I am the master of cultivating

Chapter 216 Come to the aid

Chapter 216 Come to the aid
The sword shadow was divided into three parts, and the sound of the sword was heard, and the light of the sun, the moon and the stars burst out in the sky in an instant.

Shine the earth and dispel the haze.

"Sanguangtian Xinjian?!"

The sun, the moon and the stars exploded, and nine hundred and ninety-nine sword glows flowed like waterfalls, falling from the sky to the ground, rushing into the demon army and strangling frantically.

The troll who was still slaughtered in the human monk army before was decapitated as soon as they met each other. Their huge head flew into the air, watching the surrounding demons disappear in the radiant sword light.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, several Shadi demons wanted to escape, the sword light went straight into the ground, and the blood splattered immediately.

A crisp phoenix cry came from the east, and everyone turned their heads to look.

I saw the female cultivator in Xuanyi with flying black hair, wild and unrestrained, riding a white tiger into the air, the fire phoenix opened the way, surrounded by white dragons, and there was an army behind her, she was so majestic.

"Lin Suying!!"

Recognizing the person, everyone shuddered, not knowing what she was going to do, and many people even thought she was Yun Zhiyi.

At this moment, the white dragon rushed to the ground with the mysterious ice energy, followed by the fire and phoenix.

One dragon and one phoenix rushed into the demon army, the black ice froze, the phoenix fire burned, the ice and fire collided fiercely and exploded, and the fragments of the demon's limbs were scattered everywhere. In the blink of an eye, the demon in front of the human monk was emptied, leaving a large space.

In a flash, the dragon shadow turned into Aozhi in white clothes, poured out a handful of Sanguang Shenshui with a rotten water ladle in his hand, and turned into hundreds of black ice arrows before landing.

Ao Zhi smiled coldly, and waved his bare hands at the dozens of deities and demons in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!
The arrow pierced through the air, and the eyes of a dozen or so Huashen Demons turned and fled.

"Where are you going?"

Feng Xin blocked the way, and slammed down the seven birds and five fire fans fiercely in his hand, and the five divine fires devoured more than a dozen deities and demons in an instant.

The arrow and the flame collided again, and gorgeous sparks exploded in the air.

When the sparks dissipated, the figures of those Transforming Gods and Demons were no longer seen.

Seeing this situation, the Void Refining Demon Clan who had besieged Mr. Guishou and the others let out a wild roar, and turned to kill Feng Xin and Ao Zhi.

"Feng Xin, withdraw!"

Ao Zhi greeted them, and took Feng Xin to avoid the sharp edge. They were only in the stage of transformation, and being invincible at the same level did not mean that they were also invincible at higher levels.

The six refining demons chased after him, but were stopped by two figures that appeared suddenly.

I saw Cheng Kan yawning, and three pens flying up in the air from his waist, splashing ink into a painting.

A wolf's hair draws demons, a sheep's hair draws ghouls, and a sheep's hair draws fairies.

But no matter what kind of demons and gods, they all looked like cats. For a while, there were demon cats, ghost cats and skeleton cats all over the sky, meowing and rushing towards the six refining demons.

Luo Yi was cold, glanced at Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng who were struggling to support high above the sky, raised his bare hands lightly, and the strong breath of life turned into green light, wrapping Wan Ruyi and Zen Master Mingdeng in an instant.

The pupils of the two trembled, and the originally dry dantian was injected with a stream of clear spring, and the injuries on all parts of the body gradually improved.

The corners of Wan Ruyi's lips twitched up, her decadent fighting spirit was renewed, and she continued to block the leader of the demon clan.

At the same time, Tiger led five thousand demon guards and five thousand dragon demon guards, rushed into the battlefield from the side, and fought bloody battles with an army of 10,000+ demons.

When the human monks saw the sudden reinforcements, their morale was greatly boosted. In the face of life and death, they didn't care about the situation of these monsters and dragons. They only knew that their common enemy at this moment was the demons.

Lin Suying spared her life and avoided joining the battle.

But when she sat down to recruit money, she saw that the tigers were all desperately fighting, and Lin Suying had no choice but to let Zhaocai and Jinbao go down to fight together.

The Five Thousand Flood Dragon Demon Guards were trained by the dark demon Chongshan. They originally practiced combat formations against the weaknesses of the demons. Now when they entered the field, they killed the army of demons with one against ten, and restrained them to death.

