I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 215 Hard to beat

Chapter 215 Hard to beat
The moment everyone saw it clearly, the high-altitude magic eye showed its murderous intent, and amidst the rumbling sound, the huge claws slammed down on several people from the sky.

It was as if a whole continent fell from the top of the head, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, sparking a series of dazzling sparks with the air, chirping!

The speed was so fast and the aura was so strong that it was completely irresistible, and the Bodhi formation that shrouded the sky above the Tianque Realm shattered into slag in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone thought they were dead, the giant palm was resisted by the invisible air, barely stopping in front of everyone's eyes.


Some people swallowed their saliva with difficulty, and were so oppressed by the giant palm that they couldn't even think of resisting.

If it weren't for the barrier of the boundary, at this moment they, together with the 20 troops below, and the entire Tianque Realm, would be shattered by the giant palm, just like killing a group of ants.

The giant palm was retracted, and a mighty and stern voice suddenly came.

"Decree from the Demon Emperor, this world will be a hunting ground for the demons from today, for three days, all the demons will enjoy themselves!"

The sound that shook the sky was not a magic language but a human language, introduced from outside the territory, ruthlessly pronounced the fate of the Great Wilderness.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone didn't even have time to react, and the sound of fighting and roaring came from the direction of Jiehe on Zhenyuan Peak.

Like flying bats, the army of demons rushed out of the boundary river in a majestic manner, overwhelming the whole area.

And this time, not only the army of dark demons they were familiar with, but also the long-tailed red-scale demons they had never seen before, the demons covered in moss with hands like vines, and the demons possessed by ice-blue cold mist.

And a troll with a huge body and a red rock-like skin, and a ferocious face, crawling and walking, and a ground-walking Yaksha at an extremely fast speed.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the vast expanse.

Rao is Wan Ruyi, facing the sudden appearance of the demon army and these demons who have never seen before, I can't help but feel a little fear in my heart.

Although the previous battles were fierce, they were all small groups of demons with no command.

But at this moment, she saw that the demon clans were orderly, and the leaders of all clans stood in front of the square formation.

Especially the leaders of the four tribes of Dark Demon, Shadi, Bingya and Senluo, whose aura has already been combined. There are also six demon generals who have reached the Void Refining Stage, with more than [-] deities, and the rest of the Demon Clans have formed an alliance. The Dan period accounts for the majority.

Whether it is quantity or strength, they are far beyond their side.

"Amitabha, I'm afraid the Great Desolation won't survive today." Zen Master Mingdeng smiled sadly, feeling deep despair.

"You bald man, if you say something frustrating at the last moment, just kill him!" Wan Ruyi shouted loudly.

With a roar, the sky and the earth trembled, and the demon army rushed out.

Wan Ruyi and Ming Deng looked at each other, knowing that today they must fight to the death.

The leader of the four clans' integration period came to kill, and Wan Ruyi sacrificed a big sword to kill him head-on.

A sword opened the sky, and the four demon leaders were instantly submerged in the shocking sword light.

The dazzling rays of light exploded, the sword light clashed with the demonic energy, and the power of righteousness and demons converged, grinding and colliding with each other.

Wan Ruyi alone could not fight against the leaders of the four demons, and was about to lose, when Zen Master Mingdeng suddenly appeared beside him.


The vast golden light overflowed from the heart of Zen Master Mingdeng and turned into a golden lotus platform, exuding holy brilliance.

Zen Master Mingdeng recited Buddhist scriptures and pushed the golden lotus forward, and the surrounding demonic energy was immediately involved by the golden lotus, quickly purifying it, and turning the tide of defeat.

Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng fought two against four, and a fierce battle broke out in the sky.

Lines of cyan air flow collided with black devil energy, and the aftermath of the battle with a destructive aura swept across thousands of troops. The Lianxu Tianjun and Huashenxing Lord on the side of the Xianmeng also fought against the generals of the demon clan.

