracted, and there is a Bi Linggu Yixin in front of him.

"Then what should we do? Can we just sit and wait to die?"

Old Taoist Yuan Yi, who had been standing behind, couldn't help asking, and the other Huashen Xingjun were the same, with depressed faces.

Wan Ruyi took a deep breath, "If that step is really reached, this deity will join hands with Ming Deng to try to contract the prison spirit."

Hearing this sentence, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although they knew that they were not sure, it was still a way out.

Wan Ruyi continued: "Since the boundary river cannot be closed, we can only find ways to continue to strengthen the surrounding area to resist the invasion of the demons. The meaning of this deity is..."

The sudden vibration caused the whole ship to vibrate violently, and all the objects on the table fell to the ground one after another.

As if something was broken, a tyrannical and terrifying breath of death swept across the universe, shocking both Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng, with a sense of horror.

With a flash of Wan Ruyi's figure, she came to the sky outside in an instant.

I saw the wind and thunder rolling, the sky and the earth were dim, and the demon energy in the Tiandaozong mountain range suddenly became agitated, like a huge black wave, surging towards the land outside the mountain.

Roar! !

With a devil's roar, the sound waves distorted the entire space, Wan Ruyi's breath shook, and she raised her head in shock.

The devil's roar did not come from the direction of Jiehe, but from above his head.

Zen Master Mingdeng and other Lianxu Tianlords and Huashenxing Lords rushed over one after another. Everyone stood under the dark cloud-covered sky and looked up to see two scarlet full moons looming amidst the thunder and lightning.

"What is that?" Mr. Ghost Hand asked in horror.

The strong wind was raging, and everyone gradually realized that it was not a full moon, but a pair of magic eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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