Seeing this situation, the demon soldiers who were fighting in the front were all puzzled, especially why the dragon demon guard had a dark demon aura, which could turn the scales into indestructible armor and the bones into sharp edges like a dark demon. weapons.

There is also the demon guard next to him. He is not afraid of death. He is madder than the demons. He does not care about the consumption of demonic energy. devour.

This made those cruel demons begin to doubt who is the demon.

Lin Suying watched from high in the air with a blank face, and she must not be able to figure it out with the touching IQ of the Moren.

Zhaocai was culled too fiercely, and fell into a group of Shadi demons, the ground under his feet turned into quicksand, and half of his body fell into it. The Shadi demons threw out their long tails and twisted Zhaocai's body everywhere.

Seeing this situation, Jin Bao who was not far away let out a furious roar, shaking the surrounding Yakshas away with a ferocious aura, and spread his wings to fly towards Zhao Cai.

The tiger who couldn't keep making money yelled at the tiger, but he Shan Suying Jun had already seen through its careful thinking, and swept away thousands of troops with a big knife, killing farther and farther.

Roar! !

In a panic, Jin Bao slapped away the surrounding Shadi demons with his wings, and swung his tail in front of Zhao Cai, intending to pull it out of the quicksand.

Zhaocai's eyelids drooped, and the white hair on his body suddenly glowed with golden light, shooting like rain. Amidst bursts of screams, all the surrounding Shadi demons were shot into a sieve, and even the innocent Jinbao got a shot.

Zhaocai jumped out of the quicksand, shook his hair, glanced at Jinbao, and continued to charge towards the tiger.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of firecrackers came from mid-air. Lin Suying looked up and saw the cats drawn by Cheng Kan crawling over the bodies of six Void-Refining Demons. With Cheng Kan's snap of his fingers, all the cats exploded.

Remnants and pieces of meat were splashed, and the six Void Refining Demons were blown up horribly. Although they were still alive, they were unable to fight anymore, so they could only support each other and flee.

Cheng Kan was a little exhausted, turned his head to see that Luo Yi had already killed above the battlefield, took out a porcelain bottle, crushed it in the palm of his hand, raised it to his lips and blew gently.


The glistening powder of the medicine was like a winter snow, falling down and falling on the heads of the retreating demon army.

A Bingya demon in the alchemy stage paused in the air, raised his hand to catch a piece of falling snow, and watched the snow melt in his palm suspiciously.

The next moment, the Bingya Demon's complexion changed suddenly, and before he could make any movements, his whole body exploded.

Boom boom boom!
Large exploding explosions rushed from behind the demon army, accompanied by the ever-expanding scarlet blood mist, one after another, killing tens of thousands of demon soldiers in the blink of an eye.

"Okay!" Cheng Kan shouted excitedly from a distance.

The corner of Luo Yi's lips also curled up into a faint smile. This poison was specially developed for the demons after she studied the corpses of the demons. It's a pity that this bottle is the rare material.

At this time, there was a loud bang from above, and the dazzling Buddha's light exploded accompanied by the fierce sword light. The dazzling light and the terrifying coercion forced the giant eyes behind the clouds to retreat and avoid.

The space was torn apart, the vortex was violently rolling, and the strong air flow swept across the sky and the earth. The entire sky began to collapse continuously, and scarlet sparks exploded, splashing like rain.

The ground was in ruins, the killing and fighting were still going on, and there were broken corpses everywhere.

The leaders of the four demon clans in the fusion stage fell out of the center of the explosion in embarrassment, and were about to fight again, when the horns of retreating soldiers suddenly sounded from behind.

The whole world stopped for a moment in the sound of the horn, almost half of the demon army was slaughtered, but the human army also suffered heavy casualties, leaving less than 10 people.

If the fight continues, the demons have a great hope of winning, but when they hear the horn, they can only obey.

Wan Ruyi wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Zen Master Mingdeng. When the four leaders of the fusion period walked away, Zen Master Mingdeng spurted a mouthful of blood and fell straight from a high altitude.

Wan Ruyi's heart trembled, and she hurriedly caught Zen Master Mingdeng.

"Luo Yi!!"

(End of this chapter)

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