Amidst the heaven-shaking shouts of killing, the seven giant swords from the foot of Tiandaozong Mountain soared into the sky, intertwined into a net, and pressed down fiercely on the Dixing Yasha vanguard army that came flooding in.

There were screams one after another, corpses and arms were broken everywhere, but there were too many yakshas in the ground, and they were still brave and fearless, and they fought one after another.

More than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators rushed to the front, swung the flames in unison, turned into a huge flame dragon, rushed into the Yaksha group and overwhelmed the river.

Thousands of alchemy monks followed closely behind, and the magic weapon in their hands was magnificent, and it smashed into the Yaksha group and exploded.

The screams were endless, and the tens of thousands of Yakshas were almost slaughtered, but there were still tens of thousands of demon soldiers behind, blowing their horns and attacking ferociously.

The armies of the two sides collided in a place on the plain below the mountain, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Brothers, kill these bastards!"

The martial artist in the alchemy stage shouted loudly, and met a troll who rushed into the human army formation, and punched out half of the troll's body.


After more than half a year of fighting, the monks were neat and orderly. One after another, they sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons, flying swords, magical powers, and tried their best to use the strongest killing moves, blasting towards the demon army.

The people roared and screamed, trying their best to survive, and forcibly stopped the unstoppable demon army under the Tiandaozong mountain range.

At this moment, an extremely huge troll, like an ancient god of war, jumped up and smashed heavily into the center of the human army formation.

Jie Jie!

The nine-foot-tall troll smiled strangely and waved its arms wildly.

"Hold it and don't mess it up, focus on it!"

All of a sudden, the monks around the troll turned around one after another, bombarding it with all kinds of magic weapons and spells, trying to kill the troll amidst the constant roar.

However, the rock-like skin on the troll's body was as hard as iron, and it also had a cultivation level close to that of a Nascent Soul, so the spells of the surrounding foundation-building monks had no effect on it.

The trolls slaughtered frantically, swinging their heavy fists and smashing group after group of human monks into the air.

The surrounding monks immediately rushed up to make up for the gap, but the long-tailed and red-scaled Shadi Demon suddenly rushed out of the ground, grabbed the monk's ankle and dragged him into the ground in an instant.

The screams were accompanied by blood gushing out from the cracks in the ground, and the vines with thick arms swam like snakes. Wherever they passed, the monks screamed and fell, and were torn and swallowed by the vines.

The Bingya Demon flew at low altitude, and the icy air froze the surrounding monks one by one, and was pierced by the Dark Demon spear.

The scene is chaotic, not an opponent at all!
Everyone showed despair. Facing the tyrannical and bloodthirsty demon generals, resisting was just to let them live a little longer.

They have stayed here for more than half a year, and they have never seen such a battle. It feels like the demons from the lower world are coming out in full force, and they want to slaughter the entire wilderness within three days.

Perhaps, it won't take three days at all.


The shrill screams mixed with the earth-shattering explosions came from mid-air, and the dazzling brilliance suddenly spread, and the bloody people who fought quickly looked up.

I saw Mr. Guishou, Monk Pudu and Cui Mingjian, three Xuxu Tianjuns falling from the sky covered in blood, and the other Xuxu Tianjun, Lu Yi, had been strangled by the Demon Clan's Xulian general at this moment. The dark demon general's long spear On the top, Lu Yi's head was also inserted.

At a higher place, Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng were back to back, and they were also being besieged by four demon chiefs.

There were also heavy casualties on the Battlefield of Transforming Gods. Seeing this situation, Old Taoist Yuan Yi of Taiyi Sect turned his head and ran away.

Despair and panic spread irresistibly among the crowd.

"Escape from the battlefield, unforgivable crime, kill!"

Suddenly a loud shout came from the east, and Yuan Yi, who was running away, was caught off guard and was pierced through the heart by a sword!
(End of this chapter)

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